East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 12, 1902, Image 1

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J 5c A WEEK,
Eastern Oregon Weather
Threatening this nftornoon and
tonight; cooler tonight; Wednes
day partly cloudy.
roL. 15-
NO. 4500
evolutionists There Are Gain-
- I I iL. n
!jng brouna aim me resi
dent May Flee.
Consuls Have Been Notified That
Neutral Commerce Will Be Protect
ed and -Blockade Declared Off.
Washington, Aug. 12. Conimander
McCrea, of the gunboat Machlas, at
Cape Haytlen( cabled today:
"Have decided that tho blockade is
spasmodic and therefore ineffective.
Have notified the consuls that I will
protect Innocent neutral commerce. I
consider the blockade abandoned."
Lolutlonists Are Sacking the Town
nd American Minister Cables That
Protection is Needed German War.
bhip is Landing Troops.
Pashington, lk C, Aug. 12. United
Btes Minister Bowen, at Caracas,
hezuela, cabled today that the con-
at Barcelona informed him by
Ire that Barcelonia had been taken
the revolutionists and that they
Ire Backing tho town. The protec-
In of a warship is badly needed.
Bowen says he cabled the cruiser
ncinnati to return from Curacao
hout delay. This and other des-
Itches from Vienna indicate that the
oe has nearly arrived when Presi-'
nt Castro must flee to Paris. He
Inow at cattacas and at iauuyra a
miles away lies a government
ready to take him out of the
ntry. Barcelonia is but 170 miles
the capital. This government
arris the situation in Venezuela
st seriously, but it is believed the
sence of American warshlpB will
re a restraining effect on the revo-
erman warships have landed ma1
es at Puerto Cabello and command
iNichols of the cruiser Topeka has
fcn ordered to stand in readiness.
Germans' action is a result of an
Berstanding between Secretary Hay
Ambassador Holleben and does
violate the Monroe doctrine.
Largest Vessel in Existence
Launched Today.
Settin, Aug. 2. The new liner
Kaiser Wilhelm de Swite, the largest
vessel in the world, 707 feet long, was
launched this morning.
The emperor witnessed the cere
mony. It will have 25 knots speed
and cross the Atlantic in five days.
Has Been Decided Upon by President
Washington, Aug. 12. The Star
this afternoon, in a double leader,
announces that the president has de
cided upon an extra session of the
senate in November for the purpose
of ratifying the reciprocity treaty
with Cuba.
iber of Great Financial Family Is
Soon to Wed.
Jew York, Aug. 12. Following the
nal announcement of the engage-
nt of Reginald Vanderbilt and Miss
ithleen Nielsen, society is now spec
King as to the time and place of
wedding of the popular young
pie. The marriage will be a sump
ous affair and will probably take
see in this city. An indication that
: marriage will be celebrated before
it siunuu is the work now being
upon Sandy Point farm in Ports
outh, recently purchased by Regi-
ud vanderbilt. An entirely new
is to replace the one now there.
Bd large stables will be erected for
orees and automobiles.
Mrs. Vanderbilt seemn nerfeetlv
piisneu with the prospect of Regi
UdB approaching marriage her do
to have the somewhat reckless
pung Vanderbilt settled in llfd out
'Ehing the possible objection of her
marrying a woman of tho Roman
faith. Miss Nlelson is a
alng young woman of the health-
out-of-door type. It is said that
if" i' Kirimic mrraA nnrl vprr t
f .11. ..... U V. MWV.
Indian Horticulturists.
I Franklin, Ind., Aug. 12: Tho mid-
smmer meeting of the Indian Hortl-
"lurai Society beean here today
a good attendance. This morn-
S the visitors were welcomed by
Myor Nixon, there was a response
resident W. W. Stevens and an
resting address on the subject of
rear locusts by Prof. James Troop,
mraue University. The possibili
ty Indiana for growing apples,
fB and other fruits on a commer-
Scale wern pxhntiHHvplv discuss-
this afternoon. Th nonletv will
3tlnue and conclude Un ROfminnH to
OiOUX CHv To Ar 19 Tha on.
L. t-8tate tennis tournament which
-nea here today is notable for the
Btandlll" no iirnU oc h j inmhliF
luP PAntAiif.M.. mi. ..
rti.u "w""0"hb. me lournamoni,
WCU nnH-,,n u.....t. II,.
vvuliuuu .kuivu&u
16 the ftiamnUnoHn n .Tv, ,.l,o
flta Dakota and Iowa.
CiM mo?0 the Typos.
Iiit Z , u- AU&- 1Z- The typos to
tto?C ud the roport of the com-
IMaIpa "yaws ana appointed va
Tie T. Varl.0U8 8tanding committees.
. Journal was made monthly in-
. Of tlio A I .
ui " uo'itn Jt-ress as
"on, spoko indorsing arbitration.
Wounded a Prince.
St. Petersburg Aug. 12. Prince Ob
olonski, governor of the Province of
Kharkow, was slightly wounded by a
bullet fired by a would-be assassin, in
the Tivoli gardens last night.' The
assassin was arrested.
A Mob at Lexington Battered
Down the Jail Door and
Took Out Murderers,
White Man and Negro Who Killed a
Man Whom They Were Robbing,
Were Taken by Mob and Lynched.
Lexington, Mo., Aug. 12. At 1:30
this morning a mqb numbering 300,
battered down the jail door and se
cured Charles Salyers, white, and
Harry Gates, colored, who a week ago
murdered George W. Johnson, and
hanged them to a tree a short dis
tance from town.
It took the mob 30 minutes to cut
through the. steel doors of the jail.
Johnson was killed when he went to
his 'chicken house on hearing a noise
and discovered the men robbing his
hen roost.
The mob was well officered and act
ed in a well-disciplined manner.
This Action Was By Order of Man
Who Placed Them in the Jug; Op
posed by Coal Companies.
Parkersburg, W. Va., Aug. 12. All
the United Mine workers in jail here
for contempt of court, except John
Gehr, were released this morning by
Judge Jackson, acting on an appllca
tion made Monday.
The men piomised to obey strictly
the mannrito of the court hereafter
upon threat of rearrest if the order is
again violated. The district attorney
and the company's counsel opposed
the release.
First Meetings of Supreme Bodler
Held Today.
San Francisco, Aug. 12. The first
business sessions of the supreme
lodges of Pythlans, Knights of Khor
assan and Rathbone sisters, were
held this morning. There were in
formal receptions throughout the
day and a Bham battle will be given
Elks' Convention Opens.
SalfLake City, Utah, Aug. 12. This
was the opening day of the great na
tional gathering of Elks and if the
enthusiasm that attended the initial
proceedings is any indication of what
is to follow the convention is destined
to go down in history of the order as
the most successful yet held. There
was a delegation on hand from every
state when Grand Exalted Ruler
Charles E. Pickeft called the gather
ing to order this morning in the as
s'embly hall of the Morman Taherna'
ele, tne interior or wnicn was gay
with the flags and banners of the or
der. The opening proceedings were
routine in character but none the
less interesting. Governor Welis ex
tended greetings on behalf of the SaU
ot" TIiah and there were other wel
comes for the city, thev local lodges
of the order and the busines men of
Salt Lake City. Response was em
bodied in the annual address of the
Grand Exalted Ruler and then the
convention listened to reports and
the appointment of committees. This
business disposed of, an early ad
journment was taken to permit the
visitors to partake of the first install
ment of the long and attractive en
tertainment program prepared by the
local committees. The big parade
takes place tomorrow and there will
also be a business session behind
closed doors.
Unfortunately, it Is tho population
of the Isthmus, not the Isthmus Itself,
that is being rent by internal strife.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Round-Up of Philippine Veterans.,
Council Bluffs, la., Aug 12. Men of
military bearing are much In evidence
here today and the familiar uniform
denoting service under the stars and
stripes is to be seen at every turn.
The visitors form the advance guard
of the throng that will be here to
morrow when the National Society
Army of the Philippines begins its
third anual reunion. The attendance
promises to surpass expectations
those already here numbering several
hundred and representing many sec'
tions of the country. Participating
in the program, which will extend
over a period of three days, will be
many of "the heroes of the late war
and many other distinguished military
men, orators and statesmen. Gener
als King, McArthur, Funston and
Hale are among those already h6re
or who are expected to put in an ap
pearance before the formal opening
of the gathering tomorrow.
Chicago Officers in Discharge
ot Duty Murdered by Es
caping Robbers.
Robbers Made a Break to Get Away,
Officers Opened Fire, Their Shots
Were Returned .and Both Were
Chicago, Aug. 12. Policemen Tim
othy Devine and Charles Pennell' wero
oiiot and killed at daylight this morn
ng by two burglars, caught in tho act
of robbing the house of Dr. Shaw on
Ashland boulevard.
The policemen detected tho robbers
at work in the rear of tho residence.
The robbers took alarm and rushed
lor the back fence, only to meet a
volley from tho officers' revolvers.
Their bullets failed to find tho mark,
and as the men rushed past tho po
licemen they fired point blank.
Both officers fell, .Devine dying in
stantly, and Pennell lingering half an
The robbers made good their es
cape. A general round-up was made
by the police, who have 80 under ar
rest on suspicion. .
Louisiana Purchase Exposition
a Strong Educational Force.
The convention of 15,000 members
of the National Educational AsbocI
atlon which met at Minneapolis,
unanimously adopted the following
"The cause of education in every
land is to be congratulated upon the
fact that the International Exposition
to be held in the city of St. LouIb in
1904, is projected on purely educa
tional lines, and with this avowed
purpose has received the support of
the states of the Union, of the nation
al government and of foreign nations;
and It is noted with particular sat
isfactlon that the exposition author!
ties have in their official classifica
tion given to education, Group 1, the
post of honor, and in addition there
to have established its relative rank
as an exposition topic by assigning
to education for tho first time in the
history of international expositions,
a separate and adequate building.
This association desires to express
its appreciation of the liberal and
scientific policy thus outlined by the
exposition authorities, and to pledge
to the full extent of Its powers and
nuruose its hearty support."
A general des.re was expressed oy
the members of the executive com
mittee of the association to hold the
meeting of 1004 In St. LouIb, provid
ing tho standing agreement with the
Trunk Line Association can be ad
justed to the rates which will be
granted to the general public during
tho exposition year.
A Plea for Courtesy.
We have lost the old flowery forms
of politeness, and now we never waste
'thank you" on a fellow creature who
Is not of our own immediate circle.
tradesman does, but ho knows It
will bo charged In tho bill. I wonder
what will bring us back to the old
sweetnesB of manner? Why should
not the customer in tho tea shop, or
the customer in the postoffice say
"please" when ho gives his order, and
the other spare a "thank you" when
he has paid his bill? It makes life
. - ,1.. .-.-!
run so mucn more canny. uin a
Plant of Armour Packing Company
Was Totally Destroyed.
Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 12. The
plant of the Armour Packing Compa
ny was destroyed by fire thiB morn
ing. Loss, 115,000. No insurance.
Torpedo Boat's Trial.
Washington, D. C, Aug. 12. The
trial of the torpedo boat destroyer
Chauncey, which was built by Neaflo
& Levy, of Philadelphia, takes place
off the Capes today and considerable
interest Is manifested at the navy de
partment in tho result of tho test,
The building of these tiny warships
is now regarded as something of a
speculation, inasmuch as several of
those turned out the last year or two
have proved dismal failures whllo
others, constructed after the samo do
sign and apparently alike in every
particular, have been fully up to cx
pectations. Naval constructors who
have followed tho cpnstruction of the
Chauncey express tho opinion that it
will come up to all requlremnta. Tho
vessels is 420 tons displacement and
is designed to have a speed of 29
Various' Reports uocate Murderer at
Out'of Town Points, But Nothing
Is Definite.
Chicago, Aug. 12. It Is now 13 dnys
since the murder ot Minnlo Mltcholl
and 3G slnco tho death of Mrs. Bar
tholin, and still no definite clows havo
bcon had of tho whoreabouts of Wil
liam Bartholin, the son nllegod by tho
police to bo tho murderer ot tho two
women and a satisfactory motive for
tho crimes other than money consid
eration Is lacking. Various roport8
locate Bartholin in out of town points
this morning at Kenosha, Wis., whore
man answering his description has
been arrested.
King of England Looks Over His Sol
dlers at Buckingham.
London. Aug. 12. King Edward re
viewed tho colonial troops on tho
lawn in front of Buckingham Palaco
today. Tho crowds were bo groat that
traffic was suspended.
Tho king nppenrcd In good condi
tion, walking along tho lawn torraco
with tho queen and n host of tho
younger members of roynlty, tho col
onial premlors, Ohamborhiln, Roberts
and Kitchener. The troopH received
coronation medals from tho Prlnco of
His Majesty Took a Ride In a Closed
London, Aug. 12. Tho king took
a drive in a closed carriage UiIh morn
ing and wate heartily choorod.
Gravitation as a Cause for Volcanic
In relation to the action of the sun
and moon on Intensifying volcanic
disturbances, it seems quite possible
that a volcano on tho point of orup
tion would be more liable to burst
forth with the combined action or
gravitational pull of tho sun and moon
acting in conjuction on a part of tho
earth that stood square before the
sun. The action, If any, must be due
to tho gravitational pull or tidal ef
feet on the liquid interior of the earth.
Tho electrical disturbances being of
a secondary nature, no doubt caused
by the heat from tho volcano, tho
planetary influence or their positions
are insignificant as compared with tho
attraction of tho sun and moon. With
the possible exception of the planet
Venus its gravitational pull, although
Blight, If added to that of tho sun and
moon while in conjunction might bo
the means of opening one of nature's
safety valves. As for comparison
pass a large magnet over tho safety
valve of a eteam boiler that is on the
point of blowing off and note the ef
On referring to the almanac we
find the sun and moon May 7 In con
junction almost .directly overhead of
tne Island of Martinique, and allowing
a few hours tidal lag of the liquid in
terior we find the greatest effect at
about the time Mont Pelee blew up.
Similar conditions are again due on
the 3rd of August. And if the pres
sure has not been greatly reduced by
the last eruption we may look for in
creased activity at about that date.
A. H. Barber In Scientific American.
Explain the fact as wo will, where-
ever women are largely employed,
their wages, as a rule, are coneldera
bly lower than those of men. Mahln's
Magazine, August,
Captured in Mountains 100 Miles
From the Scene of the Crime, To
gether With a Large Sum of Money,
Fort Worth, ToxaB, Aug. 12. Jim
Harrish, tho third of tho allugod Mox
lean Central train rolibers, has boon
captured In tho mountains 100 mlloa
In tho Interior from tho scono of tho
robbery. A largo sum of monoy waH
Investigation of Charges of
Misconduct of Illinois Asy
lum Causes Trouble.
Investigation Being Made by 8tU
Board and Trouble of Various
Klruls Is Brewing for Someone.
Kankakeo, 111., Aug. 12. At 3
o'clock this morning Trusteo William
Murphy, of tho insnno asylum hero,
concerning tho alleged scandalous
conduct of which institution charges
are being mado by tho stnto board,
sworo out a warrant for II. II. Ball,
tho wltnuHB who ast night alleged
Hint Murphy had called n young wo
man nttouihuit to his, (Murphy's)
room at midnight, and that Murphy
hud boon seou drunk.
Hall was locked up. bolng unable
to get hall. Murphy nlleges porjury.
Freight Train Ran Into an Open
v Drawbridge In New Jersey,
Elizabeth, N, J., Aug. 12. A Jorsoy
Central freight train dashed into tho
open draw of the Ellzabotk River
bridge this morning.
Fireman Webster
Mansfield, were killed,
and eight cars sank.
Indian Publicans' Convention.
Logansport, Ind., Aug. 12. A well
attended convention of tho Knights of
Fidelity began In this city today. It
Is the second annual meeting of tho
state organization which was formerly
known as tho Knights of tho Royal
Arch, tho membership bolng coinposod
of saloon keepers and othor liquor
dealers who bollevo in organization
to attain a higher hocIu! and political
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, Aug, 12. Whoat turn
ed stronger today on tho goveruinont
roport, which does not bear out
Snow's largo oatlinatoa, Liverpool
closed higher, 5 11. Now York
opened 72, being advance ovor
last night's closo, and advanced
moro during tho day, closing at 73 Vi.
Closed yesterday, 72.
Opened today, 72.
Range today, 72'673J4.
Closed today, 73 .
St. Paul, 184.
Union Pacific, 107.
L. & N 149.
Steel, 3.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, Aug. 12. Wheat 7
Wheat In San Francisco.
San Francisco, Aug. 12. Wheat
$1.12 per cental.
Ifarry Lautenbacb, an Astoria fish
erman, deliberately suicided last Sat
urday evening by shooting himself.
The deed was committed over a wo-
Site of Turning Back of Great Ex
plorer Marked by a Stone.
Junction" City, Kan., Aug. 12. On
tho h Ito whoro Coronado turned back
to Moxlco after IiIb fruitless search
tor tho soven goldon clttlca in the
provinco of Qulvlra, a handsome mon
umout wub unveiled today. Tho purpose-
of the monument Ib . to com
momorato tho discovery ot Kansas by
Coronado and tho ro-dlscovory of tho
slto of Qulvlra by J. V. llrowor, of St.
Paul, Minn. Tho location of tho mon
ument Is at Logun'H Grove, a Bhort
distance from tho city.
Tho erection of tho monumont is
due to the efforts of tho Qulvlra His
torical socloty, which was organized
at Alma, Kan., last Octobor. Tho so
cloty In composed of archaeologists,
hlstorlnns and studonts nnd its mem
bership extends ovor a number of
western states. Tho officorB, nearly
al of whom took part In today's coro
monles, are Prof. J. V. Browor, SL
Paul, president; Prof. E. E. Black
burn, of tho Nebraska Historical So
cloty, vice-president; Prof. E. A. Kll
Han, Alma, Kan., secrotary, and Judgo
John T. Kcagy, Alma, chulrman ot tho
executive) hoard.
Tho unveiling exorcises wero of an
oxtroinoly interesting charactor and
wore witnessed by u largo throng.
Tho ceremonies began at 10 o'clock
this morning with an offering of
prayor, after which thoro waB an ad
drcHH by Mr. llrowor rovlowlng the
history ot the movomont culminating
In tho erection of tho monument
Othor addresses of an historical na
ture were dollvoriid by N. II. WIncholl
president of tho Goologlcnl Rocloty of
Amorlca, Prof. E. A. Kllllan und
others. Tho iiiiihIo for tho occasion
was furnishod by tho regimental band
from Fort Riley,
Tennessee Editors.
Nushvlllo, Tenn., Aug. 12. Mom-
hers of tho TonnoBHeo Press associa
tion, with tholr wives und families,
gathered in Nushvlllo today for tholr
annual business meeting, which was
held this forenoon in tho roomu of
tho Retail Merchants' association.
Only loutluo bus'iiesu was transacted
and tho session was cut uhort to per
mit tho editors to make final porpara
tlons for tholr anual outing. Two
trips huvo 1 ion planned, one to tho
far West, including vIbIIb to Donvor,
Salt Luke City and othor points, nnd
tho second to Monterey, Tonn. Hoth
purlieu will depart tonight.
To See Underground Railroad,
A delegation of British engineers
recently sailed for America to make a
thorough examination of the wonder
ful underground railroad that Is being
built under New York. It Is said to
bo tho greatest euginoorffig feut in the
world, Tho best all-round family
medicine In tho world is the famous
Hostottor's Stomach Bitters. At no
tlmo during tho past CO years has any
other remedy beon able to take its
placo as a cure for headache, belch
ing, flatulency, Indigestion, dyspepsia,
constipation or bllllousness. It there
fore commends Itself to all sufferers
who want to get woll again.. Ono
hottio will convince you of Its value.
Bo 8uro to try it. The genuine, with
our Private Sfamp over the neck, is.
for sale at all druggists,