I Business Cards and Societies Lnoinlilo Kill TDinn A I DUA nCTlPA I I V A Dcr a iism- , ft i ii Classified Advertisements COUNT 8IX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LINE. t PHY8I3IAN3. "wG. COLE, OFFICE IN JtJDD DB. nrnrn Hours, iu to l- a. m. : 1 to 6 P- m- Telepnone, 77 HflllulUK 'iStB nnd "TOrrect eye troubles, catar ,J, conditions and Impaired hearing. fllie corectly fltted for refractive er- reri nn C. J- SMUU. urr ivrj uinn iun Pendleton Savings bank. Telephone 80; .residence telephone SI. .SB GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEOPATH Ic 'physician and Surgeon. Offlce In dnrfd building. Telephone: Offlce, black .Jg; residence, black 4. .5TWILtIAM HOUSE, PHTSICIAK AND Snreeon. Offlce, room 20, Judd building. Phone, Main 7a. itesiaence rnone ttea b, nR p. J. M'FATJL, ROOM 17 ASSOCIA tion block. Telephone Mnln 83; resl- .fence telephone, DiacK 101. DB. T. M. HENDERSON, PHXSICIAN ana ourgeuu. Dpe-mnicM eje, m uuot ,aid throat. Offlce In Savings Bank build ing. Phone Main 08. nn-ROPATLu'C PHYSICIAN8, DRS. Eeyesv Keyes. Offlce one block weat Hoeton Dtore. DB. LYNN K. BtiAKESLEE, CHRONIC and nervous diseases and diseases of wo ven. Opp Hotel Pendleton, cor. Water aid Main Bts., Pendleton, Ore. Pbone Bed 278. . ATTORNEYS. CARTER AND RALET, ATTORNEYS AT Law. uuico in savings unui uuuuiug. tTEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AT Law. Room 14, Association Btk., Pen dleton, Ore. giNRT J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW: Ajgociauon -Blue, x'cuuiuvuu, H, BERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT liAW. once in Association diock. f. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111 Court Btreet. L, B. RBEDER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, uregon. nirr.-a l vvv T.AW IWH'TPHI TN JTTnD Building. WTT.lAN k PIERCE. ATTORNEYS f l.w. Air. Hiuiman orb dhu auuuucu (e practice In United States patent omces Ud makes a specialty of Patent Law. looms 10, 11, 12 and 18 Association block. DENTI8T8. I A. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN Judd building. . A. MANN. DENTIST, OFFICE IN AS SOCIATION diock, over ncnmiaia now TON80RIAL PARLOR8. Opposite Golden Rule Hotel, B. K. Lips- 1)111. UlUUi uuvu nwnuvu m-sv vivijvuihb good sanitary condition. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. - t- rrnTTT rr a TntTTHT7r"Tv tun htt. Derlntendent. makes complete and rell- k. U nlana fA Hutl4lnr In 4ha I4-W onatrv. Room 17 Jndrt bnlldlnir. EHBEK & COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furnished on short feotlcc. Job work a specialty. Prompt service. Shop on Bluff street near Main. D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND BTJILR- er. Estimates furnished on all kinds or masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Orders can bo left at the East Oregonlan ace. PHOTOGRAPH ER8. m. 8. BOWMAN. LEADING PHOTOGBA pber of the city. Harvest views, In llan photos for sale. Finishing done for amatenrs. Main St., near bridge. Phone sea Z7B. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. MAPLE BROS.. COURT STREET, LA Dow block. Electricians, dealers In elec trical snplles. Houses, stores, wired for tiectric ngnts. bells or telephones. Blectrl eal fixtures of all kinds. Get our prices Repair work a specialty. IN8URANCE & LAND BUSINESS. 30E H. PARKES, OFFICE COURT ST. Opposite Golden Rule Hotel; land of lee business, such as filing of claims and Initiating contests a specialty. 90HN HAILEY, JR., U. S. LAND COM-mlsstoner-i-SpecIalty made of land 1 gs and proof: Insurance and collections. OfJce In Judd building, room 18. BOARD AND LODGING. t. 1IH HTUAUON ROOMING IIUU8K. MAIN St., Mrs. u. A. Strnhon, prop. Nice large well kept rooms In new building, with food clean beds. t tllZ WHITE, LODGING nOUSE, 801 ! South Main street, M. T. Bradley, prop, t Housekeeping- rooms and lodging rooms. uoou comiortabie rooms ana clean, wen pt beds. Lodging- 25 cents. EMPIRE LODGING nOUSE, CORNER OF E. Cnnrf nnil Jnhnnnn atrAAtn fronds ' l?rBe, clean rooms with comfortable beds. astes 25c and 50c a night. Thos. Smart, Trop. HEL ALTA, CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week, good table set Rates $4 and $5 per week, rendleton Feed Yard In connection. L. "elf. proprietor. CABS AND CARRIAGES. innBRu, 3!IRB HACK, NEW AND VERY n AMt the service of the public, rln i"0!"" na JftB- 8- McKay, props. .at the Commercial Livery Stable or Miephone. Main 10 and the back wilt call wr you. v CITY CAB LINE, BRWIN BAKER, Prop. .Telephone Main TO. Stand In front of ttch resUnrant. BLACKSMITH ING AND HOR8E- , .SHQEING., CUcSlANP jB0NORiWnBAT.'8ACK8. "Pe jnd .boston, town. ,8)14 Webb .St. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NAT I ON AT. HAKTT OP ATFfRlCA Oregon. Capital, .50,000 surplus and proms, tuuuu. interest on time deposits Hon I a In fnrnlrm n rl ilnmMtU LnnVi n rr. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, president: T. J. Kirk, vlce-prcsl-dent; E. L. Harnett, cashier; F. 8. Le- urow, assistant casnier. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, 1880; capital, $00,000, surplus, $90,000, Interest Allowed on time deposits. Ex- cnange Dougnt ana sold on all principal points. Special attention given to collec tions, w. j. Kurnlsn. nresldent: J. N. Teal, Tice-presldent ; T. J. Morris, cashier. THE FARMERS' BANK OF WESTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general banking Business. rcxenange Dougnt and sold.' Collections promptly attended to. R. Jameson, president; Geo. W. Proebstel, vice president ; J. it. Kiigore, cashier: di rectors. G. A. Hartman. M. M. Johns. T. J. Price, G. D. Graw, J. F. Kllgore, Robert Jameson, u. v. rroebstei. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PFNDLE- ton. capital $70,000: surplus. 185.000. Transacts a general banking business. Ex- cnange ana teiegrapnic transfers sola on Chicago, San Francisco, New York and principal points in the northwest Drafts drawn on China. Japan and Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi An keny, president: W. F. Matlock, vice-president; C. B. Wade, cashier; H. C. Guern sey, nssistant cashier. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meets second ad fourth Tuesday of each month In Odd Fellows' hall. Mrs. Ida Holcomb, Oracle; urs. iNettle ltobMus, Recorder. UMATILLA TENT. NO. 27. K. O. T. M.- Meets In Secret Society Hall, second and rourtn Tuesdays in each month. All visiting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J, S. Kees, Record Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, Commander. PENDLETON LODGE. NO. B2. A. F. and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of eacn montn. ivisiting nretnren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe H. Parkes, Sec. PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor. H. P., F. F. Wamsley, Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month In Masonic Hall. PIONEERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL llam Martin Encampment, No. 1. Meets every Wednesday at Hendrlck's Hall. Mrs. L. F. uampkln, Secretary. DAMON LODGE,', NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Pythias. J. i. Nowlln. C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. of R. cc 8. Meets every Mon day a Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tntullla Camp, No. 6300. Meets Irst and third Mondays of each month at Odd reuuwB nun. ueorge a. uamoiin, ' con sul ; G. A. Bobbins, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41, W. of W., are held In Secret Soelety Hall every oaruraay evening. visiting nelgn bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE OLD 8KMPLE FEED YARD, 723 COTTON. wuou Bixuei, uinasuy uoiy rropi. l.lvery, feed and sale stable. Good turnouts, saddle horses at alt tlmei. Horses for sale. O. K. FEED AND SALES YARD. H. CHBS nut, prop., G10 Aura St., bet Webb and Alta. "O. K." treatment given horses left In our care. THE CITY LIVERY, BOARD AND SALE Stable, M. J. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts. Stable 118 Alta Btreet 20MMERICAL STABLES, G. W. FROOMB Prop. Livery, Feed and Boarding. AW kinds of turnouts. Competent drivers. Op posite Hotel Pendleton, telephone 18. DEPOT LIVERY FEED 'AND BALKS Stables. First class single and donble rigs for all occasions. 827 Cottonwood 3t, Phone Main 70. Elvln Craig, Prop. OREGON FEED YARD, W. T. BOYNTON Prop. Special care given to horses left with me. Lower Webb Street. Phone Red BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRERS. JOHN WILSON, FIRST CLASS SHOE maker and repairer. Best material used and good work done. Shop 117 Alta street. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. i GORGE O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND nana goods Dougnt ana sola, conrt Ht, Opera honse block. Call and see him. r. STROBLB, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything yon aeed In new or second hand fnrnltnre. itoves, granite ware and crockery, call sad cet his prices. No. 212 Court St. VETERINARY SURGEON8. DR. J. CHRISTIE, VETERINARY 8URGEON, Pendleton. Oreeon. frraduatn nf thn llnrpl Veterinary College, Edinburgh, Hcntlund ; late government Inspector for Yale District. B. O.; all domestto animal treated on scientific prin ciples; located atFroome's Stables, Main street opposite Hotel Bondleton; residence telephone Black 301. FOR RENT. FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOUSE eeping. uau ai -jxri uouonwooa btreet. FOR RKNT-8IX ROOM nOU8E. EAST WEI1B street. Apply at not) East Wtbb street. FOR RENT-FURNISHED nOUSEKKEPINQ rooms and single rooms. 719 Colloico street. opposite court house. Mrs. Alice Smith, Prop, FOR RENT-FIVETtOOV COTTAGE ON CLAY street, between Wobb and Railroad. Innulre of Jas. It. Welch, 120 Court street. WANTED. WA NTED GENTLEMAN BOARDERS BY THE week: sood table set. Mr N. J. Lnnelev. 302 Water Btreet, corner Johnston. WANTED NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. Apply at this office, LOST. L08T-A LEATHER HAND BAG CONTAINING a lady's emtui goia waion, uetween iioyinu i residence and tlio' postofflce. Liberal reward will bo paid by returning property to this offlce. Dally East Oragorilan by carrier only, .J cents NO PLACE LIKE THE PRESENT. "See that little island out there?" nsUed the young man. "Thov call It Pro I'Qsnl Jsland, because the men all take the girls .out there to propose to tlu-m." "llut," simpered the dlllldcnt damsel, "it seems to mo thai one could hem Just iiB plainly right here." COMBE-TRADE Local Market Prices. The following shows the prices paid on the local market: Raspberries, $2.75 a crate. Blackberries, $2.25 a crate. Pineapples, $6 a dozen. Watermelons, $5 a dozen. Muskmelons, $3 a dozen. Tomatoes, 10 cents per pound. Peaches, 10 cents per pound. Apricots, 10 cents p.r pound. Cherries, $1.75 per crate. 'Plums', three boxes for 25c. String beans, 5c a pound. Parsnips, 76c per sack. Cabbage, 3c per pound. Cheese, per pound, 20c. 4 Onions, 3c per pound. Green onions, 25e doz. ?. " Beets, per lb, lc. New Potatoes, lc per pound. Garlic' "2 c per lb. Pendleton Live Stock an J Poultry. Chickens, hens, ner doc. 12.30 to $3.50. Roosters, $3.G034. Turkeys, per lb., 10c. Geese, per doz., $9. Spiring chickens, per doz., $2.60 and $3. Ducks, por doz., .$3.75. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 20c in trade. Butter, 25c. and fiOc. per roll. Choice Beef Cattle, Eta Cows, per hundred, $3.103.2C. Steers, $3.753.85. Hogs, live, $6. Hogs, dressed, 8c. Calves, dressed, 89c. Pendleto Retail Grocery Prices. Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 40c per lb; next grade, 35c per lb; lower grades coffee, 25c to 15c per lb; package coffee, 15c per lb. Rice Eest head rice, 12c per lb; next grade, 8 l-3c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $5.25 per sack; do., 1G lbs., $1. Salt Coarse, $1 per 100; table, $2.50 per 100. Flour, B. B. $3.25 per bbl. Flour, Walter's $3.25 per bbl. Skins, Hides and Pelts. Portland, Aug. 21. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 25 35c; medium wool, 30360c; long wool, C0c$l each. Hides Dry Hides, No. 1, 16 pounds and up, 1616c per pound; dry kip, kip. No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 12c; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds, 10c; dry salted bulls, and stags, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, 60 pounds and over, 89c; 50 to CO pounds, 78c; under 60 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound. G5c; kip, sound. 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; 'calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 8c; green, (unsalted), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse hides, salted, each $1.6002; dry. each, $11.50; colt's hides, each, 2550c; coat oklns, common, each, 10glCo: Angora, with wool on, each, 2Gc3$l. Pelts Bear skins as to size. No. 1, each, $6020; cubs, $2&i6; badger, each, 1040c; wildcat, 2550; bouse cat. 5810c; fox. common gray, each, 30C0c; do red. each $1.502; do cross, each, $5C; do silver arid black, -each, $1000200; fisher, each, $5C; lynx, each, $23; mink, Btrlct ly No. 1, each, 50c(Q$1.50; marten, pale pine, according to bIzo and color, $1.60)2; muskrats, largj, each, 5 10c; skunk, each, 40 60c; civet or polecat, each, 6 10c; otter for largo prime skins, each $57; panther. with head and claws perfect, each, $23; raccoon for large prime, each, 30 50c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.505; wolf, prairie, (coyote), without head, each, 3035c; wolverine, each, $47; beaver, per sklu, large, $56; do medium. $34; do small, $11.60; do kits, 6075c, SAME OLD 8TORy. "Fools". Round Railroad Tracks and Is Injured. Baker City. Auer. 23. .Tnlm rvwit while fooling around tho railroad tracks at North Powder yesterday, was run over iy the cars in somo un known manner, and hart IiIh fnot lmd ly injured. Ho was brought to Baker uity on a freight train and placed in the hospital, where ho was attended by Dr. Parker. It was necessary to amputate several of his toes. The young man is doing as woll as could be expected Just who ho is could not be ascertained last night, ai though it was understood ho was a stranger in worth Powder. "Wild Rose" for Newport. Newport, H. I., Aug. 23. Newport society is on edge in anticipation of tue theatricals to bo given by Mr. ami Mrs. Cornelius Vandorbllt at Beaulieu tonight. From all Indica tions it will be the most notable ttint'tion Newport has witnessed this season. The number of guests will bo within 400. They will include mar tied couples, who are of the dancing set, all the beaux and the older sot of girls, A largo part of tho lawn has been converted into an open-air tneater with regular stage, settings and auditorium. Tho entertainment will be provided by tho "Wild Roao" company, which came here from Now York yesterday. It is tho first time on record that a metropolitan theater has been closed for a night to allow tho company to appear in private, and it was only by the expendlturo of something like $6000 that this was accomplished by tho ambitious young society leader. Following tho per formance of tho "Wild Hodo," the guests will enter tho ball room at Beaulieu, where tho cotillion will bo led by Ellsha Dyer and Mrs. Vandor bllt. After tho cotillion there will bo a supper. The resources of tho Van derbilt establishment will bo in evi dence in tho number of liveried flun kies standing in imposing lines. The livery is black satin kneo breeches black silk Btockings and claret coats with froggings. Veterans of Spanish War. Binghampton, N. Y., Aug. 25. The state convention of tho Spanish War Veterans' Association opened its ses sions at tho court house hero today with a good attendance of members from tho various commands of the state. Following a brief business session the visitors were given a trolley ride and clam bako at the Ca sino. Tko sessions will concludo to morrow witli tho election of officers and tho selection of delegates to rep resent the state division at tho na tional meeting to be held next month Wonderland 1902. It is being called for from every part of the country. Libraries, schools, reading rooms and homes all want the Northern Pacific's latest. Send clx cents for it to Charles . S. Fee, 6. P. & T. A., at St. Paul, Minn. TWO LINES. 1 time 16o 2 ilmea 20o 1 week 30o Extra lines: .10 cents each a FOR SALE. FOR B.M.K -TWENTY ROOM LODGING hnue; turnUheit; will bs old at a biirgAtn; U will py you to look Into this offer. Address "H," cure Kant Oregonlan, FOR SALE OR TKADB-WIM.8KI.tOR TRADE for property ore, t acre of lsnd 3 miles couthwost of The Puller, Oropon. Address William Isbcll, 515 Verklni A to., romlleton, Oregon. FOR BATjK CAROLINE RNOINB. WITH nines, tank and flttlnmi. ready to oper ate. Ore to six horse power. Kconoinlcal In the use of fuel. Trice 3S0. East Ore coulan office, rendleton. FOR BALK) AT THR BABT ORROONIAN office, lance bundles or newspapers, cob tatalng oxer 100 bis papers caa be ob tained for SS csats a bnndls. itAimiTT m ktaT. HKBT IN TUB wrrM. In hara IVIra tl nr htr. mi tha Vast Orea-onUn offlr OLD NRWBPAI'Klirt TO PUT UNDRR carpets, on siipItcs, walls, or for wrap ping purposes. Old newspapers In larm bundles of 100 each at 2ft cants at bundle at tho HART OUKOONIAN office. Pendle ton. Oregon. ' , . 1 MISCELLANEOUS. STRAYED FROM PASTURK-ItAY GKLDINO, blank point ;C yenrs old j weight snout lWO; branded "A V on right hip: small slit In right car. Ton ilnllnrn rowsrd will ho psld for horso or Information Icitillng to recovery. O.K. Mo Clollun, I'einlleion. Oro. WOOD RAWING, CONTRACT WOUK-A. R. 8tenhens. Ilcadnnsrtori at Gravs Harbor Coiamerclnl Co. nnd Nouman's Clgsr fltoro, Telephones Muck 12 1 and Main 92. GRNRRAL RRl'AIR HIIOP, WRUR BT West or Hotel Rastern. All kinds or re pairing dono at reasonable prices, nicy cles, gun and machine repairing a special ty. Himmons & iioim, proprietors. HORSES TO PARTURK TIMOTHY, ORCHARD and brmno nrasses! cood tnMiirt: nlwntv of running wntnr. Terms reasonable. W, II. ltoi Meachnm, Oregon. KRLLAR nROTMKHH. PLABTBRINO and cementing. Cement walks a special ty. Rstlmates fnrntshed fre. Work guar anteed. Lpsto orders at Utdley A Ban ner's cigar store. Main St,. P. O, box 104. MIB3 MINNIE S. JMMB, ORADUATK NURSE, 209 Turk street. Telephnnn No. Mlaok S5 SIJnBCRIHRRB TO MAOABINRM, IF YOU warn to BUDierihn tn magaclnes or news nanera In 4ha TTn1t1 Rtna vnmw l?InJLbI.pJK.tM noto check, or lentl to the will bare It sent you and assume sll the nan oi me money neing lost in tne malls. It will save you both trouble and risk. If yon are a subscriber to the Rest Oregon- - , us t-ijiii,!, t inr cent from the publisher's price. Address rirtnr uiiisuuKiAfl ru, co.. rendleton, Oregon. FARMERS' TRUST. South Dakota Agrlculturallete are Af fectlng a Dig Combine. Plorro, S. D.. Auir. 23. Dntalla concornlriB tho farmors' tnmt. which hag boon Incorporatud horq with a capital of $50,000,000, nro Just holiiK nmdo public. Under tho plan of tho concern no ono but fanners will bo allowed to own a sharo of stock. Branch olllcos nro to bo established all ovor tho Unltod States, tho chief branch establishment to bo In Chi cago. All kinds of farm products are to bo dealt In and handled on a commission 1)88)8 or for cash, as circumstances may' direct. Deals on tho Chicago Hoard of Trade In cash grain aro also contemplated, with tho object of giv ing tho farmer a clianco of getting a bettor prlco for his product and at tho snmo tlmo shutting out tho mid dleman. It la believed that by ollmlnatlng tho middleman, and having tho for mers of tho country bohlnd It, tho or ganization can maintain a uniform prlco to tho bonoflt of tho farmor without Injury to tho consumer. Kansas Fuslonlsts on Warpath. Topoka, Kas., Aug. 23. Tho fusion- lata of Kansas opened their stato campaign with a monster rally In TopeUa today. Tho ulfalr was In tho naturo ot u big oiitlng and It attract ed politicians and other visitors from many parts of the state. Thoro was a parade In tho forenoon and after luncheon followed a big open-air mass meeting with addresses by Mayor Craddock, candidate for govornor, Mayor Iteed of Kansus City, Mo., and other promlnont political loaders. In tho auditorium this evening tho rally loses with mora speeches. I lll.'ll IU4 (Jul J luculltii kos. ink! wlitt j IJU4 illtjtMt. 'J'hLv no utlier, JUfuM Hub.lltullon. .nJ liullulUn.. ' fvit litadtln irwiiil -I ct'iit.lu.uuiMrMr J'ar. Ik'ulurM, 'J't-.tlmunlula tut ItuuLIrk 1 ror l.uJli, l.r rilurn ilull. Hull lir 1 .Mudl.au hiuiir,l'IIII.A., Ia; 1 CHICHESTER'S PILLS Orlicliiiil uuit OulK (.'vnuliic. j'tlt TlA A HlMliJHf J Ht uitd, iU In ItH yrur f7lJrrL 10,000 Te.lluM.uUUT l.tllu.uk lfrul.t Suflnrur ;iu;iii:htkum k.n'ummh u Mormon Bishops' Fills 1 ' Leo la um oiu 5 wr ly W lcle ol U4iiiaoa Church "U Uieu iolWwbi l'eiuuy cuie Iho wixtt citu In eM d yuunir aiUlnf from (Seen of tclf buw, di-lutUia, ciccutf, or clcarcUemuUo,;. Cures Lost Manhood, Im- n.Mac.K tH. Poslres, 8orr)lnnl r(i aslona, Larna Ua0K. Nervous-Da blllty, HeadachSjUnntness to Mr.LpM.of 937 Bimin, farlcoc uoioncr, osi rower. niKnc-asses. oDermuturrnuoii inniniiimi rm very uuciluu. Doi.r el! dJilunJ nr. a fnrtr&M. StlmuUt. tha Lraln .nd nerve c.-iters. a v uavr(uaaci, with ii. culuUh fica, Addressj SOLD BY TALLMAN & CO., DRUGQI3T8, PENDLETON, ORECON. THREE LINES. 1 time 2 times 1 week week; 25 cents a Una per month. TRANSPORTATION LINES. OREGON SHOjpUNB CmONRAClFlC csrART Tlmo Sohoilulo Asanra roa Fitiiu I'undlotou raon Chicago- Bait Lake, Dearer. Ft. I'nrtlaud Worth, Omahn. Kan HpocUl sas City, St. Louis, 8Ka. ss. A M n. m. Chicago and East. vl.t Hunt. lugtoii. Atlantlo Salt Litko, I'otiTor, Ft. Express Worth, Omaha. Kan- ftUJa m. sas City, Ht. Ixtuts, UtlOB.a. Tia Hunt. Chicago and East. Ington. at p.i.t Walla Walla.tewliton, Fast Mall ufXlSSS i,u. m rallman, Mlnnoapo . 8.15a.m. , Bt. Paul, nululh, Bpokaue. 'tel60' Ch,c"" Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates sub- Ball every 5 duys. " Dally " Wir Ww 4o,.. 8:00 p m, To Astoria and Way Bunday Haturday Landings, loax) p. in. AVlllamotto itlvor. Roati leave, Portland dally, except Sunday, stage of water permitting) for Willamette awl Yamhill River points. Leave" Leave Rlparla Bnak UlTor Lewtstoa S)5 a. in. Rlparla to Lowliton 7Sa.u Dally Dally Excpt Mon Kiopt Meei F. F. WAMSLEY, Agent, l'endlstoa. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for Chicago, St. Paul, Bt. Louis, Kan- hob lyiiy, en. joo, umaiia, aim All Points East and South Portland and polata on the Sound T1MK CARD. Leave Fondloton, dally except Sundays at I'M. nm. Arrlvo I'endloton Monday, Wednesday aa4 Friday 1205 pm. Arrive I'endloton Tue.iday. Thursday a4 Haturday 10 A am. Leave Wnlla Wulla dally, cast bound, 9X0 pm, Arrive Walln Walla dally, west bound, eXQaau For lnfiruiatlon rcfardtnr rates and accost, modatloiis, call on or address W. ADAMS, Afrsnt, I'eudlotoii. Ilreson. a. o. oaldkriikad. a. v. a.. tvaim waua, wstn, The Northern Pacific RUNS Pullman Slcepii.g Curs, Elegant Dining Curs, Tourist Sleeping Curs. sr. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS TJULUTH FARGO TO GRAND FORKS OROOKBTON WINNEPEG HELENA and BU'PI'E, THROUGH TICKETS TO UHIOAGO WAHH1NGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK ROHTON and all jxiintH Eaat and Houth Ttirouh tickets to Japan and Cbtna, vU ' Taooua and Northern i'aclfic Bteasnblp Co. i and Amorlcau lino. TIMK SCUBDULB. Trains leave Pendleton dally except Sunday at 70 p. in. For further Inlormatlon. (Ims cards, maps and ticket, call on or write W. Adami, fa., dletou, Oregon, or A. D, OIIAKLTOfi Third and Morrison BU Fortland, Or. cuia ii at lunil. tUT fTl Kcuom tuuU. UndcvclOPM A fit fa a b Ilia 1. f I. I J A wrutcn euUatefl. to Cum Bishop Remedy uo.j aan franelseo Sat