SATURDAY, JULY 2C, 1902. ' ..USE PURE.. Artificial Ice Bra I tr'rf it - . i i -.' vi ui 1 ' ffp TT TlWy Events of me SOiTlS 11 if PastWeeL f iif4iti4 4. J "How this hot weather makes mo long for the mountains, or sonic sha dy place, on the seaside! The above expression can bo heard from almost every one left in Pendle ton. All able to get away from their Ping Pong Party. At the beautiful home of Mrs. Har riette Thompson on Water street, a delightful ping pong party was given Friday night. Tho event was in honor of Miss Fay Bartholomew, of Heppner, the guest of Judge and Mrs work have made tracks toward tho j V? K. Ellis. Saul Damn carried off the gentleman's prize lor ueiug mo most skilliul ping pong player and shady nooks on the headwaters of tho Umatilla, river or other places in the Blue mountains. Many private camping parties have been out for the past week and many homes in Miss Maude Sheridan won the ladies' prize. Miss Sheridan and Miss La velle Mourehoube tied lor the ladies' 'piizo and miss tiuonuun won in uie town are deserted and many business Ju playlng oUier gamM bcaU,e men are boarding at tho hotels while piug 1)0Ug( plajlng tho piano and families are enjoying the hills or sea-, singing. Heiresiinieius were served, side ' '.' ' : " ' Those pieseut weio: Alices Maud The weather of the past week has Sheiiuan, Leo She man, Uoitruuo been enough a send those who could anernlan, Bertlia Aie..uuuer, i-avelle get aVay to the hills. Vhen the Moore house, Edna aioor'ehouse, Jes thermometer is bobbing around 105 so Hartman; Messrs. Larl Bone, Jasi. in the shade it makes all think ot Welch, Sol Uaum, Oliver Kelsay, mountain breezes but all cannot go Carl Greenwald, Mark Moorehouse, at once- f ' Frcd Hartman, Ben Burrows. DRINK . Summer Beverages Hire's Root Beer is the thing. We have the Genuine Bite's Root Beet Extract Each 25c hottle makes 5 gallons of the great and delicious thirst quencher. LUMBER tfiiifi mmv lemons for vour summer lemonade. ' . Swift's Promium hams, bacon and lard (the finest you ever ate). , Fresh Fruits; Fresh Vegetables; Fresh Melons. Telephone Main 105. - JNo Sediment to Foul j Your Refrigerator No Disease Germs to Endanger Your Health tVAN GRSDALL & ROSS TOANSFER, TRUCKING, STORAGE. CROWNER BROS. Telephone Main 4. A Weddina of Note. Newport, B. 1 July 2G. A wedding of note took place at Jamestown to day, the hride being Miss Elsie J.. Bleecker, daughter of Captain John V. B. Bleecker, United States Navy 1 lti(.ln(rrnMm rnntn1n "R" CI ', Waynioutli, of the British army. The j ceremony was performed by Bishop iMcVickar, assisted by Dev. Charles D. Burrows, rector of St. 'Mathew's 1 nimrnh. Tho best man was Captain i Wakefield, a fellow officer of the bridegroom, and the maid 01 nonoi was Miss .Moil'1 of New Y 1 tt Ball Players to Confer. New York, July 26. A meeting of the Players' Protective Association, the first since the ball season opened is to be held tomorrow at the Stur tevant house and owing to the im portance of the subjects to be con sidered it will attract considerable attention frpm lovers of the game. It is expected that the meeting will be attended by representatives of twelve of tfto sixteen American and National league clubs, the players of (the remaining four clubs being una ! ble to attend " because they are at j present in the West. Existing rela tions between the two leagues will , be discussed, and the probable re sult to the ball player. The possibil ity of peace being declared between the two organizations and the con sequent cutting of salaries will be discussed and measures planned to bolster up this weak point. Contract jumping will also reccivo attention and it is possible that some steps to nunish nlayers who jump their con tracts may be taken by the associa tion. . New Chinese Minister Coming London, July 20. Prince Chen, tvhn rnmf tn T.nnrlnn ns the SDecial representative of China to the coro nation, sailed for ..ew York on the steamship Philadelphia today. He is accompanied by his suite, which 1 includes Sir Liang Cheng, the new Minister to the United States, who! probably will not return to China be-! fore assuming his official duties at Washington. We Arc Headquarters for Pendleton and Vicinity - ; - Jl 1 1 U ill I & 1 tefi 8 film ! i R. MARTIN, Proprietor 8 THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EUSE The first semester, session 1902-3, opens Wednesday, September 17th. The following schools and colleges are comprised in the Uni versity : Graduate School, College of Literature, Science and Arts; Gollege of Science and Engineering, University Academy, School ci Music, School of Medicine, School of Law. Tuition free, excepting In Schools of Law, Medicine and Music. Incidental fee, $10; Student-Body Tax, 12.50 per year. Cost of living from $100 to 200 ptr year. ForatT0 Registrar of the University, Eugene, Oregon Gray's Harbor Com. Co opp. W-. & C;R. Depot When getting fIgures f others on that lumber bill of yours, don't forget to come and see us. We carry a large stock of all kinds of Balding Material including shingles, door, win dows, moulding, screen doors and wir dows in fact, every, thing that is found in a first class lumber yard. WHY DOfflT Buy a Farm While They Are Cheap? N.Berkeley Will Sell You Land at $1250 Per Acre that will he worth $25.00 within five years and Pay Fifteen Fer Cent on the investment in the meanwhile Daily East Oregonlan by carrier, only 15 cents a week. luiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiitiitiiiiim STOP WASTING TIME Kemler's Closing Out Sale is Draw ing to a Close And the One Opportunity to Get Groceries at the Lowest Prices Ever I offered in Eastern Oregon will soon be a thing of the past. Lower, Lower, Lower, Have been cut the Prices, and the Final Clean-up is on. Another Chunk has been cut out of our Closing Out Prices. . Positively Everything Must be Sold in the few Remaining Days. We don't want a Single Article left. We Quit Business August 1st. Kemler's Closing Out Sale. If You are indebted to us come in and settle as all Accounts Will be Placed"in the hands of our Attorney for Collection at the Closing of the Sale. Come in and Learn the CUT, SLASHED AND SLAUGHTERED Prices. IlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllW