Easiness Cards and Societies I PROFESSIONS AND TRADES ALPHABETICALLY ARRRANQED. I Classified Advertisements COUNT SIX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LINE. THREE LINES. 1 time 2 times PHYSISIAN8. G. COLE. OFFICE JN JUDD DBhnlldlng Offlce hour., 10 to 12 a. m. : x to 6 P. m- JTelepbone. 77. rTMILkEIU M. D., DE8PAIN BLOCK, and corrects 'eye trouble., cater f conditions and Impaired hearing. ,$aiiM corectly fitted for refractive er ror!. ,rC J. SMITH OFFICE OVER THE D Pendleton Savings bank. Telephone 80; .residence telephone 81 iTl? "oAKFIELD. M. 1)., HOMEOPATH lc 'puyfllclnn and Surgeon. Offlce In indd building. Telephone: Offlce. black t: residence, black 24. DR. WILLIAM HOUSE. PHYSICIAN AND suraeon. Offlce, room 20, Judd building. Pbone? Main 72. Residence Jhone Bed 28. nn. D J. M'FAUL, ROOM 17 A8SOCIA tion block. Telephone Main V3 ; real Once telephone, black 161. ntt T M. HENDERSON, THYBICIAN and Surgeon. Specialties eye. ear. nose Md throat. Offlce In Savings Bank build ing. Phone Main 88. OSTEOI'ATluC Keyes A Keye. toston Store. PHYSICIANS, DRS. Offlce one block weat mi LYNN K. BLAKE8LBE. CHRONIC and nervous diseases and diseases of wo ven. Opp Hbtel Pendleton, cor. Water 2nd Main St.. Pendleton. Ore. Phone Bed 278. DENTISTS. ft A. VATJOHAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN Jndd building. S A. MANN, DENTIST,OFFICB IN AB 'flOCIATION block, over Schmidt's new Irng store ARCH ITECTS- ANDBU I LDERS. f. F. HOWARD. ARCHITECT AND su perintendent, makes complete and reli able plans for buildings In the city or eouatry. Room 17 Judd building. FHEEK & COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furnished on short otlce. Job work a specialty. Prompt service. Shop on Bluff street near Main. D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND RUILR er. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Orders can be left at the East Oregonlnn offlce. , PHOTOGRAPHERS. W. 8. BOWMAN. LEADING PHOTOGRA niter of the city. Harvest view. In lan photos for sale. Finishing done for amateurs. Main Bt, near bridge. Pbone Red 27rt ELECTRICAL SUPPLIER. UAPLE RROS.. COURT STREET, LA Dow block. Electricians, dealers In elec trical snplles. Houses, stores, wired for Slectrlc lights, bells or telephone. Blectrl ill wn2. nf nil kinds. Get onr price. nepalf work a specialty. INSURANCE & LAND BU8INE88. JOE H. PARKE8, OFFICE CQURT ST. Opposite Golden Rule Hotel; land of Ice business, such as filing of claim and Initiating contests a specialty. JOHN HAILPY, JR., U. 8. LAND' COM mlssloner Specialty made of land fll feflgs and proof; Insurance and collection. Offlce In Jndd building, room 16. BOARD AND LODGING. THE STRAnON ROOMING nOUSE. MAIN St., Mrs. R. A. Strnhon, prop. Nice lnrpe well kept rooms In. new building, with good clean beds. THE WHITE .LODGING HOUSE, 301 South Main street, M., T. Bradley, prop. Housekeeping rooms" nnd lodging rooms. Good comfortable rooma nnd clean, well kept beds. Lodging 25 cents. EMPIRE LODGING HOUSE, CORNER OF B., Court aud Johnson streets; goods large, clean rooms with comfortable beds. Rates 25c and 50c a night. Thos. Smart, Prop. HOI KL ALT A, CORNER ALTA AND Mill street. Board by the day or week. Good table set. Rate $4 and $5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. I. Neff. proprietor. CABS AND CARRIAGES. RUBBER TIRE HACK, NEW AND VERY latest style, for the service of the public. C. D. Cnrlln and Jas. S. McKay, props. Call at the Commercial Livery Stable or telephone Main 10 and the hack will call ter you. CITY CAB LINE, ERWIN BAKER, Prop. Telephone Main 70. Stand In front of trench restaurant , LIVERY AND FEED 8TABLE8. THE OLD 8RMPLE FEED YARD, 723 COTTON . wood Htreet. Llndsey Jfc Doty Props. Livery, leed and sale stable Good turnouts. Saddle hones at al times. Horses for salo. o. k. feedTnd sales YARD. H. CHES nut, prop., 010 Aura St., bet. Webb and Alta. "O. K." treatment given horses left In our care. HB CITY LIVERY, BOARD AND SALE Stable, M. J. Carney, proprietor, for 8ne tnrnont. Stable 118 Alta treet COMMEIUCAL STABLES, G. W. FROOME Prop. Livery, Feed and Boarding. Aw wads of turnout. Competent driver. Op gUe notel Pendleton, telephone 16. DEPOT LIVERY FBBD AND BALES Stable. First claaa single and double for all occasion. 627 Cottonwood t, Phone Main 70- Elvln Craig, Prop. OHEaON FEED YARD, W. T. BOYNTON .i.ifop' Special care given to hone left Kb. me. Lower Webb Street, Phone Bed &LACK8MITHING AND HOR8E SHOEING. COIjELAND & SON FOR WHEAT SACKS. ineapest and beat. In town. 814 Wobb St. BOOT AND 8H0E REPAIRERS. JOHN WILSON, FIRST CLASS BHOB tn? rJand "Plrer, Beat material used street Wtk done" 8hop UT A,U BANKS AND BROKERS. fIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA. Oregon. Capital, $50,000 surplus and grouts. fllGiifi. Interest on time deposits. UealB In foreign and domestic exchange Joilectlons promptly attended to. Henry J. AdaniB, president ; T. J. Kirk, vlce-nresl-lent; E. L. Barnett, cashier; F. 6. Le Jrow, assistant cashier. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, Pendleton. Oregon. Organized March 1. 1881); capital, 5U,000, (surplus, SUO.OOO, interest allowed on time deposits. Ex hange bought and sold oh all principal pujnt. Special attention .given to collec tions. W. J. Furnish, president; J. N. Teal, vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier. THE FARMERS' BANK OF WE8TON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general banking Business. Exchange bought and sold. Collections promptly ' attended to. R. Jameson, president; Geo. W. Proebstel. ice president; J. R. Kllgore, cashier: di rectors, G. A. Hartman, M. M. Johns, T. J. Price, G. D. Graw, J. F. Kllgore, hobert Jameson, G. W. Proebstel. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PRNDLE ton. Capital $70,000; surplus, $05,000. transacts a general banking business. Ex change and telegraphic transfers sold on Chicago, San Francisco, New York and principal points In the northwest. Drafts drawn on China, Japan and Europe. Make collections on reasonable terms. Levi An xeny, president; . F. Matlock, vice-president; C. B. Wade, cashier; H. C. Guern sey, assistant cashier. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meets Becond nd fourth Tuesday of each month In Odd Fellows' hall. Mrs. Ida Holcomb, Oracle; Mrs. Nettle Robblns, Recorder. LMATIuLA TENT. NO. 27, K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All visiting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. 8. Kees. Record Keeper; E. D. Eatabrook, Commander. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 52. A. F. and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each mouth. Visiting brethren welcome. T. J, Tweedy, W. M., Joe H. Parke, Sec. PENDLETON CHXFTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor. H. P.. F. F. Wamslev, Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month' In Masonic Hall. PIONEERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL 11am Martin Encampment, No. 1. Meet every Wednesday at Hendrlck' Hall. Mrs. L. F. ampkln. Secretary. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Pythias. J. Nowlln. C. C. ; B. W. Fletcher, K. of R. S. Meet every Mon day a Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tntullla Camp. No. 6800. Meet first and third Monday of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. George A. Harablln, Con sul; G. A. Robblns. Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41. W. of W are held In Secret Society Hall every Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk, J. P. Earl, C. C. ATTORNEYS. CARTER AND RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT Law. Ofllce In Savings Bank Building. STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AT Law. Room 14, Association UIK., l'en dleton, Ore. HENRY J.' BEAn7ATTORNEY AT LAW: Associat'on Block, Pendleton, Ore. S. BERKELEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlce In Association block. 8. D. BOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111 Court Street . U. B. REEDEIl, ATTORNEY. AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. I AMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE 'IN JUDD Building. STILWAN & PIERCE. ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. Ktlllmnn has been admitted to practice In United States patent offlces nd makes a, specialty of Patent Law. Rooms 10. 11. 12 and 13 Association block. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. J. CHRISTIE, VETERINARY SURGEON. Pflnrtloton. Onenn. prartufiti nf he Royal V'erlnarv ''ollegp, Kdlnliureh, flrmttaiid: late government inspector for Yale l)ltrict. rf. i;.; all domestic anlroal treated on scientific prin ciple : l'-nntoM at Froomo's fltab'eB. Main street opposite Hotel Pendleton; residence telephone JiiacK 3u. TONSORIAL PARLOR8. LIPSCOMB'S BARBER SHOP, COURT SU'. Opposite Golden Rule notel. 8. K. Lips comb, prop. Good worraen and everything li. good sanitary condition. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. tEORGB O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND hand goods bongbt and sold. Court Bt, jpera noose block, can ana see mm. f. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND band goods. If there la anything yon ieed In new or second hand furniture, itoves, granite ware and crockery, call and ret nis price, no. ziz court t. FOR RENT- FOR RENT-FIVE ROOM OOTTAGE ON CLAY street, between Webb and Railroad. Inquire or job, u. weicii, rju uouri Htreet. ROOMS TO RENT ENQUIRE MARY E, Rust. 320 Ann street. WANTED. WANTED BY YOUNG WOMAN, P"8ITION UU, ast uregomun, j cmuuioii, uru. WANTED BY LADY. WORK BY THE DAY, or week. Inquire at Hotel Eastern. WANTEDMANAGER FOR NEW BRANCn of our business hero In I'endlaton. Address at onco. wl'lt references, Alfred Morris, whole- sater, uincinnuu, vino. VANTED--VOM AN TO DO WASHING. IN qulro at this offlce. FOR SALE. FOR BALE ATA B RGAINA COOK STOVE and kitchen furniture, with a few other household goods, all pew. Address F. 0. Pyle, 1 U. UOX VH, I BIIUICIWU, WlBi . .r Wlmt otv drawing? I'l.miny A locunii tivi . 'I'liii'.i' r Why dni'l you draw the Torn.ny Cos d loo mr live draws COMMERCE-TRADE Local Market Prices. The following shows the prices paid on the local market: Raspberries, ?2.75 a crate. Blackberries, $2.25 a crate. Pineapples, $6 a dozen. Watermelons, $5 a dozen. Muskmelons, $3 a dozen. Tomatoes, 10 cents per pound. Peaches, 10 cents per pound. 'Apricots, 10 cents per pound. Cherries, $1.75 er crate. Plums, three boxes lor 25c. String beans, 5c a pound. Parsnips, 76c per sack. Cabbage, 3c per pound. Cheese, per pound, 20c. Onions, 3c per pound. Green onions, 25c dos. Beets, per lb, lc. New Potatoes, lc per pound. Garlic1 c per lb. Pendleton Live Stock and Poultry. Chickens, hens, p'er doz., $2.50 to $3.50. Roosters, $3.5004. Turkeys, per lb., 10c. Geese, per doz., $9. Spring chickens, per doz., $2.50 and $3. Ducks, por doz., $3.75. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 25c In trade. Butter, 25c and 50c per roll. Choice Beef Cattle, Etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.103.25. Steers, $3.753.85. Hog's, live, $6. Hogs, dressed, 8c. Calves, dressed, 89c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Coffee Mocha and Java, best, 40c per lb; next grade, 35c per lb; lower grades coffee, 25c to 15c per lb; package coffee, 15c per lb. Rice Best head rice, 12 ac per lb; next grade, 8 l-3c per Id. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $5.25 per sack; do., 1G lbs., $1. Salt Coarse, 75c per 100; table, $2.20 per 100. Flour, B. B. $3.25 per bbl. ' Flour, Walter's $3.25 per bbl. Skins, Hides and Pelts. Portland, Aug. 7. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 25 35c; medium wool, 30C0c; long wool, C0c$l each. Hides Dry Hides, No. 1, 1C pounds and up, 15(Q15c per pound; dry kip, kip, No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 12c; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds, 10c; dry salted bulls, and stags, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, CO pounds aad over, 89c; GO to CO pounds, 78c; under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 55c; kip, sound, 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 8c; green, (unsalted), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse hides, salted, each $1.502; dry, each, $11.G0; colt's hides, each, 25G0c; goat skins, common, each, intfpiRc; Angora, with wool on, each, 25c$l. Pelts Bear skins as to size, No. 1, each, $520; cubs, $25; badger, each, 1040c; wildcat, 2550; house cat'. 510c; fox, common gray, each, 3050c; do red. each, $1.502; do cross, each, $515; do silver and black, each, $1000200; fisher, each, $5G; lynx, each, $23; mink, Btrlct ly No. 1, each, 50cfiy$1.50; marten, pale pine, according to size and color, $1.5002; muskrats, largs, each, 50 10c; skunk, each, 40 050c; civet or polecat, each, 5010c; otter for large prime skins, each $507; panther, with head and claws perfect, each, $203; raccoon for largo prime, each, 30 050c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.5005; wolf, prairie, (coyote), without head, each, 30 035c; wolverine, each; $407; beaver, per sklu, large, $50C; do medium, $304; do small, $101.50; d6 kits, 50 075c. ALLIGATORS ATTACK CATTLE. Bull Makes Desperate Fight and Saves Herd. Fort Basainger, Fla special to the Now York Sun; Jim Carew, who lives ten miles above hero on the river, has some fine cattle and the best of the lot ho pastures In an In closed pen ..near the river. .-Thoro cars, too? d .u-. i were four cows, a bull and two calves 1 nthe lot the other morning when, hearing a terrible din, he trotted out with his gun to see what ailed his pets. Three 'gators had managed to get into the lnclosuro from tho river side, and while one was stalking with a calf that he had managed to get to tho water's edge, the other two were fighting tho enraged cattle. 'Gator No. 1, tho biggest of tho lot and an ugly customer, was fighting the bull, while No. 2 was trying to keep out of the way of the frequent the furious rushes of the cows. No 3 had the calf In charge. It was bleat ing loudly and this served to infuriate the cattle. The fight between tho bull and his antagonist was a furious and bloody one. The bull charge up to tho sau rian, when the latter nimbly darted aside and gave the bovine a terrible blow with its tail that staggered him. With a loud bellow of rage the bull turned quickly and with good luck hooked tho 'gator on tho side, half turning him over. Tho saurian raged and bellowed and finally managed to get loose. Ho then struck the bull again a sounding whack, half knock ing him down. Following this ho dart ed up and caught the bull with his jaws on ,the nose. Tho bull bellowed with pain and Btamped on the 'gator's head. For a few minutes they plunge ed around and then tho bull got looBe. With more caution ho plunged at tho 'gator and managed to gore him bad ly, partly ripping his side open. The 'gator had enough now and tried to crawl away, but the bull kept on pushing and goring till-the 'gator was nearly dead. He then Jumped on the bloody carcass, furiously stamp ing on it till it was a shapeless mass. Meanwhile the cows were having a hard time with No. 2. But they man aged things differently and had affairs more their own way. They ran to ward the 'gator and, watching, their chance, Jumped on him. This was done repeatedly and the 'gator did not got a chance hardly to strike back. One cow ventured too close and the 'gator's long tail came around with a thud and struck her fairly on the side, sending her a dozen feet. The others enraged by this, followed their charges by trying to gore tho 'gator. He kept out of tho way by striking at them and trying to siczo their noses in his jaws. One cow was caught by this means and half thrown. As she stood there trembling and moaning with pain, the bull who had ji-at finished his victim heard her. Ho came up with a roar and with tho ut most fury pitched at tho 'gator. The wily saurian heard him coming and had turned half around when tho bull caught him on his horns, half lifting him from tho ground. Tho 'ga tor clawed and bit at Its antagonist and tho fight for several minutes was a warm and bloody one. Finally the bull triumphed and got tho 'gator un der his feet, when he trampled him to death. No. 3 was all this time trying to get the calf into deep water, but the little fellow was fighting as well as he could and bleating loudly. The 'gator had gotten him into two feet of water when Mr. Carew appeared on the srene. He drew his gun and killed No. 3. . 'Gators Beldom venture Into a herd, but will take young cattle and calves from the water's side. These 'gators must have been very hungry, Mr, Carew thinks, to venture a fight as they did with grown cattle. Baker City Wilderness. Baker City, Aug. 13. Two young and pretty society girls, Miss iuun .TftfltRon. of this city, and Miss Angle, of Medford, have made heroines of themselves by killing a largo bear not far from Austin station, near thlB Htv Tho voiinrr ladles, with Ray Jackson, the brother of one of tho heroines, were hunting In the woods near Austin when they met tho ani mal. Miss Jackson waB carrying a shotgun at the time, and she promptly fired at tho beast, the load hitting him square In the head. It proved fatal, and Miss Angle seized a club and hastened tho bear's demise. Young Jackson was not allowed to partici pate in tho killing, but was pormitted to carry the dead boar to the hotel. The young ladles have been lionized on account of tho event. A full line of clothing and men's furnishingj after Aug. 15. Teutsch's. TWO LINES. 1 time 15c 2 time. 20c 1 week SOo Extra line: .10 cents each a I. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALK OR TKADK WII.I.BK I.ORTRADK (or property cre, 80 acre ol land 3 miles pout h west of Tho Dalles, Oregon Addrcas WtllUm Isholl, BIS Perkins Ate., rendition, Oregon. WdOD BAWINO, COVTRVRT WONK-A n 8t-phpm. Hoftriquarte s at Giuti liar or OomrrcrclHl Co. xnd Nouma ' Clgitr Hioro, Telephones Discs, lit and Main W. GKNERAh RR1AIR BHOI WRUR ST.. West of Hotel Ksstern. All kinds of re pairing done at reasonable prices, ntej rles, gun nnd machine repairing a special ty. Simmons A Uolln, proprietors. HORRKS TO PARTURKTIMOTIIY, ORCHARD and brme irrawst pood pattnre! td"ntr of running water Terms reasonable. W. B. Knst Meacham, Oregon. "KRI.T.AR RROT'.iKRfT rtiABTRRlNO and cementing. Cement walks a special ty Kstlmatea furnished free. Work gnar anteed. Ieave orders at Hartley 7.ah ner' cigar store. Main St... P, O, box 104. MIS9 MTVNIE b. tv..-R. ORADUATK NURRK, 209 Turk tret Telephone No. ''lack H.V4; calls day or night promptly responded o IN POUND THE FOLLOWING t'ECRinrn animals hvo b rn laken in by tho marshat oftheCIt ot Pendleton to wit: One buekokin nlly, to years old, brrd"d Indian brand in right hip, weight about 700 pnunds Hsatd antmnln are not olalmod by the own er or those onMt'ed to tl,e ro slon "f trm. cot au't oxplMi'e against them pMd and them WKvii nwty Munin in oay irom mo iaio hrrftf. thlm ut 1 .'flnnk n m . nf tht lflth iIav nl AugtKt, lifti. tho said art aU will to n'd to tho hlghe t liMrto" at pnlilic auction, for canh, at the eltr pound, On tho rornoi" of Cot- tnnwo'xi ana wetib it eet. in sain my ol ren- dleton, the nrocrois of inch sale to bo itpplled to mo payment oi ttton corns aim exnensei oi making rale Dated this 9tn day oi Augtin, J. A IILAKKLY, Cliy Marshal. Preparing to Build Big Battleship. New York, Aug. 13. Actlvo prepar ations already are under way at tho New York navy yard for tho construc tion of tho new lG,000-ton battleship Connecticut. Immcnso pilos aro be ing driven to form tho foundation for tho cradlo on which tho vobboIs will be built. Tho officers In chargo ap preciate tho fact that much dopondB upon their efforts, for upon tho speed and effectiveness Bhown In tho con struction of the now man-of-war do pond in a great measuro tho prospects of the establishment of a government ship building plant at tho yard. Every effort will bo made by those concornod in the direction of tho construction of tho battleship, to keep tho manufac turers of armor and machinery strictly to their contract time. If it can bo proved that battleships may bo built as quickly nnd as well at tho navy yard as at privato shipyards tho facil ities for ship building will, It Is hoped, bo much Increased and, bo mado per manent. Shatters All Records. Twice in hospital, F. A. Gullodgo, Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doc tors to cure a severe case of piles, causing 24 tumors. When nil failed, Btlcklen's Arnica Salve Boon cured him. Subdues Inflammation, con quers aches, kills palnB. Dnst salvo in tho world, 25c at Tallman & Co.'s drug Blore. For POULTRY and STOCK SUPPLIES CALL ON Colesworthy -AT TUh- CHOP MILL 127 and 120 East Alta Street . m ORLAN CLYDE CULLEN COUNBELLOR-AT-IiAW U. 8 Supreme Court REGISTERED ATTORNEY U. S. Patent Ofllce U. t. and FOREIGN PATENTS Trade Marks and Copyrights TOO 7th t.. If, AV., Wiwljliwton, I. O. Mormon Bishops' Pills ot xlf-aUue. dlMlratlaa, tpxuct, ot bllRv.-HcndaoTis.Unfltnnss to omil. StlniuUtcf tho tjr&ln i.d nerve ntci. s lws. of aMMyrcfuuded. iA 6 Uui. OituUn fico, AJdresa. 80LD BY TALLMAN A CO., DrlUGGI8T8, PENDLETON, OREON. SO 1 week 4 week; 25 cents a Una pr month. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon SHORJ LlPiC UitoN Pacific mm. petart Tlmo Sohrdiilo arrivi ron From l'oiullolou rox Chicago- Satt Lak", Denver. Ft Portland Worth. Omaha, Kan Bptrlal City, Ht, Loull, 8:00 a.m. f:!ip. m. Chicago and Kast. vl , I tint- lngton. Atlantic fit Lako. Denv-r. Ft. ' Kxpres Worth, Omiha, Kan- A:4.a m. aa City, St. I oul, 11:10 p.m. Via Hunt- Chicago and Knst. lugton. nt p. i.i Will la Walla.LswMon, Fast M It Bpon- Wallace H-tV J Pullman, Mmneapo . ,M 8.15 a, m, )u t. Paul, imiuth, Spokane. te,0' chlc8 Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND All sailing dates anb-a-onn ,n el to clianso J4n. 8.00 p. m. rinBtn Francl-co 0 P- Ball every 6 days. ' Dally Bun?ay Columbia River iMp 8:oopm. To Astoria and Way Buuday Saturday 1 andlngs. 10:00 p. in. Wlllnmotto Rlvor. Boats leave P rtland dallv, except Sunday, ft 'Biige oi water permuting) lor wiuameiia Yamiitll Klver points. Ioavo Klparla 4 aft u. m Dallv Leave Snuke Klver ltlparU to U'wliton Lewlaton 7:00 a.m. Dal J Kxoi t Hon ExoptMou F. F. WAMBLKY, Agent, Peadlston. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for For Chicago, St. Paul, 8t. Loulo, Kan sas City, St. Joe, Omaha und All Points East and South Portland and point on the Sound TIMK OA HI) Leavo Pendleton, dally exeopt Sunday At 70. urn Arrive renaieton Houaay, Wednesday ana Friday 12:' 6 pm. Arrive I'cndloton Tuesday, Ttimsday and Haturday lo-M no. .uavi) Walla Wulla, dally, ctut Wind, 6:00 pea. Arrive Walla Walla dally, weit bound, b0 am. For Information, rrsardlnii rates and accom modation!, tall on or addreu . W. ADAMB, Agent, I'oudlcton, Oregon, H. I). OALDKHIIKAI), O. P. A., Wallu Walla, Wash, RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cam, Tourist Sleeping Cars I nr. riuii r c-rrii i a iti MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO GRAND FORKti CROOKBTON WINNEPKG HELENA and RUTTE, TO THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WAHHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK ROHTON and all points East and South Through tickets to Japan and China, via Tacoma and horthern Pac i'aclflc Uteamiblp Co. aud American line, TIMK SCHKDULK. Trains leave Pendleton dally except Sunday at 7 -.00 p. m. For further Information, time cards, maps end tickets, call on or write W. Adams. Pen- dletou, Oregon, or . , Aw P. OUA!tIIi . - , Tiijrn ana Mormon art., rnriiary uje. txcu ta uu over y ycit by tlx ItiUcn ot Uo Mormoa wont cuu la old and vouui? atisluir Ixoia ctfecu dtfUctte - tisoUn, Oures Lost ManhOOd. Ifta' Marrv. Less or KHM em6n, TarlG urn sz& e f r f i so br null. A m'a S"'"?' " BlshOU Itumorjy UO. BUS -rari6la ft ll