East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 25, 1902, Image 6

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    MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1902.
And it's hard on us, too, for that
natter. What with dust stains,
perspiration, etc., laundering has
its trials. We do the work, though
and do it to perfection. Send
us your shirts, collars and cuffs
and we 11 do them up in a most su
perior manner. xoirn nnd our
charges right, also. Give you first
class work and satisfactory service
at lowest rates.
J. F. Robinson, Prop. Pendleton.
I have bargained with a
competent Timber Cruiser
to locate
On the line o. a railroad
now under construction.
This means a big chance
for first-comers. See
Save some good farms for
Laatz Bros.
Wood, :
Coal and
Delivered Promptly.
"We are in the transfering and
trucking business and are pre
pared to move light pr heavy arti
OFFICE MAIN ST., Near Depot,
Telephone Main 51,
Some of the Colors to Be Worn
Frult-Trlmmed Hats Dress . Be
coming More Magnificent and More
Newport, It. I., Aug. 25. Even with
the luxury and speed of the present-
day travelling It requires more than
ordinary activity to cover two such
cities as Saratoga and Nowport In
the snmo week, simply for the pur
pose of studying the fashions. Never
theless the enjoyment of the task Is
worth the troublo any time nnd one
who has undertaken It Is willing' to
accept such an assignment a second
One model In pale green Is espe
cially smart and as desirable for the
woman of moderate means in that It
may be duplicated in one of the mer
cerized Inexpensive fabrics with ex
cellent results. It has a plaited skirt,
a short jacket in box plaits, but with
deep yoke rather a la Norfolk and is
fastened with enamelled buttons to
the jacket Itself. In the less costly
design handsome pearl buttons might
be substituted for the enamelled
Upon the jacket there are lapels
waistcoats of dark green, very much
darker In color which are trimmed
with rows of narow soutache braid
There are full undersleeves of white
chiffon or lace or turned back cuffs
of the pongee with fancy buttons.
An extremely smart frock which I
saw Miss Kathleen Neilson, the flan
ceo of Reginald Claypool Vanderbllt,
wearing a day or two ago was of
ry fine voile. It had no elaborate
plan of decoration other than corded
guagings. These were arranged on
skirt, bodice and confined the top o
sleeves and all feL in with one an
other to form in themselves a highly
-ccessful scheme. A pale mauve
silk sash fell over the frock at the
back, and a band of embroidered
mauve silk ran around a pretty col
lar. It' was a lace-toned voile and a
capital frock and is proof of how a
fabric can stand alone when prettily
The majority of gowns that I have
seen are lined with pongee, crepo de
chine and dotted swiss. The most ex
clusive designs in the lirst-named
material are trimmed with the finest
of French embroideries. Pale blue
linen embroidered in white is very
stylish and Miss Alice Roosevelt has
affected It very much this year.
found nny number of them nt Sara'
There 1b no disputing the fact that
dress Is dally growing nioro magnifl
cent and full of intricacies. Chiffon
and floral effects are most charming,
An element of dainty thinness per
vades all tho modes of tho season
from footwear to headgear.
Of tho former Wo have already had
descrlutlons: of tho latter thero Is
much to bo said. Tho chief aim in
millinery seems to bo a unique ex
travagance of effect, sometimes at
tained by fantastic pliable straw
shapes guiltless of all trimming, while
at others tho whole onus of tho suc
cess rests on dexterously adjusted
The craze for fruit-trimmed hats
ontimtes, and tho objects of this
craze are as seasonable as tho pro
ducts of nature which they imitate.
Simultaneous with tho appearance
of grapes in tho market (although
tho real fruit bo hot-houso produc
tions) Dame Fashion brings out the
most realistic little white grapes for
midsummer chapeaux. They are
very striking and when conbined with
rich red velvet ribbon as they have
been seen here, are a most dslrable
addition to any wardrobe.
Another fancy In headgear Is the
toque of crepo re chine. Thero comes
a grade specially for this purpose
and it is as thin as chiffon although
moro lustrous and probably more
substantial. The crepo de chine can
be shirred over any shape and is
strikingly picturesque when done In
black and trimmed with pink and
white rosebuds.
Though the seductiveness of the
modes grow apace, tho woman with
a limited dress allowance may yet
hope, for so far there has been noth
ing introduced which has not suc
cumbed to the wiles of the imitator,
and as long as such commendable
counterfeits are possible there Is a
chance for us all to be well dressed
and stylish.
the Ruinra passion,
Proposition to Enact New Rules for
Government of Municipalities.
Columbus. 0 Aug. 25. In accord
ance with the proclamation Issued by
Governor Nash, the general assembly
convened today at noon in extraordi
nary session forthe purpose of enact
ing a code of laws for tho uniform
government of Ohio municipalities
and of amending or repealing the
Royer law, which robs tho supreme
court of jurisdiction in the majority
of appealed cases.
i mi i iii i mm ii hi
i in i mnwm
Mr. Brown: "Here Is where a big ocoan eteamer ran Into a sunken
obstacle and had four plates broken."
Mrs. Brown: "Gracious! I wonder If they will take It out of the
steward's wages?" ,
Unless all nredlctionn iro nsh-av the
One session will nrnvn one of tho most
of tlie most stunning ot ner costumes exciting ever held in Ohio. The dem
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W: & C. R. Depot
When getting figures from
others on that lumber bill of
yours, don't forget to come
and see us. We carry a large
stock of all kinds of
Building Material
including shingles, door, win
dows, moulding, screen doors
and windows-r-in fact, every
thing that is found in a first
class lumber yard.
Mage learea Pendleton dally, except Sundays,
at 7 a. oi lor Uklah and Intermediate point,
lUtea: Tr Pilot UocJi.76o; I'llot Hock and re
tarn. SI ,25; To Nye. 11.25. Nyu and return,
ToKIdne, II 76; to Ridge and return,?-'. 60; To
Alba, 2.23: to Alba and return, SI 00; To Uklah
ae.60; to Uklah and return, 11.00,
Office In Golden Rule Hotel, Pendleton
has a large Charles IX collar om
broidered in Persian colors. The skirt
has three bands of white linen
sprinkled with tinted French dots
ouo at the head of the deep circular
flounce, one at tho hem and another
InlUway between
The vest has two cfdsawiso bands
of the same material over a simple
white foundation. Miss Alice is
simple, unaffected yohng woman with
a level head, which has not been ftt
all turned by the homage paid her
Entire costumes of pongee are un
doubtedly the. smartest for mldsum
mer wear, and the colorings are more
and more varied all the time. In the
natural color the pongee Is very silky
and while in all It is also attractive,
somehow, unless in tho very expen
slve qualities, It seems to have
roughness that tho natural color
The natural color, however, is not
becoming to everybody, so the dlf-
terent shades of blue, green, grey,
and brown are tremendously In de
mand.. Box plaited and side plaited
skirts with coats to match are charm
Ing in pongee and there are to be
Artificial Ice
Tltphot Main 106.
No Sediment to Foul
Your Refrigerator
- -M hi j
No Disease Germs to 1
Endanger Your Health
Ocrats and republicans are sharply
arraigned against one another on the
question of tho new municipal code,
The contest was precipitated by a re
cent decision or tne state supreme
court, which declared every munici
pal government In the state illegal
and unconstitutional. The anomaloue
situation Was brought about by
Mayor Tom L. Johnson's efforts to
make the corporations of Cleveland
pay more taxes, which provoked
test suit, and which led the supreme
court to declare that every munlcl
pal government In the state illegal
for the reason that It violated
clause in tho constitution which pro
m'olts class legislation.
The Interesting feature of the sit
uation is the sharp division of the
two parties as to whether what Is
Known as tho "federal" system, now
In force In Cleveland, or "board" sys
tern, now In operation In Cincinnati
shall be embodied in the new code,
The federal system, which makes the
mayor tho absolute ruler of a city
and places all appointments in his
hands, is favored by tho democrats
while the board system, under which
the governor of tho stato appoints
certain boards and commissions
which administer tho affairs of the
city, is favored by the republicans
Tho democrats have prepared them
Svlves for a bitter fight and doubt Is
expressed as to whether tho so-called
Nash-IIanna codo bill can bo passed
unless numerous amendments and
modifications are mado.
ffcwa State Fair Opens.
Des Moines, la., Aug. 25. Tho mag
nificent now stock pavilion Is the
striking feature of tho Iowa State
I' air, which opened for a week In this
city today. Tho structure cost In the
neighborhood of $50,000. and Is one
or tne finest buildings of Its kind in
uio country, it lias a seating capac
uy or 4000 and contains a larce
arena for tho exhibition and salo of
Horses and stock. At the formal ded
ication today thero were addresses
by Governod Cummins, Senator W. F.
flarrlman and others. Besides the
stock display tho present exhibition
is in many respects tho superior of
those of former years. All depart
ments are well filled with choice ox
hlblts. Races begin tomorrow and
continue through tho week.
On the Fighting Schedule.
Stockton, Cal Aug. 25. There
promises to bo an Interesting contest
hero tonight when "Young Peter
Jackson," tho Baltlomro fighter, and
Tim Murphy, tho Australian pugilist,
come togothor for a 20-round bout.
Both fighters aro of tho aggrossslvq,
hard-hitting variety and tho contest
Is oxpected to ho a fast ono from the
time tho gong sounds.
Principal Variation una Ilccrlonn to
"Which They Are Adapted.
All macaroni wheats aro extremely
sensitive to changes of 'soil and cli
mate. This will account for certain
peculiarities in the quality of tho grain
that have already been noticed by
growers occasionally in this country.
Grains partially soft and white are
from crops grown either under damp
er, cooler conditions or In places where
there Ib comparatively little nitrogen
in tho soil. Tho requisite conditions for
a perfect grain are a black prairie soil
and short, hot, dry summers. On the
whole changes of climate fi)",enr to
have a greater effect than changes of
soil, but If the Boil becotnesjilmost be
reft of humus the grain shows the ef
fect plainly by becoming more opaque
and white because of the preponder
ance of at&rch. If in this case the cli
mate Ic at the same time arid, the
grain, remains rather hard, but simply
because of its dryness. If the soil
.black nnd rich and the climate too
moist, there Is considerable discolora
tion, and black ends may show them
selves. Two or three good rains aro
sufficient to mature a crop. Otherwise
the drier and hotter the better, while a
humid atmosphere can not be tolerated,
From fifty to seventy-five so called
varieties of durum or macnronl wheats
have been described by different writ
ers. There are probably a hundred or
more varieties already known to bo In
use under distinct names. Though tho
larger number of varieties are In prac
tlcal use of minor importance, there
are a few having well marked charac
teristics and which havo attained
high reputation.
Tho variety which Is tho basis of a
very large part of tho macaroni wheat
export from tho Azov sea region Is the
Gharnovka. Tho wheat Itself has n
medium long, square, dense, yellowish
whito head, while tho beards are dark
nnd very long. The grain 1b quite large,
Hgnt yellow In color and rather trnns
lucent and vitreous. There are several
different strhlns even of tho Ghnrnov
i;a recognized In tho Don territory.
Probably tho best of these Is the Yel
low Gharnovka, which has a grain of a
deeper yellow than tho others. Both
the Ghnrnovkn nnd Yellow Gharnovka
have recently been obtnlned and distrib
uted by the department of agriculture,
according to Ccrailist M. A. Carleton,
from whose report on macaroni wheats
these facts are learned. This wheat Is
admirably adnpted to Btich dlstrlctB ns
Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma nnd east
ern Colorado. It will probably prove to
no ono or, the best durum wheats for
tne middle and southern great plains
as well as for New Mexico and Arizo
na, uiiarnovka Is being grown thin
season by the New Mexico agricultural
experiment station nnd so far elvea
promise of excellent results.
Arnoutka wheat is apparently not
grown to bo great nn extent as Ghar
novka, but It is nevertheless ono of the
best varieties of south Russia. So far
bb tho writer mentioned can determlno
wnat is properly called Arnnutka Ib a
wheat having hendH of a light red cnl.
or, with a bluish bloom and very long
eddish heardH. The m-nlim
ltii'gc ii ud lung mid who n crown imiliM-
favorable conditions are u clear yellow,,
extremely hard and vitreous. -This and
Gharnovka are the two varieties which
have given Russia Its reputation for
macaroni wheats, although one or two
Russian sorts nro probably even better
than these for marketing that product
Mr. Carleton has so far seen nothing
but the grain of the variety now grown
considerably by the farmers of North
nnd South Dakota under the name Ar
nautkn and cannot say whether it Is
the same as that described nbovo or
not. This variety Is well adapted for
cultivation In Kansas, Colorado, Okla
homa nnd Texas.
"Wet Soils Are Cold.
Standing water is a great absorbent
of heat. If no provision Is mado to
drain It away, It must be evaporated
away. Thereby heat Ib lost. The soil
Is cold. A great many barrels of water
can be standing on an acre of ground
and not attract much attention.
One Thlic nnd Another.
Tho yearly average price of wheat nt
Chicago for the past year was 72 cents
or nuout cents and half a cent
above 1000 and 1890.
The Hvo cattle exported from the
United States in the calendnr year 1901
amounted to 454,590 head, valued at
$30,000,204, against 423,181 head, val
tied at $33,810,104, in the calendar year
Tho wheat crop of India for 1901-2
Ib reported not equal to the excellent
crop of 1000.
All reports Indicate that corn grow
ers throughout the entire corn belt nre
calculating upon putting in nn increns
ed acreage of corn this year. With any
thing like a favorable corn season tho
year ought to turn out ono 'of the lnr
gest crops of corn ever known, snys the
Prairie Farmer.
Of tho various agricultural products
where tho demand is likely to exceed
the supply, none, according to nn ex
change, occupies a moro favorable po
sltlon than flaxseed.
"The Ghont of I,enp Venr."
In Franco there is n -popular tradition
nmong the peasantry, especially thoso
of tho Seine country and of La Ghatre,
concerning n demon called "the Ghost
of Leap Year." It Is said that every
leap year this peculiar sort of evil de
mon inakcH his drend appearance. Tho
creature's solo pleasure Is to bo die
pleased with everything and every
body. Ills shape Is not distinguishable
lu member, joint or limb, but taken al
together la hideous and uncanny ac
tions make him n much dreaded mon
There aro in France 2,801,000 dogs,
un average of 75 to every 1,000 human
beings. Irish dogs, curiously enough.
come next, with a percentago of 73 per
1,000. England has only 88 per 1,000,
Germany 31 and Sweden only 11. It is
stated that Germany claims to have
almost 2,500,000 dogs. Russia only
1,500,000 and Turkey, oddly enough,
only 350,000.
Ulchnril III.
The best words of Richard III, were:
"Not one foot will I (lee so long ns
breath bides within my breast, for ,bo
who shaped L tli sea and land this do;'
shall end my bfttloi. or my life. I will
cMt Street. '
I TTfT-T ' .
The Best Hotel In Pend..
and as good as any. ,
Headquarters for Traveling la
Commodious Sample Room
Rates $2 pet day,
Special rates by week or month.
Excellent Cuisine,
Every flodern Convenleaw,-
Bar and Billiard RwrninConnectiot
Only Three Blocks from Depot
Corner Court and Johnson Btrau,
Pendleton, Oregon,
M. F. Kelly, Proprietor
American Plan, rateilltonOOi
European plan, 60c, 75c, 11.00
Special rates by week or month,
Free Bus Meets all Trains,
Commercial Trade Sor
Fine Sample Rk"
Special attention given Count
E.egant.y F",
4JJ LVl---
European Plan.
c. Boon la WW0
, 75c, jlf
Sample Room
Room Rate
h nATTT.lS
WALLA .....orw'j
dlo kliicGf lititflaud."