East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 29, 1902, Image 5

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And a Few of the Nice Things Yoc Can
See There. j
The newest effects in soft and beautiful shad
ings for Kimonas, Sacques and wrappers, special,
I2jc per yard.
25 Doz. New Black Mercerized Underskirts,
Heavy double ruffle effect, looks like silk, wears a
hundred per cent better, worth $1.75, special, $1.25.
Silk and wool mixtures in the handsomest com
, binations and patterns ever manufactured, now dis
played in our new salesroom, at prices ranging from
25c to $1 per yard.
f Pedestrian, Rainy Day, Fancy Dress Skirtings.
You will find them all at our store..
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1902.
J. A. Howard, farm loans. '
Get clothing cleaned at Joerger's.
Neuman's for cigars and tobacco.
Hiyu squaw gloves at Hawley Bros.
All kinds of imported lunches at
Have you visited the new store
yet? Teutsch.
Thirty gallons of nice fresh currants
at Hawley Broa.
Crawfish cook. J in white wine, and
Creeh crabs at Gratz'B.
Dutton's ice cream is perfection.
Telephone In your order.
See our today's ad for new fall
wears for ladies. Teutsch.
Good lunches at Phillip's restau
rant, opposite Tallman's drug store.
Call up 'phone main 10S for pure
artificial ice. Only place , In town
you can get it
We still have a few fruit jars left
rhlch we will let go at cost The
Standard Grocery.
Just received a most beautiful line
of up-to-date white beaver street hats
..t Mrs. Campbell's. -
Hot weather has no terrors at the
Golden Rule basement, where good
Bchlitz beer Is on tap.
Muscat grapes, Crawford peaches,
watermelons, cantaloupes, tomatoes,
sweet potatoes, at Hawley Bros.
Fruits, vegetables, nice spring
cickens only 25c, fresh ranch eggs,
20c, and fine creamery butter, at the
Standard Grocery.
Commercial Association library
open from 2 to 6 p. m. All library
privileges 25 cents per month. R. S.
BryBon, librarian.
Doctors predict considerable sick
ness of typhoid nature. Bo careful of
your drinking water. Cool it with
pure artificial Ice. 'Phone main 105.
Miss Agnes Dunbar, the elocution
1st, has secured a studio In the East
Oregonian building and will be ready
to give lessons by the first of the
month. Rooms 5, 6 and 7.
Do you need any col
ored glasses, goggles,
eye protectors or cheap
watches for harvest ?
I have a full line of
the above named articles,
and my prices are guar
anteed to be the lowest
in town.
Jeweler and Optician
Next Door to B. Alexander
Castle's for poultry.
Castle's for fish, always fresh.
Everything new to see at Teutsch's.
Chun and oyster cocktails at M.
Come and visit the new store.
Fine line tablets, Envelopes, inks
and office supplies. Nolfs.
20,000 second-hand school books
wanted. Highest cost price paid.
Hazelwood Ice cream bricks at
Ward's. Just what you want for a
small dinner.
All kinds of city and country prop
erty for sale. Rihorn & Cook, room
10, Taylor building
Drop into the cool, comfortable
basement of the Golden Rule and en
joy a glass of Schlitz. beer.
Picnic every Sunday at Klne's
grove. Dancing begins at 2 o'clock.
Music by Klrkman's orchestra.
Picnic every Sunday at Klne's
grove. Dancing begins at 2 o'clock.
Music by Klrkman's orchestra. ,
Wanted A good, steady young
man, acquainted with the city, for
deliveryman. Inquire at this office.
The J. H. Branan residence has
been sold to James Agee for $1500
It was sold through real estate deal
er E. T. Wade.
Wanted A first-class stenographer
and typewriter. Steady employment
to right person. Adress Box 105, Pen
dleton, Oregon, giving experience
salary and references.
A carload of fine stallions passed
through town this morning on the
way to Pullman from Illinois. They
were from the famous M. C. Gray
band and are Percherons and Clydes
Having purchased the Pendleton
Soda Works, located under the Hotel
St. George, of J.W. Wlliingham & Co.,
I will be pleased to supply their pa
trons with soda water and soft drinks
of all kinds. J. Marin.
Most Effective Advertising.
That advertising Is the most effect
ive which attracts the eye and ap
peals to the brain. Strong adjectives
may be as much out of taste In an
advertisement as In a bit of more
aspiring literature. Exaggeration is
always to be avoided. People nowa
days demand sincerity In all matters
of business. It Is observable that all
the big and successful advertisers are
most careful as. to their statements
of fact. They realize that confidence
is the key-stone in the arch of trade.
Their success came of their Jealous
regard for their work
Carnival Excursion to Portland.
On account of the great carnival at
Portland, under the auspices of the
Portland Lodge of Elks, the O. R. &
N. Co., will sell tickets Pendleton to
Portland and return, Including one
admission to the carnival, at $9.75.
Dates of sale, September 1, 3, 5, 8, 9,
1. and 11, with seven days limit. On
Sentember 2 and this date onlv. the
round trip rate will be $7.45, same'
conditions as above governing.
Storage Fire-Proof Warehouse,
All coods stored at reasonable
price. Call at waVehouse, rear of
Standard Grocery.
picnic every Sunday at Klne's
grove. Dancing begins at z ociock.
Music by Klrkman's orchestra.
Dust and hot sun would harm almost any complex
ion. Tan, sunburn and roughness, of all kinds are
speedily cured by using
Directions on package how to use. Very simple. A
25-cent bottle of Pine Nut Cream, a 50-cent Complexion
Brush and a good cake of soap (we suggest Dr. Oliver's
Skin Soap) applied as directed on bottle will improve
your complexion greatly.
65 Steps from Main St. Toward the Court House
What Water and Industry Are Doing
and What They Will Do Gardens
Forging Their Way Into Desert.
(By a Staff Writer.)
I have Just returned from a trip
of several weeks' duration by wheel,
through Eastern Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho. Everywhere I was
struck with the evidence of prosper
In the fields the go-devils are rak
ing up the hay to be placed upon the
haystack. Sleek and well-kept cattle
graze upon the hillside or in the
meadows. Hero you pass through r
country that seems like one vast In
land sea of grain. The headers are
busy reaping the wheat crop. The
fruit trees are bending beneath their
loads of ripening fruit Cars and
boats are taxed to take the product
of the field and orchard to market,
and this fertile and productive region
was a few short decades ago called
the Great American Desert and wni
given over to the Indian and the
Glimpse of the Old.
One may yet see the two condi
tions existing sldo by side in certain
places. In Wallowa county I stop
ped half way up a steep hill to rest
a moment. To the left the hill rose
steeply, the rocks and the parched
and thirsty earth presenting a scene
of desolation; To the right of the
road the land rose in a series of
rolling hills. Stunted sage brush
and greasewood dotted the ground
A coyote trotted away N up a ravine
and reaching the hill top paused and
looked back iqulrlngly toward the
road. High above in the blue floated
I wide circles, a buzzard. What had
once been a horse lay bleaching in
the hot August sunshine. It was a
typical scene from the old-time Great
American Desert.
And Then the New.
I climbed on and reached the hill
top. Below on the other side lay
the bright green of the alfalfa fields
the golden yellow of ripening grain
5 and the paler yellow of the oats. It
was the same land what made the
difference? Just what makes the
difference between the eastern and
western slopes of the Cascade Moun
tains water.
The farmer had water and the des
olate, sun-parched desert, plus the
water, turned out three tons of alfal
fa to the acre and 40 bushels of
wheat per acre. Irrigation by gov
eminent aid or by private enterprise
is the solution of the arid land ques
There are thousands upon thous
ands of rich and fertile acres lying
now untaken in Eastern Oregon, and
to be had for $1.25 per acre which
with water, would be worth $20 tc
$50 an acre. The total number of
irrigators in Oregon in 1900 was
4636. The total area irrigated was
388,310 acres, all but 199 acres of
which land was irrigated from
streams. The 199 acres were irrigat
ed by pumping plants from wells. In
1899 there were 178 persons who ir
rigated their lands in Wallowa coun
ty. This figure has been conBidera'
bly increased since that date.
In Union county there were 494 ir
rigators. By far the largest portion
of the irrigated area is used tor crops
the rest being irrigated for pasture
In Umatilla county 329 irrigators
are recorded for the year 1899. The
area irrigated in Umatilla county be
ing 118,923, of which 59,229 acres was
devoted to hay raising.
When the government establishes
storage nasins in tne aiue Mountains
when the heads of the streams are
in burnt districts reforested so as to
hold the snow and let It down slow
ly In place of with a rush as in de
forested regions, when water by Irrl
gation is to be had to furnish the
land as much moisture as is given
by an annual rain fall of 25 to 30
inches, we will Bee the great Inland
Empire one vast granery.
The hillsides that now Ho parched
and baked will be covered with mov
ing grain, while the valleys will raise
innumerable carloads of fruit.
Man Convicted of Stealing a Half
Sack of Onions Another Got a
Watch and Will Get Time.
Justice Fitz Gerald was busy this
forenoon dealing out Justice to law
breakers. Only one trial was had be
fore him, but another man was bound
over to the district court.
William Cameron Fined.
William Cameron, a young man
from the reservation, was fined $25
for stealing a half sack of onions. A.
D. Blue was the prosecutor and the
evidence Indicated that young Cam
eron, who lives next door neighbor
to Blue, had gone into Blue's garden
on the 17th and helped himself to
what onions he wanted. The worst
of the affair for Cameron was the
fact that he did not get away with the
onions. He was caught while in the
garden puljlng the onions and when
he had his sack only about half full
When he was approached he carried
the onions out into the brush and con
cealed them. Then ho went back in
to the garden and talked with those
who discovered him. After he left
the owner of the garden made a
search and found the sack contain
ing the vegetables and took them
home for his own use. Then a war
rant was sworn out and Cameron
was arrested. The fine and costs were
paid. The total amounted to between
$40, and $50,
Havlni Bound Over.
Brick Havlni, a Flulander, waB
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples WatefcoBt
J sunk-
Sale Ends
On the last Saturday of this month, August SO. This is our last say. Our
stock of Summer Goods, Lawns, Batistes and Dimitios will bo
divided into threo prices:
8$c, lOo 12Jc Summer Wash Goods, per yard, 5c,
15o, 20c, 25o Summor Wash Goods, per yard, iOc.
30c, 35o, 50c, 75c Summer Wash Goods, per yard, 25c.
Summer Underwear at closing prices.
Shirt Waists, only 10 dozen to seleot from, less than half price.
Summor Skirts, Summer Suits, all slaughtered.
Must make room for the greatest stock of Fall and Winter Goods over shown
in Pendleton.
bound over to the district court in
the sum of $250 for the theft of n
watch. Several days ago J. L. Mc
Cullough, of Butter Creek, was aBleep
in the back of the State saloon and
Havini entered the place. McCul
lough's watch chain "looked good" to
him and he walked over and snatch
ed it out of his pocket. Tho chain
was gold and worth about $10, while
the watch waB only silver and per
haps worth $5. The loss of the watch
was made known to tho police and ar
investigation made. Policeman Fee
learned that a watch had been soak
ed at a saloon for 25 cents, but later
redeemed. After looking around the
man was found and placed in jail, but
the watch wa gone. With somo
clever "sweating" Policeman Pee got
the Fin to divulge where he had hid
den tho watch and it was located. It
had been placed in an old tin can and
planted under tho leaves on the river
bank in tho north side of town.
William Stewart Larson, of Joffcr
son, near Salem, was bound over for
bigamy yesterday.
in o
J Shoe
Another large shipment received.
Fine Caatllea
2o, 3c, 5c, 8c and lOo a bar.
We have also the fainoim Curative
Skin at 10c a bar. Try ua for Soap.
School Book Supplies
We have a complete Hue of Public
aud High School Hooks, Pendleton
and St. Joseph's Academy Books and
Supplies. We are not undormld ou
these goods. Low prices reign here.
Frederick Nolf
And Suppositories will
not, positively cannot
do more than relieve
It required an internal
remedy to remove the
cause aud effect a per
manent cure.
Ask'your druggtot for
Dr. Perriu'e booklet ou
tjie subject.
School Books and School Supplies
Here is an Idea that may
not have oome to you:
Why hoat your home cook
ing moals 7
Just take yonr meals dur
ing the summer at the
French Restaurant
You'll enjoy our cooking
and the oulsine served.
The French Restaurant
Telephone Main 4.
Strict adherence to it eaabla w to faaUfy willing worker to ttuim
superior eervice u bookkeeper aaa toaograpkera. Oar iastractioa it
anmaally thorough a fact to widely kawa tlut rtptttotloa aloaa Wiaja
at moat of our atadeaU. QaaHty alway eaaata. Kxamia late ar
facilities better bow thaa ere War. Iaaaatrioaa, willing stadcato auka
rapid advancement la all stadia Ukaa. Call, or write for oar catalog,
Park and Waahlngton Street A. P. Armstrong, LI 1., Friaaipaj
I have a full lino of oila, axie grease and com
pound of the highest quality, in quantities to
auit tho buyor. Examine my Btook bofore
Taylor, the Hardware Man
741 Main Street
TUa signature ia oa ever box of the geaulu
Laxative BromoQuinine tm?u
tbe rene4y tbat eurtm m M ut mc