Business Cards and Societies Classified Advertisements COUNT SIX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LINE. PROFESSIONS AND TRADES ALPHABETICALLY ARRRANOED. TWO LINES. tin 1&o time 20e WMk Ste THREE LINES. 1 tlma 2 time 1 week PHYSI8IANS. DR. W. O. building. 1 to 6 P. M COLB, OFFICE IN Office boon, 10 to 12 Telephone, 77. JTTDD rTTMILLKK, M. D.i DESPAIN BLOCK, treats nnd "Corrects eye troubles, catar ,mi conditions nnd impaired bearing. Qute corectly fitted for refractlre er ror. IJrCJ- SMITH. OFFICE OVER THE Pend'lcton Sayings bank. Telephone 80; cealdeuce telephone 81. H 6 GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEOPATH c phyBlclan and Surgeon. Office tn jodd building. Telephone: Office, black n; residence, black 24. DrTwILLIAM HOUSE, PHYBICIAN AND Burgeon. Office, room 20, Jodd building, fbone, Main 72. Residence Phone Bed 23. DK D. J. M'FAUL, ItOOM 17 ASSOCIA tion block. Telephone Main 88; resi dence telephone, black 161. Da T. M. HENDERSON, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Specialties eye, ear, nose sad throat. Office In Savings Bank bond ing. Phone Main 88. OSTEOPATHIC Keyea ft Keyea. itMton Store. PHYSICIANS, DBS. Office -one block west DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRONIC and nervous diseases ami diseases of wo en. Opp Hotel .Pendleton, cor. Water d Main Sts., Pendleton, Ore. Phone Bed 278. DENTIST8. I A. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN Jodd building. S. A. MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN AS SOCIATION block, over Bcbmldt'a new rag store. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. f. F. HOWARD, ARCHITECT AND Su perintendent, makes .complete and reli able plans for buildings In the city or eoontry. Room 17 Judd building. (HEEK ft COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates furnished on short otlce. Job work a specialty. Prompt service. Shop on .Bluff street near Main. D. ... MAY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILD er. Estimates furnished on all kinds of muonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Orders can be left at the Eaat Oregonlan efflce. PHOTOGRAPHERS. ,W. 8. BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOGBA pher of the city. Harvest vlewm. In fllan photos for sale. Finishing done for amateurs. Main St., near bridge. Phone Bed 276 ELECTRICAL 8UPPLIE8. MAPLE BU08.. COURT STREET, LA Dow block. Electricians, dealers In elec trical suplles. Houses, stores, wired for leetrlc Hunts, bell nr telnnnonea. Kleetrl Ml flT-ttipcH. nf nil IrlnAa flat nn, nrtfmm INSURANCE & LAND BUSINE8S. JOE H. PARKES, OFFICE COURT ST. Opposite Golden Rule Hotel: land of. Bee business, such as filing of claims and initiating contests a specialty. JOHN HAILEY, JR., U. S. LAND COM mlssloner Specialty made of land HI atgi and proof; Insurance and collections. umce in Judd building, room 16. BOARD AND LODGING. IHE BTRAHON ROOMING HOME. MAIN ST Mrs R A RtrRhnn. nwtn fJInA l.m. w.t' kejt rooms In new building, with good clean TTTV W TI !TV Tnnlivn nniiDD mi onnmir Main Btreet, M T. Bradley, prop. Housekeep ing rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfort able roomi and clean, well kept beds. Lodging IMPIRE LODGING HOUSE CORNER OF E. wuii ana jonnoon streets; good largp clean roomi with comfortable beds. Rates 23c and wcaniKni. tdoi, smart, Prop. awiBL ALT A, CORNER ALTA AND uiii streets. Board by the day or week, (tod table set Ratea $4 and S5 .per week. ndleton Feed Yard ,ln connection. L. i proprietor. MOTEL EASTERN. SAMUEL GEORGE, rup. aoara Dy me aay or week. Good man beds and well ventilated rooms ; 25c; board and lodging S5 per ", ieea stcDie in connection. CABS AND CARRIAGES. JOBBER TIRE HACK. NEW AND VERY LAT. iW'tTle-for the service of the public. CD.". 8" McKay, Props .Call at the li!i?!Lc,aJ u rtTV Statle or telephone Main a Mtd the hack will call for you. CITT CAB LINK, ERWIN BAKER. Pre Miepnone Mala 19. SUnd In frost f restanrant. yERY AND FEED STABLES. 'm lD.&v? flAuw Yard. h. ches. 0, i W0? 6.19' Ant St . et. Webb and Alta l treatment given bones left la oui ?JCITr LIVERY, BOARD AND BALD ImI M' i Ca' turnouts. Stable 118 Alta mtrt' jSTW11 8T-AB,LB8'- - 00aW sW-, yTe7, Feed and Boarding. AM arr " lurnonra fAamAa.aV aM a. rAaaAtA.aV a.l A. POT litbibv m TZ VBKn viBn 'w m. T0N8ORIAL mAminii Ha a . . - ""ITMINQ AND 8HOBIMA HORSE- ri?ND ft HSt aal hN, ? L WHBAT KACK . wnu, oi weaa street. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIR8T NATIONAL BANK OFATHENA Oregon, capital, $50,000 surplus and groats, $0000. Interest on time deposits Deals In foreign and domestic exchange collections promptly attended to. Henry c. Adams, president; t. J. Kirx, Tlce-preel Jent; E. L. Harnett, cashier; F. 8. Le J row, assistant cashier. TUB PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, i-onaieton, uregon. organized March 1. i880; capital, $50,000, surplus. $00,000. merest allowed on time deposits. Ex -bange bought and sold on all principal pomes, special attention given to col lee dons. W. J. Furnish, president; J. N Teal, Tlce-presldent ; T. J. Morris, cashier rnB FARMERS' BANK OF WESTON. Weston, Oregon. Doea a general banking jnsiness. Kxcnnnce oougnt ana sola 'otlectlons promptly attended to. R. Jameson, president; Oeo. W. Proebatel 'Ice president ; J. It. Kllgore. cashier : dl -ectors, G. A. Hartman, M. M. Johns, T. J. tTIce. G. D. Grew, J. F. Kllgore, Robert Jameson, G. W. Proebstel. tflRST NATIONAL BANK OF PFNDLE- ton. Capital $70,000; surplus, $05,000. Transacts a general banking business. Ex change and telegraphic transfers aold on Chicago, San Francisco, New York and principal points In the northwest Drafts irawn on China, Japan and Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi An eny, president; W. F. Matlock, vice-president; C. It. Wade, cashier; H. C. Quern tej, assistant cashier. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Wiidwood Camp, No. 2333, meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month In Odd Fellows' ball. Mrs. Ida Holcomb, Oracles Mrs. Nen.e Robbing, Recorder. LMATIliLA TENT. NO. 27, K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second and lourth Tuesdays In each month. All visiting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. S. Kees, Record Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, Commander. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 52, A. F. and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of each month. Visiting brethren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe H. Parkes, Sec. PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor, H. P., F. F. Wamsley, Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each monm in masonic uau. PIONEERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL llam Martin Encampment, No. 1. Meets every Wednesday at Hendrlck'a Hall. Mrs. L. F. ampkln, Secretary. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4.-JNIGHTS OF Pythias. J. i' Nowlln, C. C. ; B. W. Fletcher, K. of R. u. S. Meets every Mon day J Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tutullla Camp, No. 0890. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows- Han. George A. Harablln, Con sul ; G. A. Robblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41, W. of W., are held In Secret' Society Hall every oaiuraay evening. visiting neigh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, uierx, j. r. tsari, u. '. ATTORNEYS. "ARTER AND RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT Law. umce in savings isanK Dulldlng. STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW; xiuum 14, ABBocumon jjiock, renaieton, ure. HENRY J. BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW: Associat on uiock, jfendieton, ore. M. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Association block. S. D. BOYD. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 111 Court Street U. B. REEDER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. AMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JUDD Building. 8TJLLIAN ft PIERCE, ATTORNEYS at Law. Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to practice in United States patent offices and makes a specialty of Patent Law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 18 Association block. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRERS. JOHN WILSON, FIRST CLASS SHOB- maaer ana repairer. Best material used and cood work done. Shoo 117 Alta street. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. - JKORQE O'DANIBL, NEW AND 8BCOND nana erooas Doutrnt and sold, fnnrt Bf vperm nouse diock. uau ana see Bin. r. 8TBOBLE. DEALER IN Sl&nOMn nana kooos. ir cnere is nTftoinv tmi "v u new w aecona nana xarnitare, ftovea. eranlte warn and rrrwkr Mi uw prices, mo. Z1Z UOUtt Bt. FOR RENT. FOR RENT SUITE "OF ROOMS FOR TWO gciiiicmou Auuress r. u. uox sso. ROO8 TO RENT ENQUIRE JURY E. Rust, 820 Ann street. FOR ilENT Roobm In the East Orecoa tan bonding for rent: eteaa: beatad. hot win roio wsiar ana WANTED. WANTED MANAOER FOR NKW 2 RANCH of our business here in Pendleton. Addresa at once, with references, Alfred Morris, Whole saler, Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED WOMAN TO DO WASHING. IN quire at tnis omce. WANTED ADVBRTISRS TO MAKE USS of these classified columns. If you have you have no use for, osTar to trade It for something that so ate other ooQf nay Bare and Rare no use for, aoata- .iiRg IBs i yon may neea in roar bosiDdsa. Yon may have an extra bone that yea nay -wish to trade for a cow or a veM- tte. -aioaievoar may have the cow aaa vepicie ana want tpe none. A Btteea ar twentj.mve seat want ad will proaaMx oo the basfeeaa.- L08T. LOST-A BROWNISH YELI OW AND WHIT fema'e shepherd dog, nine months old; -full white breast, white feet, white around collar, end of tall white; carries ears erect; left mv place Friday morning; the undersigned will pay a liberal reward for Information as to the whereabouts of the animal left at the East Oregonlan office or seat me by mail. II, A. Faxon. gSgSSSSBBBSSSHSSBSl .gsVgStgl 9BESBaj0SMSBHBBMBBBBBBr SBBBBBBBBBM I SH FliAUKl'L KKSl LTS. a1,'"5',!! M,"tz Dcn-t you Just low the mo nl!i;ht on tlio w.iterY Mr (. o.ilf.-iN-- st for n minute' It s rvspnnsllilo for no ninny burlioni soli THE WHEAT YIELD WHILE IT IS NOT MEETING EXPECTATIONS IT IS GOOD. Some Fields Gave Heavv Yields . 1 While Others Were Away Down Owing to Wind Shattering Heads. Although the wheat yield is not what was expected in TJfnatilla county nau it not been for the wind of sev eral weeks ago, there is little room for complaint in the east end of the coun ty. Many crops have been threshed in that part and while the yields are not abnormal they are almost up to tne average. Again it mav be Raid that in manv veart? fllri hnvA i,r. tJ - V Lf UU1 IA vested 40 to 50 bushels of the golden grain and in some instances more but this is the exception and not the rule. Following are some yields nor acre from the east end which will show that many farms have yielded good crops: Yields Per Acre. Off 140 acres harvested by "W. P. Willaby 32 bushels to the acre was the record; off 2C0 acres belonging to Harry Turner 6000 bushels were threshed, averaging 23 bushels; 40 acres for L. T. McBrlde, went 30 bushels; 50 acres of the Bradley-Hart-man wheat made 25 bushels; J. M. Banister is harvesting 200 acres which is yielding 35 bushels; Henry Pinker ton's wheat yielded 30 bushels; O. C. and Otis Turner's grain is going 30 bushels; 184 Acres of O. M.. Rich mond's threshed 32 bushels; Porter Graham had an eighty which made 40 bushels; Ad Rothrock's crop made 25 bushels and was badly shattered from the wind; John Rothrock is getting 30 bushels; Frank Curl gets 40 bushels from an eighty near Adams; James Ritchey harvested 35 bushels from his entire crop. ihe piost serious damage resulting from the wind in tho east end perhaps on the farm of George Bad gett, north of Weston. He has just harvested 140 acres and only secured 13 bushels to the acre. Another tract of 145 acres made 25 bushels and 40 acres more made 27 bushels. OUR BEEF IN ENGLAND. Americans Regulate the Prices on British Tables. Experts in the meat trade smile at the suggestion which has been made that the Americans are about to can turo tho English meat trade says the London Daily Mail. They say that that would be equivalent to the Dutch taking Holland; and that Smlthflelo market has already passed under the absolute control of American houses. The capture has been secret and gradual, but lt has been none the less secure; and Chicago, tbvough it London representative, regulates the prices of beef on London, Liverpool or Manchester tables. Smithfleld .market,, the center of the wholesale meat trade, consists ot some 300 stalls and refrigerators, un der the management of the markets committee of the city corporation. The turnover of these stalls varies from 4,000 to 50,000 each week. accordlnrito the position of the hold. Ing. Thece. -was a time, less than ten yearB ago, when no American lield a single .stall. -At that .time the Ameri cans sold their meat through 'English salemon in Smithfleld, paying such salesmen at first 2 per cent, and .afv lurwaru s per cent commission, lt ls estlmated that they paid 100,000 early in such commissions. Then camo the American invasion. The Swift company came first, and the others followed rapidly. In al most every instance thu Americans bought up the holdings of the par tlcular commission salesman to whom they had been in tho habit of con signing, paying sums ranging down ward from one instance in which tho purchase price was between 16,000 and 20,000. AMERICAN CANOE MEET. Paddlers of Western Hemisphere Gather at Chatham, Mass. Chatham, Mass., Aug. 8. The 23rd annual meeting and regatta of thu American Canoe association began at Pleasant Bay today and will continue for the next two weekB. There is a good attendance, among those present ... "elng many fast paddlers from vari- ous parts of thls country and Canada, I ThouSh the location of tho camp ia on 6alt water lt is considered partlc I ularly well adapted for canoeing pur- Poses' ana especially convonient for the Canadians and men of tho eastern division, which includes nil of Now England. Last year the crack canoeists were somewhat conspicuous by their ab sence, but this season many of them have had a return of the old-timo en thusiasm. Among the prominent paddlers here Are: Paul Butler, of the Vesper Canoe club of Lowell; David Goddard, one of tho old-timers; Louis B. Drake, of Winchester; Herman D. Murphy and Arthur Mather. Tho sail ing races promise to be especially no table this year, and in the war canon races there will bo at least eight Clubs, including several from tho vi cinity of Boston and others from Ca nada. The regatta program has been carefully arranged, and consists of 22 events, Including all varieties of sailing and paddling, with tho usual upset, hurry-scurry, club-four paddl ing, war canoe, and swimming events SCULLERS ARE HAPPY. Big Meet of Oarsmen at Worcester, Mass., Today, Worcester, Mass., Aug. 8. On Lake yuin8igamond today the best amateui scullers and oarsmen In tho country oegan their competitions In gigs and shells in the thirtieth annual cham plonshlp races of the National Asso ciation of Amateur Oarsmen of Amor lea. Today was given over to tho preliminaries. The chief races take placo tomorrow and Judging from tho nigh class of entries many stirring races wjll be witnessed. The practice work of several competitors has been very good, leaving no doubt as to the probable outcome of each event. In consequence there Is quite betting Interest In all the races and considerable will probably change hands. The championship seniors In particular Is expected to be one of the keenest contests ever sculled in America as the entries Include the three foremost oarsmen In tho statea, C S. Titus, the Henley aspirant and present champion, F. Demourelii, of New- Orleans, -winner of the 1900 in temedlate, and "Joe" Maguire, of Cambridge, Mass., the champion of 1887. In the international four, the intei- mediata eight and .other of the events will be seen representative oarsmen irom st. Lolus, Philadelphia, Baltl more, Boston, New York. "Winnipeg and other cities. Removal Notice). I have removed xnr office to the building on Court etreot, one door east of Firet-N&ttonal Bank building; where I will continue in same lines of business as .heretofore. ' J. R. DICKSON. Extra line: .10 cento each MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE OR TKADB-WH.LRKI I.ORHXADR for property lore, 80 seres of Units miles southwest of The Dalle, Oregon. Address Wlllisin Isbcll, st5 I'erktnt Avo., Poudleton, Oregon. WOOD BAWINO, C0VT1UCT WOKK-A. B. Stephens. Ilcailquarte s at (Iran liar' or Commercial Co. and NoumaVs Cigar Store, Telephones Rlaek 124 and Main W. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. WERB ST.. West of Hotel Eastern. All kinds of re pairing done at reasonable prices. Bicy cles, gun and machine repairing a special ty. Simmons tt Bolln, proprietors. HORSES TO PABTURK TIMOTHY, ORCHARD and brome granges; good panturv: plenty of running water. Terras reasonable. W. 11. Roat Meacham, Oregon. MISS MINNIE k jvw.-IB. GRADUATE NURSE, 09 Turk street. Telephone. No. Black 354; calls day or night promptly rosponded to. KRLLAR BROTMKRS;. PLABTHRING and cementing. Cement walks a special ty. Estimate furnished- free. Work guar anteed. Leave orders at Badley A Zah- ncr's cigar store. Main St,. P. O. bos 104. SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF YOU want to subscrlho to magazine or news papers In the United States or Europe, remit by pontnl note, check, or send to the EAST OHEOONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we m.ii nnvc it sent yon ana assume all tne nan or tne money Dcing lost in tne mans. It will buvo you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the East Oregon Ian, In remitting you can deduct 10 per rent from the publisher's price. Address EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Oregon. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notlco lw horcbrplven thnt I will hold regu lar teachers' cxnmlnat'on lor county nnd itAto papers nt tho court houso In I'ondloton, us follows : static PArma. romtnonclnv Wednesday. Aufttist IS, at nine o'clock, a. m., nnd continuing until Saturday, Auvuat in, at four o'clock. Wednesday renmnnnhlp, htitory, spelling, air brn. reading school law. Thursday Wr'tten nrlthmotlc, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkoeplnir, physio, civil I govern in 'm. Friday Physiology, KPOersphy, mental srlth mctlc, compoiltlon, physical g-oKrHphy. Saturday Doiunv, piano geometry, gonoral history, Kngllih lllernture, psychology. COUNTY PA1T.RS. Commencing Wedueaday, Aueuit 11th, at muti o'ciock. a. ai., aiwi coiuiuuing until Fri day, AuKitat 16th, at four o'clock, FIRST, BKGOKD AND THIRD ORADK CBRTIFICATES, Wednetdty Pfiimauahlp, hlitory, urtho granny, re udlng. Thumday Wrltlon arithmetic, theory of tpnnhinir. OTiimmnr snlinnl Inur jTiuay tieograpny, mpntal HNtlimcllc, pliy. luiugr, mm oivii governmeni rniMAltY CERTIFICATES , Wednesday I'eninaniblp, orthography, read. In, arithmetic. Thuraduy Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods, physiology, J, K, NOWMN, County Superintendent, r Mountain Resort FOR SALE The celebrated ''Bingham Spring' located iu the Blue Mountains on the Umatilla River, complete, with furniture, fixtures, stages and stock. Absolute control of five miles of beet trout fishing stream in Oregon. Will sell 8o acre tract including hotel grounds with water privileges, or 960 acres, as desired; making fine stock farm, controlling big range. Or will '-ase. Call on or address ; Frank B. Clopton Pendleton, (Xegn BUY YOUR LUMBER AT THE Oregon Lumber Yard Alt 8t opp. Court House , PRICES A5 LOW A5 THE LOWEST Par AH Klatfa of BuilaUag Material, hcimsmbjs; Doors' Windows Screen Doors nd Windows Building Paper Lime Cement Brick and Sand AjM Daa't Fergat Our Wood Owttara a week; 25 cent a Una par month. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Shohj line UWON PACIFIC dktart Tlma Schedule Aaaiva ro From Pei.dleton rmoa Chicago 8alt Uke. Denver. Ft. Portland Worth, Omaha, Kaa Bpeclal sas City. Rt Louis, Cat-jB 3M a. as. p m cagoand KasU via Hunt ington. Atlantic Halt Lake, Denvet, Ft. Kzpress Worth, Omaha. Kan. fM a. m. aasClty,Bt.IuU,Cht-llllU a . via Hunt- cago and Kast. Ington. St. Paul Walla Walla, Lewlston Fait Mall Hpokano.Wallare.Pull 8.1ft a. m. man, Mlnaeapolli, HI. SSMp, as, rla Paul, Uulnth, Mllwan. Spokane. koo, Chicago and Kast. Ocean and River Scheduled FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates subject to change. 8.1)0 p. ra. For Ban Franolxco 4 p.m. Ball ovary 6 days. Dally' -1 oscept Columbia River Sunday 4pm 8 p. tn. To Astoria and Way Bunday Baturday Un-llugs. 10 p. m. Willamette River Boats leave Portland dally, except Sunday, (5Ug2! 7.torPrniUUns" " Willamette aa Yamhill River points. .,VTe I I Leave Rlparla Snake Hlver Lewlstoa 4:05 a.m. 7:00 a.m. Dally Rlparla to Lewliton. Dally Kzcpl Mon Kacptfaox F. F. WAMHLKY, Agent. Pendleton. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegnnt Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars fBT. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FAROO TO 4 GRAND FORKS UJIUUKBTUN WINNKPEG HELENA and - : BUTTE, THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all points East and South Through tickets to Japan and China, rla Taooma and Northern raclflo Steamship Co, and America Hue, Tim SCMIOULsT. Trains leave Pendleton dally axoept Baaaai at 7:00 p, m, JftilSI&'L' '"'omatlon, time eaids, auaa. anu ;!:ft; Call on or write W. Adams, Pea' dleton, Oregon, or A. D. UUAKLTOM, Third and Morrison Bts.. Portland, Ore, Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for For Chlcajro. St. aT!HU, Ht- ."J. Kui naa Cfty, St. Jotr, P"u. and All Point But and Sotiu: PvrttarfasMlMitjtc lit Sawaef TIMM CARD. 7pm.,',"'1Iitd' d,U' dri SI BataraVywlMair "mT' f Leave Walla Walla aiy, east teas ten. Antra WalU Walla aaUyTCrf .JSaSl - t" .oti fvgftraiHf rates aaa aaasesa, aattau,ea.l oa e7a4Ws eua Trail, wash, ' Farmers Custom MHJ Fred WaiUn, Piriator , Capacity 169 jUtrrala a day Flour axcliaDcad tot whmt Flour. Mill Feed. Ohonrkad alwaya on baud,