Damgen Is the greater during the Summer and Fall months W in an us torms, ana no nome snouid pass througn tins part of the. year without a good remedy for this trouble at hand. 'Atwoods Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy" is the best known preparation on the market today lor the above named complaint. Get a bottle at once, as it might be the means of saving a LIFE. For sale by Brock 4 McComas Company TUB nODERN DRUdaiSTS PENDLETON resting that 'It would bo conducive to peace and tho good same of the re public to conduct the war In tno Fnu lupines without unnecessary Bovorlty. It is hardly an unwarranted infer ence that tho veterans or tho war ior the Union will not be sorry if Mr. Roosevelt Interprets their action as' signifying that they, npprove of the humane and pacific policy of the lieutenant-general rather than that or the war department ns described by Ma Inr Oardlner in a report which Mr. Root and Mr. Roosevelt strove to con- They certainly know why Qenoral Miles is in disfavor. Yet they seok to make him the most conspicuous fitnire at th coming encampment and they are not asking Mr. Root or Mr Roosevelt whether they approve or not Their action in this matter Is sig nificant. It Is not in the highest de- dree encouraging to those who put; strcnuousness before justice and hu-j manlty and who will tell young ca-! dets in West Point that the soldier Final Gean-tfp Sale. I p . " VTfl ' i 1 made more popular by the late Mr rvOUoV f VJ00oLul I Tracy but they have not bothered the should not only be wiiling to fight at g fnrmprc rarr munh if who tnn w au.v moment, liut should even seek I in the harvest fields for the hobo and FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1902. Another fool has failed to swimj across the English Channel. i there was always too much work in sight. He preferred to hang around the towns and railroad stations this "When General Miles gets back from the Philippines they should lot him talk. Probably they will, if he talks to suit the administration. If presidents were shut off from talking the same as generals, a pres ident touring the country would not have to chance talking too much. And now Cuba will begin impeach ment proceedings against her first president Cuba has always been a hot-bed, made so by Spanish misrule. year and watch for victims, than to hang around the harvest fields. He has done a great deal of mischief, It, is true, but his victims were generally selected when far away from the har vest fields. Then his work has been magnified to some extent "With the excitement that has prevailed over the country over hold-ups one has looked like a half a dozen to the aver age person who gets excited over such things. a fight when none Is necessary. RAIROAD TALK THE THING. Teddy is now telling the farmers what tn iln. Teilriv fa willintr tn eivp bat she should begin to cool off. Thei . , . , , , most anybody advice. Teddy is ap- Bocner she takes on the coolness and I ., , . ,, . , , ,,, , . . t'parently losing his head over the ova- government her. the better it will be for The miners and troops have at last come to a clash. This may now bring about conditions that will settle the strike. In these days of hot dis putes It takes a certain amount of bloodshed to waken the people to the true principle undelying the disputes, and when this is done they generally put an end to the strife in short or der. Those responsible for the shedd ing of innocent blood, in or out of strikes, should not be permitted to escape the full penalty of the law through any sentiment of leniency. The good roads movement is on all over the Pacififlc Northwest The cities and towns realize that It Is the country that supports them and that unless they make the cities and towns accessible to the country population it may go elsewhere to trade. It is also inviting to homeseekers to see good roads leading out irom the cities and towns. Men who take up their homes in the country realize better than any others how Important It Is to have good roads over which to haul their produce and supplies. The good roads movement should receive the solid endorsement of the entire citizenship of the country. tion that is being extended him by the rabble. President Roosevelt Is a fairly brainy man, but not more brainy than many of the farmers he is addressing. They can give him cards and spades on farming and how to they get it succeed at it. Because a man is pres- lr rlcn mining and agricultural terri- i j. . , . . ident and people honor his official po sition, it does not mean that they are More than the usual amount of In terest is being exhibited, not only in Baker City, but throughout Eastern Oregon, over the talk of the building of a parellel railroad from Baker Qity through Eastern Oregon to Coos Bay, and notwithstanding the denial of Messrs. Eccles and Nibley that they have nothing to do with the project, as stated in Sunday's dispatches, there is a lurking feeling in business circles that they at least know some thing about the deal. a If it is true, as has been stated on good authority, that the trans-continental part of the Oregon-Coos Bay railroad scheme is a bluff and only a prepamtion to sell out later to some of the big roads, at present it looks like a very strong bluff. But that some day there will bp a railroad through Southeasern Oregon, and that it will be built before another decade rolls by, any man with ordi nary business sense can see. The people of Eastern Oregon don't care much who builds the' road so long as There is a tremendous- Tliis week will end our CLEARANCE SALE and we hope' by Saturday night to clean up everything in the lines of Summer Goods. - LADIES' WAISTS Percale Waists, pood quality, 25o. Percale WaUts, 50c grade, pood run o sizes, 35c. Percale WftiBts, 75c grade, 50c. AH other grades at same redur tious. Milk Waists uutil Saturda night, $3.75 and $2.75. These Silk Waists are new goods, put In to tone up the display. CHILDREN'S DRESSES All sizes Gingham and Percale Dresses, regular 75c, now 50c. All sizes regular 00c and $1 00 Dress, now 75o. All sizes regular $1.25 and $1.35 Dresses, now $1.00. All others same reductions to close them out SUMMER GOODS AT HALF PRICE All Lawns, Dimities, Foulards aud Batbjtes will be closed out at half the regular price. Jap Silk, all colors, 25c per yard. Lyon Dye Silk, sold elsewhere at BOo yd, our price 45c per yard. Calico, all colors, for the week, 4c per yard. NEW GOODS New fall stock Is coming in every day and our lines are larger, values better aud prices lower than ever before. Come nnd see us at once and get a few of the CLEARANCE SALE BARGAINS, aud also some of the new goods at Bargain Prices. OUR GUARANTEE: Money back if goods are not satisfactory. THE FAIR The Place to Save Momey " .-jr. ' if AU kinds for all Purposes S Doors Planing of all to oider. riptions Building M, ' consulted us. ,you tory to be opened by such a road and its growing business will before many years induce some one to build in there. It is strongly hinted in high circles that the Hariman lines will cover that territory when the time comes and nnt npnnlt nfhon tn ilio day of looking to great men in per-, this plum: Talk is cheap, but it takes sonal matters is over. The proper money to build railroads. Baker fiitv . . calling on him to tell them how to manage their business and give them advice about their family affairs. The Why should not Pendleton have a labor day celebration? The county is Just closing a sucessfnl harvest, the people are prosperous, the laborers are worthy, and a celebration would be a fit and proper way to close the harvest season. It Is true that there are not many labor unions In a small city, yet every man that labors whether his calling has a union or not, would like to have a day of rest and the people should show their ap preciation for the class that supports the world. All men who labor, Irre spective of calling, should take an In terest in this day. Labor is the all ruling power, and a day set apart for It is more important than many other holidays that are universally celebrated. The crowned monarchs of Europe are worrying over Uncle Sam's pom-, mercial aggression in their countries When the crowned heads are looked upon by the people of that country in the proper light the people will get along better and the crowned heads will not have to worry about the commercial aggression of other nations. Crowned heads are mere figureheads and when the people re alize this, and that their pomp and splendor is merely a relic of ancient tomfoolery, they will appreciate their government more and feel more like fxeg people, and it is the free people that make commercial success. The people of those countries are not so badly hampered any more, hut it Is the terrorizing worus oi "King," or "emperor," that sends a chill like serfdom over them. thing for a president to do when he is touring the country, it is suggest, ed, is to greet the people cordially and tell them something about what he Is doing, if he Is doing anything worth telling. His fatherly care and advice is not needed. There are hun dreds of just such fellows occupying goods boxes in front of nearly all of the country stores. Too much talk has been the ruin of many men. Democrat The police have arrested a man that looks like Bartholin, the mur derer, but he says he Is E. W. Bell of Ohio. GRAND PICNIC AT KINE'S GROVE Every Sunday Dancing begins Sunday at 2 p. m. Admission to dancing plat form 25 cents ; ladies free. Busses to .and from the grounds day and night. RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. The grove can be engaged for picnic parties by applying to PETER SMITH, at Hotel St. George. 3M THE PENDLETON ACADEMY Offers: College Preparatory Course Business Course Teachers' Course Takes all grades from Sub-Primary up. Graduates enter Freah niau Class in Bucb Cilleges as Yale, Princeton, Stauford. Graduates taking 27 weeks Supplemental Work can take State Uertincates on same bails as Normal Schools. tember 15. Fall term opens Sep- For catalogue address F. L. FORBES, D. D., Principal. Pendleton Planing ffl; Lumber Yard, ROBERT rOKSTTR, Prrwh, ) ' s OL, Yv I ill (VI A I HI MP' A l DAKUAIINS , , J During the month of AW we will offer soecial hJS; vn jnfc. es on NEW HOME Sewing Machines The New Home is recogniid as the best machine made. Come now and save money. JOS. BASLER'S Bargain Hook and RANGES' Over 30,000 pounds of these Stoves in our store. W.J. Clarke 4Cj. Court Street MILES AND THE GRAND ARMY. (Chicago Chronicle.) The veterans of the Grand Army seem not to have the fear of Roose velt's strenuousity before their eyes. Lese majeste is a crime the enormity of which seems not to have dawned on their moral understanding. They are unanimously urging Gen eral Miles to become the chief mar shal of the parade which is to be held during the encampment in Washing ton next October. They also want him to Identify himself conspicuous ly with other features of the encamp n ent Are these gray-haired veterans aware that General Miles is in disfav or at our republican court? Are they aware that he Is preeminently per sona non grata at the White House next to Senator Hoar, because he is not strenuous enough? Do they know that President Roosevelt meant to drive him out of the service with far severer marks of displeasure than he afterward visited upon General H. R. J. Smith and would have done it hod he not received an intimation that trouble might ensue when he sent nominations to the senate? We may safely assume that the vet erans of the civil war know pretty well what they are about We may safely assume that they are aware that General Miles incurred the royal aispleasure by drawing aside the cur tain a few inches and disclosing a few things which the war department was keeping very secret and by sug- The Umatilla harvest, just closing is one of the ,most successful for e number of years, Thpre have hnen some setbacks, It is true, but It can-LI(1 . ( . . not all be easy sailing, ,and this year's Ktl41 8Rbout that qasownk ungixe nan esc may ue aesipiaiuu a a imo n mcorrmcrr PUTTY IAND PAINT Cover a multitude of commercial ini; but you will find our repairs to nod refurbishing of carriages, WMgoiu, runabout all lorUtt of ve hicle nre more than skin deep. Wo make "good at nnw" .wherever poitlble alwayi make things better than we And them. Call and vo that Winona Wagon of ouri. fllel rovred hure, no rrinkt, nd Patent JicariuK niaki. it iuu to muUi llgnim thau the perous one. The nouos nave Deen numerous, the calling haying been for vour well or chopper, NEAGLE BROTHERS Water St, near Main, Paedletoa, Or. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrmirrmmiimmiiiifiiK I THE PENDLETON BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 S Corner Court and Johnson Sts., Pendleton, Oregon. 28 A Thorough, Live, Up-to-Date Business College. The Best 3 f in Eastern Oregon and no Superior in the State. 3 Fall Term OpeiiB September 1st. Pupils Can Enter at Any Time. Embraces the Following Complete Courses, Each Indepen- r? dent of the Other. LECTURES o Contracts Commercial Paper Corporations Conveyances Partnership Bailments ;" Insurance Saks of Personal Property and many other subjects, both inter esting and instructive. The Budget System of Bookkeeping "Actual Business Practice" The student is taken by this meth od step by step from the easiest work of detail office business up to the hardest and most difficult busi ness problems. He is taught to think and reason, and at each upward step finds nothing ioo difficult for him He has been taught by a sys tem a thorough course. When a student leaves the col'ege to enter business hehe s fully e quipped. The Business Course Includes Bookkeeping Correspondence Commercial Law Penmanship Rapid Calculation Business Arithme tic? Aettial Business Practice in Banking Insurance Importing Brokerage Partnership Conveancing Real Estate Forwardine Incorporated Companies Normal Course . Includes Written Arithmetic ' Mental Arithmetic Orthography English Grammar -Physiology and Hygiene Algebra - Literuture Penmanship Political Geography Physical Geography Natural History Pedagogy ,r Plane Geometry f Natural History V Civil Government Psychology Rhetoric and Composition General History Bookkeeping (Elements) ' Political Economy School Law and State Constitution Theory and Practice of Teaching , U. S. History and Constitution Our Record in Stenography Unequaled. And Why ? It is because we have the best teachers in the state and employ the best methods in teaching. We study the individual 'need of each student, always watchful and helping him in his weak places, en couraging hjm in his strong points. We teach the following system: The Gregg Light Line, which is the most successful and complete course. Easiest to learn and most satisfac tory to users. Come and investigate. Shorthand and Typewriting the 3 Includes A thorough mastery of ..principles of Shorthand, Cor- rJ respondence, Phrasing, Pen- 2j manship, Dictation, Manipula- rg tion of the Typewriter, Spelling, r2 InVoice and Tabular Work, 8 Manifolding, Envelope Direct- ing, Paragraphing and Punctu- ation, Capitalization, Care and Management of Writing Ma- -3 chines, Evening Classes: Mondays 2j, Wednesdays 3j and Fridays HJ. Robinson, LU J iui; iu mas, vomu ana investigate. rw-jc ii((iC