East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 23, 1902, Image 1

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fPj t tout residence
Eastern Oregon Weather
ol bwlneM by curler At
i5c A WEEK.
Pair tonight nnd Thursday;
warmer Thursday.
MS 15
NO. 4492
leved That His Majesty
W Soon Be Ready For the
ICoronation Ceremony.
L is the Opinion Expressed by an
ial Who Has Seen the King
- T a r a I
fly llmCS Olllt-C MIC vspci ctliuil
Km Performed.
s, July 23. The king was
Urtt up on the deck of the royal
it today and wheeled about for
ce nine.
jca!on, July 23. A high official,
has seen the king many times
the operation was performed,
at tne iouowmg statement to-
rwtth the utmost precaution the
will Ret through the coronation,
h It is likely he will not go to
don until the night before the
sony, and will afterward imme-
return to Cowes.
he reason for having the coro-
icn so soon is a grave one, as the
physicians Delieve he will
be so well again."
H added that the first operation
1 revealed a diseased condition of
intestinal cavity and a second
ition would be necessary. This
probably be performed during
Afraid It Will Be a Flzzzle.
andon now fears that the corona'
will be so slimly attended that
Ivill almost approach a fizzle.
The Duke of Norfolk has been
iiged to write many personal let-
in order to get enough persons
note present to make a decent
pxing. There will also be a total
kence of embassies.
But Some Sensational Testimony
Was Introduced During the Course
of the Inquest.
Brooklyn, July 23. The coroner'i
jury in the case of Wal tLatimer,
who- was murdered while in bed, re
turned a verdict this afternoon that
he came to his death at the hands of
an unknown person.
During tne morning a private de
tective testified that she shadowed
"William Tuthill, the man with whdm
Mrs. Latimer was supposed to have
been infatuated, and frequently saw
him enter the Latimer residence
while Latimer was away.
r County Well Rid of a Notori
ous Gang.
Daker City, July 23. It is believ
by the local authorities that Ba
county has been rid of one of the
notorious gangs of horse and
rustlers in the state, after a
A cease through the Lookout
lantain country, where the land is
and rugged and much cut up by
iw uua streams, jim nail, a
by the name of Pollard and two
ere unknown, were driven out of
county and William Hall was
ured and brought to town for
e sheriff and his nosse left Dur-
' Wednesday and were on horse-
untll Saturday night continu-
The alleged cattle rustlers
: to the hills and the posse chas
iem all over the mountains, and
oeuerea the outlaws "have been
lened out of Baker county and
s the state.
sheriff's party made an im-
at And on Lookout Mountain.
discovered a windlass, such as
d to draw un a heef nnd kill it.
'.tils spot is supposed to be the
Muarters of a uanir of cattle
attorneys for the .Halls tell
-WBtory and say that Hall will
aaKer City at thn nroner time
ed to stand trial, and that the
' brothers are coiirtintr an invAK-
a Of thfilr all
rse rustling.
Burned to nsth
INon CltV. Jtllv 93 T? Vi ao flfana
the 6-year-old rlaitirhtor nf
4la J. Wllfinn tuna fatallv Vinrn.
JWterdav afcrr.nnn oi, ..,
around a bonfire. triDDed
w l into it. Her clothes were
-ny nurnod from the body.
B,fl Fire at Camden.
S. C. Jlllv 93 Tho him.
Portion of Camden, the great
r resort i .... D
"oo uurnea inis morn
40 atop the nroirress of the
HI . -
nl i Dul'ding8 were blown
Infill nao 1
Pendleton Musical Circles Will Have
a Most Welcome Addition.
Below is what the Tacoma Ledger
of recent date Bays of Mrs. L L.
Ray, bride of Mr. Ray, who arrived
Tuesday from his eastern trip:
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Sternberg have
as their guests Mr. and Mrs. I. L.
Ray, who were married June 30, in
Chicago. Mr. Ray was formerly
well-known business man of Tacoma
and his former wife was prominent
cured soon after they moved to Pen
dleton, and the present Mrs. Ray,
who was Miss Wood, of Coopertown,
N. Y., is an old friend of the fam
ily. She is a musician of excep
tional ability and has for years been
known as a writer of criticism and
essays, besides romances of rare
charm. She was for years the musi
cal critic of the Etude, and a regular
contributor of the Musician, of Phil
adelphia. A book of "Musical Ro
mances" was published by her in
1898. It is a collection of delightful
little stories in each of which the
imisical interest is intense."
Mrs. Ray did not return with her
husband. She will remain on the
Sound for several weeks, or until
the hot weather is past..
Say, However, That When Attempt
to Work Collieries Is Made it Will
Be a General Movement.
New York, July 23. A number of
the anthracite coal companies auth
orized the statement that no efforts
will be made to resume work at any
fixed date, but when the -attempt is
made to open the mines in the strike
district it will be general, and not
confined to a few; well-protected col
They deny that they have taken
advantage of the strike to raise the
price of coal.
Civil Service Examinations.
The United States civil service
commission will hold examinations,
during September and October, in
several places in each state to secure
young men and women for the gov
eminent service. There are now
126.423 positions in the classified
46,736 in six years. There were 7,--,36
in six years. There were 7,
972 persons appointed between July
1. 1901, and April 16, 1902, being at
the rate of 10,070 for the year. There
will probably be 11,000 appointments
next year. Salaries at appointment
van- from 660 to $1,200 a year with
liberal promotions afterward. All
appointments are for life and for,
most positions only a common school
education Is required. Polltlcs-or re
ligion is not considered. Those de
siring to take examinations oi tnis
kind can get full Information about
them free by writing to the Colum
bian Correspondence College, Wash
ington, D. C., and asking for its civil
service catalogue for 1902,
c"r After Trusts.
,Julv 99 A
tm : :r v"ur lo uoai witn
it V"e8tlo. ,a Bn to be
Wy Were Drowned.
uaai Julv 99 m t i.
1 20 np " ounK "t prsova today
arsons wer drownad.
Milton Assessments.
Milton, July 23. The board ef
equalization on city assessments,
nomnosed of the council members
began the adjustment of a number of
alleged illegal tax levies yesterday
evening. The last of the business is
being completed today.
A Fool Is Gone.
Chicago. July 23. Because
His Mother Has Agreed to Pay for
the Missing Jewels and ex-Lady
Hope Is Happy.
New York, July 23. There 'will be
no reconciliation between May Yohe
Word Received From Manila That
the Bodies of the Unfortunates
Have Been Recovered and Their
Murderers Were Killed.
Washington, July 23. The war de
and Captain Strong if the actress is partment today received a cablo-
really in earnest in what she says
today, that she is content to allow
the entire affair to drop as a result
of a notification from Strong's moth
er that she will make good the loss
of Yohe s jewels.
Miss Yohe was in the best of
spirits this morning and said she
didn't care if Strong never came
She will leave immediately for
Japan to redeem the jewels pawned
there. Strong is expected to appear
here in two days
Big Bruisers Have Stopped Training
and Now Only Wait.
San Francisco, July 23. Jeffries
and Pitzsimmons have finished train
ing and are doing merely enough to
keep in condition. They are impa
tiently awaiting Friday nights battle.
Jeffries did light gymnasium work
today and weighs 215 pounds. Fitz
took a spin on the road and worked
in the gymnasium this afternoon.
Betting is 10 to 4 in favor of the
champion, due to the preponderance
of Jeffries money.
The ampltheatre where the fight
occurs is now completed and ready
to accommodate 10,000 people. The
advance sale of tickets is very large.
Great Russian Cyclone.
Vienna, July 23. The Tagsblatt
today says that the cyclone which
swept over CleW, in European Rus
sia, yesterday, was worse than at
first reported. Over 100 lives were
Baker City Herald: Ex-Sheriff
Fred Huntington is about town again
after a lengthy quarantine. Small
pox made its appearance in the fam
ily, and a quarantine was immedi
ately placed upon the home on
Campbell street. Those afflicted
with the dreaded malady have re
gram from Manila announcing that
John Wells, Louis Thomas, of Prov
idence, R. I.; Ernest Heger, of Cin
cinnati, and Clyde France, of Borea,
O., the school teachers who have
been missing in Cebu, were murder
ed by Ladrones and that their bodies
have been recovered.
The leaders of the murderers were
killed and eight others captured.
Colored Residents Engaged In a
Lively Altercation.
Another warm time was had among
the colored population of Pendleton
Tuesday evening. Tom Scott, the
ex-prlze fighter and boxer and Eu
gene Mumford, had a mix-up at
Tom's lodging house, on East Court
street, and Mumford got considera
bly the worst of the auair.
It seems that bad blood had been
existing between Scott and Mum
ford for some time and Mumford was
fined, ?5 Tuesday In police court for
using profane language on tho
streets. In the evening he and a
friend were walking down the street
by Tom's place and another row was
Mumford claims that Tom started
it and Tom claims that Mumford was
tho aggressor. -Anyway, in the melee
that followed Mumford camo out
second best.
He has an ugly gash on the top
of his head and his face is badly
bruised, beside having received a
kick in the stomach. He claims that
Tom hit. him with a gun while Tom
denies that such was the case, say
ing lie knocked Mumford down with
bis fist and then pummeled his head
on the edge of the sidewalk which
was the cause of the bruises and
Messages of Condolence.
London, July 23. Mrs. Mackny re
celved messages of sympathy from
King Edward and President Roose
velt today.
Venezuelan Government Will Not Be
Allowed to Stop American Ship
ping in Their Ports.
1 Washington, July 23. Tho gun
boat Marietta has sailed from La
guayra for tho mouth of tho Orino
co to investigate the blockade offic
ially declared by President Castro,
on tho .different Venezuelan points..
If it is found that the blockado is
In effect tho Uuited States will mako
a protest and If necessary furnish
protection to American traffic in
those waters.
Mob and Police Have a Lively
Mix-up in City of Paris
Over Trivial Matter,
Reported by I. L..Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
Now York, July .23. The wheat
market was steady today, both iu
the cast and abroad, prices closing
the same as yesterday. Liverpool,
6 1, Now York, 77. There is no
selling pressure at present and as
a considerable line of short wheat
is out this Is an element of strength.
Closed yesterday, 77-.
Opened today, 77V6
Range today, 7714377,.
Closed today, 77.
St. Paul, 184 Vi.
Union Pacific, 109.
Wheat in San Francisco.
Steel, 40.
San Francisco, July 23. Wheat
$1.15!j per cental.
Investigate Christian Science.
Spokane, July 23. Coroner Baker
has ordered an Inquest to determine
the cause of tho death of tho three
children of Mrs. G. H. Graham, of
this city. It is clalmod tho mother
belongs to a religious denomination
which, does not believe in medicine,
and that she refused to glvo them
physicians' aid when thoy wore (ly
ing of diphtheria.
And In Protecting Themselves They
Injured a Number of Their Assail
antsSeveral of Mob Arrested.
Pnrls, July 23. Rioting occurrod
this afternoon beforo tho house of
tho Sisters of St. Vincent.
Dopaul, deputy conti, started an
oration, but tho pollco provontcd him
from proceeding, nnd a crowd of 600
many armed with brass knuckles, at
tacked tho pollco, shouting, "Lone
live tho sisters."
Tho pollco repulsed tho crowd. A
numbor woro injured and numorous
arrests havo boon made.
.Constantinople, July 23. The Ellen Stone kidnapping, by Bulgarians
wk amdn taken un bv United States Minister Leishmann. with the
Turkish government today.
In reply to a query as to what had been done to punish the perpe
trators. he has received a communication from Tewfik Pasha saying
that nothing can be done..
While the crime was committed on Turkish soil, the perpetrators
were foreigners and her release was effected on foreign soil.
father, a wealthy restauranteur, had
cut down his allowance on the
L ground that ho was becoming too ex
travagant, Carl Henrlcl, snot ana
killed himself this morning.
Grand Rapids, Wis., Now Bays He
Lived There.
The latest city to claim Harry
Tracy, the Oregon" convict, for its
own. is Grand Kapiasr wis.,
which se'nds out a story to the effect
that Tracy's real name is Harry
Tracy Severns, and that he is a
grandson of J. L. Severns, an oia
and respected citizen of Grand
According to the story, Harry Tra
cy Severns was born and reared in
PIttsfleld, Wis:, put nis criminal ca
reer beican after he left for. the West
When In the penitentiary at Salem,
Or., he wrote home to his grand
father, asking him to undertake to
get a pardon for him, but the old
gentleman thought him too bard a
citizen to be at large and declined
to aid him.
J. L. Severens is a wealthy man,
and during the past few months has
been an invalid, and the news or tne
depredations of his grandson has
been kept from him.
After Harry Tracy Severens leit
Wisconsin, he went to Cokato, Minn.,
where he learned to shoot the rifle.
He seemed eager to become a west
erner, ana went to iieienn, aiuuv.,
where he soon became notorious as
a crack shot, but his criminal ca
reer began when ho was convicted
of murder in Oregon two years ago.
Riparia-Lewiston Railway Will be
Built on That Bank of Snake.
The Riparia-Lewiston branch of
the O. R. & N. will be built on the
north side of the Snake rjver on the
line of the O. R. & N. survey, though
tho N. P. will use tho line also.
Lewiston reports say that En
gineer Shaw and party left Monday
for the mouth of the Alpowa, 15
miles below here on the Snake river,
where they will resume work on the
railroad survey between Riparla and
Lewiston. Engineer Shaw,- during
the past month, has been engaged in
superintending surveys for the pro
posed' railway bridge across the
Clearwater at Lewiston,
It Is now accepted in Lewiston
that the Clearwater railroad bridge
will cross at some point between
First and Fifth streets and In either
event that the present Northern Pa
cific depot on Fourth and B streets
will be used. .
Word has been received from Port
land that the O. R. & K officials
had stated that the contracts for
had stated that the contracts for
grading on the Lewiston-Rlparia
line would be let at once and con
tractors would probably begin work
August 1. It has finally been de
cided that the road will be built on
the north side of the Snake river on
the line of the O. R. & N. survey,
For Twenty Years He Has Masque
raded in Feminine Attire and Left
His Grocery Bills Unpaid.
Pittsburg, July 23. Mrs. John
Franz Iibb asked tho pollco to arrest
her husband, who, Bho claims, has
been masquerading In female attlro
for 20 years, spending all his money
for lingerie and neglecting to pay
hiB rent or grocery bills.
Convicted of Administering "Water
Cure" to Filipinos.
Washington, July 23. Secretary
Root yesterday sent to tho president
tho proceedings and flndingB in tho
court-mnrtlal cases of Major Edwin
F. Glenn, Fifth Infnntry, and Lieu
tenant Norman E. Cook, of tho Fili
pino scouts.
Glenn was found guilty of adminis
tering tho "water cure" to natives, or
permitting it to bi done, and was
sentenced to ono month's suspension
from duty and to bo fined $50.
Cook was acquitted on a chargo of
giving orders to kill threo Filipino
In forwarding tho caso to tho pres
ident, tho sccretnry rocommonded
that tho sontenco and findings bo ap
proved but that no other action bo
New Officers for Lumber Company.
The annual meeting of tho stock
holders of tho Grnndo Rondo Lumbor
Company was hold at Perry Monday
afternoon. Tho ofilcors elected woro:
L. C. Stanley, president; W. P. Bart
lott, vico-prcsldont; R. Smith, mnna-
gor and treasurer; F. S. Stanloy, sec
retary. In addition to tho abovo
named officers, the board of direc
tors includo J. II. Johnson, of Den
ver; Mrs. R. Smith, of Porry, and B.
W. Bartlott, of La Qrando.
Tho sale of flno shoes of American
manufacture in Canada has trobled In
five years. It is estimated that It
will thlH year amount to $900,000.
Washington & Oregon
Electric Railway
Light & Power Company
A population of 40,000 distributed
over the wealthiest farming country in
the world Is tributary to this road.
First issue of 1C00 shares, par value $100
Now Selling at $90 Per Share
Aa Investment, Not a Speculation
Low capitalization; $1,600,000; 15,000
shares, at $100 each.
Shares fully paid and non-assessable,
bnincbrponat " ,
Mcvttain Vety
it u tuu 1 ttuVon ol tbe uunixeueat La in
thj- uilraitnck in EHem nri turopeauiniir.
ken. However, by way of coerttar. block mt
lOOOshaiw will I offer! fortocaj aubiirftuM
lor tbe period of so daja horn July loftm.
Appl calloDi ( i ming- later than Auiwt U. ISM
will not bo oualdered. ' ,w
Pendleton and Vicinity: Apply to'
E. T. WADE;, omce in oregonuujjuudiB.r PeadteUm, Qtt
Apply to Main Office, 21-22 Dooly Building., Walla WalJa,i Wash. .