myEYEWNGEDmON wmmwm THE DAILY will be dellrered st yonr residence jr ptooe of taataeai by carrier at J 5c A WEEK. Eastern Oregon Wtfce Fair tonight And Saturday; warmer Suturday. X 3 VOIi. 15. PEiNTXLETCXISr, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1J02. WILL DECLARE Wi CHINESE MAY BE ADMITTED E SHE MADE A CLEAN SWEEP WAS FUNERAL DAY FOR PURPOSE OF BE ING RESHIPPED. TERRIBLE WORK OF A CRAZY WOMAN. MORGAN CLASH COM Navy and War Department Preparing with Utmost Speed for Mimic Battle. WARNED OF APPROACH BY WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. Fleet Is Coming to the Attack and Barges and Sub-Marine Mines Are Being Placed In the Channels Much Ado About Nothing. Peqaott Point, Conn., Aug. 29. War will be declared tonight between the army and navy, Bays General MacArthur, who made a hurried trip to Newport this morning, and Is pending the day inspecting Narra gansett forts. The engineers imme diately began to prepare sub-marine Bines in the main approach of Long island Sound. Several barges will be sunk to Impede the progress of the Invading fleet. The army expects the attack by the fleet through the race between Fisher's Island and Little Gull, -where the submarine mines are , unavailable Marconigraph Message. At 10 this morning the Nantucket wireless station received a Marconi graph from an out-bound liner, dis tant 200 miles, stating that the fleet of -warships -were seen proceeding shoreward. It Is expected that the first battle will take place Sunday night. BIG CROPS FOLLOW WATER. Immigration and Irrigation Go Hand In Hand Turn on the Water Few people in Baker City or Baker county, or for that matter In Oregon. to say nothing of eastern people in general and those who are looking to the northwest for homes, In particu lar, are aware of the fact that the strongest lands known in the United States the lands that will stand cul tivation year in and year out without expensive fertilization or rotation of crops, are the lands in Eastern Ore 'gon when once they have water on them, but, this is the plain fact, sus ceptible to proof in abundance. A gentleman of experience yester day said to a reporter that he thought it very strange that there was so much apathy upon the subject of ir rigation amongst the people of East ern Oregon. He spoke in the strong est language of the splendid lands here and the facilities at hand for Irrigating them through combined ef forts with the present movement on tho part of the general government and expressed the hope that sufficient Interest might be excited amongst property owners and business men to take the necessary steps In order to receive the advantage offered freely by the agricultural department under the recent act of congress. The gov ernment has money for irrigation works and has engineers In the field making surveys and will establish ir rigatlon works In any district suita ble for the urpose providing the pec pie will co-operate by organizing their laterests, pledging their use of me water Buppnea .ana mrowing their private irrigation works in with the government in one general scheme. In doing this the govern ment guarantees the retention by the individual of his already acquired ir rigation works and water rights. F. H. Newell, of the United States AgrJ, cultural Department, who is now Ir the Wejet with a corps of engineers and who has arranged for irrigating works In Idaho In conjunction with the efforts of the people already put under way, has promised to come to Eastern Oregon and survey the situ ation here. He has stated plainly, however, that the government will do nothing unless the people first move in the; matter. "Irrigation" and immigration go hand in hand," said the gentleman referred to, ' " and we cannot expect successfully to induce immigration tc Eastern Oregon unless we can show tfce rjople of the East that we are alivf to the importance of irrigation and -will take the necessar ysteps to 'Secure the government aid offered. Eren our own people do not know toe; these semi-alkali arid lands are the i tjest and strongest lands on earth when once water is put on T'i03), They will bear crops for years wfttout .the use of fertilizers. They Wifl r educe from two to five times 'e amount of hay and grain per crc us the lands In the East which now stand those farmers about .$100 Per ttore, yr0 can Uy irrigation put these ,andfl. in a state of production at a w, of j?robably not to evceed $25 an are 'to 'tae settler and freeholder 5how those fapts to the people of the wt in an intelligent manner and start the" Irrigation schemes and with the i torts now being made by the O 11 iN. awl Harrlman agents, iraml naMy wjll kart itself, and thous ande f paepie wjh be hero In no It- -Jiaker GRy Democrat. So Says Assistant Attorney-General In Pekin Accident and Transfer red to Gaelic Washington, Aug. 29. Acling- At otrney-General Hoyt will tomorrow decide the question raised by the San Francisco Sailors' Union, who pro test against the admission of Chinese coolies, transferred from the steam ship which was damaged in Japan ese waters, to the Gaelic and brought to this country to be reshlpped on the Corea vessel belonging to the same company. Hoyt will hold that to reship them would violate neither Chinese exclusion nor Immigration laws, and that they may be admitted for that purpose. GOT SOAKING WET. President Spoke In the Rain He Wants to Shoot a Boar. Newport, N. H., Aug. 29. President Roosevelt is spending the day in Corbin Park, acompanled by Winston Churchill, the -ovelist The presi dent hopes to get a shot at a wild boar. He passed the night as the guest of Secretary Hay, at Newbury.' On his way to the park the president addressed the people at Newport, X. H., from his carnage. The proces sion was rained on, Roosevelt getting soaking wet. Heavy Increase in Capital. Chicago, 111., Aug. 29. In accord ance with the recommendation of the directors, the stockholders of the Il linois Central Rairoad company at a special meeting in Chicago today voted to increase tho captlal of the company from $79,200,000 to ,.st5,040, 000, by the Issue of 15S.400 shares. The proceeds of the new issue will be used in double tracking the whole line from Chicago to New Orleans. IN A NEGRO HAREM COLORED 8ULTAN GUARDED WOMEN WITH SHOTGUN. When Rescued From Captivity the Women Were in Rag and Their Bodies Emaciated. Pine Bluff, Ark., Aug. 29. John Burrlss, a negro planter, was arrest ed this morning for unlawfully de taining a dozen negro women in a condition of servitude. He guarded them with a shotgun and threatened to kill them if they let their friends know of their captivity. The women are all In rags and emaciated. Another Duke Coming. Kew York, Aug. 29. Russian Grand dukes, Chinese princes and the heir apparent to the throne of Si am are among Gotham's noted visitors this season, but of the lot of foreign dig nitaries, the visits of none is likely to attract more attention than that of the Due de Luynes, who is scheduled to 'sail from France tomorrow In com pany with theComte and Comtessede Castellane. The Luc de Luynes be longs to one of the "first" families of France, being closely related to the Dukes of Noailles, of Chaulnes, of Uzes, of Brissac and of Mallle. He is regarded as the leader) of the roy alist party and is one of the closest friends of the Due de Orleans, having served the latter as principal gentle-man-in-waltlng, chief of the house hold, and as Grand Chamberlain. The Luyenses, it may be added, were for merly Immensely wealthy. But what, between the almost Insane extrava gance of the dowager duchesse de Luynes (who lavished enormous sums of money upon her friend and companion, Mme. de Waru, formerly known as the Marquise Herve de St. Denis) and the duke's own liberality in behalf of the cause of his friend, the Due de Orleans, the Luynes for tune Is terribly impaired and the es tates mortgaged up to the very hilt. McFadden vs. Hegarty. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 29. "Kid" McFadden, the California feath erweight, who recently returned from England, where he won one fight and was beaten by Ben Jordan In the last round of the 15-round encounter, goes against Tim Hegarty, the Australian champion, ' hefore tho Yosemite Ath letic Club tonight. The articles call for a 20-round go at 125 pounds weigh in at the ringside. Both fighters ap pear to be In excellent condition for the contest. Permission to Amalgamate. Ottawa. Ont.. Autr. 29. The share holders of the Ottawa Northern and Western, and of the Pontiac and Pa ciflo railway held a special meeting hor Inrlav for thn nurnose of aDnlv- Ing to the Governor-Generai-in-Coun-cij for permission to amalgamate the two roadB. Name Unknown, Menominee, Aug. 29.-The name of the schooner burned last night in Green Bay is still unknown, Tug boats are unable to get within two miles of it. He Urges the Southern Rail ways to Get Immediately in Line. SAYS THEY SHOULD GIVE HIM CONTROL. Outsiders Must Be Shut Out Non Assenting Stockholders Are Given a Veiled Threat That They Must Act Within Certain Time or Lose Rights. New York, Aug. 29. J. Pierpont Morgan issued a circular this morn ing in which he makes the remarka ble statement that he has plans for the amalgamation of all of tho trans portation interests In the Souhern states. He appeals to the stockhold ers of Southern railways to follow the example of the Reading Railway and give him control, by a voting trust, for a period of five years. He says the events In the past 18 months under the Northern Pacific deal, reveals the danger to which corporations are exposed by outsid ers having an opportunity to purchase the right of control in the open mar ket. . The non-assenting stockholders are thus given a veiled threat that unless they comply prior to Septem ber 15, they cannot share In the ben efits of the voting trusts. Virginia Will Fight. Richmond, Va., Aug. 29. Attorney General Anderson, of Virginia, offic ially announces that his state will fight the proposed Morgan merger of the Louisville & Nashville railroad with the Seaboard Air Line on the same lines of the Northern Securities fight Big Rifle Events Begin. Sea Girt, N. J., Aug. 29. Riflemen of ability and world-wide reputation were on hand in force today at the opening of the great international and interstate rifle-shooting tournament of the National RIfleshooting Associa tion of America. Prominent specta tors were numerous and the shooting of the members of the crack teams was watched with tho keenest Inter est. The competitions begun today are to continue through next week. Besides representatives of the various branches of the regular service the competitors include teams represent ing the state militia of Massachusetts Michigan, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois and a number of other states. The chief matches of Interest to Natianl Guardsmen are the Hilton trophy, Wimbledon cup and interstate military matches. The Hilton trophy match is open to the world. The conditions are seven shots each at 200 yards standing and 500 yards and COO yards prone, with head to tho target The prize trophy valued at $3,000, presented by the late Henry Hilton, of New York, to be shot for annually, and a medal to each member of the winning team. The conditions of the Interstate mili tary match are ten shots each at 200 and 500 yards and it is open to the army, navy and marine corps of tho United States and the state militia of the several states. The prize is tho bronze "Soldier of Marathon," valued at $600. The Wimbledon cup match is open to all citizens and residents of the United States, the conditions being 30 Bhots at 1,000 yards, any po sition without artificial rest. The prize is the Wimbledon cup, present ed by the National Rifle Association of Great Britain to the National Rifle Association of America; value $500, to be shot for annually, and a medal to the winner. Many Swedes Coming Here. Stockholm, Aug. 29. Driven from their homes by the unprecedented hard times and the stringent con scription laws in Sweden, an unusu ally large number of Scandinavians are making their way to America this summer. Every steamer leaving for America Is crowded, and the transport lines are coping with the greatest rush since the early 80's. Many are unable to obtain passage at Scandinavian points and aro oblig ed to go to Liverpool ami fioutharup ton. it Ir estimated that 15.000 pas sengers for America have left Copen hagen during the past six monme. The emigrants are moMly of an etf cniient. Hants bound chiefly to the Northwestern states, where they In tend settling on agricultural lana. Asks for Adjournment. New York, Aug, 29. Counsel of Northern Securities Guthrie announc ed this morning that no more wit nesses would be Introduced. He ask ed an adjournment in the Powers case, whereby the referee may be granted time to prepare testimony which contains a million words, and vl'ch will bo submitted to Judge LocUren at St. Paul. Strikers and Militia Come To gether and Struggle in a Hand-to-Hand Fight, OFFICERS. DRAGGED DOWN AND TRAMPLED UPON. Militia Charge With Fixed Bayonets and Wound and Capture Strikers The Future Looks Gloomy for Peace at the Mines Situation In Virginia. Tamqua, Aug. 29. Two companies of troops who woro escorting the non-union men to work, woro attack ed by tho strikers this forenoon. Captain Helm was dragged from a car and trampled upon. Captain Gor hart was then seized, when tho sold iers charged with fixod bayonets. Several strikers were wounded and two leaders were arrested. Work of Strlkere. Talaqua, Pa,, Aug. 29. A clash is expected between the strikers and the militia at any moment as the former are intercepting tho men go ing to work and uisregard tho mili tiamen. Rioters surrounded the house of William Henry and fired up on it Tho troops dispersed them with difficulty. The strikers then re leased the loaded cars on top of Sum mit Hill with tho ovldont Intention of damaging tho car of tho non-union miners who woro coming to work. Tho car ran off at a curve, however and no one was injured. Moro men reported for work this morning than on any previous day. Impending Danger. Talaqua, Pa., Aug. 29. Tho situa tion In Panther Valley is moro fore boding this morning than alnce the trnnrm nrrlved. Tho entire vallov is alive with strikers interrupting the non-union men going to work. No regard whatever is paid to tho mili tia and a clash may bo expected any moment In Virginia. Thurmond, W. Va.Aug. 29. All Is quiet here in the coal fields this after noon, but trouble is apprehended from tho numerous conferences of the strikers. Troops aro vigilant and un der armB. N Report to Governor. Charleston, W. Va., Aug. 29. Ad vices received at tho governor's ofll co this morning indlcato that there has boen no disturbances in the now River region slnco the arrlvel of the troops. Trouble Is Feared. Thurmond, W. Va., Aug. 29. Five hundred troops aro now here. Early this morning detachments were post ed at tho mines where the troublo is brewing. There is great unrest and trouble is feared. QUARTER MILLION FIRE. Concentrator Burns In Montana and Leaves 1000 Men Idle. Butte, Mont, Aug. 29. Firo last night destroyed the concentrator of the Montana Ore Purchasing Compa ny. The losH is a quarter of a mil lion dollars. One thousand meu are made idle. Senator Hoar 76 Years Old. Worcester, Mass., Aug. 29. Mes sages of congratulation from many parts of tho country poured in today upon Senator George K. Hoar, the oc casion being tho 76th birthday of tho venorable statesman. Senator Hoar is now serving his fifth term In tho Senate. During tho summor ho has passed his time quietly in the full en joyment of good health. About tho only business that he has given at tention to was the arrangement of de tails connected with tho present trip of President Roosevelt through Now Kngland and a few matters relating to tho affairs of Clark University, in which Institution he has always taken a Jlveiy Interest. , Kearns to Box Miller. Haltfmorn Md.. Auc. 29. The Eure- ka Athletic Club has aranged a good card for its patrons for tho opening hIiow of thn season tonieht. The wind-up is to be a 20-round go be tween Tim Itearns, the clever and hard-hitting Boston lightweight, ami Herman .tier of this city. Annual Rifle Tournament. Seagirt. N. J., Aug. 29. The annu al rlllo tournament of tho National and New Jersey Rifle Associations and States' Revolver Association opened this morning. Tho state's marine corps lias, a bJg team enter ed. De Stylo Did you find it hard to drop your h's while attending tho cor onation? Gumbusta I dropped my X'b and V's more easily. -Judge. Brained Her Mother, Wounded Her Sister, -Set the House on Fire and Con.rrltted Sulci. Ir. Covington, Ky., Aug. 29. Emma Bankhart, who has lived 35 years on a farm south of hero, last night brain ed her mothor with a hatchet, fatal ly wounded nor sister and thon aet flro to tho houso, afterwards commit ting sulcldo by jumping Into a woll. Shu was domented. $120,000 FIRE. Opera House Destroyed and One Life Lost Bay City, Mich., Aug. 29. Flro early this morning destroyod Wood'B opera house and adjoining buildings. Tho loss was $120,000. Tho body of Eugeno Zarambn, a spectator, was found in tho ruins. NEW YORK MARKET. Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trad and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. Now York, Aug. 29. Tho grain markets were all stronger today on this sido, although cables woro un changed. Tho shorts woro llboral buyers, as thoro will bo no markets at Now York and Chicago until Tues day, on acount of Labor day colobra tlon. Now York oponcd 72Vi and closod 72. Chicago, 6G and 67. Closed yesterday, 724. Oponod today, 72. Rango today, 7240 72 j. Closed today, 72. St Paul, 186. L. & N., 154. Union Pacific, 112. Steel, 41. Wheat In Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 29. Whoat 69 70. SHUTE COLLAPSED ENGINE AND COAL CAR8 FELL 40 FEET. Two Men Were Fatally Injured and Two Were Seriously Injured An Ohio Accident Chililcotho, O., Aug. 29. A Balti more & Ohio Southwestern Railway coal chuto collapsed this morning dumping an onglno and four cars of coal to tho ground, a dlstanco of 40 feet. Fireman Basolor and Hostler Adam Falter woro fatally injured. Engineer and trackmon woro serious ly Injured. Preparing For Mining Congress. Butto, Mont, Aug. 29. Tho ad vanco guard iu already putting an ap poaranco for tho International min ing congress, which is to begin its sessions In Butto next Monday. Hoad quarters were established today by Secretary Mahon and tho tlologatos as Boon as tboy arivo aro provided wllli badges and assigned quarters. No set program will ho propared in advance of tho assembling or tho con gress, it being thought best to loavo tho arangoments for each day's pro ceedings to tho pleasure of tho body. Tho list of speakers and their sub JoctB so far bh arranged IncludeH tho following: "Wator RoHourcoH of tho Went," F. II. Newell, of tho United States Geological Survey; "Unintelli gent Mining," W. II. Fraaor, of Mili um Idaho; "Tho Great Expositions aa Factors In Promoting tho Mining In terests of tho Country," Professor J. A. HolmcH, of tho University or North Carolina; "Notea on Montana's Ore DopositH," Walter II. Weed, of tho United States Geological Survey; "Mines of Georgia," Professor S. W. McCalllo, of Atlanta, Ga.; "Amend ments to Corporation LawB," W. It. KyerottB, of Chicago; "Flrat Aid to tho Injured In Mining," Dr. George W. King, Helena, Mont; "Tho Unde veloped Mineral Resources of the Southern States," Chancellor Robert H. Fulton of tho University of MIhhIb slppl. Michigan College of Mines. Houghton, Mich., Aug. 29, Notable ceremonies were held hero loijay In connection with the dedication of the two now buildings at the ..rhlgari College of Mines. I'lofoHsor Calvin M. Woodward, dean of tho college of engineering of Washington Univer sity and president of tho National So duty for the promotion of engineer ing Education, delivered tho dedica tory uddresB for tho new mining en gineering buiiuing. Tho address at the dedication of the new c.homlcal building was delivered by Prof Ed ward Orton, Jr., dean of tho college of engineering of Ohio State University Tho exercises concluded with an ad dress to tho graduating class by Chaso S. Osborn. state rairoad com missioner of Michigan. Tho tw buildings dedicated today cost in the neighborhood of $100,000 and are equipped with everything requisite in the study of mining engineering and chemistry. Three of the Saddest Funerals In the History of Walla Walla Takes Place, TWO WOMEN AND GIRL URIED IN ONE DAY. Pumping Plant Was Burned -The First Execution Under the New Law Will Take Place In the State Penitentiary Soon. Walla Walla, Aug. 39. Three of tho snddost funerals ever held la Walla Walla In tho samo day was hold hero yesterday when the re nintns of Mrs. It. A. Blackman, Miss Maudo Frceso and llttlo Annie Smltk wero followed to their last resting places by largo concourses of frlonda. MIbb Frooso was tho first one to be followed to tho grave Sho died at tho hospital from an operation for appendicitis. Thon In tho afternooa tho run oral of Mrs, Blackman took place. Mrs. Blackman was acldeatal ly klllod by the dlachargo of a revolv er in hor own handn and no ono will ovor know how It happonod. Later in tho ovoning tho funoral of little Annlo Smith took placo. Sho was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Smith and was a favorlto among aU tho children. First Execution at "Pen.' Tho first man to oxplate his criaae on tho gallows at tho state peniten tiary slnco tho passage of tho law lay tho last legislature to havo all exe cutions done at tho Btate penitential will bo A. P. Vanco. Vance was aeav tenced from Fierce county for tae murder, In cold blood, of Charles F. Franklin, at Eatonvllle, 3C miles frota Tacoma. Ho was tried for murder and found guilty and sentenced tm hang An appoal was taken and tM hlghor court sustained the declsloa of tho lowor court Tho date for the) execution has not been set. Pumping Plant Burned. Word has Just reached Walla Walla that tho pumping plant at tho Blalock farm, on Blalock'a Island, was de etroyed by flro last night The amount of damago is not known, but It la largo. WILLING THIS TIME. Negroes Will Vote the Democrat! Ticket Greensboro, N. C, Aug. 29. For tho flrat tlmo in the history of tola state, tho negroes will vote tho demo cratic ticket Holldly, owing to a apllt in tho party In tho Btato ropubllcaa convention. CORBETT-M'GOVERN FIGHT. Advance Sales Indicate Larger At tendance Than 8 an Franclsce Fight LoulBvlllo. Aug. 29. Advance ealee of seats to tho Corbett-McGoverB tight Bhow that tho receipts will ex ceed tho rocont San Francisco cob test. Vermont Prepares For President Burlington, Vt, Aug. 29. Burling ton ia In readlncsB to oxtond n fitting welcome to I'roBldont Rooaovolt, whe will arrive horo tomorrow aftornooa. A commlttoo of citizens will meet the proHldentlHl party on routo and escort thorn to tho city. At tho depot tho vlaltor will bo received by the municipal officials and a military company, acting as guard of honor, and oiicortod to tho public square whero addresses of wolcomo will be) dellvored to which Proaldent Rooae volt will respond, Tbo proaldent will bo entertained at dlnnor at tho resi dence of ox-Governor Woodbury. Fol lowing UiIb function tho party will go by steam yacht to Thompsons Point, whero they will spend the night and part of Sunday as the gueats or Beeretary Shaw. Returning to thla city Monday morning, the tour will bo resumed through Vermont, tho Itlnorary or tho day Including I'roctor, Rutland, UoIIowb FallB, nrat tloboro and one or two places of smaller size. Denies Threatened Strike. Milwaukeo, Wis., Aug. 29. Chain man i.ak. of the urievance commit- teo of tho Brotherhood or Trainmen, issued an official statement today in which ho denies a genoral strike foe 20 per cout Increase, and saya they wll laak for a alight advance Novem ber 1st, and ho anticipates that there will bo no troublo. Grimes Of eourso you had to look back at that woman wo Juat passed. I supposq you merely looked back to see If abe wero looking bapk? Mrs. Grimes Nothing of ha noit, I looked back just to eeo If abe were looking back to see If I looking back. Boston Transcript.