A baby clrl was born to Mr. and LEE TEUTSCHS UUl I"-" " ..V, llv apprec'ate Uberal patronage of the people in the past -,nnhs. which has enabled us to almost comoletelv dis- . nf mir summer wares. NC V We are now prepareu 10 snow you Filled with a Nice New Line of Maxir Cnll Cnk new i au i aui ltd Everything in Dress Goods and Waisting for fall wear. me and see while the assortment is large. Many excellent . t?: i i A i tt . Lee Teutsch SUCCESSOR TO Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company. I) 1 1 i a v niiij.ii v v; I HI I BREVITIE8. Howard, farm loans. clothing cleaned at Joerger's. i m x n a rn..M ft. kinds of Imported lunches at IIII KH. III HLLV IIU.LLH111H. 4JU Teutsch. trir-D iv i rirmn uTin .iuvu I'riiiMH mi Younger & Son's. crabs at Gratz's. ton's Ice cream is perfection. hone in your order. TILIIU-I. A. opposite Tallman's drug store. - m i 11 i .x a n T 0UU H TV. T "KIT rr 111 rj. -Li. kJlUAbU V4 rm W 1 iin 'nhfino main lUt I Or Dure Nolf's. T hflor la nn ton i hv K 1 r Irm nn'o aafn from 2 to 5 p. m. All library 1 1 CT t T- I'M H 1 1 T- TT1 fin I Tl M M 111 arvesters Do you need any col ored glasses, goggles, eye protectors or cheap watches for harvest ? I have a full line of the above named articles, and my prices are guar anteed to be the lowest in town. L,. t-fl I IIM IK H M Jeweler and Optician Next Door to H. Alexander Castle's for poultry. Castle's for fish, always fresh. Neuman's for cigars and tobacco. Hlyu squaw gloves at Hawley Bros. Social teas at F. S. Younger & Son's. Come and visit the new store. Teutsch. Crawfish cooked to order at 'Gratz's." Thirty gallons of nice fresh currants at Hawley Bros. The best variety of fruits at P. S. Younger & Son's. Let us supply you with baking of all kinds. Hawley Bros. Flannelettes, a big line and "with a large variety for fall. Teutsch. We still have a few fruit jars left v.hich we will let go at cost. The Standard Grocery. Just received a most beautiful line of up-to-date white beaver street hats t Mrs. Campbell's. .All kinds of city and country prop erty for sale. Rihorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor building Drop into the cool, comfortable basement of, the Golden Rule and en Joy a glass of Schlitz beer. Fruits, vegetables, nice spring cickens only 25c, fresh ranch eggs, 20c, and fine creamery butter, at the Standard Grocery. Doctors predict considerable sick ness of typhoid nature. Be careful of your drinking water. Cool It with pure artificial ice. 'Phone main 105. Miss Agnes Dunbar, the elocution ist, has secured a studio in the East Oregonian building and will be ready to give lessons by the first of the month. Rooms 5, 6 and' 7. Alexander's Department Store will offer a rare opportunity to gentlemen who, desire to be well dressed. Lamm & Co., of Chicago, the largest tailors in the country, will have their rep sentative here. Friday and Saturday August 29 and 30, with a full line 'of fall and winter woolens in the piece, Mrs. Lem .Cheney, of this city, Wed nesday night Mother and child are aoing wen. Persons having clean cotton rags to sell will find an opportunity to dis pose of them by reading the class! fied columns. Wanted A first-class stenographer and typewriter. Steady employment to right person. Adress Box 105, Pen dleton, Oregon, giving experience, salary and references. Leonard Hlncs, charged with the theft of a watch from Mrs. Hemphilf was arraigned before Judge Fitz Ger aid this forenoon and his trial was set for Monday afternoon. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greu- lich, Wednesday morning, twin boys, They weighed 13 pounds. The mother and children are doing well. The father, "who Is one of the part ners in a local butcher shop, says they will be driving the .delivery wagon in a few days. Baer & Daley, the one price cloth- ers, furnishers and hatters, are now receiving their Immense stock of goods for the fall and winter trade. They are too busy now to write ads. Drop in and see their new goods whioh you know, are always from 10 to 20 per cent lower than their com petitors. For Sale Very cheap, three pieces of silk upholstered parlor set, upright piano, rosewood parlor table, two fine book cases, extra fine folding bed, sideboard, dining room table, large range, hall rack and other articles of furniture. Mrs. A. Kline, 515 Post street. At home daily 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. MR. STILLMAN RETURNS. TLe homliest man In Pendleton, as" well as the handsomest, and others, are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs, a remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and relieve all chronic and acute coughs asthma, bronchitis and consumption Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall man & Co., sole agents. Ten dollars reward is offered in the classified columns of the East Oregonian by E. C. McClellan for the return of a bay gelding that strayed from his pasture. The horse is 5 years old, weighs about 1200 pounds and is branded with "A. L." on right hip and has small slit in r.ght ear. Mr. McClellan can be reached by addressing him at PendlO' ton, postofflce. by the Wood--Order in Good Was Again Honored men of the World- Condition. Hon." A. D. Stillman has returned from the meeting of the Head Camp Managers of the Woodmen of the World, at Cripple Creek, Colorado. Mr. Stillman was elected first as a member of the board of head man agers of this order four years ago and his term expired this month. He was re-elected, the board giving him IS rfJJ Kf f, is a very unpleasant little crea . ture to have in the house. This js the time of the year for them to appear. Use some Jiung to keep them TMJC'T'D aay. Our Bedbug UHa 1 KU I tlK WlU kill them and keep them away. NOT A POISON, BUT DEATH TO BUGS and insects of all kinds 25c A BOTTLE KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE 5 SteP from Mam St. Toward the Court. House ITHf k Dnni r.n 1 . the highest vote received by any can didate for any contested office among tho Woodxen. He was also chosen unanimously as chairman of the board, which honor he held before. Order Flourishing. Mr. Stillman said: "Everything connected with the Woodmen of the World is in a flourishing condition. The equalization or reserve fund Is reaching very satisfactory propof tlons. With $05,000 invested by the board of managers in July, this funi, stands right at a httlf million do! lars and we predict will pass Jhe rnil lion mark within two years more. "Every claim on the benefit fund has been paid in full and a balance of about $75,000 comes over from Ju ly. Fears that assessments for this fund were not high enough have proved without foundation. How' ever, steps are taken to further aug ment it." Mr. Stillman enthusiastically de Clares that there is no insurance so clety in better financial condition to day than the Woodmen of the World The jurisdiction now has about 83,' uuu members. Big Sheep Shipment. One of the largest single shipments of Bheep ever made from Baker City will be made on the 25th of this month by D. I. Welch, who will then send to California 40 carloads ,of fine mutton. The railroad company has ordered the cars arid they will be here on time. It is expected that the run will take about five days. Baker City Democrat. Thought It a Grab Bag. A gentleman took his little boy to cnurch with him . last Sunday for the first time. Instructing the lad about his behavior, he, wound up by telling the boy to keep an eye- on him and do Just as he did, When ,thp qontri' button box was passed papa dropped in a coin, Tommy saw his father's Ibiind go into the box and remember ing the advico, put his hand" ,in also. When the box passed by the Jad whispered out loud enough to be heard all around: "Say, papa, I got a quarter; how much did you get?" The Dalles Chronicle. It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse. Clearance Sale Ends On the last Saturday of this month, August 30. This is our last say. Our stock of Summer Goods, Lawns, Batistes and Dimities will be divided into throe pricos: 8c, 10c 12c Summer Wash Goods, per yard, 5c. 15c, 20c, 25c Summer Wash Goods, per yard, JOc. 30c, 85c, 50c, 76c Summer Wash Goqds, per yard, 25c' SEEING IS BELIEVING SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1902 Summer Underwear at closing prices. Shirt Waists, only 10 dozen to select from, less than half price. Summer Skirts, Summer Suits, all slaughtered Must make room for the greatest stock of Fall and Winter Goods over shown in Pendleton. The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE THE LEADERS CAME 115 MILES TO SEE SHOW. Lost a Horse in the Fire and Had to Secure Another to Return Home. After driving what he claimed to have been 115 miles to attend the Wild West show, John Geinger, of the John Day country, was compelled to secure another horse to draw mm and his family home. They drove a team to an old wagon and stopped at Hotel Eastern, whore the team was tied in the barn. Dur ing the fire which burned the barn and partly destroyed the hotel, the horses were all cut loose but one of Mr. Gelnger's refused to leave the manger and perished in the flames. The other animal was driven from the burning building with difficulty, as It did not want to leave its mate. The one that perished was untied, and apparently wanted to leave with the other horse, but finally refused to go. The animal stood up at the manger just as though ho was at a post of duty and, though the flames singed his hair, ho refused to budge and fought at the fire with his feet as it approached him. A WEEK OF SPECIALS MONDAY, AUG. 26 New edition White House Cook Book, sold by agents at $2.50, here one day only, 89c. TUESDAY, AUG. 27 Crystal Crepe Paper, 5c a (.3 rolls to a customer.) roll. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28 Glyccrine Soap, large size, 7c. the 15c Here is an Idea that may not have come to you: Why heat your home cook ing meals ? Just take your meals dur ing tho summer at the French Restaurant You'll enjoy our cooking and tho oulBino served. THURSDAY, AUG. 29 100 Visiting Cards, printed with latest type, 38c. A Fine Library. Of 140 volumes of the best litera ture s fnnn.1 n neach of the Northern Pacifle'n "Nnrth r.nntf Limited' 1 trains. Don't forget that these are" the only trains operated in the West that are lighted throughout by electricity. FRIDAY, AUG, 30 Any Paper Pattern in the house for 2c. 5 0-1 o o m o The ! Shoe That Made Frederick Nolf School Books and School Supplies The French Restaurant , GU8 LA FONTAINE, Prop. TRANSFER STORA GE, CROWNER ?R0S. Telephone Main 4. PARK AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, OREGON The school where thorough work is done; where the retso k alwaya given; where confidence is developed; where bookkeepbg is taught exactly as books art kept in business; whew shorthamd is made easy ; where penmanship is at its best ; where hundreds of bookkeepers and stenographers have been educated for success in life; where thousands more will be. Open all the year. Catalogue free. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B PRINCIPAL tho i GRAND PICNIC AT KINE'S GROVE II" ! E.f&rl 5?unHn Boston Store Sboe Dept. FAMOUS. Every Sunday Dancing begins Sunday at 2 p. m. Admission to dancing plat form 25 cents ; ladies free. Busies to and from the grounds day and night. RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. The grove can he engaged for pionio parties by applying to PETER SMITH, .at Hotel St. deorge, Wilaiitgnaluro J on every box of the eoouu Laxative BrofitoDiiinlnea'ubic 'the reuiody (bat enrcu u void In ouVituj, 4( it 1 ttti