MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 190i REALM OF FASHION NOTES OF CHANGES IN SOME MID-SUMMER STYLES. 8UMMER IS HARD ON LINEN And it's hard on us, too, for that matter. What with dust stains, perspiration, etc., laundering has its trials. We dbthe work, though and do it to perfection. Send Hints About Summer Gowns, Gibson Shirt Waists and the New Style of Sleeves Hand Embroideries. Now. York, Aug. 18. Summer gowus which usually begin to look faded when the season is so far ad vanced are enabled to retain their Til fifl Tic nf o viati. J)i w J T dainty new cessory of dress-tho Gibson yoke. Gibs.:: effectg have been extremely popular this year and! f lc rlmihtful if nnv n nf Ll ' . so universally aum'ved Even the Bur-ue.jones London type Uy or salt air and aro comparatively Inexpensive. Your correspondent has had a glimps of many of these toilettes de signed for the galtles of the week that Newport will be entertaining its distinguished guests, for President and Mrs. Roosevelt will be there for a short stay, but then these can best be described from the scone of action and a trip to Newport next week will result In a full description of the models designed for the women of that Mecca of millionaires and society leaders. MAUDE GRIFFIN. ABOUT MARRYING YOUNG. Figures Is on the TRIED TO WRECK TRAIN. Idaho Criminals Came Nearly Send ing 350 People to Their Death, wardner, Aug. 18. A bold attempt was made to wreck the special train which brought home the Wardner In of irirl adm; 17 T i dustrial "Uniou excursion from Harrl or girl acini..s that the independent I w aoMinW ni,t hmw .i air of the. Gibson model is inimitable and &c her shrine we all bow in ador ation There is one feature about the Gib son effects that will always be dis- son last Saturday night Heavy ties were piled on the track In three diff erent places just east of Cataldo, a small town about 20 miles west of here. The ties were loaded down with haevy rocks. In addition to US your shirts, collars and cuff tinctjve, and that is the expansive ge near wkS the and we'll do them up in a most su penor manner. You'll find our charges right, also. Give you first class work and satisfactory service at lowest rates. THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY J. F. .Robinson, Prop. Pendleton. sizes the sllmness of the waist so ex quisltely, In the Gibson shirt waists the plaits ties were on the track was on fire, The special --was late and a freight was sent on to Wardner. The were very wide at the shoulders and height came along about 7:30 o'clock narrowed to nothingness at the belt- line; the Gibson yoke reverses this order somewhat inasmuch as "the nar rowness is effected at the throat in a smart, but very slender stock. Both .i i , .i tn tf.A jinvu utu-guxnuu wiui a but tre is no limit to the materials COmueieilt llmDGr UmlSer w.-hlni nno mnv n in rain niinli nn 10 locate arrangement The usefulness of the Gibson yoke Is marvelous and the uses to which in the evening and, as it was still daylight. Engineer Corcoran saw the obstruction In time to prevent an un sightly catastrophe, The news of the attempt was not given out by the railroad officials un til today. They told about the ob structions and the fire, but beyond that they would not discuss it. There were about 350 people on the train, over one-half being women and Valuable Timber Claims On the line o. a railroad now -under construction, i This means a big chance lor flrst-comers. See h ic nut Aro mnnifniH Pnr inntnnnR cnuaren. Tne party naa ueen to an orcandie frock which was very Coeur d'Alene lake for a day's out smart at the beginning of the season tag. The fire at the bridge may have with a voke of alternate strines of been accidental. There is not the ribbon an insertion is renovated with slightest clue as to who did the work, a Gibson Valenciennes and organdie nr s suspicion resting on any one, so that it looks like a newly turned- Tfle passengers do not know of the out confection. uu.uuji.jl ui uiKiug iueir uvea. Another way of courting deception N.Berkeley with the Gibson yoke is to make it detachable and wear it over a low- cut bodice, thus turning the bodice into an afternoon or street design. Sleeves assume a. great variety of design, but the one prevailing rule is that they shall be a close-fitting above the elbow, and this seems to ELECTROCUTING DOESN'T KILL in New Yorker Says Criminals Are ished by the Autopsy. New York, Aug. 18. T. A. Strat ton, vice-president of the Electric Light Company of West Chester Have some sale. good farms for 1MB E R .Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W: & C. R. Depot nr.nif 4-11. r-n4.A - .7 harmonize very nicely with the Gib- """"1?' "".a woman of Gotham is nothing if she i TT w t is not harmonious and to the minut est details are followed' throughout her toilettes. Below the elbow the sleeves may T .r iro Yf r-7 In n?TQTT' nncalHtv rvo r oc i o i i,o. , u J, sons shocked, by higher voltage cur '""fa l'uul-" I 1 J il. . ! The full lontrfh nlnna alcova lc fho "-" " eietirjCUI only one of which fashion does not if i( ' yet ley trical current and that they would be buried alive if it were not for the autopsy which follows the electrocu tion. Mr. Stratton says: Nearly every week we have per approve, and elbow sleeves are fash- come 1 around v all right after a few days' n m a mi I 1 r i 1 I innahlfi in anv thin mafnrinl for nf. co,'mcut- lu,a OBlnB case IS It larnnnn r-no o,i oin- not probable that some of the mur- worn with them. " . . V". are Heuiuucea l eiec- Alflionizh there nr nnitP o mimkr lncal cnalr com 9e resuscitated If of advance fall fashions daily arriv ing, more attention is paid to the novelties, for positive autumn modes t ill not be declared for a month yet Something unique ic to be found in china buttons. These are procurable round, square, oval , and oblong and can be bought following the designs of different kinds of china. Dresden, Sevres and Staffordshire are the lead ing effects. Crystal and paste ball buttons are distinctive and these of ten form the tassel to narrow loops oi riooon wnicn nave neen run through tiny paste buckles, and re place the small flower tassels which have been a good deal worn one way and another. Black wool is being used extensive ly for Hand embroideries on gowns of etamine, nile,, cballie and other thin woolen materials. Coarse white silk lace will be seen on black silk coats and gowns and the lace will have dots, or stars done in black wool. There are some very dainty fash ions in the shops for little folks. Aes thetic dress always seems to be suit able to children, hence the continued popularity of the Russian blouse and the full baby waist. In many instanc es the waist line is ignored entire ly and the garment falls from the shoulder to the feet In an unbroken line from .a pretty yoke or collar. The long sailor suits and little Lord Fauntleroy costumes for boys have been en regie for two or three sea sons, but not until this summer have the from-shoulder-to-ieet models of little maids been In vogue. For wearing with the first breeches there is a curious little garment, which is slipped over the head and! has no fastening at all; It is set In a voke and box nlaited. thn mntnrlnl we are in the transfenng and being allowed to fall as it will from When getting figures from others .on that lumber bill of yours, don't forget to come and see us. We carry a large stock of all kinds of Building Material including shingles, door, win dows, moulding, screen doors and windows in fact, every thing that is found in a first class lumber yard. Laatz Bros. FOR Wood, Coal and Building Material Delivered . Promptly. they received prompt medical atten tion and the same care that is given to one of our linemen after he meets an accident? i have often thought that a great many people who are supposed to have been electrocuted are really buried alive." Show That This Deere sa se. Tho London Mail In a recont paper on the subject of early marriages uses the pollco court recordB and tho census returns to warn tho world against early marriage. It Ib argued that peoplo vho marry before they are 21 Incur great dangers.. Statis tics from Berlin have Bhown of Into that divorces are much more frequent among those who marry late. What is true in Berlin appears now to be true in London. The "spiritual and scientific mating and marriage," which was suggested the otlior day at a woman's meeting In New York, seems often to bo neg leeted in Engllau affairs of the heart. Tho consequence of that neglect Is to be seen in tho large numbers of desertions to which the police court records and the census returns bear witness. The statistics aro given, but we have only space for tho gen eral facts, without regard to figures. The number of what are called child marriages In London that Is, of minors is astonishing and Is much greater among females than males. In England and Wales there are 5G.398 married persons who aro under age. In London alone there are 13,000 such persons. On tho night of tho last census of those wives whose husbands were 'not living with thom 742 were under age. and of those husbands whose wives were not liv ing with them 2,000 were under age. The writer in the London Mall, considering these and other facts maintains that the early age is an in stitution which cannot too soon dis appear. There Is evidence that it is falling off in England, as it undoubt edly is in this country. The marriage age is rising. This may mean that people are more sen sible. It may mean, however, that times are harder and food prices higher. Or It may mean that the "standard of life" has risen and men and women will not marry unless they can be sure of a higher degree of physical comfort in their homes. Any one, or all, of theBe things may be true. The fact is clear. The ex planation is difficult. BUILD UP THE FORESTS. Ruthless Destruction of Virgin Tim ber Causes Concern. The decrease in forest area is a matter of concern. To meet the de mand for railroad ties, posts, etc., when the present forests are depleted or greatly reduced, no better plan can be suggested than that of growing timber commercially in plantations set on soils which are comparatively poor. A splendid example of what can be done along this line is outlined in a recent bulletin from the Kansas experiment station. The planting and culture of the hardy catalna promises great things. It has been successfully grown for posts in seven to 10 years, and for ties and lumber in 15 to 20 years. The trees are easily grown and need but little at tention after the first few years. Railroad engineers testify to their value for ties and farmers claim that as post timbor they are superior to whlto oak. Tho Bpecies spcclosa is the only ono to 1)0 considered. It grows all over tho central valleys. Orange Judd Farmer calls attontlon to this matter because wo know of hundreds of farms where a few acres of poor land or a corner cut off by a ditch makes it easily possible to plant some trees without much expense. In a few years thoso would be a source of incomo not to bo despised.. Get the trees in bulk of some nurseryman, or plant the seed and start your own trees in a nursery bod. Think about the matter. In a recent speech Senator C. M. Depew Bald: "Intelligent conversa tion of the foreBtB of a country is the highest evidence of its civilization." If Senator Depew could take a look at some of tho devastated lumber lands of tho Northwest and Other places, perhaps ho would change the wording of his trite expression to something like the following: Willful and ruthless destruction of the na tive forests of a country Is mighty good evidence that its lawmakers have been dealing in political timber. totes and 30,060 pounds of fu Stoves in n, ...o! the. Over store. W.J.Clarke U Cort Street. LIVTT7T - V A II TTl 1 r - - Best Hotel fax PeaAjL .n J "uo gooa as any, ,f Elks at Jefferaonvllle. ' Jeffersonvllle, Ind. Aug. 18. The Elks carnival, for which Jefferson vllle has been preparing lor weekB past, opened today in a blaze of glo ry. The city is festooned with purple and white, the Elks' colors, and the streets are thronged with people, In cluding a liberal proportion of out-of town visitors. Tho program was ushered in with a grotesque parade, the various features of wnicn were applauded by the thousands who lined the sidewalks along the route. H3SI ..USE PURE.. Artificial Ice Headquarters for TraveHag let ummodious Sample hm, Rates $2 per day, Special rates by week or north, Excellent Cuisine, Kverv nnilArn f- ' imx ctuu Dunaru ttOommiOMral In I VP I natnA r - II.. J GOLDEN RULE Comer Court and Jtbuoa Start Pendleton, OitfOB, M. F. Kelly, Proprietor, Telephone Main 106. No Sediment to Foul Your Refrigerator No Disease Germs to Endanger Your Health VANORSDALL & ROSS '""""""""MiiiiiiiMHHiiiiiiiiiiniiHtmnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuHititiiHiiiiiiHHiinifiHiBnniiiinnnnnwnniinnnnnnni THE JOURNAL A NEWSPAPER Eight to Sixteen Pages, at the following rates by MAIL HEATED BY STEAM. LIGHTED BY ELECTRKTTY American PUn, rtelJ6y4,' European plan, Mc, 75c, H Special ratet br week or at . j . . mt V.lMf Free Bus meets an '"" . ..J - rim camie H i n.-.txTrtJf fctfrial aftAnt fin (riTCDWUUUjM- HOTEL A 1T-1 m irucKing Dusiness and are pre pared to move light or heavy arti cles. OFFICE MAIN ST., Near Depot, Telephone Main 51. PENDLETON-UKI AH STAGE LINE BTDRDIVANT BROS.. Props. Mace learea Pendleton dally, except Sundays, t?a. m.,or Uklah and Intermediate point. Jtata: To Pilot Kock. 75c: Pilot Bock aad m. nun, 11.35; To Nye, 91.23. lira and return, M; T Ridge. 11. 7S; to Ridge eud return, ti.60; To Alba, 92.36: to Alba and return, fi.00; To Dklaii 9B.M; to Uklali and return, 11.00. Office la OoMea Rule Hotel, Pendletea the shoulders; the sleeves are slash ed from the outside of tho arms and show under white ones, apparently part of the yoke. Sometimes It is made to button down the back. For little girls, lingerie hats made of lace, tucked lawn and china silk, ar. : , dainty, trimmed with a wreath of roses or a bow of soft pink ribbon. Very small girls wear the poke shape, made of the broad brim med pliable hats which are easily manipulated into shape and are usu ally trimmed with soft scarfs of lib erty silk, which pass ovor-the crown and hang in long ends at tho sides. Ribbon trlmlngs not only hold their own. but are far In advance of other ornamontation for mid-summer, as they do not "musB" with wear, humid- The Journal Newspaper, Tlia Journal property boi been purchased and baa passed under tne control of the under atgned, and the- paper will be conducted on ltnea of greatest benefit to Portland, to Or egon and to the great Northwest, and In many wayi conducted differently, as to men, meas- i uia nuu U1VIUUUI, f UIU IUU843 OI 1 US LXJHICUI- poraries which follow narrow grooves of news paper habit. The Journal in head and heart will stand for the people, be truly Democratic and free from MEN, regardless of race, creed or provlous con dition of servitude. iraberant assurances are cheap and empty. I wish to make none. Performance is better than promise; action more fruitful than words The columns of the Journal from day to day will better reflect the spirit behind the paper, it shall beaFAIU newspaper and not a dull and selfish sheet. In short, an honest, sincere attempt will be made to build up and maintain a newspaper property in Portland that will be a credit to "Where rolls the Oregon" country and the aallltud of ptnple who ure Interested in itsdevnlopmentand advancement. Portland capital largely is behind the Jour nal, and the fund is ample for rili purpOks. Coupled with energy and ntiiualaam, the work of making a paper, devoted to Portland's varied Interests, is begun. The support of the ftee dom loving, the intelligent, generous people of Oregon is iuvlted and will be duly appreciated by still greater endeavor and achievement on the part of the Journal, which hopes ever to become stronger in equipment, stronger In purpose, stronger In news resources, and stronger in good deeds. C. & JACKSON. Portland. Or., July 23, 1903. -l"'-0" Daily, by mail, per annum Daily, by mail, six months Daily, by mail, three months Delivered by Carrier in Cities and Towns at 10 Cents per Week. As a special inducement to old and new aubaoriborn, THE DAILY JOURNAL will be sent by Mail to aiy address uatil January 1, 1903, for $1.00. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU OF ITS MERIT samsVaaal S&fisVHnsffiiHsiiifnnH 3 bK kaS OK ICSsau ialilBaal 3 BkI HO Hi IfPI MsHkaapV 3 sTPTC?EibbbWsHbbbWsw BBBBKrrf4kft!iaa9BflaBBBF GEO. DAKVEAl . t.A i Began Eltr r-M. n i(f6i Block b'f'di.r CA. ISC. 9'-" Room Rate Remit for mail subscriptions bv noatal notn. nhv. nrHn one I S aand for fli and two-oont stamps. SAMPLE COPY FREE. I Boarding wo JW ffA8g C. S. JA0KS0K, Pub,, Portland, Or. f WBiwnf .JfS course. "u? Xndr piano. "ViioogJfcim Trustees. "liSisSMOt08- flm"""""""""m 1 UUUmiU.llim..maumuu,nn