East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 31, 1902, Image 2

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    Harvest Wearing Apparel
We can supply jou with everything in the Cloth
ing, Shoe and Hat Line, you need during the
Harvest Season.
We are offering a regular harvest of bargains dur
ing our Special Harvest Sale, which is now in
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton
729 Main Street
-h foist (jftroxas
THURSDAY. JULY 31. 1902.
J. "Watts, the famous jockey, is
dead at London.
Henry J. Taylor, a leading member
of the Iowa bar, is dead at Auckland,
New Zealand.
The steamship Rosslyn Castle sail
ed for South Africa Tuesday, with the
first party of returning Boers, num
bering 350 persons, on board.
King Victor Emmanuel accom
panied by Signor Prinetti. the Min-j
ister of Foreign Affairs, will start for!
Berlin August 22 to visit Emperor i
William. !
It is stated on reliable authority
that the supply of anthracite coal in
the hands of the railroads and dealers
-will probably be exhausted by thej
middle 01 bepiemDer.
A revised estimate of the losses in
Tusedav moraine's fire, places the
total at 5318,500. the chief losers be-
ing Stewart Bros., $175,000, and Dei
Noon Bros.. 5105,000.
General Perico del Gado is under;
arrest, according to a dispatch from'
Havana, charged with having assas-j
sinated Antonio Acosta, a nephew off
Colonel Baldomoro Acosta.
A special dispatch from Vienna j
says that the Servian cabinet, which;
resigned July 24, has ended the crisis!
which resulted from the resignation!
by consenting to remain in office. 1
The new commercial treaty between .
Great Britain and China was approved
at a conference held at the Foreign'
Office Tuesday. It is expected that
the government will now sanction the'
conculsion of the treaty. '
The German gunboat Panther sailed
for the Caribean Sea Tuesday. The;
German cruiser Gazelle, whioh was
first ordered temporarily to the Car-,
rlbean has now been permanently at
tached to the American station.
Don Martinus, a Mexican sheep-.
herder, was shot and killed near Cop
perton, by M. A. Steep, a miner,,
better known as "California Red."
Another herder was also shot at but
escaped injury. Steep went to Battle
and gave himself up. He claims the!
shooting was done in self defense.
Hotel Pendleton.
A. Sinsheimer. Portland.
G. M. Sterud, Lewiston.
William Maher. Lewiston.
C. M. Smith, Lewiston.
Albert Penny, Los Gatos.
J. T. Lamberth.
Will Fish, Portland.
Walter J. Ball. Taconia,
R. Motley. Milton.
C. N. Motley, Silver City.
W. X. Cosey, San Francisco.
Louis Hunzlker, cltv.
Will E. Pay. city.
E. J. Brannick, Portland.
J. B. Mullay, Portland.
James Mutch, Portland.
G. E. Wallace, Kansas City.
J. M. Kinney.
M. H. Insley, Portland.
J. M. Badley.
The Golden Rule.
Charles C. Watson, Chicago.
J. W. Arrasmith, Colfax.
William H. A. Johnson, Helena.
Charles Langert. Chicago.
Leo Ferguson, Walla Walla.
Mrs. James Rattigan, Walla Walla.
A. F. Bernard, Portland.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
F. J. Gardner. Portland.
A. W. Davis. Portland.
S. White. Freewater.
W. R. McRoberts, Spokane.
Sam Lee. Spokane.
A. J. Brown. North Cove.
Charles Lander. Walla Walla.
Joe Goodwin. Walla Walla.
E. H. Mangan, Walla Walla.
F. Mitchell, La Grande.
Brown, La Grande.
Thompson. La Grande.
Shea. La Grande.
McGuckin. La Grande.
Castner, La Grande.
Adams, La Grande.
McBirney. La Grande.
Menefee, La Grande.
Bolin. La Grande.
Russell. La Grande.
Black, La Grande.
Ray, La Grande.
John F. Dooley. Baker City.
H. Connell, Umatilla.
J. S. Chandler.
B. H. Miller, La Grande.
Hupp. Baker City.
Wood, Baker City.
Ferris, Baker City.
Black, Baker City.
Willard, Baker City.
Brown, Baker City.
L. Mahaffey, Baker City.
J. Mahaffey, Baker City.
Crofford, Baker City.
Thomas, Baker City.
Clemens. Baker City.
Hosier, Baker City.
Ryan. Baker City.
Tour young lads of Salem, confess
ed stealers of Junk, will be sent to the
reform school.
A clean-up of between 58000 and I
S9000 is expected from the Winter-1
ville placers this year. , .
The Southern Pacific is appointing' , Deafne Cannot oe Ci-fid
guards to protect its extensive timber! 'SSLS'SSS? o"? tJSUTS
limits In the Kalamath Lake region, only one way to cure dfnes. and that
r ni.. r-. 1 r i i . I bj constitutional remedlea. Deaineaa la
A. B. Conley. a Grande Ronde wheat, by M umed condition of the
raiser, has purchased 20,000 sacks mucus lining ot the Euatachlan Tube."
for this year's yield of his wheat Wnen tube u Inflamed yon hare a ;
t.i,lc rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and 1
ue,u,- when It la entirely closed. Deatneaa la the
Alexander Baring, of the London' result and unless the Inflammation can be
firm of Barine Bros Ik In the. -RaV-or ,aken ont and tnU "torS to lta
nrm 01 uaring .Bros is in tne Baker nonDa condition, bearing will be destroy.
City country inspecting mining In- ed rower; nine can oat of ten are
terests. ' caused by Catarrh, which la nothing but
... , . , . , an Inflamed condition of the mucna aur-
Fanners living near Rock Point, face.
have pooled their wheat crops for We will gWe One Hundred Dollar for
this season and will hold for hlehnr a?7 of Df1"8 caued by Catarrh)
mis Heason ana win noia jor nigner tnat cannot Cnred by Haifa Catarrh
Prices. Cure. Bend for circulars, free.
The fourth' annual open tennis, SoJd bf C" '
tournament of the Multnomah Ama- Hall's Family Mils are ths best,
teur Atbeletic Club is in progress In
Portland. Bids for Wood.
Only C98.469 acres of unappropri
ated and unsurveyed lands remain
in the Oregon City land district, com
prising 15 counties.
Mrs. James Ebbert, a plonerr 01
Lane county, died suddenly at her
home near Springfield, death being
caused by heart failure.
Amos D. Jatoes, of "Dea Moines,
Iowa, who has been prospecting near
Medford, was found dead in a pros
pect hole which had caved in on him,
last Sunday afternoon.
The xeport of the receiver of the
defunct Gilbert Bros, bank, of Salem,
has been ifllod showing claims amount
ing to flOC.800, with $10,000 in cash
and various other assets.
riwmnr fteer Issues Annual Proc-
j lamation on the Subject
Gov. Geer has
Baker City and Pendleton Play Here
Today With Strengthened Teams,
and Much Interest Is Manifested
La Grande Goes to Walla Walla.
This afternoon the head-enders of
the Inland Empire League will meet
in deadly battle at the Alta grounds,
and one of the most interesting base
ball matches of the season is expect
ed. Both teams are on their mettle
proclamation warning the people
against setting fires that may spread
tn tlmhor. fences or crops. The law
on the subject provides a fine of $20
to 51000, or Imprisonment from three
to 12 months for malicious setting of
a fire which shall destroy the build-1
ings. crops, fences or timber of an-j
other. If the fire be set without!
malice, and yet destroys such prop-,
erty. the person setting the fire is
liable to a fine of S10 to 5100. Any
person setting fire to any wooded
cnuntrv owned by the United States
is liable to a fine of 51000, or Impris
onment for one year, or both fine and
Imprisonment. In all cases one-half
of the fine Is to be paid to the person
Rejected for
Insurance, Cured,
Then Accepted.
Ttri nit tn wn and nc thp mnfci.in
of the teams is practically entirely j who first furnishes the information ,
changed from what they were at the to the District Attorney
time the Indians took three scalps i -
from the Gold Diggers at Baker, the
outcome is more problematical than
Since the Indians' visit to Baker
City, that city has imported some
new men from the East who are
said to be regular whirlwinds, while
Pendleton has a whirler or two of
her own, so honors in this line are
about even.
Three additional games will be
played between the same teams, to
morrow, Saturday and Sunday, and
on the latter day an excursion will be
run over from Baker City to witness
the performance.
Baker is confident this time that
she will take the long end of tho
series, if not every game, and thus
run the Indians more closely for the
lead of the league.
The La Grande baseball team was
registered at the Golden Rule last
night and went up to Walla Walla
this morning to play a four-game
series with the Sharpshooters at that'
city. The Beet Pullers
B right's Disease and Diabetes
Are Positively Curable.
Cnas. I"- Wacfcer, another merchant inter
viewed. Address Ltl Slrth St., San Francisco.
Q- You are reported an having been cured of
Diabetes, although it Is behoved Incurable.
A. I had it, but am now well.
Q Did It It get severe !
A. Very. The first notice I had was when I
was rejected by an insurance compa-y. Later.
I became very weak and sufiered greatly. j
Q. Any other physician oay it was Diabetes! ,
Q- How soon did you begin to improve !
A. In two weeks I knew I'd get well.
Q. Did you again apply for insurance 1
A. I did. soon as I was well.
A. In the same company f
A. Yes ; the Northwestern of Minneapolis.
Q. Did they accept you
A. They did. The policy is No. 35.&M, and
is foriaxu.
Q. Have any test made since i
A. Yes. Leipnttz made an analysis, report
ing normal, neither albumen or sugar. The
A. Oh, yes. My own did. The sugar was
have been 1 enormous, over an ounce per day.
...," rr& tinnAjl -i n liioi,! Q. WhO tOld VOU Of She FullOn COffiDOUIld J 1
LUUOIUC1 aui CLlCUkLUCUCU liilii . . ,
appearance here and thev are confi- A.-Editor Engelke of the German paper. It
lpn thnt thar .-m ho lpnst nh, , had cured him of Drighfs Disease.
to exchange places with Walla Walla
and run third instead of last.
Following is the line-up of the
teams for the local game today:
Baker City Ferris, 2b; L. Mahaff
ey, lb; Hupp, 3b; Clemens, If; Craf
ford, ss; Wood, c; Bluth, cf; Brown,
rf; Thomas, p.
Pendleton Schills, 3b; Fay, ss;
Rtnvnll iti- SnhmirU 'h- WnmTrmnit I cure is permanent,
Xf. a'oo . -arii' ,;. rv, -r.' 9- Know of any other cures J
nuauia, r Miiuu, li. f nut,u
Taylor or Hays, p.
One is
Held in
A. ies. My sister-in-law was cured of
Brigbt'sDiseasu after being given up by three
physicians. (He gave us her address.
Medical works agree that IJright'slDiscase
and Diabetes are incurable, but K per cent, are
positively recoverlnr under the Fulton Com
pounds. (Common forms of kldnev commaint
j and rheumatism oSer but short resistance;
Price, 81 for the Bright's Disease and il.hl) the
ajj Diabetic Compound. John J. Fulton to., -tw
Sugqested to be
Harney County.
It has been sugested, and in
likelihood will be carried into effect iers. Frep testsinacte for patient's. Descriptive!
that a rabbit drive be made as soon pampmei mai. i
as the haying season is over. This. p w- Schmidt C Co., Sole Agents.
should be done to ascertain the ef
fectiveness of the scheme and if a
success others will follow in quick
succession. We find a number of
ranchers who will not seed their land
next season unless something is done
to exterminate the rabbits. If the
drives can be made a success, it is
one of the best methods of extermi
nation. We hope some of our farmers will
try the salt experiment mentioned
on our first page In iths Issue. This
simple method, if it will really kill
them, will save many dollars.
We feel that something must be
done in this direction, but advocate
a bounty as a last resort. At present
our farmers consider it useless to
sow grain, while if the pests were
gotten rid of many would seed from
40 to 200 acres. Burns Times-Herald.
Montana Methodists,
Great Falls, Mont., July 31. There
is a large attendance of divines and
laymen on the annual session of the
Northern Montana M. E. Church con
ference, in session here with Bishop
Merrill, of Chicago, presiding. The
conference was formally opened In
the First M. E. Church this morning
with devotional services, followed by
the secrament of the Lord's supper.
ThiB afternoon the annual missionary
sermon was preached by the Rev. W.i
A. Winters. The assignments will
ha nnnoiinned later In the week. i
j Sealed bids w!l be received by the
directors of School District No. 16
(Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon,
: up to August 1st, 1302, for the delivery
I of one hundred cords of four-foot .
wood. ennRlRtlntr nf nntial narfn nf rttA .
i fir and black nine, seventy cords to be .
delivered at the High School building,
I twenty cords to be delivered at the
, Fields school and ten cords at the
I school room on Beauregard street
, The board reserves the right to reject
any and all bids. Payment will be
made In school warrants of this dis
Dated July 19, 1902. Clerk.
In a fire at Elgin Sunday night,
four horses were burned to death.
A life of desire saps the strength
from the existence of happiness, and
dulls the intellect with the poison of
And Every Form of Torturing
Disfiguring Skin and Scalp
Humors Cured by
SPBKtir Ccbc TBRATmErr. Bathe the
affected parta thoroughly with Hut Wateh
and CirncuKA. Soap. Next apply Cuticcba
Ointment, the great skin ctire.and lastly take
a full iliwe of CtmcvuA Hesolvevt. ThU
treatment wiM afford instant, relief permit
reet ami ileep.and ioint to a speedy, perma
nent, and economical cure when all eu falls.
80M.TtT7.Hrre. Pti.THiBT.lJif.Ctrtico
Satr.ttc i OiTMIT.tfe. Hoolvihi kjf tiiakMc
m Dut ir, j.'him. coir., hti Prow Uttaa.
XT- " Uow lo Cm -P4X book, f ra.
Is not a beverage, but a
liquid food, possessing ton
ic and digestive properties.
Its use is endorsed by the
medical profession for con
valescents, nervous exhaus
tion, impaired digestion,
loss of appetite, etc.
A fresh supply just re
ceived direct from the manufacturers.
F.'W.Schmidt &Co.
Reliable Druggists.
Phone, Main 851.
E a
I Supplies
CIGARS, the best brands
I TOBACCO finest for
I smoking and chewing
I PIPES to suit all.
At tr 4 r
xa.11 ivuia 01 jut Fine
withstanding the Ra
w earner.
nere is a ionic ior Your Pocket
These figures should have been in yesterday's adve?
tisement, but they will do today, so call immediately. '
Odd pairs of Ladies' Slippers and Oxfords
Odd pairs of Ladies bhoes v
Odd pairs of Children's Shoes '
ILL. LL. tlUU h .J W 1. ... U . , U .....................
Don't you see that we want to close theBe out atoace?
t niu utility, , , ., 2? t
Underwear, per garment 2
All Harvest Clothing HONEST- 3
Merrick's Thread, per spool 2j.
Calico c
Unbleached Muslin jjjc
The Boston Store
TV a IT 1 1
m m m r a f t m m m " m m m m jmti .
I have a full Line of Oils, Axle Grease
Compound Lace Leather, Water Bags,
and in .fact everything you Deed in
the Hardware Line
At Prices That ate Right.
Taylor, the Hardware Man
741 Main Street
rvn nit had at fiSt'r
joiiir itwii peasona. y
.- 'l An iou
Ing, but we rausi nf0.-,,2r.ta
' " -; , io to
cneap. Kemuau ""--
leas tnan cost
75c Carpet now
50c Carpets now
ako in 4fk Caroets now..
. ia
Try the Victor PorchBW.J-
All I 111
I &- W W W P
. j . j 'pvr used in tle 00
me uesi wearing ana easiest cieaneu
. -rt is
Our line is complete. We have everything y teapot5)
your home : Cups, saucers, preserving kettles, w
dippers of all sizes and numerous other articles.
i n
For Health, Strength and fl
Pleasure Drink ::::::: '
Polydore Moens, Proprietor. J