East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 13, 1902, Image 3

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For these hot days we
dainty wash goods, shirt waists, ribbons, laces, embroid
eries or cool summer undervests. Then our parasol
stock must not be overlooked. Upon all these 'ines and
many others we are making a substantial price reduc
tion. Read on.
38c Buys An All Silk
In Light Bine, Pink or
Fast Black, Worth
Fresh, clean, prime goods are always furnished by
us. The warm weather brings- with it suitable eat
ables., Water Melons, large, ripe and sweet. Cante
loupes fit for the most particular.
' We can jend you Plums, Peacl es, Apples, Pears,
Oranges, Ljmons, Apricots, Bananas and Cherries.
Cucumbers, Carrots, Cabbage, Green Corn, Sweet
Potatoes, Squashes and other green eatables.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta 8t , opp. Court House.
For All Kinds of Building Material,
Screen Doors
and Windows
Building Paper
and Sand
And Don't Forget Our Wood Clutter
For Barns and Dwellings
Having purchased the
At 609 Main street, I would be
pleased to have you call and take
a meal at my place and feel con
"dent that after one trial you will
come often.
Tte Best Meal
n the City
For Only 20 Cents.
JH,lter jpn'enl ky-tord, tlrat-lM
Kjhloe. Tjike a look at It. Thirty dol
W Will bojr it Eat OregonltB .
have just what you want in
- 25c to 38c for
Worth op to $.50
$1.20 Bnys a
Pare White- Silk Parasol
Others Proportionately
Dept. Store j
Red 34J
During the month of August
we will offer special low pric
es on
Sewing Machines
The White is recognized as
the best machine made.
Come now and save money.
Bargain House
1 -rv k
and the only people In the saddlery
business that carry a complete Btock of
Harness, Baddies, Bridles, Spurs, Sweat
Pads, Pack Saddled and Bags, Touts,
Wagon Coveas and Canvas.
LMrilng Harness nd Saddle n
Doings and Sayings About That Busy
Community. it
Helix, Aug. 12. The fam..ics of D.
B. Richardson and James McCorckle
left for Bingham Springs Monday-
morning to rusticate fcr a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sones will start
for Bingham this morning.
L. D. Smith was doing business In
Pendleton Wednesday.
Mrs. Horace Walker left last Sat
urday for Weston to join her sister,
Mrs. Ovcrturf. They will go to the
mountains for a short outing.
J. A. Gross has moved his family
from Walla Walla to his farm, two
Summervllle the Center of a Very
Rich Country.
Summervllle, Or., Aug. IS. The
contemplated railroad announced by
way of Summerville, while regarded
by some as a more railroad rumor,
could not do better than to become
a reality. Situated in the northwest
portion of Grande Ronde valley, and
at one of the richest points in the val
ley, it is naturally one of the most
prosperous portions of the valley.
While the railroad Is reached four
miles from Summerville at Imbler,
yet the cross-road as. announced,
would do a profitable business,
through this section of the valley.
Lumber Industry.
Besides large shipments of wheat,
hay and stock, the lumber industry
here is immense. Within a few miles
of Summerville there are three mills
running on full time and are cutting
large shipments. The Ken'tucky Lum-
ber Company, managed by Robinson
Bros:, the Summerville Lumber Com
pany, operated by Wade & Wright,
and Wright. & Sons' plant, all do a
thriving business, each mill having a
daily capacity of 20.000 feet, and they
run from eight to 10 months in the
year. It is therefore easy to calculate
the total output of these three mills.
.11 of the lumber from these mills at
present is hauled to Imbler and Elgin,
at which points it is planed and then
shipped away to market. The greater
part of it Is sblpped to Salt Lake
City and even further east
There are several other large saw
mill plants in the north end of the
valley and all are running on full
Rush for Timber.
Most of the timber lands have been
taken up in the neighborhood of the
mills, and a major part of it is owned
by the mill companies. Still, there
are a number of individual owners in
the neighborhood and these have al
ready disposed of logs to the mills
at good prices. While the timber is
not of the largest kind, yet it Is large
enough for all practical purposes, and
a good grade of sound heart lumber
is turned out from it. It consists
mostly of yellow pine. The demand
for lumber on this point from the east
is continually increasing and It is
thought that with the raid that is be
ing made on the timber here and in
the Wallowa country by fliers that
the industry will grow to sunn an ex
tent throughout this section that pres.
ent railroad facilities will not bo suf
ficient. This is belleved to be the rea
son prompting the promoters of the
new road in building it.
Looking to Hogs.
While this section has. always been
noted for its output of cattle, horses,
wheat and' hay, it is. now branching
out in other industries. Summerville
has a splendid creamery and this is
running on full capacity this season.
Farmers are also looking to the rais
ing of hogs, and with the attention
that Is being given these animals, the
industry promises to grow to a largo
one at an early day.
Sumpter People are Regietering Stiff
Business men of this district have
fcecome Impressed with tho fact that
great injury Is sure to result from
establishment of such a. forest reserve
as is contemplated in the order Is
sued the past week by tho interior
department. As the full force of the
measure dawns upon all, the sweep
ing effect, peculiar cause that may
have beea potent at this time and
permanent injury to a rapidly de
veloping district, resentment Is rapid
ly taking place with alarm.
It iB the unanimous sentiment that
the order Is not the result of any sin
cere desire to preserve a forest,
Rather the belief prevails that some
deep sohems are outcropping. Bus
iness men of , this city do not heBltate
to say that big Influences coveting
the timber are at play. How such In
fluences fonld enter upon a reserve
policy cnlf'lated to withdraw the tim
ber from use for the present at least
and expert to profit thereby, is not
clear, url It be that as soon as the
rl all the small
Jocntorf who" have been swarming
over tho new lately are on wiu
guard. Interior department will
be ur.r ' v withdraw portions at a
miles north of Helix, where they will
remain until after harvest, when
they will again return to' Walla
B. B. Richards is soon to take
charge of a warehouse at this placo
and Mr. Norcn, of Portland, has
taken his illacc at the branch butchot
shop of Platzocder & Mlngcr.
Miss Lulu Stanton and Miss Julie
Pierce were visiting in Athena last
A. F. May, machinist of this place
drove to Pendleton Monday in search
of a blacksmith, but failed to Ami
H. C. Kendall has gone to l.ewlstoi
on a business trip.
time for location, which may be pick
ed up by great interests.
However this may be. tho sentl
ment among hien who have given the
matter thought is against reserve
This sentiment Is growing rapidly
A determined effort will bo made to
have the reserve, If created, confined
to the higher elevations, and not in(
eliute the vast low areas that cannot
serve as a water preservative, anr
which are peculiarly valuable for tlni
ber. In this manner there can be nr
conflict between the mining and lum
ber interests. On tho contrary, th
timber will be Invaluable as an in
ducemcftt for rail ines, supportlnr
such till mining, stimulated by ral
transportation, 'develops to a stage
where it can do so, aided by the Hm
ited agriculture near. This effort If
the wish of th olocal people. They also
know that they can accomplish thei.
purpose of defeating the roservo ir
low areas if they act in concert, bu
no common movement has yet been
made. Letters have bedn written to
the high officials, asking that time for
protest bo given.
Mayor Robblns, whose position Ir
the leglslaturo and wide business re
lations through tho district give pe
cullar emphasis to his, expressions
voices tiie general sentiment. U'
says unhesitatingly that creation o;
the reserve will retard development
of this district at least ten years. He
also says with equal posltlvenesE
that there is no conflict between mln
ing and lumber interests. Mayor
Robblns is a mining man, with no
lumber interests, except such as he
may have as a resident of the commu
nlly where general prosperity helps
His clear statement is food for
reflection among" the mining men who
think the reserve wilj help them. It
Is suggested that if these men will
study the location of timber that will
be utilized for mining, they find it, is
not as a rule, In tho region where the
lumbermen seek their supplies.
Ip the explanation of causes that
I may be active in behalf of the re
' serve. It is not the purpose of the
' Sumpter men to say the government
olllcials are party to the Behemc they
, believe at work. It Is thought here,
however, that the forestry department
and other interior department olllcials
have been urged by Bchemers In a
manner leading to th' belief that the
people hereabout demand the reserve.
It will bo the effort to disabuse their
minds of this impression. Sumpter
American. (f
Why Few Swimmers Have Ever Been
Able to Cross It.
The failure of Holbein to breast thu
troubled. 20.- miles, that, part Capo,
Gj-ay Nose, France, from Dover, Eng
land, was due. to tho cause that has
baffled many a swimmer there before
-tho fierce tides that sweep up and
down that narrow way, tossing tho
wator into choppy waves and bear
ing him far from his course. Holbein,
after being In the water 13 hours, cal
culated that tho completion of the dit
tanco at tho same rate would occupy
36 hours, and was constrainpd to glvo
up. When Webb, porhapB tho best
man that ever took a header, swam
the channel tho tides carried him lb
miles out of his course, and tho feat
occupied 21 hours and 42 rulnuten.
How much tho tldo and waves count
ed for In this result is shown by com
parison with easier long distance
Mercardler, 20 miles with cur
rent ,.. 4 CD 46
Webb, 40 miles with tide.... 9 57 00
Miss Beckwith, 20 miles with
current 6 25 Ou
Webb, 20 miles (made 35 by
tides) crossing channel, ., .21 45 00
Holbein's failure leaves the channel
what it has been, the uarpeme test of
the Bwimmer'B strength, skill and en
durance. By comparison with the
feat in which ho honorably failed, tho
long swims of tho pat nr trlftln
Leander's crossing of tho Hellspont
about icoraparea with swimming tho
Hudson at New York. Byron, who
I was lame, rather fat and only a fair
' swimmmer, Is said to have accora
ipllshed it. New York World.
The O. A. R. veterans aro holding
iioif onnnnl onrrimnment at Moun
tain Home. A large attendance Is re-1
pprted and an Interesting program Is'
being rendered.
It Was the Most Famous of Grains In
Olden Days.
Wheat was to tho Greek tho gift
nnd emblom of Coresthat -Cert's,
sevoro and beautiful. In whom his
sensuous fancy bodied forth the
thought of plenty. Again, wheat sown
luto darkness that. It. might riso In
Ight, was .Proserpine, dahghtor of
'ores, homo violently off to bo queen
tho Infernal regions, and by tho
ustlco of tho groat gods given back
or half the year to laugh with hor
nother In tho sunshine.
Possibly wheat was tho corn so
ilenty In Egypt when famlno drovo
hither Joseph's unnatural brethren.
Vheat wont with other precious
things into tho mummy cases fffid
ealed jars stored in royal tombs.
Today acres by tho thousands laugh
ti bearded grain, said to have
ipruiiR from sparse kernels plunder
ed by a ruthless explorer from a
oyal mummy's hand. Doos It wills-'
cr now sthls now-old Egyptian
ivhcat to Its constant friend, the
nin, of llnineses and Pharaoh?. Of
Mils, tho sacred bull, of Isis, Egypt's
''ores? Of Osiris? Tho gront
?phynx? And Memnnn's head, Ring
ng to hall th oaunriso? If, It would
nit speak aloud so mortals could
comprehend, how our wisdom might
)e broadened! What a recasting of
llstory must ho wrought anil how
vo boasting moderns might hide di
minished heads! Martha McCullooh
WlilianiB, In Everybody's Magazine.
WM Hydrographer.
Frodrrici. 'I. Newell, chief Hydro
rraphor of tho United States geologl
il survoy, wishes to have dooply lm
resscd on tho minds of tho people
hat so far as tho irrigation problom
s concerned, tho department moans
"ltisincss. Ho states that tho problem
)f irrigation must bo solf-RUHtnlnlng,
Mid, for this reason, settlers nlong
Ivors where conflicting rights aro ap
parent, must get together and com
'iromiso their dlfforcnccB and bo
nady to plnce tho wholo matter in
ho hnnds of the general government,
ir thqro will bo nothing dono, t
nako It plain. Say a number of poo
lie havo settled along a certain
stream and havo ncqulrcd rights in
M10 waters of tho strenm, aftor tho
government engineers havo concluded
that by constructing a reservoir and
tnklng tho water of tho Btroam, a
very much larger area can be opened
up and put under irrigation, and that
this can bo dono without depriving
any of tho original ownora of tho
wator, but that in fact they will havo
uioro wator after tho rosorvolr it.
built, that in such cases as UiIb
these peoplo must form somo sort or
an organization nnd relinquish thch
rlghtB to tho government. If those
peoplo refuse to relinquish their
rights, Mr. Newell says it will not
disturb tho government, for tho gov
ernment is not in any hurry, and
nothing can bo accomplished. Now
lands put under irrigation will bo sold
In parts not to oxcoed 1C0 acres tt
one Individual, and tho proccodB will
bo turned over to tho govornmont for
tho purposo of erecting moro reser
voirs, and so go on indoflnltoly.' Mr.
Newell furthor BtateB that thoro Is
now between $5,000,000 and $6,000,006
ready for tho irrigation problem.
Ontario Argus.
Captain Wood and eight members
of tho Salvation Array wero arrowtod
at Boise for violation of an agreomont
aB to placo of holding services on thn
street. Tho Salvationists lnBlatod on
holding their meetings whom travel
wag greatest, and for doing tlito,
against what tho city claimed was
an. agreement, tboy wero all arrested.
In tho avorago wages paid to em
ployeu tho Industry that HtandB tho
highest among thp largo undertaking
Ib that of smelting and refining. Hero
tho average for ti, 24,500 worker
is $C52 por worker. Mahln'H Maga
7.ine, August
Are iii many respects like other ulcers or
Mmm T F" 'ff sores, aud this resemblance often proves fatal,
M Mm 0 mm M m Valuable time in lost in fruitless efforts to heal
the sore with washes and salves, because the genus of Cancer that are multi
plying in the blood and the new Cancer cells which are constantly develop
ing keep up the irritatioil and discharge, and at last sharp shooting pains
announce the approach of the eating and sloughing stage, and a hideous,
sickening cancerous sore begins its
.WfrtUrA work I" tfobruury, 1800, I nottoed a small
destructive work. lum otxmy lQor Pi The doctor cau-
No ulcer or sore can exist with- totiie n jjut (mother oumo and broke
out some predisposing internal cause out Into an ope;i ore. I bejran to take
tint lns noisoned the blood, nnd the B. S. 8, and after I hud taken oven bot
Uinl lias poisonai uil - u t, , ? hoaloll outiroly ana no
open discharging ulcer, or the fester- un;"0'f 'tho dlaeaeo havo been seen
ing sore on the lip, cheek or other tn0e. w. v. Brown, Holland, 0. o.
part of the body will continue to
spread and eat deeper into the flesh unless the blood is purified and the
Cancer germs or morbid matter eliminated from the circulation.
S. S. S. cleanses the blood of all decaying effete matter. It has great
antidotal and purifying properties that soou destroy the genus and poisons
and restore the blood to its natural condition. And when pure blood ia
if .... 1,,..... n., ii.rni'llirnn!i:nrfnf nnv kind, write us nbout it. lliedl-
cal advice will cost you nothing. Books on Cancer and other diseases of
the blood will be sent free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Qa.
. TTt TJi "t li n remedy
United States Will Compete With th
World-Commlssloner In Europe
Arranging or Exhibits.
World's Fair, St. Louis, Aug. 1J.
Senator W. A. Harris, of Kansas, who
ia now in Kuropo as special commis
sioner for tho World's Fair, to ar
range with foreign livestock mon for
exhibits of flno animals at tho expo
sition of 1001, hns definite ideas of
what tho exhibit should be. Boforo
hfs departure abroad ho said:
"My Idea of the exhibit for tho SL
I.ouirt Exposition Is thnt it should bo
mndo a great International livestock
show. Tho brcedB should bo distinct,
typical and charctcrlstlc. Thoro will
ho many flno Btock exhibits from tho
United States nnd wanada and I ho
llo vo arrangements can bo mndo for
many Interesting foreign displays, I
was In Europn 10 yenrs ago and mot
several of tho principal llvostoek
traders nnd breeders In Euglnud and
on tho continent nnd nlso representa
tives of livestock associations. Thoy
wero all Interested In tho stock rais
ing industry of this country.
"1 shall endeavor to interest thoso
men to tho extent of obtaining from
them oxhlbltH of their hords nnd I be
lieve they will bo glad to Bond tholr
stock over when they learn tho mag
nitude of the exposition plans. I shall
also call on tho editors of tho Bfock
publications In Europe, nnd If possi
ble, obtain their support. Tho tlrBt
placo I shall visit after I leavo Liv
erpool will bo York, whero I am woll
acquainted and where aro to bo found
somo of tho famous English broods
of cattlo and horses. From York I
shall go to Aberdeen, Scotland, whoro
thoro aro many distinct breeds of high
priced Shorthorns nnd flno strains in
draft horses and mutton. I shall also
visit other points in Scotland and
Wales, and aftor which I will go to
England and Bpend throo wcokB.
Thoro tho stock-raising nsssoclatlons
have headquarters and whoro a largo
part of my work will b6 dono.
"I oxpoct to go to Franco, where
aovcral broods of ilno coach horaoa
and hoavy harncHs horses aro rnlsod,
uk woll as two distinct broods of cat
tlo. From Franco I shall probably
go to Switzerland nnd arrange for the
exhibit of SwIsb dairy cattlo and then
to Holland, whoro sovornl puro
BtraliiB havo originated, among thom
tho celebrated Holstpln Frolalan cat
tlo, of which thoro aro many In this
country. I am also anxious to aocuro
an exhibit of tho Belgian coach N
"I should Ilko to extend my trip to
Russia, aB Interesting brooda of llvo
stoek aro to bo found thoro. I shall
consult with the Russlau ambassador
in Berlin and through hi 111 and the
United Statou ambassador to Ituaula,
oudoavor to arrango for a Russian
stool; display. Among tho RiiHBlan
horflcfl 1b tho Orloff trottor, brpd' orig
inally by Count Orloff, famous In the
time of Quoou pnthorine. Tho king
of England has one of tho most com
plete hords of Shorthorns In Kuropo,
at Sandrlngham, and Quoon Victoria's
herd at Windsor waa also a colobrut
ed one. Both havo boon oxhiblted at
tho Royal Agricultural Show,'. 1 be
hove they can bo obtained for tho St.
LouIh ExpoHltlon.
'Tho Htock show at St. Louis will
bo tho flrat international affair' of
that character and L am anxious that
It shall bo a notablo one. The 8L
Loula Expoultlou will attract thous
ands from South American countrlos
as woll aa from Moxlco and Central
American countries,, aud. as there la
a largo market for European stock In
South America, tno Kuropean siock
ralsors will bo anxious to placo their
stock whoro it can bo Inspoctod."
Politics aro waxing warm In differ
ent. Dolnts in tho stato of Washington.
and harvesting la also In full blast
carried to the uicer or sore uie neaiing pnnx-aa
begins, the discharge cease3 and the place heals
over and new skin forma. S. S. S. is a strictly vege
table blood purifier containing no mercury or
This Big-aturo Ir on every box ot tno genu
Laxative Bromo'OuinineTawcta
lhat carat a cold tu ouu day,