East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 13, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
lU.W?" h Tne8 br carrier fit
. .1 ...A at vntlr mfiiaanre
Fair tonight and Thursday.
NO. 4510
...IKnntinn l-rtr lll lllnfr
s i.fii u ii i u marinc
i n m n n n n I r i r i I r t r rm n
i - . Abhm. Ulkv Th"i
Will Take Definite Action
Session Will Do The Vene-
i Trouble.
lilt: LU 11. UHl --4J
there is no justification for
ntnnriD fri fnil TI1A RPT1RTR 111
GSalUil uuuo.uui bii? . ww..
treaty wuii i iue biuib-
of the president's views. Ac-
to this he is in the same
. i . i ,i
He is determined that con-
be granted as soon as possl-
t ir nn h ni in in ri'i'Hivi' hmimii
itnnt rnn Tin iti' inn n itrvi niii
llUiil LUC 1JC1 IJ tV J bUMK
aurinK uicnexi aeusiuu wu
11 1 JT
.N 111 lIirt'M IX I KClUlliVjlL.T 11GUI-T
the senate before the regular
i ii l uri Miiii. in. t r lit u r
this morninc that the cruis-
. . . L 1 1.,. .nm1tT.
U1V.11 V V-1 1
In as much as the dispatches
it l.-ltMlntn nrnrfi
t i iip i I'.vuiiiLiuuiava
the city the marines will be
Immprilntp.lv nnnn arrival.
. . i
no rougni gainoi riiipinue
Hold Reunions.
sin. 'i iiniiKannK nr VRT.HrniiK.
and old, are to be seen about
. i i L i ji
n in rni tiii rri iiiinnn i thhti i iiii
National Society, Army of the
nn 1 Ml 1 . . II
officers of high rank are tak-
active interest in the reunion,
the number being General
niii innurn 'nariaa h lnir
1 irvitinr l-loln fZAnnol I .trm
and others. Today's pro-
9Q nAnnlntml nP n A A atnrt fi Art
P n n rl rnonnnooo nrtri f hA xtrnrir
T117arinn Ukao Mnnt lnno ri
- f
Jr., and Secretary Sumner
Iowa veterans, and response
President Roosevelt, Senator
ae and others. The roll call
a laree attendance. Dartlcu-
from Minnfisntn tho Tlakotas.
Kansas and Michigan.
ouu review are ieaiures ui
u CUbailHIIIUIVIlb i v
Much ..iterest is manifested in
- uuiliu, WHICH Will uo u
nm.A i 1. 1 mi , .1 1 nn
nt. .V n 1 , t, 111
'hallow laennn nn thfl nhores
n Am . tt 1 1
lr.e to be hidden In the willows
-nicn ioy 'Kcnamea.
Mo., Aug. 13. The result
fepublican nrlmarles of the
o voaiuuttl uiDirici. iuub;
th fl iAnnMi.i n
. w VJ fc
K years in the house and. al-
PlftCed at Rnma fHanirltrontofA
1 1. .
"j 1110 renRnr. nomnp.rarin
Onmant T. , a ( a
-vi, ma irienas are con-
n BIB BUCCeBR tlitn fnlt. .Tunt
-fc, cno man joy ib racov
!' Mot Snrlncs. Va.. In which
won - ' "
uj ,tt uroKen rih and a nuro
a brulaes. The accident re-
r81 the turning
1 omnibuses. The driver
and Several naitRnnrnrn iia.
wJred. Mr
Extradition Papers Are Still Pending
The Crime for Which Captain
Carter Is Serving a Term In Prison.
Quebec, Aug. 13. A motion made
by the United States government to
dismiss the writs of habeas corpus
was granted. Gayner and Green, Want
ed in the United Statos for alleged
connection with the Savannah harbor
swindle, for which Captain Oberlin
Carter was sent to the penitentiary,
was dismissed today. The decision
permits the defendants to go free
temporarily. Extradition proceedings
are still pending.
New Hampshire People Wearing
Overcoats and Sleet Abundant.
Fabyans, N. H., Aug. 13. On Mount
Washington this morning the ther
mometer registered 28 degrees and
the summit was coated with sleet and
ice. Overcoats and mittens were at
a premium.
Officer From Seattle Killed Believed
That Some of the Moros Were
Wounded by Americans Fourth
Anniversary of Surrender of Manila
Manila, Aug. 13. Last night 10 or
12 Moros armed with spears and
swords, attacked the outpost at Camp
Vicars, Mindanao, killing Sergeant
Foley and Private Carey. The Moros
escaped, but it is believed that, a
number of them were wounded by the
murdered soldiers' comrades. The
dead men were terribly mutilated.
Private Vandorn was severely wound
ed. Seattle Man Ampng Wounded.
Manila.- Aug. 13. Constabulary In
spector William Schermerhorn, whose
home is in Seattle, was mortally
wounded in a recent fight at lligan,
Mindanao, with Ladrones.
Anniversary Observed.
The fourth anniversary of the sur
render of Manila was observed as a-
general holiday today.
There Is Doubt of Identity of the
i Corpse Found In Weeds It May Be
Minnie Mitchell Police Puzzled.
Chicago, Aug. 13. New and seem
ingly inexplicable circumstances now
appear in the case of the Bartholin
Mitchell murder mystery. Declara
tions of the, coroner and physician
have been made casting doubts on the
identity of the corpse of the woman
found in the weeds, and is said to be
that of Minnie Mitchell, which is
given color by the finding of a switch
belonging to Grace Lambert, who dis
appeared two weeks ago. Beyond the
report that Bartholin spent last Mon
day night in Joplin, Mo., the police
are still without clews as to his
C. G. Acret Paralyzed.
C. G. Acret, a drummer for a Cin-.
cinnati toy house, is in town in a se
rious condition. He arrived here
Tuesday afternoon on the W. & C. R.
railroad and was apparently well. He
stopped at a hotel and went to his
room in the evening feeling all right.
When he arose from bed this morning
he complained of feeling bad and it
was only a few minutes until, his
whole right side was paralyzed and he
had to be helpeu to his room. Dr.
Cole was called and if Mr. Acret dpes
not get better he will be taken to the
Sisters' hospital.
,E. O. "Concerted."'
Mr. C. Nutsen,. patentee of the
symphony harp and slipper guitar, of
this city; favored the East Oregonian
with a concert Tuesday afternoon,
after working hours. The whole
force assembled in the main room of
the office, where Mr. Nutsen render
ed several beautiful selections. He
was joined in some of the selections
by Mr. Danner, who seconded him
with his violin, and the combination
was a good one. Mr. Nutsen's Instru
ment is a wonderful one, and -he is a
skilled performer.
Excursion to Circus.
On August 15th the O. R. & N. Co.
will "sell excursion tickets from Pen
dleton to Walla Walla and return at
$1.90 for the round trip, Jn order to
accommodate those desiring to see the
Ringllng Bros.' circus. Traip leaves
Pendleton at 8:15 a. m. and a special
train will leave Walla Walla, return
ing, at 11 p. va., after evening per
Insurgents Cut Cable.
Washington. Auk. 13. Minister to
Venezuela Bowman cabled the state
department that ho was unable to get
intn rnmmtintcAtinn with the gunboat
Marietta, which it is proposed to
send to Barcelona to assist m protect
ing American interests there. The ca
iilo hainiaan Ttarrnlnnn. and CaracaB is
again cu.t. presumably by insurgents.
Picnic every Sunday at Kine's
grove. Dancing boglnB at 2 o'clock.
Music by Mrkman'fl orchestra.
Attack Outposts of Camp and
Slay United States Soldiers,
Making Good Their Escape.
Nova Scotlans are Discussing This
Question at Halifax.
Halifax. N. S., Aug. 13. The ques-'
tlon of ways and means for success
fully meeting the ever growing com
niitiHnn nf thfi United States is to be
exhaustively discussed at the annual
meeting of the Canadian Manufactu
rers' Association, which was formally
onened here todav. The convention
is a notable assembly of business men
representing all branches or commer
cial activity of the Dominion. Van
couver, Winnipeg, Montreal, Hamil
ton, Toronto and other leading cities
of the country are represented and
tho. imnortance of the gathering Is in
dicated by the prominence of the
speakers scheduled tor tne annual
banquet' among the number being
several leading statesmen, financiers
and heads of large Industrial enter
prises. RonnrtR of the various officers show
that the asoclatlon is making encour
aging progress. It Is doing everytning
possible to urge on the people of Can
ada a pride In their manufactures,
and Is endeavoring to secure legisla
tion which, it is believed, will mater
ially assist Canadian Industry.
Four of the Crew Were Killed or
New York, Aug, 13. Tug Jacob
TTimnr whilfi coming down the bay,
and when near SL George, Staten
Island, this morning blew up. Five
of the crew were killed or drowned,
and six injured.
The tug sank 30 seconds after the
explosion. The cotton-laden lighter
which the tug was towing, was pulled
ashore In a sinking condition. The
dead are: Captain Henry Johnson, of
the tug, three deck hands and the
cook. . All of the dead were either
blown to bits or sent to the bottom.
Big Tennis Tournament.
Colorado Sprins, Colo., Aug. 13.
One of the biggest tennis tournaments
Avor linid in this nart of the country
opened auspiciously today on the
courts of the Town and Gown Golf
club. Among the contestants are the
iiout ninvprn from Denver. Pueblo,
Salt Lake, Cripple Creek, Kansas City
and a number or otner places. iut
tournament continues through the re-moiniioi-
nr tho wppir nnd at the con
clusion several handsome trophies
will be given to the winners.
Col. Theodore Ewert to Wed.
efleld. 111.. Auk. 13. A number
of guests are here from out of town
for the wedding or uoi. uneuuuic
rt nnnistnnt adlutant general,
and Miss Nellie M. Bejl, daughter of
Capt. and Mrs. John Q. Bell. "The
ceremony will bo performed this oven
Ing at tho residence of the bride's
parents, the officiating clergyman bo
Ing tho bridegroom brother, tho Rev,
A. L. T. Ewert, of Jacksonville, chap
lain of the Fifth Regiment, I. N. G.
California Executive Charged
With Criminal Libel By
Spreckles of the Call.
The Point Is Made That the Governor
Cannot Be Arrested and Habeas
Corpus Proceedings Are Set for To
morrow. Los Angeles, Aug. 13. Governor
Gage was arrested for libel this morn
ing on complaint by Spreckles. He
was released on bail. Detective Gib
son, of San Francisco, who mado tho
arrest, was later served with a writ
of habeas corpus returnable tomor
row. Tho governor argued before
Judge Shaw that a governor could
not be arrested. Tho contention was
Governor Retaliates.
San Francisco. Aug. 13. Spreckles
and Leake were arrested this after
noon for libel. The warrant was
sworn to by Governor Gage. They
were immediately released on bonds,
Was the Price to See Play of Crown
ing King.
London, Aug. 13. Public was ad'
mitted to Westminster Abbey today
to view th6 coronation scene. Ad
mission fee of one dollar was charged.
Many took advantage of tho chance
to see the play whore the King waB
crowned, including many Americans
The New-Crowned King Reviews His
Indian Troops.
London, Aug. 13. The king review
ed tho Indian troops In front of Buck
ingham palace today. It was a mag
nificent spectacle.
Kentucky Northern Begun.
Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 13. The con
struction of the Kentucky Northern
railroad through the northeast corner
of EstlH county to a connection with
the Louisville & Atlantic has begun
and -will be pushed to rapid comple
tion. The new road will assist In the
development of some 8,000 acres of
the most valuable coal and timber
lands in the state.
Minor to be Named Again.
Green Bay, Wis., Aug. 13. Tho re
publicans of the ninth district are
holding a convention here today to
nominate a candidate for congress.
Notwithstanding the early talk of op
position to Congressman Mhior all In
dications now point to his ro-nomlna-tlon.
Strike Situation Quiet.
Shenandoah, Pa., Aug. 13. Abso
lute quiet reigns in tho strike region
today, lir spite of rumors to tho con
tary. The soldiers will not bo taken
away until the trouble is settled.
Jackson Bound Over.
Deputy Sheriff C. P. DavlB return
ed this forenoon from Huntington,
where he went as a witness against
J. J. Jackson, the colored man picked
up here a week ago with his arms
full of shoes and ladles' hose. Jack
son was bound over. Ho Is charged
with having taken the stuff out of a
freight car.
Anderson Bound Over.
Tho trouble between John Ander
son and Mat Kasorl was aired in
Judge Fitz Gerald's court yesterday
afternoon. The evidence brought out
waB practically as published yesterr
day in regard to Anderson shooting
at Kasori. Anderson was bound over
to the district court under $250 bond,
which was furnished.
Light Line Improvements.
Tho Pendleton Electric Light Co.,
la making Improvements along its
lines Jn town. New poles are being
set in place of the old ones and the
line Is otherwise being improved.
"Talk about hard bills to collect!"
exclaimed the fashionable florist. "I
thn limit. The banner for im
possibility Is borne off by tho bill for
blossoms run up ny tho young man
whose engagment has been broken
Lumbermen Are Fighting Flreor All
They Are Worth, at Many Places In
the State,
Tacoma, Aug. 13. Forest fires de
stroyed tho Dennis Shlnglo Mill at
Montesano, and tho Blnir mill, at
Arlington, and Is also raging about
tho Connell mill. Elma lumbormon
are fighting flro at many placos.
Portland Making, a Fight for the 1905
Cincinnati. Aug. 13. Interest In to
day's session of tho typographical
convention centers In, tho fight for
the next placo of meeting. Washing
ton looks like the winner. Portland,
Or., Is making a strong bid for tho
1905 convention.
Another Fire Alarm.
Policeman Feo was compollcd to
turn In another flro alarm last nlgth,
as a result of tho burning of tho saw
dust and debriB at tho old brewery,
burned last Friday morning.
a.. i.t n 1 n .-mI.i
iiusiumcs worn ui udumiy dcmui.,
and Unique Originality Valuable
Prizes to be Given to Contestants.
Salt Lako City, Aug. 13. Tho sec
ond day of tho Elks' reunion was ush
ered In by a parado of all visiting
lodges, for $1750 in prizes for gonoral
appearance nnd' bearing, beauty nnd
originality of costume nnd numbor In
Jlno. Prizes wore also offered for tho
most unique display and float and tho
best marching band.
Pendleton Elks Place Frank Frazler
In the Race and Propose to Elect
Who will get tho U. P. O. E. lovlug
cup to bo given by tho Oregou Dally
Journal, of Portland, to tho moBt
popular Elk In Oregon or Washing
ton? This Is tho question which Ib Bome
wliat agitating the local Elks and
they have centered themselves upon
their choice with the Intention of win
nlng this cup for Pondleton, It possi
ble. Pendleton lodge of Elks has a mem
bership of 80 members aud thoy
have contercd their energies upon
Frank Frazler, as tho most popular
member of tho Iodgo and aro dotorin
Ined, If possible, to boo Frank carry
off tho honors. Mr. Frazler Is ono of
tho most popular mon In Eastern Ore
gon. Ho Is known all over the state,
has been a resident of Pondleton for
muny years and Ib known as tho "lino
horse fancier." Frank drives tho faflt
est horses In tho state and Boldom
gets left when ho, enters a horso In
a race either In tho Northwest or
national circuits.
Frank will not only receive all the
votes of Pendleton, but will rocolvo
the votes of his many frleuds all over
tho state.
Anybody can vote who la a sub
scriber to tho Dally Journal. Tho
only conditions being that tho man
voted for must bo an Elk In good
standing. For ono month's subscrip
tion to tho Daily Journal 60 votes will
bo allowed; for thrco monthB', 180
votes; for six monthB', 300; and for a
year's subscription ono will bo allow
ed to cast720 votes.
In this contest votes will only bo
credited from cupons cut from the
Oregon Dally Journal or on paid sub
scriptions. Tho cup Is valued at $125 and Is en
graved with the words: "Oregon
Dally Journal Cup, presented to the
most popular Elk, Portland, Sept. 13,
1902." The contest cloHes September
Pythiane Parade.
San Francisco, Aug. 13. Tho streot
parade of the uniform rank was the
principal feature of tho Pythian con
vention today.
Wheat Market
San Francisco, Aug. 13. Wheat-
Tolls of the Initiatory Steps
In Oregon Irrigation at
Water Is to Be Common Property, Is
Sold to the Land and There Will Be
No Wrangling As to Small Farms.
F. H. Nowoll, chlof engineer tho
United States rorlamatlon servlco,
was In Portlnnd Monday ond submitt
ed to an Intervlow by tho Oregon
Daily Journal. Ills business in tho
w at is to form tho initial plans for re
claiming tho great iiorthweHtorn arid
section by means of tho Irrigation
plans to bo adopted undor tho rocont
net of congress.
Ho gavo tho following vajuablo In
formation to tho Journal:
Water Common Property.
"My mission at this tlmo," Mr.
Nowoll said last evening, "Is to tako
a irnnonil nurvov of tho ennntrv. con
sult with tho pcoplo and nscortaln
from them, so far oh I can, thblr de
sires. Tho now law Is ono of tho most
carefully written of any of tho rocont
otmctmonta, and to achlovo tho host
results must bo dolicntoly handled.
In a nutshell, It treats unappropriated
wateru of tho country ns tho common
property of tho people, and thoy must
not lfocomo tho nssot of any single
Individual: No man can buy thorn at
any prico. Thoy aro an horltngo from
tho bonofactor to bo used only for tho
healthy anointing of his Boll or tho
propulsion of Industry's wheels.
How a Start Will be Made.
"To iuuugurato a system of irriga
tion In any locality wo must ascer
tain: Can wntor bo obtained; Is there
arid laud In sufficient quantity in tho
vicinity to mako Its reclamation an
object; what will bo tho cost.
"If all these conditions aro satis
factory the government ndvancos tho
money to do all things necessary to
hoiiso tho water and dlstrlbuto It
where It Ib nodded. Tho cost of such
control of tho supply and Its distribu
tion will, of courHo, vary. Ono loca
tion, for example, may coBt but $5
nor aero: iinothor S10. another $12,
and In difficult locutions ovon up to
$20 or $25. Say that tho llrst cost to
tho government Is $12 per acre. That
sum Ib chargod up to tho Irrigated
land, and tho owner of tho soil may
repay tho government In ton annual
paymontH. With tho Burety of a crop
each Hcason, this may bo undertaken
with absolute confidence, and will not
prove a burden to tho bonoflciary of
tho law.
Must Pay.
"Tho wulor for Irrigation Is not
sold to any Individual. It Is sold to
tho land only, and tho clmrgo bocomos
a Hon unon tho nioncrty. In dofault
of payment for two years tho rights
uro rortlflod, and tho bonotlteu janu
will bo Bold for Its liquidation. In
fiHn of homesteads, to which gov
ornmont title has not boon ucqulrod,
tho land reverts back to tno govern
ment In caso of dofault, and subjoct
to ontrv as If not nrovlouBly filed
upon. And anothor thing; no porBon
can acquire a right to a greator quan
tity of water than Is necessary to Ir
HirntA tlm land actually cultivated by
him. For example, if a porson own
ing ICO acres of laud snouiu acquire
water rights for that acreago, and
then cultivate but 80 acroB, all his
rights would bo cancelled. No trick
ory, chicanery or false representations
will bo toloratod by tho govornmont,
Its ono purpose being to husband tho
water resources of tho arid regions,
and employ such water to tho best ad
vantage Jn making valuablo soil that
Is at proBont without value.
No Wrangling,
"in fnMAfl where streams aro already
n rmmtirl utnd there will bo no wrangl-
Jug with the claimants, so far aa the
government Is concerned. We will
simply leavo thorn alono until they
havo settled tholr differences among
themselves, and then, If posslblo, the
United States will tauo up mo woric
and proceed along Its own lines,
wimro tho value of manufacturing
concerns aro impaired by reason of
destruction of water powers, tno gov
ernment is not engaging in aispuia
Mnn lmt intends to nut this benefi
cial law Into actlvo service with as1
little friction as possible.
(CoseWed ea pa 8.) ;