East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 25, 1902, Image 2

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Arrival of Goods at the One Price Clothing
House of
ae-r Daley
New Clothing
New Hats
New Shoes
New Neckwear
ew Und erwear
Fo tie
Fall and
Winter Trade
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton
729 Main Street
MONDAY. AUGUST 25, 1902.
A now cotton growing belt has just
been opened In Egypt.
The new battleship Maine is de
clared to be the fastest in the navy.
The Elnora Bank, a private insti
tution at Elnora, Ind., has failed and
the owner Is missing.
Fighting between the Colombian
government troops and rebels Is still
reported at Agua Dulce.
A remarkable spread of unionism
is reported over all parts of the
United States during the year just
The Universal Peace Union is
working to have the present and all
future naval practice maneuvers
The German government has serv
ed notice of expulsion on the Mor
mon missionaries who have been
working in that country.
The Kaflirs of South Africa, are
said to be preparing for trouble.
They were armed with modern wea
pons by the British government dur
ing the late Boer war.
Such an epidemic of crime is said
to be prevalent in Paris that it is un
rafe for any person not wearing the
clothing of a laborer to venture upon
many of the streets after dark.
The reports of the murder of Chris
tian missionaries by Boxers in the in
terior of China are said to have been
confirmed, although the particulars
of the killings can not be learned.
It is reported from England that
the year's recruiting lists for the
army and navy show the greatest, de
crease for a number of years, and
that the conscription system is to be
The North American Copper Com
pany, capitalized at $40,000,000, has
Tpurchased the Ferris-Haggerty cop
per mine at Battle Lake, Wye, for
41;000,000, the transfer to take place
on September 1.
It is declared by the department of
toJucation In the Philippines that the
teachers now employed there are at
tending strictly to the business of
training the children and are not do
ing religious proselyting.
Portland capital proposes estab
lishing water and light works at Cor
vallis. The second annual log rolling of
the Woodmen of Central Washington,
will bo held at Ellensburg, Wash.,
Governor Geer has honored a Min
nesota requisition for Charles M.
Wirklns, who is wanted in that state
for horse stealing.
Aloxander Canutt, an Oregon pio
neer who drove an ox team across
the plains 50 years ago, died Satur
day at Colfax, Wash.
An Eastern company Is endeavor
ing to secure a 50-year lease of i
tract near Eugene for tho purpose of
erecting a largo saw mill.
TTarrisbursr is stirred up over the
mysterious doath of a stranger who
registered at a hotel there anu was
found dead the next morning.
Monday, September 1, has been set
nnart. as a dav of celebration ovor tlio
big dam across the Rogue River, to
bo Inaugurated on that date.
Tho Pacific Coast Indian Institute
which has been In session at New
.J t . . , t ..l...ltr.1i
port, Jias ueciueu m luvur m iuiuhou
ing governmental Indian scnoois.
Wfistorn lead dealers are agitnt
ing the proposition of quitting tho
lonri trust on account or alleged un
fair treatment in tho marketing of
their product.
MrtDnnnlil and Ryan, tho Touchet
robbers, wero sentenced to flvo years
each at Walla wniia iasi Buuuuuy
upon their confessing to tho crime
Hotel Pendleton.
C. Ottershagen, Portland.
L. O. Lakin, Portland.
S. B. Martin, Dayton.
J. F. Kelly, San Francisco.
H. L. Traver, Dayton.
George Harris, Portland.
Andy Nylander, Portland.
D. Shults, Spokane.
A. S. Heatfield, Spokane.
W. Candish, Portland.
Elt Spike, Echo.
W. E. Gwlnn and wife.
Mrs. E. A. White.
Mrs. W. A. White.
W. A. Robinson.
Jess Golding. Chicago.
Mrs. W. H. Morris, Ohio.
E. L. Tatom, city.
William Maher, Portland.
C. M. Smith, Portland.
W. O. Spencer and wife, Hunting
ton. Fred Davis, San Francisco.
F. Frazier, city.
Charles K. Ganey, New York.
Edgar Fayeth.
Miss Delia Chllders.
J. Stanley.
T. C. Hunt.
J. J. Brown.
The Golden Rule.
F. J. Gardner. Portland.
C. Matheson and wife, St. Paul.
August Holland, Seattle.
A. W. Tichner, Spokane.
James Newman, city.
A. C. Fonts, Boise.
W. R. McRoberts, Spokane.
John Hanna, San Francisco.
C. Henkle, Lake View.
C. W. Kreuger, Tho Dalles. '
E. M. Kreuger, Tho Dalles.
Jud Zeroff, Spokane.
W. H. Masten, Uklah.
H. Boylen, city.
H. Connell, Umatilla.
C. H. Farrell, The Dalles.
N. G, Clark, city.
C. .Cunningham, Portland.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
H. Gray, Spokane.
Samuel Bowden, Grant's Pass.
M. H. Burke, Portland.
D. Belts, Pilot Rock.
James Newman, Spokane.
Mrs. George Cates, Baker City.
George Reed and wife, Colorado.
James Walker, Helix.
Ray Clarke, city.
Miss Delia Rayburn, La Grande.
Mrs. P. F. Robinson, La Grande.
Miss Efilo Crimmins, Milton.
A. J. Kllcup, Chicago.
P. E. Hunsucker, Spokane.
John Bergovln and family, Athena.
Judd Zieroff, Benson.
Mrs. Ed E. Thompson, Butte.
F. N. Churchill, Chicago.
S. M. Venard, Lewiston.
G. W. Fletcher, Lewiston.
G. E. Vator, Bonner's Ferry.
ON Tilt
Pendleton Won Both Games at Baker
City by Close, Hard Playing, and
La Grande Beat Sharpshooters
Twice In Games That Were Almost
Rough and Tumble Fights.
Standing of the Clubs.
Pendleton . .
Walla Walla.
La Grande. .
Baker City..
Won. Lost P. C.
. 20 8 .714
. 13 15 .464
. 12 15 1444
. 10 17 .370
Saturday's Games.
Pendleton, 5; Baker City, 2.
La Grande, 11; Walla Walla, 10.
Sunday's Games.
Pendleton, 7; Baker City, G.
La Grande, 10; Walla Walla, 2.
Tho two games played in both La
Grande and Baker City on Saturday
and Sunday respectively, caused a
general shaking up of the percent
ages of the teams of, tho Inland Em
pire league, and while Pendleton
still holds her lead and Walla Walla
stays in second place, it Is only by a
narro wmargin, and with plucky La
Grando up and coming on her trail,
with more than good chances of
wresting the next to top round of
the ladder from thei Sharpshooters
City, which started among the lead
ers and has lately been lighting for
til end with La Grande, lias now se
cured that uncoveted position, but
the sports or that town are determin
ed that their team shall not long re
main there.
The Baker Games.
Pendleton's boys took both tho Sat
urday and Sunday games at Baker
City, the former by a score of 5 to 2
and the latter by a score of 7 to 6.
Saturday's game was a remarkable
exhibition in many respects, the game
being absolutely errorless on both
"Baby" Hays handled the sphere
for tho Indians and allowed five hits
to be made off his delivery, while
Dawer, a now man with the Baker
team, gave tho Pendletonians but
four safe swats at the ball. Both
sides played perfect ball and the Ba
ker fans were well satisfied with the
game, oven though their team lost.
On Sunday tho game was close and
exciting, and it was not until the last
half of the ninth was ended that vic
tory perched on the Indians' bonnets
with any degree of equilibrium.
The boys from the mines got one
tally In the first to the Indians' two.
and from start to finish it was nip
and tuck with the noble reds playing
slightly favorite.
Taylor pitched a good game and
rpee.lverl excellent sunnort from his
team, while the same may be said of
Tlinmna who twirled for BaKer. Tlie
Indians returned Monday morning
than nleased with their trln.
even though while away they had re
ceived tho worst basting since tne
season opened.
Score by Innings.
Pendleton 20102001 17
Baker City.... 10011020 1 C
games wore 0110 grand uproar and
On Saturday tho gamo was nearly
thrco hours on account of tho wrangl
ing over, decisions, tho Beet Garden.
ovs winning by U to 10 while the
Sunday game was somot owe
threo hours in duration, tho Sharp
shooters losiug their tomper and tho
game by a score of 10 to 2.
Notes of the Game.
"Tamarac" Adams drove oUt tho
winning run at Baker City Sunday
afternoon with two. men down. The
bases were full at one tlmo with no
one out, when two men wero caught
trying to steal home and wero rotir
cd Then Schllls went to first on
balls, stole second nnd was brought
homo by Adams' safo into center,
which just touched Hupp's mitt
Sovcral of tho errors credited up to
the Indians wero caused by tho pe
culiarity of the sky, the grounds be
ing shut off on one side by a hlgn
bluff and on tho other by a row of
tall Lombardy poplar, which so shad
ed tho grounds as to make It impossi
ble to see many of tho high flics
White, a twlrler of Northwest
league fame, who has recently been
operating with Tacoma, has arrived
in Pendleton and will finish tho sea
son with tho Indians, pitching his
first game hero sometime this week.
Tho next games in tho league will
bo played in Pendleton and Walla
nr-.ii.. iw, nnifi niinrnru pnlnir to the
WilUU, l"G uuu "'Dti"' n - ..
Washington town and tho Beet Pull
ers coining nore.
The Observation Car.
Tina linrhor Rlinn nnd bath TOOm,
smoking and card rooms, library, and
an elegant parlor for the ladles and
nil hrllllantlv llchted with electricity
and cooled with electric fans. Mighty
popular train this. All agents will do
glad to give you any Information de
Reservation Lands.
Call on E. D. Boyd, Pendleton, to
purchase reservation lands. Sold to
highest bidder.
Look Pleasant, Please.
Pbotocranher C. C. Harlan, of Ea
ton. O.. can do so now, though for
years ho couldn't, because ho suffer-
Afi untold nnonv from the worst iorm
of Indigestion. All pnyslclanB ana
medicines failed to help him until ho
trifd Electric Bitters, wnicn wonted
such wonderB for him that ho de
clares they are a godsend to sufferers
from dyspepsia and stomach troubles.
Unrivaled for diseases of tho stom
ach, liver, kidneys, they build up and
civn new life to the whole Bystom.
Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by
Tallman & Co., druggists.
A Fine Residence.
P. T. Belts, of tho firm of Belts &
Rulnhlllo. has returned lrom Echo
where thoy have just completed a
flnn residence for Joo Cunlia, on tne
old Moso Tribblo plnco, across the
river from the town. This Is ono of
tho finest residences In tho country
for manv miles around and was erect
ed at a cost of $2000. It is two
stories high and haB a fine cement
cellar and other conven onces. Mr.
Ralnblllo is still down there putting
up a tank for Mr. Cunha. Messrs.
Belts and Ralnblllo will commence
work on tho Berkley now brick, op
poslto tho Savings Bank, on Alta
street tomorrow morning.
Much Scrapping at La Grande.
Tho Saturday and Sunday games at
La Grande wero regular scrapping
matches, the Walla Walla team
adopting their old tactics and tho
Beet Pullers refusing to stand for
the performance, declaring that the
games should bo played on their mer
Its and that tho Sharpshooters could
either play an open, straight gamo or
there would be as much kicking on
ono side as tho other.
As a consequence, whenever the
Walla Walla players would make
"beef" play the La Grando boys would
also rush into the diamond and kick
as strongly as their opponents. Two
or three scraps took place and the
Commencing Wednes
day, Aug. 20, we will sell
at actual cost
300 Boxes
Fancy Stationery
All shapes, sizes and col
ors from 5c to 75c per box.
Stock must be reduced
to make room for our ele
gant holiday line.
Sale will continue each
day until all is sold.
Come early if you want
the best.
Book and
Stationery Store.
Suck as Gloves, Cinnamon,
PeDDer. Mustard Seed,
Mace. Celery Seed and
They are all used in com
pounding medicines and
must be pure. You may
have use for some of these.
They are not more expens
ive than the adulterated
kind. When you need
more, try some of the pure
kind as sold by
Reliable Druggists.
Phone, Main 851.
The crutch is a poor substitute tn, i.Wtl
inconvenient nnd tircsorne mode of loconS and ori."
pathetic siguc tuan a person slowly and nai, n is T1
street suonorted'bv these artifioJnl 1jupyaiavfcH
- a - - iuua, 6 uy
When Rheumatism settles in the bones nmi j
?& !&S&A
umi uiuuwu-uu"v.. a.tuirosive, irntatiutriinff;.ii tsm
in the joints and muscles causes the most rthad2
nnd nnkks swell, nnd when the natural oils ancfl?ala
tnese puris ure tompieteiy uestroyed the iointo C "nj
.... m "uuii;ue3aile(,M. .
The acid poisons that produce rheumatic pains lonnir Vt. 71
distributed through the system, and lodged in the iSfS6
unnu n.iil fnpt. nr other narts of the Virul
uu .w , r z.t ! J ulu"KOHenin t t?'
A permanent cure of Rheumatism can be effected onlv .
ing of the blood, nnd 110 other remedy so surely accomplish; : uT
It neutralizes the acid effects, purifies and invigorates tVi
by the new rich blood, and relief comes to the
pain-racked sufferer. S. S. S. leaves no morbid,
irritating matter in the blood to reunite and produce
otfnnl- lint psncla evnrv ntmti nf it- f-...
uuuuiti uvi".i " - 1 j - v. . i iiu x. n
the system. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, and doajj
flirroctinn nr feiicra! health like nllrnli nr twM. V?1!
AWritR fnr our snecial free book on Rhonmnticn, ..jrH
advice or other information is wanted, our physicians win iS
it without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATuii(j
Offers: College Preparatory Course
fiuslneBS Course
Teaohers' Course
Takes all gradeB from Sub-Primary up. Graduates enter
mnii f II hum In nunli Onllecrea as Yale. Princeton. Hfnnfrml
nflitnlnn tnlrt.trv 7 limllru EllinnlatYlnnfnl TTfl I . 1
urruuuutvn uuupiuuiuubMi w ur& can ura HU
.... . i I.. XT-.1 n 1 1 .. tt i , . w
uertincaies on Buuae uusia us nmmai ouuuuiH. ran lerm oneu
. n tt i.. 1 ....... .1 A
lomuer xo. pui unuiiuguc ikiuikm
1 v F. L. FORBES, D, D., Principal,
I have a full line of oils, axle grease and a
pOUIia OI W1U lUgllBHli 4 utility, in iHinuuwVjj
suit the buyer. Examine my stock Wt
i :
Taylor, the Hardware
741 Main Street
Cooper's old stand,
Main St., Near W. & CI Depot
A royal good meal for only
20 cents.
If you dine with us you are
always satisfied.
A trial meal will make you
a regular boarder.
U. B. Supremo Court
U. S. Patent Olllce
Trade Marki anil Copyrights
TOO 7tu St., N. AV., WiwUliiKton. D. C
I Mead! Mead!
We are ottering this week some f
. t rn nn.nnic were i." Ul .1
heavy all-wool ingrains. auc . -ce ,
from last year's stock and are worth 75c per to,
t;7C. iou win see suiuc ui un. --- , .
New goods just coming in. Look for September
-T- -cn 15 -ntf. 1.1
sJ esse -t- gjuj.--
There Is lie Question
It is the finest grade it is possible to make. NjJ
but the choicebt wheat enters into Byers (
satisfaction is the result whererever it is use
or fancy baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor
Gasoline Engine for
A five horse power gasoline engine with pipes te.
and water tanks, everything necessary to sei F ks
and fittings are all new, being in use only few ,0?.
Encine is very economical and guarantee
$250 including fittings. Address
East Oregonian, Pendletod,
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
with which they were cnargeu.