East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 23, 1902, Image 4

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Not to tell you about the purity -of our drugs or the
accuracy of our compounding, for every man, woman and
child knows that in this we EXCEL all others in our
line. It is to tell you of all the new goods we are receiv
ing daily and of interest to you.
Nothing is nicer and more valuab e than a fine collec
tion of "STEINS" and we have them in all sizes and
prices. It is the craze of the present age, so fall in line.
Brock & McComas Company
Pendleton's fire service Is under
discussion. This ought to bring about
conditions that will result in gener
al satisfaction.
tural land in tho entire west is hold
bv tho Indians.
And in nearly every instance such
land is almost entirely unproductive,
The Indian is not a farmer, ho is
a nenstoncr.
Tho latter is his trado and ho wonts
overtime at it.
With rare exceptions, Indians aro
lazv. shiftless and unclean.
Thov aro hardly to blamed lor it
either, for tho government has rather
encouraged their Indisposition to any
kind of labor.
If tho red men wero compelled to
shift more for himself he would lie
better off mentally, physically and
Senator Piatt of Connecticut states
the case when ho says:
"In regard to that subject, there is
n. sentiment in tho country which
holds amongst philanthropists and bu
manitarians, that wo ought to pay tho
Indians what their land is worth nt
the present time, upon the Idea that
It belongs to them. I do not share in
Idea. I think that when wo
Cuba is falling into American ways
at a rapid parr. Havana now has
strike on almost as serious in pio
portion to population as the great
American strike.
Sir Thomas Lipton may have a me
dium idea of navigating a yacht, but
when ho ran up against the automo
bile he doubtless thought he had been
struck by a squall.
It was bad enough when the auto
mobile's were killing off the dudes
and rich people, but now that they
are attacking sultans, they should at
once be "suppressed.
In the Call-Gage fight in California,
the convicts seem to-be against Gage.
If the governor would indicate that he
had a few pardons up his sleeve he
might change the tenor of the test!
Tho mimic war of the United States
has been retarded by the fine
weather. In real war neither good
:.or bad weather has troubled our
tavy; the only thing that ever wor
ried it was to find the enemy. It was
easy then.
Composite novels have had their
day, good humor on a small scale is
still read, but when one editor says
something funny and another at
tempts to Improve on it, and another,
until it is strung out into half-column
of puns and rehash, It causes tho
reader to feel for his gun.
The greatest evidence of the young
king of Spain's malady is that he re
iuses to marry the girl they picked
out for him. This should not be evi
dence of insanity at all. Tho king
ought to have the right to" marry
whom he pleases, even if she should
be freckle-faced and cross-eyed.
A little straight talk to the sultan
from tho United States Minister had
a good effect That country is be
ginning to deliver up goods and may
continue until Uncle Sam is satisfied.
The first act of the sultan was to de
liver a package of insurance papers
that had been wrongfully seized by
tho authorities of that country.
Sheriff Taylor doQs not take a
score of newspaper reporters with
him, or deputies either, when ho
goes hunting robbers, but if "Till"
don't get them ho will put them to
a whole lot of trouble; and ho don't
mind picking up other criminals along
tho way either. Ono criminal "looks
m good" to the Umatilla sheriff as
An epidemic of hold-ups is on.
Strict vigilance on tho part of officers
and citizens will soon cause tho ap
prehension of tho prisoners, and
quick punishment to tho full extent
of tho law will soon rid the country
of this class. Crime only rages at a
given point for a limited time, where
a determined effort is made to sup
press It.
kill all of the sheep he pleaso.3 as
long as ho will kill an occasional that
jack rabbit when he can't find a make an InJIan tribe rich we delay in
1,oon Tl.o r,n f? nnvnU nlm,.l,l Civilization. UnKer Ulty
not bo killed, neither should ho bo
Within the next few days the
iV La Grande paper devotes a dou greatest game of war ever played for
ble column editorial about an $8,000 practice merely, upon this continent,
r0Mn w ic iw, nnnatro will be carried out -by American soi-
linra niwi cnllnra nt n nnar fm ill mil
in mac cuy. xms is consiuerauio t ,d d t, 3Um)lles cgtiniat
space to use about one building, but ed at $1,000,000.
when one comes to think about it. It would be a very regrettable re
rpslclfinno inmrnvArnonts nro tlio hoat Slllt of the burning Of SO milch HOW
I 1-i tP If fnof 1 ii niii trnrcr ninti nit
n,uu Ul .u.pluCUiBUU, iv-i u i'. increase of the spirit of conquest and
and it shows a confidence in a place Oioodthirstlness. Thero is quite
that nothing but solid backing will enough of this already. No natioi
inspire. is likely to attack us, and wo should
eertainiy require great provocation
before we attack another.
With all the hold-ups in tho In
Tint t IiIr pnnm fa tn 1a nnA nf no-
bad citizenship here, neither does It fense for whlch a uation shoul(l al.
show up badly for tho country's con- ways be prepared. The army and the
dition. The highwaymen are all from navy are great machines. To make
the distance and they came here be
cause the money is here. The rea
son that some sections are free from
molestation by theso scoundrels is
that a highwayman would starve
them worth the money they cost they
must bo exercised, armed, ready.
The accurate shooting of our gunuera
m Manila Bay and off Santiago was
the result of practice.
But every lover of his country who
m,. ie i, t,u . ii tn appreciates "the true grandeur of na
there If he should succeed in getting Hnn ,,nno tlin, ,?,,,. nnr.ir,Atraa
11.1 -
overruling in signt.
Labor organizations are no longer
experiments. Short hours and good
work are better than long hours and
poor work. The retail clerks of Pen
dleton should be encouraged in their
efforts to obtain shorter hours, and
the merchants will soon see tho good
that is accomplished. When the peo
ple once learn that they must trade
may not soon again give place to shoe
and shell. New York World.
A Quart Baby.
Says Prof.Tairourd Smith, of OeorgU.
T , ..... . .
Now and a train there is an item in the
newspapers concerninjr the birth of a
puny baby so small that a quart cup
holds it comfortably. If the article told
all the facts it would orobablv tell also
within certain hours they wll take to of a mother who in weakness and misery
it as willingly as they do to postofllce hd loked foiward to the baby's advent
hours and railroad schedules. In one t fi.,- i,J.nifiiv rMi.ln.ti tl
city where short hours have been mother must be healthy, and it is the
given the clerks, tho merchants who
first opposed it are now heartily in
accord. They say that they are as
muc hbenefited by it as the clerks,
Upon tho closing of the stores their
responsibilities also cease and they
haye more time for recreattion and to
bo with their families. Short working
hours means much longer life for the
employer and the employe.
It is bad enough for Western Ore
gon to oposo tho coyoto bounty law,
but when Baker and Malheur turn
Tho Herald has.recelved some more
literature from that highly patriotic
organization, tho Indian Rights asso-
ciaton, of Philadelphia.
Of course, people who live in Phila
delphia know all about the manner
in which tho down-trodden Indians
are being treated.
They know that ho is being robbed
in tho most consclousless stylo and
that ho is the incarnation of injured
Tho Philadelphia association is par
ticularly strenuous just now In ob-
ecting to the policy of dividing lands
of tho Indians, giving them all they
need for themselves and In turning
over tho balance to white settler:, for
a fair compensation.
We aro not ready to believe,"
says tho society, "that tho American
people will sanction a policy of con
fiscation and injustice toward tho In
dian race.
"Yet there Is need of rousing the
public conscience to tho danger that
In spite of tho gloomy view taken
by tho Phllidelphlans, the Herald can
not see that the Indians nro In any
very grave danger of losing their
property without sufficient recom
pense. As a matter of fact, tho majority of
the Indian tribes aro far better off
financially than the average Amerclan
If tho government has been at
common testimony
of mothers, that the
use of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescrip
tion not only pro
motes the mother's
healtji but also gives
her strength to give
her child.
"Favorite Pre
scription " accom-
Elislies these results
y trauquilizing the
nerves, promoting a
healthy appetite,
and giving refresh
ing sleep. It increases physical vigor
and gives great muscular elasticity, so
that the baby's advent is practically
painless. It is the best of tonics for
nursing mothers.
"I eladlv recouimeud Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription." writes Mrs. T, V. O. Stephens, of
Mlla, Northumberland County, Va. "Before
my third little boy was born I took six bottles.
He la the finest child and has been from birth,
and I suffered very much less than I ever did
before. I unhesitatingly advise expectant
lothers to ue the 'Favonte Prescription.'"
The dealer who offers a substitute for
"Favorite Prescription" does so to gain
the little more prolit paiu on tne sale
of less meritorious medicines.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, containing 1008 pages, is sent
free on receipt of stamps to pay expense
oi mailing only. Seiid 31 one-cent
stumps for the cloth-bound volume, or
only 21 stamps for the book in paper
covers. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf
falo, N. Y.
11 CqPthiomt &m
A Skilled Wheelwright
fault at all in its treatment of "the Tft wJmt wanfc wheu whed
wards of tho nation" tho fault has m,nm nIr tt. nvi i hmlrmi
been on tho side of liberality. vehicle needs repairing. We aro skilled
Under the SVStem of free rations. In thin trndp. hh wnll as lieinir niRHinrd
their swords upon themselvo, then It nioney for grazing leases, mineral of the art of carriage blaokHinlthlnjr
makes tholr neighbors grieve. It Is leases and tho sale of lands, largo and repairing of all kinds. You will
...... . ,. .... 1,.. I .. 1 ,. .1 . ,.ti..r..at-..
RiiL'yf.qffrl that tho commissioners' , iunus nave uecn creaieu ior uio spo- nmn mm mu wum onumirewiij mm
m, 1 nf ti,n t,m nm.ntioa POt cJal uso and benefit of tho Indians, MiUHtanmi, ami our prices moderate,
courts .of those two counties erect In nQ ,n8tjmco ,mv0 u JjBan y Afa j Qaso,ine Eflgineg
statues to this much-abused animal proporiy deprived of tholr property. neaqle brothers
for tho good ho has done. He may Today much of the finest agrlcul-1 Water St, our litis, Pendleton, Ore.
Professor Talfourd Smith, Principal
Slloam High School, Siloam, Ga., writes :
"With much pleasure I recommend
Perunn to all who may bo suffering with
any trouble of tho respiratory organs.
I lmvo been using it in my family for
tho past fivo or six years and find it to
be almost a household necessity. Para
na Is truly a grand catarrh remedy and
general tonic and will do all that Is
claimed for It by the manufacturers."
Catarrh is inflammation of tho mucous
membrane. It may bo iu tho mucous
mombrano lining tho eyes or tho pelvlo
organs, throat, stomach, llvor, bowels or
Catarrh is catarrh wherever located.
Peruna cures catarrh wherever located.
Poruna is an internal remedy; not a
local application.
Catarrh is a systemic disease, not a
local disease. If Peruna will euro catarrh
in one place it will euro it in any otlior
place, because Peruna is a systomic rem
edy. It reaches tho disease through tho
circulation in each organ. It eradicates
tho disease by eradicating it from tho
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from tho uso of Peruna,
write at onco to Dr. Ilartman, giving s
full statement of your case and ho will
bo pleased to givo you his valuable aci-
vlco gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartmnn, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
Blue frlbboQ
State Fair
September 15th to 20th
You are invited to attend
and see the greatest indus
trial exposition and livestock
show ever held on the Pacific
Coast. Good racing every
afternoon. Camp ground
free. Come and bring your
families. For any informa
tion, write
M. D. WISDOM, Seo'y,
Portland, Ore.
That are pure and wholesome
and 'add to the pleasures of
life are those manufactured
by us.
Orange Cider,
Sarsapat ilia,
Ginger Ale,
Soda Pop.
Always see that the bottles
bear the .label of
The Pendleton Soda Works.
The East Oragonlan la Eastern Ore
gon's representative paper. It leads,
and the people appreciate It and show
It by their liberal patronage. It Is the
advertising medium of this section.
Clearance Sale Continues
We will continue our Clearance Sale a week or ten days
longer, by which time all our summer goods will be cleaned
up and our new stock for fall trade will.be in. If you need
anything in summer weight goods to last you through the
warm weather, don't putoff buying it, for the assortment
is growing smaller every day.
AH figured and fancy lawns and summer dress gootls reduced 20 per
cent until closed out.
Summer wash silks, reduced for this sale. 20 per cent.
All grades shirt waists, including silk waists, 20 per cent off.
.Fancy silks, worth 85c and $1, for this sale, 69c per yd.
Ladies' vests, all grades, from 3c to 48c each.
Bummer corsets, all sizes, 20c each.
Children's dresses, all siyles and grades, reduced 20 per ceut.
Calico, all colors, 4c per yard.
Gingbnin, apron check, regular price 7c, special 0c per yd.-Yard-wide
percale reinnauts, regular 8c values, 5c per yd.
Ladies' hose, regular 10c values, special, 3 pairs 25o.
Gents' crash and straw hats reduced 20 per cent uutll closed out.
Our new stock of fall suits for boys and young men has arrived and
we have a line assortment of all grades. We offer a special discount on
summer weight suits. Call at once and inspect our stock, and outfit
your boys, while the stock is complete. The Items quoted below are
only a few of the many good things we have in boys' clothing:
Boys' dark blue all wool suits, nude with' yoke and bolt, $2.75.
Boys' dark grey all wool suits with pin Btripe, sizes 4 to 9, coat, vest,
panta and vestee, a genuine bargain, $2;50.
Boys' dark green two-piece suits with vestee, fine value at $2.50.
Boys' blue serge suits, all wool, two and three-piece, $3.50 and $4.
ancy serge sauor suits lor small uoye, tne latest style, auu
Boys' three-piece long pant suits, mixed grey, ages 12 to 20, $4.
Boys' all wool suits, dark with nin strine. aires 12 to 20. J5.50.
Bovs' blue serge nuiU). all wool, lino onalltv. acres 14 to 20. $8.75.
Whatever you need in outfitting your boys we can supply you. Give
Us a Call.
THE FAIR The Place to Save Money
$3 00 per Day and Upwards.
Finest Hotel
la the Pacific
fortorUti.!dtrnm!!!iM ?'oa, visiting Portl.Hd. HMUrter
ior tourist aud commercial travelers. tf. C. BOWBRf , MaMfer.
1 ,,-.ii
All kinrlc
Sash, Doors
conmltid us. :
Pendleton Hakj
Lnmber Tart. ";
The Columbiil
Lodging House ?
and I
AT THfc-
127 and 129 East A1U Street
m t
1 FTT H i1
La Grande, Ott.
Grande land district sto
vacant lands, and ah series,
.? 1 1-1.. nnrtranilV. etc'
:1. parh: also pW
a 1 I i.lln KflCHIVdllUW' - -j-"
TnO I I TTI .1 I I 1 111 UbdWi' I r.
"w . . . u. ti c Land '
nlnt corrected irom i"."
nffir-P. records ' .
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Special attention g''
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Untie ni tne uiHu- . lt. ,
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united btates n-A ofiee-
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We ai
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Charges win
Office at- '
Feed orn'
Kit Hays & 'ftrt