9. 3Q,0OQAGRESTAKEN It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse LEE TEUTSCH Moving! Moving We are now busy making preparations to move into our BIG DOUBLE STORE t On the Corner. We intend having the biggest store, filled with the best stock of goods and prices lower than the lowest. We open about August 15. Until then we will be pleased to meet you at our old stand, where we still have a few bargains to show you. Lee Teutsch SUCCESSOR TO Cleaver Bros. Dry floods Company. : WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1902. BREVITIES ON THE UNALLOTTED UMATILLA RESERVE. J. A. Howard, farm loans. Fechter's for ice cream and soda. All kinds of Imported lunches at Qratz's." See our new Btock of dry goodB, lugust 15. Teutsch'a. CrawflBh cookod in white wine, and crabs at Gratz's. 1 Pastes and mucilages in patent bot- lles. 10c to 46c. Nolf's. ! Don't forget that we have a full line ' bakery goods. Hawley Bros. kinds of fruits, melons and veg- ables at the Standard Grocery. Call up 'phone main 10B for pure Irtlflcial ice. Only place in town ou can get it Hot weather has no terrors at the Bolden Rule basement, where good Bchlltz beer is on tap. Drop into the cool, comfortable asement ot the GoldenRule and en- a glass of Schlltz beer. Watermelons, cantaloupes, peaches. huckleberries, tomatoes, grapes, or anges, lemons, and fine crab apples at Hawley Bros. ' Commercial Association library iopen from 2 to 5 p. m. All library J privileges 25 cents per month. R. S Bryson, librarian. Telephone to Dutton when you want ice cream to serve at your home. There is no ice cream made i superior to Dutton's. We deliver it ; ot your home. Harvesters Do you need any col ored glasses, goggles, eye protectors or cheap watches for harvest ? I have a full line of the above named articles, and my prices are guar anteed be the lowest in town. L. HUNZIKER Jeweler and Optician Next Door to R. Alexander Castle's for poultry. Castle's for fish, always fresh. Neuman's for cigars and tobacco. Get your clothing cleaned at Joer ger's. Crawfish cooked to order at "Gratz's." Gregg's coffee, the best, at P. S. Ycunger & Son's. For Rent Four-room house near Academy. Inquire at this office. The largest assortment of Kenne dy's wafers at F. S. Younger & Son's. Good lunches at Phillip's restau rant, opposite Tallman's drug store. All kinds of City and country prop erty for sale. Rihorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor building Just received a most beautiful line of up-to-date white beaver street hats at Mrs. Campbell's. We will have the best line of ladies' and gents' footwear after August 15. Wait and Bee them. Teutsch's. Rooms in the East Oregonian build ing for rent Steam heated, hot and cold water and bath room in connec tion. Fresh watermelons, cantaloupes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, pears, plums, peaches and apricots at F. S. Younger & Son's. See the Gross China Decorating Company's magnificent display of hand-painted china at Tallman & Co.'s drug store. Doctors predict considerable sick ness of typhoid nature. Be careful of vniir rlrlnlHnr vntr. Pinnl it with JWH v.. ........ 0 . . w pure artificial ice. 'Plone main 105. Miss Agnes Dunbar will be here in about 10 days to organize classes and give lessons in elocution, voice cul ture, delsarfe, etc. For further par ticulars see another Issue. F. C. Pyle has for sale at a bar gain, cook stove, kitchen furniture and a few other household goods Particulars can be .found in the clas sifted columns of the East Oregonian A young woman now located at Portland, who has had five years' ex perlence in the East as stenographer, Is seekinc a position. The classified columns of the East Oregonian con tains full particulars. Granite Gem: The report that W. A. Peet of the Red Boy was married the other day appears to bo without foundation, as he says there is nothing in it. He says he would likely know something about it had he been mixed up in Buch a rumpus. TLe homliest man in Pendleton, as well as the handsomest, and others, are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs, a remedy that Is guaranteed to cure and relieve all chronic and acute coughs, asthma, bronchitis and consumption. Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall man & Co., sole agents. John Crow Was the First Man to Buy; B. F. Wells the Next "Squatter" Has Prior Right Some Contests Expected. John Crow was the first man to buy land on the Umatilla reservation out of the 90,000 acres of unallotted land recently thrown open. The next man to buy was B. F. Wells. Since then almost 100 men have taken advantage of the Moody law and bought 160 acres of this Indian land. , While it was understood that the date of the sale would not open until the 15th, It was also provided, that the "squatter" had the first right to the land and he could send in his claim and get his guarantee of the land be fore the date for the general open ing. The land is being sold at the ap praised price of 12 years ago, unless there Is a contest. If two men file claims on the same piece of' land at the same time, the price then will de pend upon the man who pays th( largest figure. If there Is no contest, as will be in many Instances, the land will simply go at th figure it was valued at when appraised. A great rush Is expected for the La Grande land office on the date of the opening and then there will be many contests as to the rightful owner or "prior rights" to the lands in ques tion. The only thing then will be for the land office to sell to the man who puts up the most money. BEDBUG is a very unpleasant little crea ture to have in the house. This is the time of the year for them to appear. Use some thing to keep them TMTCT'D fW"C"E away. Our Bedbug 1 IV X HfV will kill them and keep them away. NOT A POISON, BUT DEATH TO BUGS and insects of all kinds 25c A BOTTLE KOEPPEN'S DRUG STORE 65 Steps from Main St Toward the Cotfft House CHARTERED ENGINE. Enterprising Business Man Makes Quick Trip From Bingham Springs to Pendleton. R. Alexander, proprietor of Alexan der's Department Store, had a thrill lng ride yesterday on an engine on the O. R. & N. railroad. Mr. Alexan der had been spending a few days at Bingham Springs and had important business that demanded his presence in the city and he went from the Springs to Gibbon station to take the regular train, and on arriving there he learned that the train was so late that he could not keep his appoint ment, so he chartered an engine that was a short distance up the line and had it bring him to Pendleton at all possible speed. He arrived in time to transact his business, but was con slderably worse off from the ride. The heat from the boiler added to the torrid condition of the weather, the opowded position in the engine cab' and the flying dust and cinders, as the boys say "didn't do a thing to him." The skin on his face was bus tered and the cinders and dust show ed distinctly where they struck him as his face was not accustomed to the violence it came In contact with, like the hardy railroaders', who dally face the same conditions. Mr. Alexander smiles with satisfaction in knowing that he kent his engagement, even under the obstacles. THE LARGEST WATCH. Most Massive Timepiece sf Its Kind In the World. At the American Waltham Watch factory, the largest watch ever de signed was recently completed. To build this gigantic timepiece cost several thousand dollars and several weeks' time. Special machinery and tools, were required for its construc tion. The watch is a model of the new model lG-slze Maximus, three quarter plate watch, enlarged 10 times, perfect In every detail and as highly finished as the finest watch. The diameter of the pillar plate Is 17 inches, and the' movement Is 2 Inches thick. The balance wheel Is C1 Inches In diameter, and the Bre guet spring which controls Its action is 8 feet long, 0.08 centimeter thick and O.-o centimeter wide. When running the balance makes a vibra tion of 7.0 seconds. The pallet stones are of sapphire and exquisitely pol ished. The actuating, or mainspring, is 23 feet long, 0.17 centimeters thick and 2.9 centimeters wide. The mammoth model is as complete ly jeweled as a watch of the finest grade. The plate jewels, which are as lar&3 as the smallest movement made, are about the size of a nickel five-cent riece, are fine rubles, about 10 lines in diameter, but bushed with sapphires. The polish of the wheels, pinions and other steel work is per fect, and the damaskeening on the plates is most beautiful. The pen dant and winding crown are of fine bronze, brilliantly polished. Every portion Is made on the exact scale of the watch it represents. No dial has been made fo rthls movement, as it is designed to show not only the ac tion of the train, but the stem wind ing and stem setting mechanism as well. The movement stands on a bronze pedestal and from its base to the tip of the winding crown 1 20 inches. Keep Cool ! 1 Good advice, but how to do it, that's the question. Get yourself into one of those SUMMER SUITS t that we are selling at reduced prices. $6.00 Goats and Pants to clean up $4.00 $7.50 Coats and Pants to clean up $5.00 $10.00 Coats and Pants to clean up $7.50 $12.00 Coats and Pants to clean up , $9.00 The right kind, they don't, rip, the buttons don'trcomo off, they hang . - - ... II I ' 1 1V.1 right. .Look at tne wen aressoa men max wear our viuhiub. .' . lj The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE THE MEN'S OUTFITTERS. Picnic, overv Sunday at Kino's erove. Dannlnir begins at 2 o'clock SONGS. Singers of yore, Bweet poets of any clime, Players and minstrels, all whose lips are dust. From the white heritage wo reap of time Hymns that Btruck flames from steel that now is rust, Echoes blown down from an Arcadian hill, Or born of vigils tombed within that past, Wrung from the red hate, or turned to rapture's thrill One strain soars upward, singing to the last We too, wo too, slnco dawn shall si lent go. The reed, the lute o'er which life's wind did sweep, And all our little day, its love and woe. Swept forth, forgot if wo did laugh or weep, But singing henco somo hour with passion rife May live the soul of long-forgotten strife. . Virginia Woodward Cloud," in - July Bookman. A miner found a $36.50 nugget near Baker City a few days ago and now all the forty-niners are telling stories, The safe of the C&lumbla River Packers at The Dalles, was blown open by burglars Monday night and a few dollars taken. $t or $2 for SHOES Go larther at the Big Boston Store Srjoe Dept. just now than yon imagine, JULY Goods at a JANUARY Price. Don't forget the DOUGLAS SHOES are always leading. UNION - MADE. School Supplies Here Sponges lo to 10c. Slates 5c to 38o. 20 Slate Pencils 5c. Co and 10c for good Rulers. Regular fio Lead pencils 8 for 10c. Rook Rags 5o to 40o StrapH Co and 10c. Nice Pen Holder and Pen, lc. CompaHHes lOo to 25o. 12 good PeiiH 4o Drawing Rooks, 4c, So and 7c. Tablets An immense shipment has just arrived. Surprising values for ;io, 00 uuu luo. SCHOOL BOOKS Full line Public 'School, Pen dleton Academy and St. Joseph's Academy books. i Frederick Nolf New large Webster's Diction ary, worth $5, here for J?2 95. White House Cook Book, new edition, $1.24. Here 1b an Idea that may not have oome to you: Why heat yonr home cook ing meals 7 Jnst take yonr meals dar ing the summer at the French Restaurant You'll on joy our cooking and thojmislno served. The French Restaurant GUS LA FONTAINE, Prop. TRANSFER, ST OR, AG 12,. CR0WN1IR BROS. Telephone Main 4, ' PARK AND WA8HINQT0N, PORTLAND, ORtQON The school where thorough work is done; where the reason to always given; where confidence is developed; where bookkeeping Is taught exactly as books arc kept in business; where shorthand is made easy ; where penmanship is at Its best ; where hundreds of bookkeepers and stenographers have been educated for success In life; where thousands more will be, Open all the year. Catalogue free. A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. B., PRINCIPAL - ' itiiniirTiiiniTinifflmiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiinTfTT m mmmmm State Normal School. MONMOUTH, OREGON. Graduate! of the Bcbool are In comtuit demand ut aalarie rauglng from 10 to UM per month. Student! take the ktate examina tion! durng (heir courno In the ichool and are prepared to receive State Certificate on graduation. Kxpunnoi range from 12Q tol7& per year. Strong Normal courio and well equipped Training Department. The Fall term openi Hep ember 16th. For catalogue containing full information, add'eii 4. 11. 1. BUTLER, K. D. KE83U5H. Secretary I'ronideut. c UMA SODA, Sc. MMllUllllliM V ..,.1'.. J, w MubIc by Kirkman's orchestra, kit-