East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 06, 1902, Image 3

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You always get GOOD GOODS at Alexander's.
! Little Girls' Wash Dresses f
Anv little Girl from two to fourteen years old can be fitted
with one of these little suits in Chambray, Gingham, Percale,
i Crash and Madras, i ne materials are really excellent for the
hard service' they are likely to encounter, and with the trim
mings and splendid making these dresses would be a "good
buy" at twic 5 what we ask for them. The styles will pleae
he little Girls and Mothers too. They're cheaper than vou
can make them prettier too, than most 'people can make.
38c to $1.98
Alexander Dept. Store
. 1 1. 41 41 41 4. 4. 4 41 41 4. . 4. 4. . 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 41 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. -- 'C
This Bi jniiiaro ij ca" every hoz c! iha gw.
Laxative Bromo-OaioineTabiei
f 1 i-"iiin remedy ibnt curea o coid in ono dari
M r4
our ice Hi l
Oar Refrigerators 'wjn
gave ice. Oomf m and
give them a thorough in
spection. We will
a4 v mm imi 44mrr
on your iteingerator
well as on your ice bill.
Bargain House
The East Orenonian Is Eastern Ore
It by their liberal patronage. It Is the
advertising medium of this section.
The Columbia
Lodging House
For Sick Headaches
try these famous Pills.
They remove the cause and
act quickly. You will feel
like a new person after tak
ing Beecham's
Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and 25c
At Hidaway.
I Hidaway Springs, Aug. 5. It is re-
ported that a royal wedding will soon
' take place at the wigwam of the
bride's father, Chief Pull Moon. The
contracting parties are uiu acoii, me
congenial proprietor of the popular
summer resort, Hidaway Springs, and
Bright Star, the dusky princess of the
Hidaway tribe. The wedding break
fast will be given at the rustic hotel
of this place, at 12:30, on the 15th
sun of the seventh moon. Mineral
writer will flow freely. All tribes In
vited. 1 ;
The following Is a list of campers
at the Hidaway Springs:
Miss Alice Darby, Missouri.
Miss Martha Lieuallen, Adams. ",
MIbs Effle Worster, Pendleton.
Miss Mary Probeck, Pendleton.
Miss Anice Barnes, Weston.
Charlos Stover, Pendleton.
W. M. Taylor, Pendleton.
F. V, Marsh, Pendleton.
Walter Rhlnehart, Pendleton.
Chris Nelson, McCreek.
Lun Cheney, Cheney Dairy.
Court Phelps, Cheney Dairy.
Fred Eagglrth, Pendleton.
Nick Blanchard, Pendleton.
Richard Brown, Pendleton.
F. W. Krabler, Pendleton.
Dr. Philip Coffin, Portland.
W. A. Whitman, McKay Creek.
Mrs. Effle Eddlngton Smith and
family, Athena.
Mrs. Gus Stanger, Pendleton,
"ftlrs. Rhlnehart, Pendleton.
Mrs. Alice Sherman and daughters,
Pendleton. .
Mm rxnri Tatom. Pendleton,
4,-Mrs. Sarah McDougal,. Weston.
Mrs. Guise and daughter, Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Baker and children,
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith, lone, Or.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parkes and child
ren, Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wilcox and
children, Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Baldwin and
children, Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bean and, chll
drcn, Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Chapman and
children, Pondleton.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Rinehart, Long
Mr. and Mrs. L. Rothrock, Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Kylo Mcpougnl,
Life at Lehman.
Lehman Springs, Aug. 5. Among
the 150 or more people who are hero
from Pendleton, we note Charles Ep
plnger. manager of Alexander's dry
goods department; C. R. Dutton, of
Dutton's candy kitchen;. Charles
Sharp, Joseph Ell and the family of
W. J. Furnish. Six teams arrived
Monument, Grant county, Is repre
sented by three parties.
La Grando people arq arriving fre
quently. Nearly 400 people aro camped on
the grounds now, and more than 500
will be hero before the 15th.
A picnic party went out Saturday
expecting to enjoy a trout dinner.
They did. The bread was mislaid, or
deliberately eaten by those In whose
care It was, and the bill of fare was
fish etralgiit,
L. H. Russell and W. J. Lusk, tim
ber cruisers from La Grande, are
spending a few days at the hotel.
Tracy has not been seen here.
It is the richt of every child
to be well bom, and to the
parents it must look for
Health nnu
Imp pincss.
How incon
ceivably great
is the parents'
responsibility, and how iinpottnnt tlmt
no taint of disease is left in the blood
to lc transmitted to the helpless child, entailing the most
nitiablc suffering and marking its little body with offen
sive sores and eruptions, catnrrh of the nose nnd throat, weak eyes, glandular
swellings, brittle bones, white swelling and deformity.
llow can parents look upon such little sufferers nnd not reproach
themselves for bringing so much misery into the world? If you have
any disease lurking in your system, how can you expect well developed,
healthy children f Cleanse j'our own blood and build up yourhenlth, and
you have not only enlarged your capacity for the enjo3'incnt,of the pleasures
of life, but have discharged a duty nil parents owe to posterity, and made
mankind healthier and happier.
There is no remedy that so surely reaches deep-seated, stubborn blood
troubles as S. S. S. It searches out even hereditary
poisons, and removes every taint from the blood,
and builds up the general health, If weaklings
are growing up around you, right the wrong by
nutting them on a course of S. S. S. at once. It is
a purely vegetable medicine, harmless in its effects, and can be taken
by both old and young without fear of any bad results.
Write us about your case, nnd let our physicians advise and help you.
This will cost you nothing, and we will also send our hook on blood and
8kin diseases. THE SWIIT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca.
If Sheep Owners are Shut Off From
Ranging in the New Reserve, Wool
Growing Industry Will Suffer.
The withdrawal of 5000 square
miles in the Blue mountains and their
-djacent ranges in this state from
settlement In order to create a forest
reserve, news of which has just
spread over the state, is reported to
be causing considerable anxiety
among cheep men who have been in
the habit of grazing their sheep over
the territory now taken from the
...i.u .inmnltio nnrl tllO OUeStion Of
whether or not they will be allowed'
to continue running their sneep over
these grounds Is agitatng their
Should it be found that fears along
his line are well founded protest
upon protest will be poured into
Washington- as the withdrawal or
uch a great area of country from the
,se of sheep men at one time would
seriously affect the wool growing in-
Eignt to Sixteen Pages, at the following rates by MAIL
Tlie Journal Newspaper.
ti. t..i Tioa 'bean nurchasd
n4 baa pawed uuder the control.of the umler-
line uf gieatwt benflt to Portland, to Or
sou and to the refNoUwet,HAn(l iHjminy
ways conducted dWorcnt'y, i to men, meas
ures and methods, from, fjoso -of ,tts contero-
paper habit.
I mi boqii wo smm - -- -- -
WjonnuU ie,h4dit.heart will stand for
Iha. grttenuia
irom'te the
ir--to auu
. KzmbsCtMMMMM are cheap and JJ;
I wish to make none P. rtorcaance.U beiMr
than promise; aotlon more f tali f til Uin words
Tlje columns el tbe Journal from dey to day
will better riet.ttwSfA1t)beblndl&e paper.
UtbaUbeaFAlK newspaper ami not doU
ndselflb sheet. luehorueu lieiiert ilncete
eVUapt wlUbemaAeto rtMiis 14 Mtaul;
new-paper property la Portland tbt wtU M
credit to !WeteioU tbe oreton"- eoanxT
an4 eW. . i um faMlrsPjsUaM
fAd tii MUltttd t pMiU who lira
D lily, by mail, per annum -Daily,
by mail, six months
Daily? by mail, three months
Delivered by Carrier
y-'ln Cities ;and Towns
'atlO Cents per WeeK.
.00 1
incement..' . '
te Joar-
the work
f IMMu . . i "7" ' PArtludll
dom UTlnr, Use InteWfent, Me I"?
, TinranN
As a apwlal iidmoeet to oW aii mew gubBoribarB, THE
jLUiY5JnllAL wlU(fc wit by Mall to aijr addreaa tmtil
" Jaaaary 1, 1908, for llfto.
i-.i i . . . naiMrv'AnaT'nn
aid' tw0-ojit
., t -y
t f ' i
l iiariiK uuri
S n TAraranw. Vah' Pnrtl&sd. Or.
dnstry throughout the eastern por
tion of the state.
Hope In Reserve Creation.
If the reserve were ultimately cre
ated, and grazing permitted, then, as
In the case of other forest reserves
In Washington and Oregon, grazing
would he permitted hy special allot
ment of range, and overcrowding
would he a thing of the past. A
front. mnriT sheen now ranging ou
this great area would he forced into
other fields, hut every sheepman
hopes to he the lucky ono, and any
thing, stockmen think, is better than
the condition which Involves shoot
ing of whole bands of sheep and
threatening men's lives. If grazing Is
permitted, the creation of the reserve
will be welcomed. If grazing is not
to ho allowed, a hard fight from
Eastern Oregon will bo made against
the proposition.
Other Questions Involved.
Inasmuch as the proposed reserve
is designed for the preservation of
natural watersheds and the advance
ment of Irrigation Interests, chances
for sheepmen getting in on the new
arrangement are thought to bo pret
ty slim. Sheep are accused of de
stroying the sources of water. The
watersheds of John Day are within
the area marked off, and thoro has
been long discontent because the Im
mense volume of the John Day's
forks, now three streams as useless
as any to be found anywhere, was
not stored In reservoirs and used for
Irrigation on the innumerable small
valleys and the sage brush land scat
tered within reach.
Details are anxiously waited In all
the large towns contiguous to the
country affected. The Interest of
cattle men, sheep men, residents, as
opposed to outsiders and small stock
men, aro so hopelessly Interwoven
that people are wondering how the
department will get them straight
ened out. Meanwhile the sheep man
worries most of all.
as heavy a load as $1250 of fines
alono would ho put upon tho Leeds
Mr. Qulmby says thoro aro three
or four such men as Manning, who
are typical deer-skinners, In Southern
Oregon, and ho thinks hy tho appre
hension of Manning he has gotten In
a fair 'ay to break up tho whole bus
iness. .Manning was reported seri
ously Blck when Hobson found him.
Look Pleasant, Please.
Photographer C. C. Harlnn, of Ea
ton, O., can do so now, though for
years he couldn't, becauso he Buffor-
ed untold agony from the worst form
of indigestion. All physiclnns and
medicines failed to holp him until ho
tried Electric Bitters, which worked
such wonders for him that ho do-
f lares they are a godsend to sufTorors
rom dyspepsia nnd stomach troubles,
Unrivaled for diseases of tho stom
ach, liver, klilnoys, they build up and
give now life to the wholo system.
Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by
Tallman & Co., druggists.
! Reduction of Rates Promised at Dav
enport and Colfax, Will Apply all
Over This Section.
Wallla Walla, Aug. 0. Tho rail
road 'presidents will not hold a con
ference with tho farmers of this val
ley In this city, ns announced yester
day, telegraphic advices having beeu
received withdrawing tho dato hero.
The presidents havo announced a
reduction of rates as possible In tho
Immediate futuro, In tlmo to benefit
tho growers of this crop, and it wa8
deemed not necessary to hold a meet
ing here. Tho gathering at Davon
poit and Colfax seem to havo sorved
tho purposo nicely, and after a dato
was fixed for a meeting here it was
withdrawn and tho Incident closed.
Fakirs at La Grande.
La Grande may not bo made up of
any wiser or uuy more foolish people
than aro to be found In similar com
munities, but the town has been an
"easy mark" for various sorts of
grafts within tho past few weeks. Al
most any kind of a combination that
wants to gather in some caBy money
finds this a fertile field. Wo have had
tho man-eallng Hon, the bull fight, the
bloomer girls and lots of othor things
calculated to soparato tho peoplo from
their surplus of looso change. And
still others come nnd tho money
goes. Nobody needs to bo penurious
enough to refuse to spend a llttlo
money now and then for diversions
when there Is a prospect of value "e
celved, but It Is simply lnoxplalnahlo
why so many peoplo will almost fall
over each other to spend money with
no possibility of ndeiiato return.
I-a Grande Chronicle.
As the Sun Rose, Two Happy. Heart
Were Made One.
Colea Kerry, Va., Aug. 6. Tho
Oaks, tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Crenshaw Ulco, was tho Bcono
of a novel event this morning In tho
shapo of an open air wedding ut sun
rise. Tho brldo was Miss Mary Blair
Ulco, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Klco,
and tho bridegroom Mr. Charles' Wil
liam Ileolie. of Now York. Tho bride
I Bolectcd tho unusual hour for her
! niarrhigo bocauso of tho many attrac
tions In tho onrly morning in xno oia
gnrdun on hor father's estate
Tho ceremony was performed by
tho Hov. William Miller, of Bryn
Mawr, I'n. The bride wore n gown of
whlto crepe do chine, trimmed with
pearls, and a laco veil, fastoned with
a wreath of whlto rosos.
Just Look at Her.
Whence came that sprightly stop,
faultless skin, rich, rosy complex
ion, smiling faco. She looks good,
feels good. Hero's hor Bccret. She
uses Dr. King'B New Life Pills. Ho
suit, all organs actlvo, digestion
good, no headaches, no chunco for
"blues." Try jthem yourself, pnly
25c at Tallman & Co.'s.
Removal Notice.
I havo removed my office to tho
building on Court Btreet, ono door
east of First National Bank building,
where' I will contlnuo In sumo linos
of business as heretofore.
Tho Dtlca. (N. Y.) Trlhuno ex
presses tho hopo that tho largo and
varied manufacturing intorests of
that city will take up at once tho
matter of being represented at tho
World's Fair.
9 sr.?
t . ... . . j . J, v - t , v.. .... i. .i ii ai.a
In the Act of Trafficking In Deer
Skins Contrary to Law.
Frank Manning, who Is poamaster
of Leeds, a small olflce located on up
per Rogue river, was a few aays
since arrested upon the authority of
malt? uuuic vy tn wuii wimuj t ra--
with killing deer for their hidesre
ports the Democratic. Times. It 1b
alleged that he tanned the skins him
self and shipped them' through the
Manning has been suspected of
this violation of the game law, but
heretofore It has been impossible to
fasten the crime on him. This -time
Mr. Quimby's deputy, E. O. Hobson,
personating a timber locator, trapped
Fifty deer skins and one fawn skin
were found in bis possession. He
then admitted his guilt and promised
to go Into court, pieaa guuiy ana
pay his fine. Tho warden is not dis
posed to be easy with him, and will
take Manning's case Into the circuit
court. His excellence In the prose
cution of cases before justices of tbe
peace has been so unsatisfactory
that 'he will hereafter submit bis
prosecution onlf to the circuit court.
He can fie a separate charge for
each deer skltr, according to his con
struction of the law and the. lowest
fine permitted by the statute Is $25.
In case of conviction on every count
Tho dallv nowBimper appeals to no
faction, sect or class in tho commu
nity. It Is read alike uy uio ncn ana
tho poor, tho high and tho low, tho
learned and the Ignorant. No family
Is so wealthy that it can secure Its
dally information of tho world's hap
penings oxcopt by tho dally paper.
NTn f.imli- la tn nooi that tho daili
paper of today Is outside or ltB rango
of expenditure, Mahlu'H Magazino,
That aro puro and wholesome
and add to the pleasures of
life are those manufactured
by us.
Orange Cider,
Ginger Ale.
Soda Pop.
Always see that the bottles
bear the label of
The Pendleton Soda Works.
Soak tbs aid thorn mtUy, on retfrlsg . la.
ktaci. ltehisr, burning p1hm, MlMlxM,
nldthMwlMatMM v14 rwiBDadaABCjH(M.
a4 the only people is tto.spfdlafy
frMyp that earry a aesspjete steck (,