East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 20, 1902, Image 3

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    St l4t
You always get GOOD GOODS &t Alexander's.
Vindup Clearance Sale
This will be the final sale to dispose of the last of our
Shirt Waists, Wash Goods, Laces, Embroideries and other
Summer Goods.
5C yd Torchon Laces worth 15C yd
5c Ho5,Btto Net-BlTO ed. yard
For Shtrt Waists
Worth tfp to
25 per Cdlt Off on all Wash Goods
Alexander Dept. Store
Get Your Canning
Supplies of Us . .
We are in position to furnish you good, clean and
fresh fruits and vegetables. Bartlett pears are in sea
son. They are.excellent for putting up. Let us supply
We receive daily fresh watermelons, the sweetest
and ripest that grow. Canteloupes that will make you
want more.
Sugar and spices of all kinds used in canning and
preparing your preserves can be obtained of us.
The place to get clean, fresh goods.
R. MARTIN, Proprietor ,
Telephone Red 34
Iregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., opp. Court House.
hikes as low as the lowest
Ft All Kinds of Bulldiag Material,
Screen Doors
and Windows
Building Paper
and Sand
: Aad Don't Ferjet Our Wood flatter
ror Haras aaa uwewags
Cooper's old stand,
Main St, NearW.& CR.Depot
A royal good meal for only
20 cents.
If you dine with us you are
always satisfied.
A trial meal will make you
a regular boarder.
tiwUB 7" CUiCAaO
Carpi's? . TWrty ael-
During the month of August
we will offer special low pric
es on
Sewing Machines
The White is recognized as
the best machine made.
Come now and save money.
Bargain House
Helix Happenings. -
Althoueh harvest seems to bo very
rushing, several harvest outfits stay
ed t6 attend the big Wild West show
in Pendleton today.
Four detectives, with their hounds,
who are in search ot the Walla Walla
and Milton robbers, spent Monday
night In Helix.
Mrs J. L. KHlian. who has been
quite sick, is able to be around
Theo vramer. who has been on the
sick list, is reported better.
TV Ti. Richardson and family arriv
ed last evenlne from Bingham
Springs, whero they have been spend
ing the past week.
Myrtle Hill passed through Heine
Saturday on her way to Weston and
Athena, for a short visit
Miss Pearl Smith snent saturnay
and Sunday in Vansycle at the home
of Miss Bessie Raymond.
Ben Leland contemplates bunding
a new residence soon.
Our Helix school is soon to begin
rrifh Miss Emma Greene as princi
pal and Miss Nellie Hernden as pri
mary teacher.
Aaron and Will Isaac, of McKay
Creek, spent Sunday with S. T.
A very swell bachelor dinner was
river, nt the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Leland last Sunday. The follow
ing wero present: Dr. Ringo, Will
Modena. Charles Alspacu, Bird Hicn-
ards and Ira Julien.
News From Weston.
Weston. Auk. 20. The threshing
crews that were compelled to lay off,
because of the rain, a day or two the
latter part of last week, are busy
again all around Weston.
The rain and cold weather during
tho latter part of last week started
the Weston colony at Cold Springs
towards homo. Mrs. Sim Barnes nnd
family, Mrs. Llzzio Murphy, Mrs. Eva
Shellenberger, Mrs. Alice Kirkpatrick,
Mrs. Purcell and Miss Ona Marsh
coming on Saturday, and more havo
been following every day since.
Robert Kilgoro and wife spent Sun
day at Bingham Springs.
Mrs. James Ritchey and fapilly
have gono to Bingham Springs to re
main for a week or ten days.
Miss Bessie Watts, a normal school
graduate, passed tho teacher's exam
ination at Walla Walla last week,
and has secured a place as teacher
in school near Waltsburg for the
coming year.
The haunting fear thnt has been
felt by the majority ofthe peoplo of
Weston, ever since tho robbery of tho
Frecwater saloon, was relieved for
a tlmo last night, when it was learned
that Marshal Lavender, Chnrles Cur
tis and George Reynolds had taken a
tearful leave of absenoo of their
friends, and gone In search of tho
bold robbers, but alas for the weak
ness of human hopes, tho posse re
turned this morning without tho des
peradoes, and the old anxious expres
sion has again settled on tho faces
of our people.
It Is said that tho O. R. & K. has
si i pended the regular time table out
this way, at least the trains do not
seem to havo any regular time, but
just get here once in a while. Wes
ton peoplo are thinking of offering a
reward for the first crew that arrives
on time.
2 mm JSr
and ifee an people tai saskUety
badness that carry oosaplete atack of
Hamas, Baaafea, Brieves, Bpuw, Sweat
Pad, Pack Baddies aad Ba, Tents,
W&gon Covaaa and Caavas.
Great Crowds of Visitors Throng the
Streets to Witness the Big Parade
and the Performance This After
noon Is Well Attended.
Pendleton is full to overflowing
with visitors today, the farmers hav
ing all knocked off harvesting ana
come to the city to see Buffalo Bill's
Wild West shows, and even the entire
Indian population of the reservation,
coming in to take in- the show.
The big aggregation of rough riders
arrived in the city early this morn
ii'g and when an East Oregonian -reporter
visited the show grounds a
scene of Intense activity was present
ed, hundreds of men running in all
directions, raising canvas, pulling
and hauling at ropes, and getting 'the
big grounds in shape for the two per
formances to be given, this after
noon and evening.
Men of All Nations.
Cossacks, from Russia. Sioux Indi
ans, English cavalry from South Af
rica, dusky-skinned Bengal lancers,
direct from the ''jungle book" coun
try, roueh riders who served at San
Juan, Cubans who fought In the war
with Spain, Hussars from the German
armv. Arabs in national costume.
Mexican Vaqueroa, and men of many
other nations, moved back and forth
in preparation for the great paraae,
while all over the grounds could be
heard the gurgling notes of the big
hand horns, the smooth sliding tone
of the baritones, the squeal of the
flies and clarionets, tne uanus Deims
In practice to "warm up ror vne
morning's work. .
Many Sightseers.
Tn and out anions: the hordes of
workers wandered myriad sightseers,
both white and redskins, getting in
tho mad and out aeain with cheerful
equinJmity and utter disregard of the
warnings of the show aiiacnes.
Tha hundred of horses Stood PS-
Hontiv hv until suddenly a bugle
sounded from somewhere, then the
scene formerly one of bustle and en
ergy became that of apparent contu
sion. Everyone was rushing about In
tho greatest excitement, yet each
knew exactly where he was going,
and In a few moments order appeared
out of the chaos and tho parade was
ready to start.
The Parade.
Another bugle call, the shrill squeal
of the files, the rattle of drums, and
the great procession was under way.
First came a fife and drum corps o$
the United States army, followed by
a carriage in which the head of the
show, Colonel William Cody himself,
rode. After the carriage a band of
Brule Sioux, a squad of Gorman Hub
sars, a brass band in the typical wag
on, more Sloux, Cossacks In their
queer costumes, English cavalry,
which served in South Africa, a U. S
life-saving corps with their parapher
nalia, five Western gilrs riding with
all the grace and abandon of true
Westerners, a number of vaqueros
from the plains of Mexico, a bunch of
squaws in all their finery, then the
crowning feature of the parado for
most of the crowd, the cowboy band
on horseback, a squad of American
rough riders, a detachment of Cu
bans, then a string of Bengal lancers,
a band of Ogallala Sioux, Cody's his
toric stage coach, a big crowd of typ
ical cowboys, Winebago Sioux, an
other band, a corps of American cav
alry, and artillery to bring up tho
Everything Is Real.
There Is a noticeable absence of
the glitter and glare of the average
circus parade about the Buffalo Bill
exhibition, which might detract from
the merit of the pageant in the mindH
of the average child, woman or man,
but when It is considered that in this
show there Is no sham but that every
thing is exactly what It Is represent
ed to be, the truo educational value
of the performance becomes appar
ent. Instead of tired, gaudily-painted
and attired riders representing
knights of the medieval ages and per
forming tricks and acts learned es
peciallly for Bhow purposes, one sees
with the Wild WeBt peoplo who are
actually what they are represented
to be, doing exactly what they did
for a livelihood before entering the
circus arena. Every person appear
ing on horseback In tho parado Is
guaranteed to he exactly what they
are represented to be, no sham of any
kind being perpetrated.
Big Crowds Attend.
This afternoon the huge show Is
packed with pleased visitors to wit
ness the deeds of horsemanship and
daring which are being illustrated
and it is expected that the evening
performance will be even better pat-
The East Oregonian is requested
by Mr. Cody (Buffalo Bill) to state
that there will be no curtailment of
the evening performance, hut that
the show will bo given in its entirety.
As this is probably the last oppor
tunity the people of this section will
have of viewing the Wild West, there
will be few who will fall to take ad
vantage of the chance offered.
A Fall Suit
You'll want something for au
tumn wear something good, and
you don't want to pay the high
prices charged for made-to-order
clothes you would be throwing
away money If you did.
We can give you what you want,
garments that will fit you and keep
their shape, made from cloths that
are not seen everywhere.
Remember the guarantee "Your
money back if not as represented."
We give this guarantee, it's backed
by KQJfg Chicago, the makers
of clothing sold by this store.
Let us fit you out and you will
be properly dressed.
Your dollars and dimes go a
"Wag ways" at thla atara.
The Big Boston Store
keep their ahape. I XbROTHlRo with Individuality.
Big Boston Store
Corner Main and Court Streets.
Just Look at Her,
Whence came that sprightly step,
faultless akin, rich, rosy complex
ion, smiling face. She looks good,
feels good. Here's her secret. She
uses Dr. King's New Life pills. Re
suit, all organs active, digestion
good, no headaches, no chance tor
"blues." Try them yourself. Only
25c at Tallman Co.'s.
A Few Fights and Drunks and an Ex
citing Chase Occupied the Night
Tho police say thoro wero more
drunks and rowdyism In town last
night than any ono night for several
weeks. It is now becoming the time
of year that many of tho harvest
hands, who have worked in the Holds,
are beginning to be paid off and aru
coming to town to blow their monoy.
Wliile u great many of thoso men are
sober and Industrious, still a great
many more ot them like drink and
when they get a little overloaded are
not capable of bohaving themselves
and at once trouble Is started. Homo
times the very best of friends fall out
and fight and the next morning they
face each other In police court and
are fined for their fun.
Two Drunks This morning.
Two men, Jack Drown and Frank
Lewis, were arrested last night and
thrown Into Marshal Dlakley's hotel
"do jug" where they remained until
this morning when they were sobered
up. They were taken before Judge
McCourt, of the police court, and
Brown was fined 5. Lewis was as
sessed the same, but pending good
behavior the fines were remitted and
the men allowed to go their way.
Two Fights.
Two fights were Indulged In during
the night. Charles Crowner was
mixed In both. It seems that Crow
ner became too well filled with fight-
lng boozo and concluded that ho could
"licli" anybody who got in his way.
and flrcd two shots into tho ground
Frank wus too muph for lilra and
Crowner got considerably tho worst
of the affair. They were arrested and
each put up $10 bond to Insure their
appuaranco In police court this morn
ing. Karnheart'H ball money was re
turned to him,
The 8econd Fight.
Later In tho night Crowner entered
a saloon and becoming enraged at a
man standing In tha placo, concluded
to "wlpo til in off the faco of the
earth." Instead of doing as he Intend
ed tho tables wore turned and Crow
nor onco moro got tho worst of the
fight. Wliile this tight was In prog
reBB, Officer Foo urrlvod on tho sceue
and all of tho participants, three in
number, ran. Feo gave lively chase
man who did tho shooting. The trou
to causu theni to stop, but tho fighters
only ran faster,
Threshing Machine Explosion.
Walla Walla, Aug. 20. Bass Broth
era' threshing machine exploded
whilo at work on Eureka flat yester
day. The cause of the explosion is
not known, but It Is thought that
smut was to blame. The machine is
almost a wreck, but no one was hurt
An Opportunity for Yeu.
I am selling my household rural
ture, including my fine upright pi
ano, also phaeton and harness, aad
ladles' new saddle, very cheap, Cobm
anil see them. At home from S ta 11
and 2 to 6 dally; 616 Post street
Mrs. A. Kline.
wUrtMkhL 4a44dM