Business Cards and Societies Classified Adveftisements COUNT SIX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LINE. PROFESSIONS AND TRADES ALPHABETICALLY ARRRANQED. TWO LINES. 1 time 1Bo 2 time 20o 1 week 30o THREE LINES. 1 time 2 time 1 week PHY8ISIANS. -TTn coLE, OFFICE IN JTJDD i w 5 p. m. TuJllBB. M. D., DESPATN BLOCK, end rorrect eye trouble., cmter- vrnlitlon8 and impairea nearing. Ml conditions concur t . . -rT t SMITH. OFFICE OVER THE "indltton Savings bank. Telephone SO: p3ce telephone 81. T -BCini.n. M. D.. HOMEOPATH- ( - mr,A Rnrceon. Office In STniidlnc. Telephone : omce, Diac riimw nOTTSE. PHYBICIAN AND ff juaiu - ' Z ..mi ttt it rrr it iflanrTi, tlon MOCK. l'eiepuuuo raoiu wo , - . taiannnntL. umLft luii Z. 77 nrwnpnanw rTTYHTf'T AN vA. Sargeon. dp cj m I throat, umra in o" ja """" Phone aiain aa. rmn-TUi.n PHYSICIANS. DK8. Keje & Keyes. umce one uioc wti lolton Biure. ad nervous diseasea nna aiseaaes oi wu- r TTrt,ol Tnnfltnn cor. VTtir 273. DENTISTS. i riTrnTTAK. DENTIST. OFFICE IN gdd building. i iiivk nisMnsT. riKKifTP3 in ah. B0CIATI0N block, oyer Bcnmiar new ARCHITECTS AND BUILOtHB. rrrTT 1 nr A DPniTPPT IVTl RTT. wrlntendent, makes complete and reii i. nians for bnildlncs In the city or TTT. IIOUU1 XI UUU UUIlUIUh. builders. Estimates furnished on short . . r.1 mM ir.ln .... 1 I II. I'HAl. i iiil n i 1 1 i . . . . ' . Met can be left at the East Oregonlan PHOTOGRAPHERS. h. 8. BOWMAN. LEADING PHOTOGRA I pher of the city. Harvest views. la pis photos tor sale. Finishing done for fcutenrt. Main St, near bridge. Phone fd 27R ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE8. APLE BROS.. COURT STREET, lift. Innw hiiwk r.liM-trlrlnnii. dealers In elec trical inplles. Honses, stores, wired for ectrlc Ughts. bells or telephones. Electrl-1 kl fixtures of all kinds. Get onr prices. Bepalr work a aper-lalty. HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. prOND H'D SACKS FOR 8ALE-20TO TO , SXO second land Brain tacks, rood condl-' tltn. for le at bargains In anv quantity de-' bred L. Shank fc Co., Webb it., near Hotel ' li'trn. , INSURANCE & LAND BUSINESS. nut. u, rAimtm, "r-iuis toum Bl. JOHN WILSON. FIRST CLASS SH0E Opposlte Golden Rule Hotel; land of-" maker and repairer. Best material used lee bnslness, such as filing of claims and nnd g00d work done. Shop 117 Alta blUatlng contests a specialty. street inHV miT.nv ttj tt a nvn nrr. ' ' mlMloner Bpeclalty made of land HI-! Hw and proof : Insurance and collections. 1 lOEce In Judd building, room 16. BOARD AND LODGING. IWlgTRAHC-N ROOMING HOME, MAIN BT . 01 rooms in new building, with good clean - THr WttTTTt? T fTPTTn TTATTOls ortt OrtTWIT IHiaitttet.M T Bradley, prop. Housekeep lyfraonn and lodging rooms. Good comfort w rooms and clean, well kept beds. Lodging flRE L0 DOING HOUSE CORNER OF E. Toort and Johntnn streets; good large clean renins with comfortable beds. Rates 25c and jfca night. Thos. Smart, Prop. IWEL ALTA. CORNER ALTA AND .Mill streets. Board by the day or week. MOd thl A an (K nr nalr In&IIttrtn VA V. In MntiMtlnH V. I, proprietor. 80lEIi EASTERN. HAVrrJET. GEORGE. Pwp. Board by the day or week. Good " beds and well ventilated rooms ; 25: board and lodging $5 per !r; ,ed sttble In connection. CABS AND CARRIAGES. S!.E? 17RE HACK. NEW AND VERY LAT t$,y 't the service of the public. C. D. (wiL0?11 8-McKay. P.ops Call at the ttf.?,.'ell Liverv 8tatle or telephono Main the hack will call lor you. J CAB LINE, EBWIN BAKER, Prop, jjttepnone Main 79. Stand In front of restaurant UVERYANDEED STABLEST at!lHED.Af,'D BALES YARD. H. CHE'J. Or K,p 'ei9- Aura St., bet. Webb and Alta u. ireatmeot given horses left In oar Lu71 LIVERY, BOARD AND BALE ttt r- .M J- Carney, proprietor, for Jtononu. suble lis Alta afreet MEniCAL STABLES, O. W. FROOMB iftt .JTery'. Feed Boarding. AJ. U Bof.inoDI,t,i.CoBPetent drivers. Op Hotel Pendleton. tinhna. i. fe.UvBKY FEED AND SJlLM .Pfcon. It.?0!?00"- 2T Cottonwood !Hln 79. El via Craig. Prop. I TABD, W. T. BOYNTON S a. rJ8' given to bones left l Lower Weeb Street Phoae Red -TOORIAL PARLORS. PV. VttAoaiV. . eS room . 'u' BAKBER BHOP AND !5? stkSU, gPP"? Hotel St. George. Mttio". eryttiiBg in Uti saBltarr sX 2d wnrtJ?.u,e Ufu 8- K' Lipscomb: BANKS AND BROKERS. nR8T NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA. Oregon. Capital, $50,000 Marplot mafl profit, fttOOO. Interest on time deposits. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, president: T. J. Kirk, vlee-preet-dent; E. L. Barnett, cashier; F. 8. Le- urow, assistant casnier. THE PENDLETON SAYINGS BANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Organlted March 1, 1S8; capital,, surplus, 990,000, Interest allowed on time deposits, td change boncht and sold on all nrlncloal points. Special attention given to collec tions, w. J. Furnish, president: J. n, Teal, Tlce-presldent ; T. J. Morris, cashier, THE FARMERS' BANK OF WE8TON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general banking bnslness. Exchange bought and sold. Collections promptly attended to. R. Jameson, president; Geo. W. Proebstel, Mce president; J. R. Kiigore, cashier ; di rectors. G. A. Hartman. M. M. Johns. T. J. Price, G. D. Graw, 3. F. Kllgore, Robert Jameson, u. w. iToe betel. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PENDLB ton. Capital $70,000; snrplna, 195,000. rransacts a general banking bnslness. Ex change and telegraphic transfers sold on Chicago, San Francisco, New York and principal points In the northwest. Drafts drawn on China. Japan and Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi An keny, president: W. p. Matlock, vice-president-; C. B. Wade, cashier; H. C Guern sey, assistant cashier. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month In Odd Fellows' hall. Mrs. Ida Holcomb, Oracle; Mrs. Nc...e Bobbins, Recorder. LMATILLA TENT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All visiting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. S. Kees, Record Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, Commander. PENDLETON LODGE, NO. 62. A. F. and A. M.. meets first and third Mondays of each month. .Visiting brethren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M Joe H. Parkes, Sec PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor. H. P.. F. F. Wamsley, Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month In Masonic Hall. PIONEERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL llam Martin Encampment, No. 1. Meets every Wednesday at Hendrlck's Hall. Mrs. L. F. ampkln. Secretary. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF rythlas. J. Nowlln. C. C.J R. W. Fletcher. K. of R. S. Meets every Mon day a Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tutullla Camp, No. 6399. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. George A. Hamblln, Con sul ; G. A. Robblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41, W. of W., are held In Secret Society Hall every Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker. Clerk. J. P. Earl, C. C. BLACKSMITH I NG AND HORSE SHOEING. COPELAND & BON FOR WHEAT RACK?. Cheapest and best in town. 314 Webb street. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRERS. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. jEORGE O'DANIEL. NEW AND SECOND band goods bought and sold. Court St, Opera house block. Call and see him. r. 8TROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND hand goods. If there Is anything yon aeed In new or second hand furniture, itovea, granite ware and crockery, call and cet bis prices. No. 212 Court St WANTED. WANTED TWO OR THREE ROOMS FUR nlshed for housekeeping; must be central. Address, statii g price, F. R. F E. 0. office. WANTED LADY SINGER FOR THE ROAD: Good amateur will do. Address B. B. Mat terson, Gen'l Dflivery, Pendleton, Ore, WANTED POSITION AS ENGINEER WITH threshing machine; state full particulars; experience four years with Case engine. Ad dress Box 76, Monta villa, Oregon. WANTED TO PHRCHABK-AT INVOICE price, a good cigar, or stationery .store in Pendleton. Address F. H. M.( care of East Oregonlan. FOR RENT. ROOMB TO RENT ENQUIRE MARY E. Rust, 320 Ann street. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, The First National Hank of Pendleton. Oregon, has taken possession of the following described personal property, in Umatilla County, Oregon, to-wit: One 3 horse power engine; one temper ing vat and one pair of scales (400 lbs ); also one sorrel horse 8 years old, branded JI U connected on the left shoulder, named "Henry;" one black horse 12 years old, branded JI on the left shoul der, named "Nig;" one set double work harness and one ?Yi inch tubuiar axle Itaiu wagon, by virtue of a certain chattel mortgage, dated Sep tember nth, 1900, executed by Kdwin Wooddy, to-wit: Covering the personal property afore said and securing,thereon the payment of 770.07 with interest as stated therein, which chattel .mortgage was duly signed by the sad Edwin Wooddy, and was thereafter and on September nth, 1900, duly filed for record in the chattel mortgage records in the office -of the. County Clerk of Umatilla County, Oregon, the condition of the said chattel mortgage havhig been broken by the 6aid Kdwiu Wooddy, and the debt men tioned thereiu and thereby secured not having been paid and being still owned by the under signed; and pursuant to the terms of said chattel mortgage, all of said property will be sold by the undersigned at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Sat urday, the sth day of August, i&oa, on Johnson street, between Court and Alta streets, at stone warehouse of K. Puringtou, in the City or Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, at public auction, to the highest bidder for .cash in hand, the pro ceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of the costs and expense thereof and of foreclos ing said Chattel Mortgage and the balance upon the debt mentioned in said Chattel Mortgage as now held and owned by said The I'irst National Bank of Pendleton, Oregou. Dated this 38th day of July, WM. THKWR8T NATIONAL BANK OH PKNDLR- TON, OREGON. ByT. D, Taylor, Sheriff, Agent for the Mortgagee. "A STRIKE IN THE COMMERCE-TRADE NOT MUCH CHANGE REPORT ED IN LOCAL MARKETS. Hogs Are About the Only Thing to Change Price of Beef Also Fluc tuated A Few Slight Changes in Other Markets. The most marked change in the lo cal markets since last week is in the hog markeL One week ago hogs on foot were quoted at $5.25 a hundred, and today they are $6. Instead of being sold at 7 cents a pound from the block, pork has advanced to 8 cents. Steers have dropped a notch. On foot they were quoted at $3.80 and $3.90 last week and today they are $3.75 and $3.85. Cows have ad vanced from $3.10 to $3.25. Other staple articles in the grocery line practically remain the same. No market has opened for wheat that can be called a staple market A little has sold at 52 cents for ex port, but the markets will not open in earnest for another week. Local Market Prices. The following shows the prices paid on the local market: Raspberries, $2.75 a crate. Blackberries, $2.25 a crate. Pineapples, $6 a dozen. Watermelons, $5 a dozen. Muskmelons, $3 a dozen. Tomatoes, 10 cents per pound. Peaches, 10 cents per pound. Apricots, 10 cents per pound. Cherries, $1.75 per crate. Plums, three boxes for 25c. String beans, 5c a pound. Parsnips, 75c per sack. Cabbage, 3c per pound. Cheese, per pound, 20c. Onions, 3c per pound. Green onions, 25c doz. Beets, per lb, lc. New Potatoes, 1M:C per pound. Garlic1 2 c per lb. Pendleton Live Stock and Poultry. Chickens, hens, per doz., $2.50 to $3.50. Roosters, $3.504. Turkeys, per lb., 10c. Geese, per doz., $9. Spring chickens, per doz., $2.50 and $3. Ducks, per doz., $3.75. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 25c in trade. Butter, 25c and 50c per roll. Choice Beef Cattle, Etc. Cows, per hundred, $3.10(3.25. Steers, $3.753.85. Hogs, live, $C. Hogs, dressed, 8c; Calves, dressed, 89c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Coffee Mocha and Java, beat, 40c per lb; next grade, 35c per lb., lower grades coffee, 25c to 15c per lb; package coTee, 15c lb. Rice Best head rice, 12 c per lb; next grade, 6 l-3c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, beat, $5.25 per sack: do., 16 lbs, $1. Salt Coarse, 75c per 100; table $2.20 per 100. Flour, B. B. $3.25 per bbl. Flour, Walter's $3.25 per) bbL Portland Wheat MarkeL Portland, July 3x. The Commer cial Review, in its issue of today, says of the wheat market: Harvesting Is progressing in all di rections and farmers are paying more attention to field operations than to marketing. At least offerings are very spall and receipts at this port decidedly light. However, within the next three weeks the movement will begin to increase and tonnage will shortly be coming in. The shipping season will be under way by the mid dle of September, but owing to the comparatively small amount of ton nage due to arrive within 30 days wo cannot look for liberal export until October. From what we can learn, purchases of wheat against tonnage requirements are thus far extremely small, but there is plenty of wheat at tidewater to take care of the early arrivals. Farmers, no doubt, will sell freely at the opening of the season, and will not hold off until the last moment, as .in previous years. Prices seem at present to be nearly on the basis of 60 cents per bushel in the interior, ana many or me larmura iuo willing to dispose of their crops on thli? basis. Farmers will get full ex COLD REGIONS" port value and should shippers' ne cessities become very urgent, com petition might become so active that figures above relative values would be paid. But from the fact that there is not likely to be any important need of wheat before September and that there is always a certain number of holders who immediately sell upon the conclusion of harvest work, it seems mpre than probable that this season's buying will have accomplish ed more on the lines of actual export basis than in former years. Farmers will get all the market will stand after allowing for a legitimate profit for handling and us.ual risks of ship ment Harvesting has already started at Walla Walla, and under the present conditions the crop throughout the Palouse and the Big Bend will be ready for harvesting by the end of this week. Reports from all parts of the country confirm, the statement that the yield will be equal to that of last year. The Central Washington and Lev iston and Clearwater branches report all kinds of grain In good condition, and the prospects are bright for a good crop. One thing that is grati fying to the farmers Is the large area of wheat which has escaped the frosts this year. The frosts have caused heavy damages during past years. Prices at present: Club wheat, G3 64c; bluestem, 6566c; valley, 64 G5c per bushel. San Francisco Markets. San Francisco, July 31. Wheat The new season has fairly opened up and shippers are free buyers in the country. Some lots have passed into t heir hands. Freights are lower and farmers will realize the benefit of the same. No. 1 shipping is quoted at $1.151.17; milling, $1.20 to $1.22& per cental. The Wool Market. Boston, July 31. The wool markqt here is improving steadily and trade is very fair. Dealers ' look for even higher prices. Fine fleeces are firm. In Montana the new clip Is selling readily. No wool Is coming hero at present except by consignment. The quotations: California Northern choice, 19(g21c; Northern average, 1617c; middle county, H315c; southern, 1012c; fall, 812c. Ore son Staples, 10317c; Eastern rhoice, 1415c; Eastern average, 12 g13c; valley, No. 1, 1819c. Terrl tory Idaho fine, 1314u; Idaho fine medium, 1516c; Wyoming fine, 13 14c; Wyoming fine medium, 1516c; I'tah fine, 1314c; Utah fine medium, l(J17c; Dakota fine, 1314c; Da kota lino medium, 1516c; Montana fine choice, 1617c; fine average, 1415c; flue medium choice, 17 18c; Colorado, New Mexico, etc., fine, 1012c; . fine medium, 1214c; coarse, 1314c. 8klns, Hides, Pelts. Portland, July 31. Sheepskins Shearlings, 1520c; short wool, 25 35c; medium wool, 3060c; long wool, 60c$l each. Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up, 1515c per pound; dry kip, No. 1, 5 to 16 pounds. 12c; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds, 10c; dry rait ed bulls and stags, one-third iosb than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, 60 pounds and over, 89c; 50 to 60 pounds, 7 t78c; under 50 pounds and cowb, 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 55c; kip, sound, 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 8c; green, (unsalted), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse bidea, salted, each, $1.5002; dry, eacb, $1 1.50; colts' bides, eacb, 2560c; goat skinB, common, eacb, 1015c; Ango ra, with wool on, eacb, 25cl. Pelts Bear skins as to size, No. 1, eacb, $520; cubs, $205; badger, each, 10040c; wildcat, 25C0c; bouse cat, 5 10c; for, common gray, each, 3050c; do red, eacb, $1.5002; do cross, eacb, $5016; do silver and black, eacb, $100200; fisher, eacb, $50,6; lynx, eacb, $23; mink, strict ly No. 1, each, 60c$1.60; marten, pale pine, according to size and color, $1.50 (& 2; muskrats, large, eacb, 6 10c; skunk, each, 4060c; civet or polecat, eacb, 610c; otter, for large prime skins, eacb, $507; panther, with bead and claws perfect, eacb, $203; raccoon, for large prime, each, 80 050c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.5005; wolf, prairie, (coyote), without head, eacb, 30 36c; wolverlL", eacb, $47; beaver, per skin, large, $5 6; do medium, i 4; do small, $11.60; do kits, 60 76c. Extra line: .10 cent each NOTICE OF SAL UNDER CHATTEL MuRTQAGB, Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, C. n Wade, cathfer, his tnken pocslon of the following described personal property; in Uma tilla county, Oregon, to-wit; The two-thirds un divided interest lu and to all of the crops of every description at present sown and growing nnd neing harvested upon and from the North east quarter of Section fourteen and the South, west quarter of Section fourteen, the WW half of Section Twenty-three, the west half of the Northwest quarter, nml the Northeast quarter of inc nunnwcsi quarter, ana uie in on 11 west quar , ter of the Northeast quarter or Section Twenty, six. allin Township Wvc north of Kange Thirty-two east of the Willamette Meridian. I Ka one Rrey horse 6 years old, branded borl zontal 1' on left slioutilcr; one grey mnrc 8 years old, no brand, named Molly; one liay horse six years old, branded J 11 K connected on left hip, named Hilly ; one bay mate 5 years old, branded J. I,, with quarter circle over it on left hip, named Pansy; one roan I mare 6 years old, branded 1' I X on the left nip nml G on the right hip, limned Queen; one bay jnarc 6 years old, branded bar R on the left hip, named Pet; one black horse 6 years old, branded J H connected with horitoti tal II over it on left shoulder named nick; one sorrel marc 5 years old, branded C 11 on left shoulder, named Susie; one Rrey horse 6 years old, branded II 7. on the left shoulder, named Major; one bay horse 11 years old branded t on the left shoulder, named Jack; one black horse 9 years old, branded 8 M on the left shoulder, named Jim; one bay horse 6 years old, branded It 7. on the left shoulder, named Dash ! one bay horse H years old, branded half circle with bar over it on the left hip, named Cap; one bay horse 6 years old, branded circle S on the left hip. named Tim; one brown horse 7 years old, branded V on the left shouMcr, named Harrv; one brown horse 7 yeais ola, branded V on flic left shoul der, named frank; ouc sorrel horse 6 years old, branded T on the right shoulder, named Tom; one sorrel horse 7 years old, branded S with bar over it on the left hip, named Jerry; one black mare 7 years old, branded J W S on the right shoulder named Jennie; one brown horse 9 years old, branded Dia mond 011 the rlulit hip, named Charlie; one sorrel marc 5 years old, branded J r, quarter circle over it on the left hip; one sortel horse 6 years old, branded C 11 011 the left shoulder; one brown horse 7 years old, branded C 1) on the left shoulder; one brown mare 5 years old, branded Jill connected on the left shoulder, uameu rxeiue; one grey mare 7 years out, no brand, named May; one brown horse 6 years old. branded yi 011 the right shoulder and II S on the left shoulder; one bay horse 5 years old, branded 7 on the left shoulder, named Jumbo; one tbny horse 7 years old, branded J N on the right shoulder, named Corley; one sorrel horse 6 years old, branded O on the left shoulder: one sorrel horse 5 years old, branded 66 oil the left hip, named Joe; one bay horse 6 years old, branded J O on the left shoulder, named frank; one bay horse 7 years old, branded on the left hip, named Dude; also 4 Unlit trucks, 3 1.4 inch; one Ilnlu truck, 3 Inch; one 3 bottom 14-incli Canton Clip per gnng plow; one 3 bottom 14-iucli Convex Clipper gong IMow; one 4 section Jackson lever harrow; one 6 section iron harrow; two Superior disc drills, 7 inch 16 hoe; one Jones mower, foot; one Jones hay rake, 10 foot; 17 sets ol double work harness and one Kuciuc top buggy, bv virtue of a certain Chattel Mortonfe. ilnleil October Jist, 1901, ami another certain Chattlc, Mortgage, dated Novemtter nth, 1901, executed by Artie Anderson to-wit; covering the person al property aforesaid and securing thereon the payment of $3,000.00, with interest 11s Mated there in, which said Chattel Mortgages were duly ac knowledged by the said Artie Anderson, so as to entitle them to be recorded, nnd were llierenfter on October 21st, 1901, nnd November nth, 1901, respectlvely recorded in Hook 4 on page 245 anil jiook 4, iinge 2f5, respectively, ot me Kceorus 01 tnauei mortgages men lit the omce 01 the Re corder of Conveyances of Umnllllu County, Ore gon; the conditions of the said Chattel Mort gages liavlnir been broken bv the said Artie An- derson, nnd the debt mentioned therein and tnerciiy seemed not having been paid anil being still owned by the undersigned; and pursuant to the terms of the said Chattel Mortcaire. nil of said property will be sold by the undvihlgued nt 10 o'ciock 111 tue tort noon 01 Aiigusl 7111, 1902, 011 the lnnds hereinbefore described, near Juniper PostoiTice in Umatilla County, Oregon, at public miction to the highest bidder for ensh In hand, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of the costs and expenses hereof and of foreclosing said Chnttel Mortgages, and the balance upon the debt mentioned in said Chattel Mortgage mid now held uud owned by said C II. Wade, coshler, Dated this 25th day of July, 1902. C. JI. WADJ, Cushler. Ily T. n Taylor, Sheriff. Agent of the Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE UNDBR CHATTEL UORTOAOB. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned. The first Nutlotml llaukof Pendleton, a corpor ation, uas taicen possession or tne loiiowuig nc. criued personal property, in umntuia cyuniy, 3 Inch Haiti truck; one 3 bottom Canton Clipper gang plow, 14 men plows; one 3 votiom convex gang plow, 14 inch bottoms; one 4 section lever Iron harrow: one Kunerlor disc drill: eight sets double work harness; one mower, 4 ! foot sickle; one Columbia fanning mill; one grey horse 4 years old, branded triangle on the left shoulder; one bay horse 4 years old, branded triangle 011 the left shoulder; one bay horse 8 years old, branded Diamond on the right hip, named unnriey; one DiacK mare n yeurs oiu. branded J W S 011 the right shoulder, named Jruiile; one bay mare 7 yeurs old, branded R on the left hip. named Pet; one roan mare 3 years old, branded f I X 011 the left hip and C on the right hip, named Queen, one bay horse 10 years old, branded T 011 the left shoulder, named Jack; one black horse fi years old, brunded II with horizontal connected II over it on left shoulder,, named Dick; one bay horse 8 years old, branded half circle with bar over it on left hip, named Cap. one brown horse 8 years old, branded J O on the right shoulder: one grey mure 6 years old, branded horizontal p on left shoulder; one bay 6 years old, brnaded J N on the; right shoulder; one bluck horse 8 years old, brand unknown; one roun horse 8 years old, brand unknown; one bay mare 4 years old, branded J I, with half circle over It 011 left hip; one sorrel mare 4 years old, branded J I, with quarter circle over it on left hip; one bay horse 4 years old, brunded J K on the (eft hip, one grey mare 7 years old, no brand, named Molly, by vir. tue of a certain Chattel Mortgage, dated Decem ber 20th, 1900, executed by Artie Andersou, to wit; Covering the personal property aforesaid uuil securing thereon the payment of $1,009 00 with interest as stuted thereiu, which Chntt Mortgage wss duly signed by the said Artie Ai, demon and filed for records oil December Join, 1900, in the Chattel Mortgage Records in the of fice of the County Clerk of Umatilla County, Ore gon, and which Chattel Mortgage Is now 011 file in the office of the Recorder of Conveyances of said County and State; the conditions of the said Chattel Mortgage having been broken by the said Artie Anderson, arid the debt mentioned therein and thereby secured not having been paid and being still owned by the undersigned, and pursuant to the terms of said Chattel Mort gage, all ofsaid probity will be sold by the uu derslgned at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of August the 7th, 1902, oil the lands of the said Artie An derson, held by lease, near Juniper Postofiice in Umatilla County, Oregon, at public auction, ty the highest bidder for cash in hand, the pro ceeds of such sale to lie applied to the payment of the cost and expense hereof and of foreclos ing said Chattel Mortgage and the balaucc upon the deht mentioned lu said Chattel Mortgage tut now held and owned by said The first Natlouul Bank of Pendleton Dated this 25th day of July, 1902. THH V IR8T NATIONAL HANK. Ily T. D. Tavixjr, Sheriff, Agent for the Mortgagee, ( week; 25 cent a line per menth. MISCELLANEOUS. PKNDLKTON MACHINE SHOP AND FOON dry Baltesoro A Howe, proprietor. Black srulthlng and general Jobbing. Iron and bras) castings. Alt kinds ot machinery repairs. Phone Red SO. aicNHRAii nrci'Ain shop, WEnn ST West of Hotel Kastern. All kinds) of re pairing dona at reasonable price. Bicy cle, jrnn and machine repairing a special ty, Simmons A Holla, proprietor. HORSES TO PABTUnK-TIMOTHY, ORCHARD anil bromo graises; good pniuiro; plenty or running water. Terms reasonable. W. B. Hoe Meachum, Oregon. MISS MINNIK S. ludR, ORADUATK NURHK, .209 Turk street. Telephono No. lllaok H calls day Or night promptly responded to. FOR SAI.K OR TRADE WILL UKI.LORTRADK tor properly hero, m aerosol land .1 mile southwest of The Dalles, Orctjon. Add res mum Isbell, SIS Perkins Arc, Pondletoaj Oregon. FOR 8 ALU AT THE RABT ORBOONIAM office, large bnndlea of newspaper, eea talnlng over 100 big paper cam m at tained for 35 ceata a bnadl. KKLLAR tmor.lHKH, PLASTRRINO nd cementing. Cement walk a peel! ty. Estimate furnished free. Work guar anteed. Leave order at Radley k Zak ner'a cigar store. Main Bt... P. O. bog 104. TRANSPORTATION LINES. OREGON Snowline Union Pacific DEPART roa Time Sehedule From Pei.dloton Aaairi raoM Chicago. Portland Bpoclal 6:30 n m via Hunt lUKtou. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. urui, umana, nan sasClty.St Louis, Ohl- 8:00 a. 1 cagnana cast. Atlantic Salt Lako, Dourer, Ft. Kxpresa worm, umana. Kan saa City, Bt. Louis, Chi cago and Kast. ' 6 .15 a. m. 11M9 a M. via Hunt iugton. St. Paul Fast Mall 8.16 a. m. via Bpokauo. Walla Walla, Lewlston Bpokauo. Wallace.Pull' man, Minneapolis, Bt Paul, Duluth, Mllwan. koo, Chicago and Kast, 5:20 p. m. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates subject to change For Ban Francisco f BUI every 5 days. 8:00 p. in, 4 p. m. Daily oxcopt Sunday 8 p. m. Saturday 10 p. m. Columbia River To Astoria and Way Lauding. 4pm Sunday Willamette River llnl til IaBVA Pirtlasl1 HIU a rakI OnHaiB stage ot water pormtttlng) for Willamette and amnui jtivor point. Ieavu Rlparla 4:05 a. m. Daily Kxcpt Mon Leave Lewlston 7:00 a. m. Daily Kxcpt Hor Snake River Rlparla to Lewlston. F. F. WAMBLKV, Agent, Pendleton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for For Chlcaio, Bt. Paul, Bt. Louis, Kan Haa City, Bt. Joe, Omaha, and All Points East and South Portland and polnta oa the Sound TIMK CARD. Leave Pendleton, dally except Monday ai 70. pin. Arrive Pendloton Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12 -Mpm, Arrive Pendleton Tuesday, Thursday Mid Saturday l():6osrai Leave Walla Walla dally, east bound OrtTlpm. Arrive Walla Walla dally west bound 0;Cu am. For Information regarding rate and aeoesa modatlons, call on or addro W. A DAUB, Agent, f'AtirllAtnn. titmmom a. b. oaldkrhkad, u. p. a., waiia walla, wash. . CHICHCSTKR'S CNQLtaH ir uii(visinir.ivn l..1UUl sen m&i tioiu amsiiit ts Mu rtuW, Tka no athar, cerou MubAllluUitK mm upas, ni of j bur uruciui, r mi sl Itcll.r fur ldlrT" i. 1 tun Mull. 1,) I41IU ilDru(l,t. CbUbMtcrObeajtaal pm U(1I Hqunrc PMlLAV MEN AND WlUftf ITaeBtg MmumUiU QTtr OUesjUr tea e rwjmwt.