East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 15, 1902, Image 2

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' J
Harvest Wearing Apparel
We can supply you with everything the Cloth
ing, Shoe and Hat Line, you neeH during the
HarvestSeason. -
We are offering a regular harvest of bargains dur
ing our Special Harvest Sale, which is now in
progress. .
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton
729 Main Street
La Grande Takes the First of This
Week's Series From Baker Pen
dleton Is Getting New Players and"
Expects to Win at Walla Walla in
the Series Beginning Tomorrow
Other Baseball News.
Standing of the Clubs.
Won. Lost. P. C.
Pendleton .... 15 5 .750
Haker City.... 10 11 .470
Walla Waiia... 9 11 .150
I.a Grande.... C 14 .3.13
I .
FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1902.
The report that there was a white
colony in the Philippines, has been
denied by officers who have made an
The Czar of Russia's bonds, bear
ing 4 per cent, to the amount of more
than a billion dollars, are now on sale
in New York.
Colombians arer ecrulting men for
war to fight In the navy of that coun
try, from the United States along the
Pi-clflc Coast.
A 3-year-old girl went to sleep on
the railroad track near Great Falls
Mont., and was struck by a railroad
train and will die.
It has teen established that there
are no legal complications in the way
of using American machinery in dig
glng the Isthmian canal.
The cold wave in the East is caus.
ing havoc on account of the high
price of coal. It is claimed that
should the cold wave and the coal
strike continue long the poor will suf
fer very severely.
The pope of Rome has sent Presi
dent Roosevelt a present consisting
of a Mosaic of the pope seated on a
terrace of the garden of the Vatican,
surrounded bv attendants, with a
view of Rome in the distance.
The city health officer of Cleve
land, O., is making a light against
the use of filthy money, and is seek
ing co-operation of the banks in the
fight He claims that smallpox and
other contagious diseases are spread
in this manner.
The Pendleton-Walla Walla base
ball game series at Walla Walla this
week, has been postponed on account
of the Ringling Bros.'s circus. In
stead of playing Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, as had been
the schedule, these teams will cross
bats Saturday for the first Unie in
this series, play two games Sunday
one .11 the forenoon nnd one in the
afternoon, and one Monday.
Indians Have Confidence.
Pendleton lost three of the series
in this city last week with the Walla
Walla team. The games were lost
however, through slight errors at
critical times, and not because the
Walla Walla aggregation of sluggers
Mr. and Mrs. D. McGllIverv. Whi a L ..... . ..
- ream, as was niiueu oy me wuua
can easily hold her first place, al
though Wa"' W'i. the most dread
ed eiu.-.j. iv;hn, has boiiio of the
"headiest" and oldest players In tho
May Change Schedule.
While little has boon said among
the management of the Pendlet m
baseball club about changing tho old
schedule for playing, something may
be done after the series with Walla
Walla. It has boon suggested by
many, and seems to have some ground
for "consideration, that to play two
Sunday games and not start the ser
ies until Friday would bo bettor for
tho league. It is thought more people
will attend a Sunday morning
game than can get out during the
week. Tho results of tho game at
Walla Walla will decide the matter.
Hotel Pendleton.
L. II. Beddemer, Portland.
W. G. McFerson, Portland.
H. N. Druker, Ohio.
W. R. Glondening, Portland.
J. Prog, Portland.
John M. Burke.
Mrs. A. W. Llndsey, Spokane.
Sol Harris, Portland.
G. A. Hartman, city.
Mrs. Crane, Weston.
C. A. Marsh, city.
C. A. Ray, Portland.
J. Green, Chicago.
Li. Allen, Portland.
L. Hollace, Seattle.
James A. Sherman, New York
Hattie Sterrett, Portland.
J. J. Burns, Portland.
B. L. Moshacher, Chicago.
L. R. Hanke, Portland.
H. B. Rees. Spokane.
Richard St. Clair, Michigan.
The Golden Rule.
Mrs. G. S. McKenzle, Alamo
Mrs. Cynthia Stokaberger.
Mrs. S. B. Halliday. Ida Grove,
Katherine M. Anderson, Lewistou. d Q m DiffEers
G. D. Galley, Portland. U m diggers.
Walla papers. Pendleton has
strengthened up somewhat in the
field, and will show Walla Walla
thing or two when they play them
this week and next. While it is not
expected for tho home team to take
all of the games they confidently ex
pect to return from the home of the
farmers with their share of scalps
dangling from their belts.
A New Fielder.
Only one new player will be in this
series. He is Fielder Barkhoff and
halls from Salt Lake, where he has
been playing this season. He Is said
to be a fielder who is hard to play
around and can "go some" at the bat.
TTo tnlroa tlift nlnno nf TMifvi wlm linn
Merld- taken Ray Ryan's place as umpire,
and is now in La Grande umpiring
the series between the Beet Pullers
has arrived
Governor Geer's party
safely at Crater Lake.
J. A. Macrum, an old pioneer of Or
egon, died at Forest Grove Wednes
day. Dallas, Or., is to have a big stave
mill, which is to be built by a Port
land concern!
The Coos Bay country is to have a
railroad which will connect it with
Salt Lake City.
Richard Payne, a farmer aged 30
years, living near Ashland, this state,
was killed by lightning Wednesday.
It has been decided that couniyi
Mrs. C. L. Davis. Palo Alto.
Mrs. J. A. Henry, Athena.
James Logan, Oakesdale
Mrs. James Logan, Oakesdale.
Miss Vinnie Cummins, Touchet.
Mrs. J. E. McDanlels, Weston.
Wallace Williams, Portland.
Mrs. M. Lindsay, Milton.
L. G. Barrow, Walla Walla.
George Coulter, Walla Walla.
C. L. Downey, Spokane.
E. H. Burke, Portland.
William J. Moore, Portland.
S. J. Lee, Spokane.
Enos Romer, Walla Walla.
H. Romer, Walla Walla.
C. E. Hatch, Arlington.
C. E. Ely, Mountain Valley.
H. L. Shutt, Freeman.
John Trunal, city.
J. H. Sherry, city.
John Alexander, city.
Ail Were Saved.
"For years I suffered such untold
misery from bronchitis," writes J. H.
La Grande Won Yesterday.
La Grande won the first game of
the series between the locals and Ba
ker City's team Thursday by a score
of G to 0. This is bringing the Beet
Pullers to the front in 'the percentage
column. When they first started out
they lost almost every game, but
since getting themselves together,
and after the first two series of
games they began to win their share.
Last week they won three games oat
of the series at Baker City, and are
starting off with a good showing for
their share of this series.
Fans Will Go to Walla Walla.
Many local fans will take advan
tage of the excursion to Walla Walla
Sunday to see the two games there
Last Sunday Walla Walla sent 300
enthusiastic fans down with their
war paint on and helped to cheer
their team to victory and it is expect
ed that Pendleton will send almost
'louble this number to Walla Walla
Those going will go on the regular
Father (impressively) Suppose I
should be taken away suddonly, what
would become of you, my boy?
Irreverent son I'd stay here. Tho
question is: What would become or
you? Tit Bits.
A scientists' directory is being com
piled by men In charge of the Carne
gie Institute.
Mothers and Children
Rojoico in tho cleansing, purifying, and
beautifying proportins of Cuticuua. Soap
and Cuticuua Ointment, purest and
sweetest of emollient skin cures. Those
gentle yet effective skin purifiers and
boautifiors havu liiatlo thousands of homes
happy by curing tortuiing, disfiguring
humors, rashes, and irritations of infancy
and childhood, und relieving parents of
caro and anxiety.
HnMthrnughoutthenorl.l. Vottik Dtcu jiicd Ciibm.
Coup., l'ropn.. liottea. "All About Ulby'l bkiu," true.
The new shapes and all the stees nf Qtitt
Soft KNOX Hats are now on hand and readv V
the trade.
$5 and $2.50
To wear a KNOX is to be in stvie. RvevUj
knows a KNOX is right. YCody
We have received the greatest assortment of
For the fall of 902 ever shown at Pendleton's
An Expert
& Co.'s.
cured her, and all our experience goes
courts cannot extend time of payment ;to show It is the best croup medicine
tn .loiinmiMits under the new , In the world. A trial will convince
UL - - I ... , 1 i . i .
w LUU Hfl Ulltlt UlCli IU1 till UUl UUU lUllfj
tx i f o,. f diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and
The Cascade Lumber Company of nn WHa frM nf mailman
iUI Lti a. untmu, i'
property of tho Eastern Lumber
Company for about $15,000.
Salem has decided that she desires
a copper roof for her new postofilce,
instead of tin and will bring tho mat
ter to the attention of Congressman
The question of the legality of the
Johnstou, of Broughton, Ga., "that min. leaving hero at 8:10, and will
often I was unable to work. Then, return in the evening on a special
when everything else failed, I was heaving Walla. Walla .at 7 o'clock
wholly cured by Dr. King's New Dis- This will give tho fans a chance to
covery for Consumption. My wife see two games in one day and spend
suffered intensely from asthma, till It ho dav in tho farmer town
More New Players Coming
Pendleton does not believe In let
ing her team tret weak and is mak
ing all possible arrangements to
keep at the head of the col
umn for the pennant at tho end of
the season. While tho names of the
now players are not ready to bo
given out, more arc being communl
'ated with in regard to signing with
tho Indians. With very little
-tvonftboning the Pendleton team
Harvest Time Does Not Keep
People Away. .
Walla Walla, Aug. 15. Today is
I circus day, and Ringling Brothers ap-
vowni fnr Tmpv'a rnntnrn 1ms nrlsen 1 neared with their special trains to
in Washington, under a law providing give tho people the only big show in
that the governor may not offer ex- several years. It has been a long
ceedlng $1000 reward for any one time since a big railroad show visit
criminal. C(1 tllis cltv anu tne I,ePl0 wer0
,r.. , . ly. ' ready for the treat. Harvest Is Just
Professor C. W. M. Black of the now rushlng tho farmers very hard.
University of Oregon, who died at La ,)Ut Umo was taUen ,)y many t0 aHow
Grande last Monday, where he had tTl mn , R(io thA ..., nm1 tni,fi
gone for his health, had been connect- (J ,fl re3t the flrat slnco tll0 openlng
va wiui mo umvuioHj iiuwut 0f the busy season. Tho attendance
yu' J was largo at the afternoon perform
Governor McBride, of Washington, ance.
announces that ho will keen up his
fight for a railroad commission. Tho Tlicr Is morp Catarrh In this section
act of the railroad officials In cutting of the country than nil other diseases put
shinning rates for wheat will not Bl-j-i "to bo'Vneurab.e.1 For a Kreat
lenco him, many yen doctors pronounced It to be a
Hnn v KUn- m.l PtnrlfK A tohor. ' I,M'nl dlseado, nnd prescribed local reme
Hauy Kellai and UiarJeb Atelier- lUeBi nn(1 ,,y ronBtantly fnlllm; to cure
son, deserters from tho United States with local treatment, pronounced It Incur-
nnnv, having deserted at Walla nble. Science ban proven Catnrrh to be a
.Trn i i ..!....,! n ,nn couRt I tu t lona I dlHaeHo, and therefore ri-
vvaim, iiuvu M-:u V.UI.IIU.;... wu Q . roiiHtltiitlonal treatment. flail'
and the Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. C'ho
j uey & Co, Toledo, Ohio, Is tbe only con
1 stltiitlnnal cure on the ranrket. It Is tak
Who has en Internally In doge from 1ft drops to
captured nt Kansas
other at Chicago.
McIIargue, tho teacher
lieen discharged from several schools
It Js alleged, for trying to kiss the
girls' in ils charge, after a long si
lence, has bobbed up at Oregon City
and asks for papers to teach school.
Ho applies for otate papers.
a teasmonfnl. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surface of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for any
case It falls to cure. Send for circulars
and testimonials.
Address p J CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
HaH'B Pamtly I'llla are ttie best
Our Memorandum Books - K'
nr rather onoof them would 3;
f-ervp to remind you of wlia'
fver von are likely to forget.
Wlifii you spend a dollar,
Stu it down.
When you lend a dollar,
Sjt It down.
Whatever you do to use up
IllDllHV. $
Hot If l
i. 1 T.
People whoset things down
are winners Uur vest pock-
et Memorandum BookH are
eaHv to carry 5o up to hand- &
Home leather bound pnes for s
75r We have the bigger $
LMMIKM Willi OCK'(HUI)(I wan- w
out, indexed and plain, all S
sons, sizes and prices.
Butchers' Bonks, Grocers'
Bookfi and Time Books.
Book air!
Stationery Store.
Who knows all about those
thine1? that make life easy
thesu warm days, says that
Frtfit Syrops and
Ice Cream Soda
Are the finest he ever fast
ed. If you're not an ex
pert, be one join the
crowd of experts that drink
at our fountain. We like
to serve experts. We can
please the most fastidious.
Cyclets' Delight
For that languid feeling.
Reliable Druggists.
Phone, Main 851.
Big Boston Store
I have a full line of oils, axle grease and com
pound of the highest quality, in quantities to
suit the buyer. Examine my stoek before
Taylor, the Hardware Man
741 Alain Street
Can always be Lad at Failing's, pe
lally between reasons. Our tjW
lines have yet many line lots remm
i..r lmf tv miiHt. miike sales vow"1"'
forfalltrnde. Now is the time M")
oheap. Remnanta iromiuiu
less than cost
75o Carpete now
500 Carpeta now 'U
36c to 40o Carpeta now v
Try the Victor Torch Shade; Jorffe
thing this hot weather.
d ublv deliehtrul. nnd tho pleamro Is enhanced
jvhen the ride Is token In onn of our buggies.
Whether VOU ceek mmpil nr it u if..o
both 11 ! vourhorEoisot tho rlKht sort. Just a
reminder that wo tmvonlso those Iron Hound
HUbS OIJ thl) Wlnnna Wutmi Nn !nnm l.
no KrOll0 ill hllbq. Tlim' run nn.lpr tlinn nn,.
other iiiBko. Try them. Tho Storer OaFOlino
Knulno Is tho ttronmcst and most economical
Knginomade. SEE US ABOUT IT.
See Us About Gasoline Engines
Water St., near Main, rendleton, Ore.
The East Oreaonlan U Eastern Ore
gon's representative paper. It leads.
and the people appreciate It and show
It by their liberal patronage. It Is the
advertising medium of this section.
There Is Mo Question
It is the finest grade it is possible to make. Nothing
but the choicebt wheat enters into Byers' flour, and
satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for brea
or fancy baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink
rim nnniirnv
: 1 'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 in Lin
Polydore Moens, Proprietor. 1)1 1 I DuLIILh I