East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 29, 1902, Image 2

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    . i - g- j i H
New Fait and Winter Hats
Soft and Derfcys
lie "Stetson"
The "Longley"
The "Elk Brand"
A Guarantee Goes With Every Hat. Prices $1.25 to $5.00
Closing out of Golf Shirts at Closing-out Prices.
Our Line of Men's and Boy's Shoes is the best in the City.
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton
tin tlin nttnm
The fncts of the pursuit and subse
quent arrest of the robbers are famil
iar to East Oregonlnn readers.
"When first arrested the robbers de
nied having a gun at all, but after
sentence had boon passed they told
where the gun was hiddon. It is a
large blued steel Smith & "Wesson re-
729 Main Street
Umatilla County Officials Were Scor- voiver. me iui m uw.
, ., , - j tui .. from a 5 cent piece filed down. The
ed for Jumping at a "Good Thing" J ,nlt,a,8 ..F M nr0 scratched on the
Walla Walla and Dayton Pushed j handle. Mr. Taylor found it under
It Along. I the bridge between his place and
What has become of the Pendleton
Dayton electric railway? This is a
question asked many times a day by
people Interested, and there is no one
to answer.
A great ;ush and hubub wns made
by Messrs. Homo and Mellmann when
they came to PendlPton n few months j
aco. Walla Walla and Dayton jimip-i
able nnt,, ?031
iintinttiM... .
" nani
' cvidet
e dree;
Cancer has come to the surface and besrun its Lt!,? --leftl!.
The blood must be,purified before the sore will 11 ct,v?k7?
a in; uiuuu ilium ummiuiLu uuiorc mesore will fin , v
and the skin regains its natural color. It i pWltul"altlivfli.
luui.m.' . ...b... uuu oc ui external rimmV flnd
tvmnins ns defiant. aiiPTv find nfFpfipjiw v -lCS tliafr
V "I t.' .
remain in the system; or, itmay be that some lonp h;,i,i V"56 diaeaZ
matter on what part of the body it comes, is an cvid
constitutional or organic trouble, and that the drnnCe?f
rinntor sars that It acts gently on the
Btoniach, liver and kidneys and Ib a,
pleasant laxative. It Is mane irom
hnrhs. and Is nronarod as easily as
ed at the proposition of granting i tea. It Is called Lane s jueniune,
At bedtime I take a pleasant herb nu r,u ;""a ,urai F?lot- " is
drink So nest morning I feel bright! through the circulation that the acrid, corroding
and ncomplexloz is better. My U"!?1
Congressman Latimer, of South
Carolina, is leading in the race for
the United States senate to succeed
The London Times in commenting
on President Roosevelt in a late is
sue, says the president is shrewd and
There will be no contest of the
Fair estate. It has been amicably
settled between the California and
Eastern heirs.
The lawyers are discussing the
trusts at the meeting of the American
fear Association, which is in session
at Saratoga, N. T.
Cholera is still raging in the Ori
ent and the people are dying by the
hundreds. The epidemic extends
from Java to Japan.
The Boer generals Issued a state
ment at Amsterdam denying the re
port that there was a breach between
them and Mr. Kruger.
Railway trainmen of Milwaukee
will demand 20 per cent increase in
wages September 20, and If it is not
granted -will go on a strike .
Earthquake shocks are now re
ported in some of the Philippine j
Islands. An upheaval in the Mindan-!
ao was caused by the earthquakes.
President Roosevelt told the farm- j
ers how to succeed yesterday in
Maine. He said that self-help and'
individual effort always come into;
play. I
The silver and democratic parties j
held a convention in Nevada, passed I
a ringing silver platform and indors
ed Congressman Newlands for the
United States senate.
Captain Henry Marmaduke, who
served on the Merrimac and the Al
abama with the Confederates in the
civil war, has joined the Colombians
and will serve on a new warship re
cently purchased at Seattle by that
government. He -will sail with his
iyessel at once.
Hotel Pendleton.
"W. G. Angler. Chicago.
W. R. Glendening, Portland.
Charles A. Marsh.
W. C. E. Pruitt, Tacoma.
Lee Held, city.
Mrs. C. J. Skiles, Spokane.
Mrs. Van Antwerp, Spokane.
E. C. Skiles and wife, Spokane.
Miss Xealy, Walla Walla .
H. H Ansmann, San Francisco.
G. R. Jamison, Montana.
George Delworth, Kent.
Mrs. H. Upton, Walla Walla.
D. Shults, Spokane.
C. O. Larston.
William Maher, Portland.
Will M. Peterson, Athena.
O, J. Snider.
Dan N. Gilmore, Walla Walla.
E. C. Coffin, St Joseph.
Mattie Hale. Tennessee.
C. A. Ray, Portland.
The Golden Rule.
Mrs. W. Black, Spokane.
G. D. Galley, Portland.
William aianee, Portland.
H. Smith, Vinson.
R. R. Black and wife, La Grande.
Castner, La Grande.
Adams, La Grande.
W. A. Reminger and wife, Harrison
Mrs. J. M. Davison, Umatilla.
R. Brown, La Grande.
G. Brown, La Grande.
Bolin, La Grande.
Russell. La Grande.
McGucken, La Grande.
Shea, La Grande.
Thompson, La Grande.
Edwards, La Grande.
Lillian Burk, Baker City.
W. L. Davis, Portland.
William N. Boots, Monmouth.
James H. Gray, Sumpter.
P. E. Hunsucker, Spokane.
A. W. Tickner, Spokane.
C. D. Renican, Spokane .
S. A. Frans, Spokane.
A. J. Haley, city.
N. W. Wall, Dundee.
F. E. Hohnbay, Dundee.
R. S. Moore, Ukiah.
There l mora Catarrh In thla Bectlon
of the country than all other dtaeaaea put
together, and until the last few years was
supposed to be Incurable. For a great
many years doctors prononnwd It to be a
local disease, and prescribed local reme
dies, and by constantly falling to cure
with local treatment, pronounced It Incur
able. Science has proren Catarrh to be a
constitutional dlsaese, and therefore re
quires constitutional treatment. Hall's
The Clark county convention In-jney & Co. Toledo. Ohio. Is the only con
dorsed McBride's railroad policy yes- j stltntlonal cure on the market. It la tak
terday, and will send up a full dele- tSSuta 2"ti2
gation Tor the re-election of the gov- blood and mucous snrfaee of the system,
ernor 1 They offer one hundred dollars for any
-..'. , case It falls to cure. Send for circulars
Aberdeen, Wash., is to have a large 0nd testimonials.
lumbering and shingle mill added to( Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Its already large number. Arrange
ments have been made for the con
struction to begin at once.
A bitter fight Is on against gambl
ing at La Grande. Jack Harris was
arrested and placed under $300 bondB
and the city marshal declares that
gambling will be suppressed.
Oregon City will celebrate Labor
day with one of the greatest parades
in the history of that city. Elaborate
arrangements are being made in
everj- detail to make it a labor dem
Bold by Dmzzlsts. 75c
Hall's Family Pills are the beat
them n franchise for their road and
because Pendleton and Umatilla coun
ty officinls did not do the same thing
the promoters said some very ugly
things about the people here. They
imagined, apparently, that Umatilla
j county people were "cutting off their
' own noses to spite their faces," by
Inot falling all over themselves and
granting the promoters a franchise
. without even stopping to consider
the proposition. When they found
they could not rush things by storm
and compel the county to adhere to
their wishes and grant them the right
to build a road or speculate on the
franchise without putting strings on
the right they were considerably dis
turbed. They, however, were deter
mined and began to advertise stocks
for sale but as far as can be learned
not a dollar ever came into the pro
moters' coffers from this source.
It has been almost three months
since the franchise was granted in
"Walla Walla county, and almost two
since granted here and no work has
been started. Now it is announced '
that the principal promoter, Ir. Mell- j
mann, has left the country and ad
vices from Walla Walla state that he '
is supposed to be in San Francisco J
trying to interest capital in his '
Following is what the Walla Walla
Record has to say about the electric!
railroad and Its promoters: I
The announcement is made this ,
week, presumably by Mellmann and !
Romo, in an interview, that work -on j
their proposed railroad has been in
definitely postponed, owing to many
causes, mainly. It Is said, money
It is given out that Mellmann is In
San Francisco, consulting his "finan
cial backers," when, in reality, the
promoter was in Spokane as late as
Thursday of last week, so parties
who are in a position to know, state.
In any event, operations are hung up
possibly because of lack of biters at
the "stock" proposition. However
there is a redeeming feature in the
darkness of the situation. It is given
out by the promoters of the scheme
that the rails for the road have been j
ordered In Germany. In the course of,
few years, undoubtedly, the order
will be reached by the crowded Ger-I
man company, if. the order has actu-i
ally been placed, and is not another)
Walla Walla River claim, without
foundation, and if there be money in 1
sight the chances are the rails will j
be shipped. Who knows? It is a longj
ways ahead, and the route from Day-;
ton to Pendleton may then, in the;
course of human progress, be unnec
essary on terra firma because of the
installation of air machines hot air
This would do away with grades,
rails and other disagreeable features.
making possible the installation of
air cars to tap every man's farm. It
may he a good plan to wait a year
or two. Of course It Is not necessary
as money, to all appearances, is no
object, hut the hot air scheme has
its advantages. There are no charges
for this suggestion.
l..mp'R Familv Medicine moves the
bowels each .day. Price 25c aud 50c
For -ale by Tallman & Co., sole
agents .
AH persons are hereby notified and j
warned to extend credit to no person '
on my acount. I will not ue responsi
ble for any debts contracted by any
nerson other than myself. Dated at
Pendleton. Oregon,
L. A. Riemann.
irritated and" inflamed. S. S. S. will purify and
invicornie uic suurnuni xiiuou wncn ail seuinipnt
other hurtful materials arc washed out. frpii t. n .
diseased parts, new tissues form, and the decaying flesh Fid totie
healthy aud natural look ; the discharge ceases and the sfh 1
Sevoral yoars nsro, my wife had a se- is the only blood
vore soro lee and wai troatod by the that is guaranteed ptit"Mni1"5
host physicians but rooei vod no benefit. table. It buildo I , ? v5n
which she did. Fourteen nottlos cured
nor and she hns been woll evor since.
J. S. MAEOLD, 22 Canal St.,
Cohooa, N. 7.
skilled physicians for which no charge is made,
u up H,e eneral system
othern, dIcill d
wuc uuvice
Diseases free.
the jrwirx SPECIFIC
of exnpnVj A
Book on Blood and 2
August 2S. 1902
Championship baseball!
Championship baseball!
Championship baseball!
La Grande and Pendleton.
La Grande and Pendleton.
La Grande and Pendleton.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
I ,D
Clark Wood, of the Leader,
Jim a Send-Off.
J. M. Spence, who for several
months has been successfully engag
ed in extolling the merits of the Piano
harvesting machinery for A. Kunkel
& Co., Pendleton, is going back to
; "old Jack," as the East Oregonian
family has always had a fondness
I for Rtvllne' P S TnoVsnn. Tha trlrlp
The sheriff who wanted a part ofjworld contains few netter or more
the Tracy reward has now agreed to affabie hustlers than Jim Spence, and
withdraw his claim If young Gold-, ne Js raore at home ln newspaper
finch, who informed on the outlaw, harness than anywhere else. He
shall have a share equal with the ' hes lt a ,)easure for pe0pe to sub
members of the posse. ) scr,he Mr. Spence wjh canvass for
, French commission merchants have the East Oregonian and for Editor
visited Salem and are looking over j Jackson's Portland publication, the
the prune crop of Oregon. They ex-; Oregon Dally Journal.
pect to establish headquarters at
some point in the state and be in the; Aj yvere saved.
field tor tne iau crop.
Jenks Taylor, Brother of the Sheriff,
Found It Under a Bridge.
Jenks Taylor, brother of Sheriff T.
D. Taylor, of this county brought Into
Athena Wednesday the ,44-callbre
Smith & Wesson revolver that was
used in the hold-up near Touchet recently.
While Sheriff Taylor and a deputy
were trailing the thugs who had shot
Deputy Ritchie near Freewater they
were overtaken by darkness at Tou
chet. They stopped to eat supper and
while at supper a Swede was held
up within 200 yards of the hotel
where they were dining. The Swede
wrested the revolver away from the
thug, but the other highwayman se
cured it and beat him over the head
As will be remembered, such an out
ers was made that the robbers gave
Such as Gloves, Cinnamon,
Pepper, Mustard Seed,
Mace, Celery Seed and
The' are all used in com
pounding medicines and
must be pure. You may
have use for some of these.
They are not more expens
ive than the adulteratec
kind. When you need
more, try some of the pure
kind as sold by
F.W.Schmidt &Co.
Reliable Druggists.
Phone, Main 851.
For parents to neglect their children's musical in
cation, because it places them at a disadvantage
an meir lives. 1 ne piano lias become so popular the
country over that they are found in nearly all well
regulated homes, and parents who do not look alter
their children's musical education are doing them a
great injustice.
Our easy payment plan makes it possible for every
family to have a high grade piano. Come in and in.
S. L. Wakefield & Co.
Joseph EH
-r-1 ft
B. F. Connors, a well-known citizen
of Dayton, died at 1 o'clock Wednes-
"For years I suffered Buch untold
misery from bronchitis," write J. H.
Johnstou. of Broughton, Ga., "that
aay irom 0100a poisoning wnicu re- often j was unable to work rheQf
aulted from a gunshot accidentally when everythng ese failed. I was
infl cted a few days previous. The ho cured by Dr Klnfl New DlB.
nppldonf tinnnpnpil while hunting nro- ' -
r,r.r ttT . " r, r " -' covery ior uonsumpuon. aiy wuev
iiio ;uiunCUB. xjj ,,u "'"" suffered intensely from asthma, till lt'S
of the county and was highly respect- cured her and all our experience goes $
e"' 'to show It Is the best cronp medicine j
Four ministers were caught fishing in the world. ' A trial will convince i
in the Necanicum river near Seaside you It's unrivaled for throat and lung (
last Monday for trout, which Is diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and . i
against the law. and were arrested by $1.00. Trial bottles free at Tallman ,
the deputy game warden. They plead , & Co.'b.
that they did not know it was a vio- ,
latlon of the law and all but one .wore , Week d M 3.30. Sunday 3
released, who was fined ?15 and ; We(Jk dfiJ. 3.30; SuD(Jajr 3 p m
c08tfi 'Week day games 3:30; Sunday 3 p.m.
A $90,000 fire occurred at Harrison Alta street grounds.
Idaho. Wednesday, in which the large' Alta street grounds.
Cameron milling plant of that place
was destroyed. Besides the plant
about three million feet of choice (
lumber were destroyed. There was
nnip t9ftnnn insurance. Other valua-'
hie properly was only saved by the'
heroic fight of the
and the citizens.
I have bargained with a
competent Timber Cruiser
to locate
Alta street grounds.
Faftet cames nf the Reason.
Fastest games of the season.
Fastest gameB of the Bcason.
HopplckerB in Marion county are
fire department reported to be plentiful, as applicants
have been turned away.
It is worth something to
buy your Stationery where
me siyiea are correct.
We buy direct from the f-
maker. No middleman to
work off hid dead stock on
uh as "the uteat thine "
We ke?n abreast of the
timea. We know what's
Ttt. Our prices are right w
and our tylei.
Iric all the way from 10 $
ceuia 10 51 a imjx.
Paimr and enveloiK
bulk, and fancy tablets with
envelopes to match. We
have a few boxen left which
we are closing out at cont.
On the line 0. a railroad
now under conBtruotioni
This means a big chance
for first-comers. See
Have some good farms for
Breakfast JEoods
The Correct Things
for Your Morning Meals
Come to us and get "them. We have the special
Breakfast Foods that have met with the approval 0 the
Some of our pood things are Scotch Oats, Ralston's
Health Food, Grape Nuts, Granose, Breakfast Delight, .
Granola, Cream of Wheatlet, Malta Vita, Howard's Rolled
Oats, Atlas Oats, etc j
Walla Walla Health Foods, we have them freshaad
good. Granose Biscuits and Graham Crackers.
A morning dish enjoyed by all. Buckwheat Cakes
with fine Maple Syrup.
The place to get clean, fresh goods.
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
TMepfconeRed 34
Exhibition of Hypnotism
PROF. J. E. FRIEND, the great hypnotic fahi
is in Pendleton, and will give a short lecture at
Showing how the liquor, morphine, opium and tobacco habit can w
hypnotism. Professor Friend will entertain tne auuieutc
of hia hypnotic power. tt jtft
AmCCrv Or. a4 50c 8"tt "V
The Columbia
Lodging House
Cooper's old stand,
Main St., Near
A royal good .ne'!'"""!;
20 cents.
Tf vou dine with usyo
alwavs satisfied.
A trial meal will make
regular boarder.
. you arC
I Book and
Stationery Store.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.