East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 15, 1902, Image 4

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Not to tell you about the purity of our drugs or the
accuracy of our compounding, for every man, woman and
child knows that in this we EXCEL all others in our
line. It is to tell you of all he new goods we are receiv
ing daily and of interest to you.
Nothing is nicer and more valuab e than a fine collec
tion of "STEINS" and we have them in all sizes and
prices. It is the craze of the present age, so fall in line.
Brock & nsGUomas tympany h
The strike in Pennsylvania has
turned into a bloody war. It is a
demonstration of the fact that times
are never so prosperous but that
trouble may be expected. In spite
of the boasted full dinner pall, and
good times throughout the country
the conditions in the mining districts
. of Pennsylvania have never, in the
most panic-stricken times been so ap
palling as they are at the present.
The public is always inclined to
take sides with the striker. There
is always a general sentiment in fa
vor of the "bread-winner." All kinds
of argument will be advanced in his
favor and the blood that is now flow
in so freely will be charged against
capital and the mine operators. It
has always been the case and will
doubtless continue.
But are the miners wholly guilt
less? Had they the right to cast the
first stone? It is like being sacrelig-
ous to answer in the negative
Therein lies a great defect.
Therein lies the spark that kindles
tne name, sentiment should never
rule. Practical methods and com
mon sense should always rule,
Wherever they rule there Is always
success. There are two sides to all
questions. There are two sides to the
question Involved between the miners
and the operators in the present
fight If very man would speak out
from his honest judgment and lay
aside sentiment, he would admit this.
As long as men -refuse to do this
there will be trouble.
One side is rarely ever wholly right.
Every one in the wrong Bhould be
condemned accordingly, whether he
Is rich or poor, whether he Is a rich
mine-owner or the commonest shov
eller. The miner Is not by nature a
slave. Slavery has been abolished
Jn this country. He Is not compelled
to ork. Every able-bodied man in
this country can make a living. Every
man . strong enough .to mine can make
a living elsewhere. If he does not
like mining he can seek other em
ployment. If he is not paid proper
wages he may secure other employ
ment. He does not have to mine.
The mine-owner has a right to ran
hia mine. If ho can get men at low
prices he has that right. If men are
willing to work at low wages they
have that right. The man who Inter
feres with their work is violating the
law. He has no right to dictate to
either. There Is where the troublo
leads to serious results. There lies
the cause of bloodshed.
If the miners, or other strikers,
when they quit work would quit the
premises of their employer, all of the
trouble would end there. But it Is
tho hanging around, nnd Jeering and
stoning and interfering generally
that brings on the trouble. And tho
ppoplo stand back and encourage tho
strikers to violate tho law. They
Imow they a in the wrong when
they arc doing it, but they oxcuse
themselves by saying one is a poor
laboring man nnd the other is rich.
"For this reason they would licenso
tho one to shod blood and condemn
the other.
It is all wrong. Tho mine-owner
is guilty of all that ho is charged
with doubtless, but If ho should do
half so badly as the striking miner
the public would rise up and lynch
In theso progressive, practical
times, prejudice and sentiment
such matters should bo cast aside and
justice given, let it be to tho rich
or poor.
In no section of our great country
should the "Wild West receive
warmer welcome than in the states
from which it derived its birth. To
every man of middle age, Col. Cody'i
red Indians in war paint; his cowboys
Vaqueros, stage coaches, bucking
ponies, prairie schooners, buffalo
herds, equestrian quadrilles, battle
and skirmish scenes, this remarka
ble exhibition will be full of reminis
cence, for his memory will be refresh
ed regarding the days when the west
ern pioneers fought for possession
of the territory now nestled in state
hood among the galaxy of stars
Old Glory. The younger generation
will derive Instruction in American
history from the object lessons here
presented. We predict a tremendous
reception in this section of the Wild
West and a great financial success
for the exhibition.
Hold-ups are getting to be fashion
able all over the country. When one
comes to think about it, it is the easi
est way in the world to get money.
Not one man in a hundred will resist
a man who gets the "drop" on him
and the average tough knows this,
About tho only remedy against the
hold-up fiend is the adoption of a uni
versal custom of never carrying any
thing valuable on one's person. When
the footpad runs up against this it
will cause him to change his calling.
It will discommode the average news
paper man, however, to leave off his
valuables, having grown accustomed
to carrying great loads of them about
with him so long.
With all of the kicking against
Kill and Burn" Smith, his comrades
are standing by him to a man. The
war that appeared to be so Inhumane
to the civilian appears to have found
justification in tho eyes of the men
who did the fighting. Whether right
or wrong, tho civilian has always
caused more trouble than tho man
who bore the brunt of battle.
While campers are out having
good time they should always bear in
mind the fact that they should be
careful not to let any fires get started
through their carelessness In the
woods. Big forest fires are costing
this country a great deal nowadays,
People who hide money about their
homes should see a lesson In tho case
of the Baker City woman who lost
S2000 In a fire this week, which she
had sewed up in one of her skirts.
Tho revolutionists and strikers are
petting to the point wh.ero they are
rivalling Tracy in bloody deeds, if not
as heroes.
Tho forest reserve Is now tho vital
question In Eastern Oregon,
For ono reason or another tho good
roads movement, which was advanc
ing so vigorously in tho West a few
years ago, has seemingly lost head
way nnd has hardly movement enough
to attract attention, In tho East, how
ever, It Is still a subject of wide In
terest and appears to be juogrosslng
with a fair degree of rapidity.
Ono of tho curious features
of tho later developments of
tho movement Is that sonio of the
Southern states are doing more work
in the way of road Improvement than
tho richer and more thickly settled
states of tho North. Tho Southern
peoplo of various localities have
found that they can attract (Northern
tourists and winter visitors by .con
structing Rood roads for drlvlnir. evel-
n Ing nnd automobiling, and thoy have
nromntly set to work to provide them
A recent report from that section of
tho country says that In tho nioun
tains of Virginia, North Carolina and
Tennessee there are now many
stretches of roadway varying from
ten to 50 miles in length that are as
near perfect as modern engineering
can make thorn, so well graded, in
fact, that one may drive over them at
a trot every foot of the way.
Starting from the tourist centers,
tho work of improvement has radlat
oil toward tho manufacturing conn
ties. Mecklenburg county in North
Carolina has tho credit of leading in
tho work. For the past 12 years the
countv has employed convicts at road
construction and now has over 100
mllps nf nmcadamized highways so
excellent in every respect that per
sons interested in rou.i improvement
in other states visit the county to lu
snect them.
An interesting experiment in road
work is about to be tried in Now
York for the purpose of testing tho
steel track highway suggested some
HniP nan hv General Rov Stone. Tho
plan Is to lay two broad, flat, steel
rails of standard wagon guage along
nnnntrv lilirhwavs so as to form a
smooth and solid track for vehicles.
A recent account of the plans for
making tho experiment says: "The
Automobile Club of America has de
termined to try it in Now York City,
and President Schwab of the United
States Steel Corporation has offered
to provide the steel for ono mile of
double track in the city and the City
Engineer is to designato tho streets
where the tracks shall be laid. The
rails, a foot wide, are already being
made at the mills of the steel trust.
They will bo located not entirely to
accommodate automobiles, but partly
in some streets devoted to heavy
trucking. By locating the steel ways
on either side of the street car tracks
it is expected that they will draw off
the truck wagons, which are prone
to use the street car tracks and delay
passenger transit, and so will result
in quickening surface transit materi
ally. Some of the steel road will bo
laid on streets devoted to carriage
driving, so that it can be tested under
varying conditions."
It is estimated that at present
prices of steel the cost of such a road
.would be about ?1500 a mile, but
while the first cost would be high it
is claimed by the advocates of tho
system that it would bo the cheapest
form of road construction in the long
run. The test will of course be
watched with interest through the
country and may result in giving a
new impetus to road Improvement
everywhere. Exchange.
The treatment of Catarrh with antiseptic nnd
astringent washes, lotions, salves, medicated tobacco
and cigarettes or any external or local application, is
just as senseless as would be kindling a fire on top of
the not to make .it boil. True, these give temporary
relief, but the cavities and passages of the bead and the
bronchial tubes soon fill up again with mucus.
Taking cold is the first step towards Catarrh, for it
checks perspiration, and the poisonous acids nnd
vapors which should pass off through the skin, are
hack nnon the mucous membrane or inner Kkin,
producing inflammation and excessive flow of mucus, -rfs"--"
;nli nf which is absorbed into the blood, and through the circulation
reaches every part of the system, involving the Stomnch, Kidneys and other
parts of the body. When tile disease assumes the dry form, the breath
becomes exceedingly foul, blinding headaches aie frequent, the eyes red,
hearing affected and a constant ringing in the ears. No remedy that does
not reach the polluted blood cau cure Catarrh. S. S. S. expels from the
L ...... rr ' i. l .....1 .1. . 1 . ..
Circulation all Olicnsive mmier, mm wucu nuu, pure
blood is again coursing through the body the
mucous membranes become healthy and the skin
active, all the disagreeable, painful symptoms disap
near. and a permanent, thorough cure is effected.
S S. S. being a strictly vegetable blood purifier does not derange the
Stomach and digestion, but the appetite and general health rapidly improve
under its tonic effects. Write us about your case and get the best medical
advice free. Book on blood and skin diseases sent on application.
22o-acre Fruit, Grain
and Alfalfa Farm, known
as the
Campbell Ranch
In Happy Canyon, 12
miles west of Pendleton.
Price Low
Easy payments.
Also two lots with
five-room house and
small barn, located on
corner Blaine and Mark
Call on or address
Mrs. F. A. Campbell.
That are pure and wholesome
and add to the pleasures of
life are those manufactured
by us.
Orange Cider,
Ginger Ale,
Soda Pop.
Always see that the bottles
bear the label of
lie Pendleton Soda Works.
Clearance Sale Continues
We will continue our Clearance Sale a week or ten days
longer, by which time all our summer goods will be cleaned
up and our new stock for fall trade will be in. If you need
anything in summer weight goods to last you through the
warm weather, don't put off buying it, for the assortment
is growing smaller every day.
All figured and fancy lawns and summer dress goods reduced 20 per
cent until closed om.
Hummer wash silks, reduced for this sale, 20 per cent.
All grades shirt waists, including silk vvniHtp, 20 per cent oflf.
Fauoy silks, worth 85o and $1, for this Halo, 60c per yd.
Ladies' vesta, all grades, from 3o (o48e each.
Summer corsets, all sizes, 20c each.
Children's dresses, all s'yles and grades, reduced 20 per ceut.
Calico, all colors, 4o per yard.
Gingunni, apron cheek, regular price 7c, special 60 per yd.
Yard-wide percale remnants, regular 8c values, 5e per yd.
Ladies' hose, regular 10c values, special, 3 pairs 2.5c.
Gents' crash and straw hats reduced 20 per cent until closed out.
Our uew stock of fall suits for boyn and young men has arrived and
we have a fine assortment of all grades. We offer a special discount on
summer weight suits. Call at once and inspect our stock, and outfit
your boy, viiHn the stock is comphte. The items quoted below ure
only a l.-v of tiii many good things we have in boys' clothing:
Boys' dark blue all wool suits, nude with yoke and belt, $2.75.
Boys' dark grey all wool nuits with pin stripe, sizes 4 to 9, coat, vest,
pants and vestee, a genuine bargain, $2 B0.
Boys' dark green two-piece f uits with vestee, fine value at $2.50.
Boys' blueserire suits, all wool, two and three-piece, $3.60 and $4.
Fancy Herero sailor suits for small boye, the lutest Btyle, $4 and $5.
Boys' three-piece Iohr pant suits, mixed grey, aes 12 to 20, $4. -
Boys' all wool suits, dark with pin stripe, ages 12 to 20, $5.50.
B'vs' blue serge suits, all wool, fine quality, ages 14 to 20, $8.75.
Whatever you need in outfitting your boys we can supply you. Give
Us a Call.
T H E FAIR The"Place to Save Money
Every Sunday
Dancing beginp Sunday at 2 p. m. Admission to dancing plat
form 25 cents ; ladies free. Busses to and from the
grounds day and night.
RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. The grove can be engaged for
pionio parties by applying to PETER SMITH, at Hotel
St, George. ,
Offers: Collego Preparatory Course
Business Courso
Teachers' Course
Takes all grades from Sub-Primary up. Graduates enter Fresh-
man Class In such Colleges as Yule, Princeton, Stanford. &M
S Graduates taking 27 weeks Supplemental Work can take State
Certificates on same basis as Normal Schools. Fall term opens Sen-
S- tembcr 15. For catalogue address
I F.L. FORBES, D.D., Principal.
$3 00 per Daj and Upwards.
Finest Hotel
in the Pacific
U 8 Supreme Court
U. S. Patent-Office
Trade Marks and Copyrights
70U 7th Pt., N. W Washington, D. C
armers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour. Mill Feed. L'honnefl Fnr f
always on hand.
AH kinds forailputpose8i
Sash, Doors and Elk,
Planing of all desc
to older.
consulted us. yu
Pendleton Planing Mill
Lumber Yard,
The Columbia
Lodging House
Government Lands
La Grande, Ore.
Plats of any township in the La
Grande land district showinj'ill
vacant lands, and all series, fac
tional lots, topography, etc., hi
nished for $2 each; also plats ol
the Umatilla Reservation. Every
plat corrected from the U.S. Land
Office records at date made.
Special attention given to applica
tion for lands on the unsold por
tions of the Umatilla Reservation
and to all applications before the
United'States Land Office,
Office in the CJ. S. Land Office
Building, La Grande, Oregon.
63 nead grade Shorthorn caiue. .
27 Grade Shorthorn cows; 20 hsvecamm
-1 r ...111 If I fa
B1UC, U VTMi Vail " in...
10 Two-year old steers.
20 Yearlings. .
Young Stook and majority oi
Cows by registered Shorthorn bull.
22 Mares. 12 have colts by
ueeu urcu luib
. to work.
3 Three year old geldings.
1, Three year old ally .
? rrn vahp nlil mixed.
15 Yearflntts. ,Vk1 -.jrbt
& uejaiiigs unvo
1 SfaafcaUOIrfe talj Shire, jreWt
lbs, nine ears old. used In bu
year". Stallion used before him, lull
Clydo (reglstered).j
For Further Particulars Addreis
C. L. COX,
Alba, Umatilla CoootajM!!
ana asi yuu .
Charges will be right.
Office at
The Old Dutch Henry
Feed Bam.
Kit Hays & Connerlej
..-t ..., n. u MUWKHS. Mirurtr.