LEE TEUTSCH'S T3 I G !W DOUBLE STORE h hp ooen for business Saturday, August 16th. We cor- n,. :vite every one to visit our new store, to see tne (pd with the largest and most complete line of Clothing, Dry lods, Hats, oaps, .coots, onoes, rurnisnings anp isotions fcr shown in the city. Come and visit the new store. You are ever welcome, Yours to please, Lee Teutsch SUCCESSOR TO Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company. 3SDAY, AUGUST 19, 1902. BREVITIES. Howard, farm loans. iter's for ice cream and soda. Iclothlng cleaned at Joerger's. Und3 of imported lunch ea at i's." irfish cookwd in white wine, and abs at Gratz's. on's Ice cream is perfection. hone in your order. copyright $1.50 book this week Nolf's Book Store. t lorcet that we have a full line lery goods. Hawley Bros. 5 cent sale at the Boston Store pes today and concludes wed- night. up 'phone main 105 for pure al ice. Only place in town get it received a most beautiful line date white beaver street hats p. Campbell's. veather has no terrors at the Rule basement, where good beer Is on tap. looking for something you can tod, go to the new store. You teed go no farther. Teutscb's. jtermelons, cantaloupes', peaches, leberries, tomatoes, grapes, or L lemons, and fine crab annles awley Bros. nmercial Association library irom z to & n. m. All library leges 25 cents per month. R. S. pn, librarian. larvesters Do you need, any col- l ored glasses, goggles, eye protectors or cheap : watches for harvest ? I have a full line of the above named articles, i and my prices are guar anteed to be the lowest in town. . HUNZIKER Jeweler and Optictaa Next Door to B, Alexander Castle's for poultry. Castle's for fish, always fresh. Neuman's for cigars and tobacco. Social teas at F. S. Younger & Son's. Nabisco wafers at F. S. Younger & Son's. The best variety of fruits at F. S. Younger & Son's; Gregg's Mocha and Java coffee at F. S. Younger & Son's. Good lunches at 'Phillip's restau rant, opposite Tallman's drug store. Wanted Teams for hauling wheat Inquire of E. L. Smith or Dr. J. M. Pruett. We still have a few fruit jars left v.hich we will let go at cost The Standard Grocery. All kinds of city and country prop erty for sale. Rihorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor building Drop Into the cool, comfortable basement of the Golden Rule and en Joy a glass of Schlitz beer. Rooms in the East Oregonian build ing for rent Steam heated, hot and cold water and bath room in connec tion. Fruits, vegetables, nice spring cickens only 25c, fresh ranch eggs 20c, and fine creamery butter, at the Standard Grocery. Rain in the Palouse country com pelled farmers to suspend "harvesting, but It is claimed that there is but little damage to grain. Doctors predict considerable sick ness of typhoid nature. Be careful of your drinking water. Cool it with pure artificial Ice. 'Phone main 105 A U. S. army haversack was lost on Teal Springs road, between Has cell's half way house and Pendleton, A classified advertisement in this pa per gives particulars. Miss Agnes Xunbar, the elocution ist, has secured a studio In the East Oregonian building and will be ready to rive lessons by the first of the month. Rooms 5, 6 and 7. A tatted handkerchief was lost Sun day evening either at M. B. Church or on Alta street. A classified adver tisement in the East -Oregonian offers a reward for the return of the article. Qute a contingent of Meachamites will take advantage of the excursion rates offered by the O. It. & N., and will come down to Pendleton tonight and tomorrow to take in the Wild West show. At bedtime I take a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my complexion is better. My doctor says that it acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys and is a pleasant laxative. It is made from herbs, and is prepared as easily as tea. It Is called Lane's Medicine. Lane's Family Medicine moves the bowels each day. Price 25c aud 50c. For sale by Tallman & Co., sole agents . ' lilTVftT ltfL 1B a very unpleasant little crea- fnro fr hnvfl in' t.hft hmiao T'hifl the t.imo rf flio Fhlng to keep them rNrrn xrrrn ay. Our Bedbue 1 tSJ X JBIV 1 kill them and keep them away. NOT A PQISON, BUT DEATH TO BUGS and Insects of all kinds ' V 25c A BOTTLE , KOEBPERPS DRUG STORE 65 Steps from Main St Toward the Court House CMA SODA, 6c. Any one wanting nice rich soil, may have the same for hauling It out of the way by applying to the Stand ard Urocery. The county clerk's office has re ceived word from the 6tate asylum announcing that Charles Lovely, re cently sent from Pendleton, has been discharged as cured. Some of the Indian farmers of tho reservation have taken counsel of tho pale face nnd are harvesting very nice crops of wheat on their farms. Some of the yields aro extremely good. Mrs. Alice Smith has leased the Keys property, at 719 College street, where she will conduct a lodging house. She has for rent some nice furnished rooms for light housekeep ing and also lodging rooms. A clas sified advertisement In the East Ore gonian gives particulars. CAPTURED TOUCHET ROBBERS (Concluded.) He has been run out of Walla Walla several times by the police who give him a "Mulligan stew" every time he shows up near there. He Is credited with breaking jail In Eastern Oregon towns a number of times. About five years ago he was arrested for stealing cattle in the Ca mas prairie country and placed in the Heppner jail to await trial. He was In there about a week when he man aged to pick the outside lock and es caped. He was captured a week later near a sheep, camp and returned to the jail. He managed in some man ner to again make his escape. He had not gone far when he was over hauled by the authorities ana again placed In jail. This time It was two weeks before he again had an op portunity to make his escape. He waited until after dark to get away and this came very near being the death of him. After he left the jpJl he was running across country when he dropped into an old aban doned well on a sheep ranch which was seldom visited. The well waB about 30 feet deep, and as Coffer was somewhat bruised by the fall he was unable to get out of his prison. Rescued From Well. He remained In the well for three days and nearly died from thirst and hunger. He had about given up hope when a sheepherder out looking for "strays," happened to hear him cry out. The sheepherder thought that there were ghosts near and made off. He got up enough courage some time later to investigate the noises and found Coffer. The herder happened to have a lariat on his saddle and he fished Coffer out of his predicament, He was captured a few days after ward by the authorities and to pre vent his escape a fourth time, he was g.ven a trial and sent to the penlten tiary, from which he was released not long since. McDonald's Pal Caught X.ate this afternoon a telephone message was received stating that McDonald's partner In the Touchet hold-up had just been captured near Athena. The information was very meagre anl particulars were not available up to the time the East Or egonlan went to press. Studying Indian Language. Dr. Livingston Farrand, of the Co lumbia University, New York, is in town. Mr. Farrand, while he Is from the university, represents the Amer ican Missionary National Historical Society, and is to the West studying the language of the Western Indians He is spending the present summer on the Nez Perce reservation study' Ing the Nez Perce Indians and Is only here for a few days. He- Is greatly interested In the original Cayuse In dian language, now almost extinct, and says he will return to Pendleton next year and make a thorough eclen tific study of the Cayuse language Dr. Farrand says the Western Indian Is known little about scientifically, and to enlighten science as to them he is spending his time In the West. It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse. ADVANCE STYLES OF MEN S SUITS 3S Bit For Fall of 1902 K1 N CORONATION SUITS Black shot with Red $15 and $20 The new suits are certainly a handsome collection of medium-weight necessities for the fall wardrobe which are as nearly perfect as they can possibly be. HATS The right kind to go with the salt. SHIRTS The right kind to go with the salt. NECKWEAR The right kind to go with the salt. The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE THE MEN'S OUTFITTERS. Five-Legged Animal. . William Endersby, who lives at Chei-ryville, in Clackamas county, has a five-legged mare, which he raised from a colt. It Is a freak of nature which attracts much attention. The fifth leg and hoof is attached to the right front fore foot. About midway between the knee and ankle there Is a limb, and from here the leg starts out from the main leg. Tho false leg Is only about six inches in length and terminates In a well formed hoof about three Inches across. The hoof Is on the Inside of the leg. OregonM an. No. -6 Late. OR, & N. No. 5 passenger train, due here at 11:40 tonight, will not reach Pendleton until about 6 o'clock in the, rooming. jn view of this fact a special, train' will be made .up. here 1 t- . w -1 1 1 1 , . V ' ' T A. 111. ana run -io umauna to couneci wuu the regular overland train to Spokane. Novels the Time to Go. The 8ea8lde,la -now. at Its -best. The weather Is Just right.- Siirf- ' bathing dellghtfulvand fishing, and. clawing better than an ydtherrtlm'e., Tlie-0.i R, & N. Co. is stUl selling round trip tickets', good untJI September 30. at MI8S MURPHY DEAD. Passed Away In This City This Morn Inn at the Home of an Aunt. Miss Gertrude Murphy, a resident of Walla Walla, died in this city at an early hour this morning, irom uio effects of consumption. Miss Murphy has been ill for several monins. a month ago she came to Pendleton and has hAnn Rtavlne with her aunt. Mrs. Murphy. She was 22 yeare of ago and her mother has been dead since Kho was a small child. Her father who lives at Washtucna, has been no tified and no disposition win do maae of tho body until he is heard from. PnnRpniientlv. It is not known whether. she will bo burled here or " . t i. taken to walla waiia ior ounai, uui It Is likely that sue will ue laxen 10 the latter place . Found Dead In Field. Lewis Neal, an old-time citizen of the Frulta neighborhood, waB found dead In his field about l o'clock p. m on August 8, where ho had been Irri gating alfalfa. He had been tho vie tlm of 'stnklnK or fainting spells closely allied to apoplexy, for soveral years. He was burled the same afternoon. Wallowa Chieftain. Pocket Knives Help Wanted. Three good ladies, clothes Ironors, can find employment at tho Domestic Laundry. O in ri i 8 The Shoe That Made the Boston Sfjoen Dept. FAMOUS. We are showing a remarkable fine line of Pocket Knives, the "Frederick Nolf" brand, hand forged blades, 15c to 85c, all fully guaranteed. Special Items This Week White House Cook Book, new edition, $1.25. Webster's Dictionary in half calf binding, worth $5, here on sale, 2 65. Child's Silver Sets, knife, fork and spoon, 35c to $i'95 Beautiful goods for gifts. Hammocks Balance of the season's line "Cut to the Bone," to close out, ti,f.g to $1.39 each. Frederick Nolf Agents Wm, Penn Letter Files. Hero is an idea that may not havo come to you: Why hoatyour home cook ing meals 7 Just take yonr meals dar ing the snmmor at tho French Restaurant You'll enjoy our oooking and tho cuisine servod. The French Restart GU8 LA FONTAINE, Prop. TOANSFER STORAGE. CROWNER &R0& Telephone Main 4. PARK AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, ORCQOfl The school where thorough work hi done; where the iwuptm fc alwaya given; where confidence Is developed; where bookkecplf U taught exactly as books are kept In business; where ahorthaad la made easy ; where penmanship Is at its best; where hundreds of bookkeepers and stenographers have been educated for success In We; where thousands more will be, Open all the year. Catalogue free. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. 0., PRINCIPAL GRAND PICNIC AT KINE'S GROVE Every Sunday Dancing begins Sunday at 2 p. m. Admission to dancing plat form 25 cents ; ladies free, Busses to and from the grounds day and night. i i ! . ; t . i 5 RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. The grove .can be engaged . for pionio parties by applying to PETER -SMITHat Hotel St. .George. . .i j Vhia at flenlfM 1st nn tsnr tww if flu Mnnliik I av.Uua nNimnin..l.laiiu: .-'.'JVf 11 1 11 mill ! i numm " n . , ' 1 ' the Tvcubiy tUt curt m eeM tm Me tiny ; $t A Mr&3' .'s- iUj ft Jit5V 1 1 - A r "- ..... ,jj3 -jfcL..