East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 22, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Fair tonight and Wednesday;
warmor Wednesday.
J5cA wwi
NO. 4491
' o
Estimate of the Yield This Season and Description of How it
nts and Government
;and Warships-About
tome logeiiiei iiicio.
it Cape Haytien Requests
to Be Sent to Protect
and Other Foreign 4nter-
t That Place.
on, Jul j- si. minister
fit Caracas, Venezuela, ca-
itate department as fol-
Hirietta is to proceed to as
tie facts of the blockade at
, An attack upon Puerto Ca-
iapted hourly by the gov-
; ind President Castro has
i his intention of proceeding
To Bend War Vessel.
ItUte department has called
i aavy for a warship to be
I Cipe Haytien, Haytl, to pro-
Kican interests and also the
of other countries there.
sjaest is based upon the fol
fepatch from United States
ii Cape Haytien:
I and a government warship
ning to bombard Cape-i
There is great excitement
foreigners as to their person-
iradlee Strong's Escapades
His Mother Greatly.
York, July 22. The state-
made this afternoon that
Dng, motner or Putnam
(Strong, for whom the police
nmg to find out what he did
0.000 worth of May Tohe's
is seriously ill.
m's escapade is said to have
the illness.
Tone this morning threw all
les Strong left behind him
tottage on the Hudson, into
Be pile. The police found no
Strong. Nearly every pawn-
tne city has been searched
missing Jewels, but only a
ftftion of them have been lo-
Flre Destroyed Residence of J. W
Powell Wagner's Band Engaged
for the Fruit Fair In September.
Walla Walla, July 22. Fir de
stroyed the new residence of J. W.
Powell, on East Alder street, Mon
day night. The house was not quite
completed and the origin of the fire
is a mystery. The structure was In
sured for 11800, but Mr. Powell says
it cannot be replaced for less than
Wagner Here for Fair.
The directors of the Walla Walla
fruit fair have closed the contract
for Wagner's band to furnish the mu
sic for the -fruit fair In September.
This band baa played for the fair the
last two seasons, and has done much
toward making the fair a success
and the securing of this aggregation
again will attract many to this city
when the fair opens. Six aggrega
tions bid for furnishing the music
They were Hoppe's band, of Spokane
the Empire Concert band, of the
same place; Adlers band, of Taco
ma; the British Columbia band, of
Victoria; De Caprio's band, of Port
land, and Wagner's Military band
De Caprio's band had the lowest
bid In, but as the company only con
sists of 20 pieces, the directors did
not consider the bid.
Do Not Like It
The local dealers in soft drinks do
not take kindly to the order from the
county attorney closing all places
where anything is sold, on Sunday
They contend that Ice cream, soda
and such things do not come under
Lthe head of goods, wares and mer
chandise, and It Is likely that a test
case will be made. Everything was
closed Sunday except Lutcher Bros.
They kept open, and declare If infor
mation is filed- against them, they, will
make a test case of the law. Other
dealers will chip in -with them and
help pay theexpenses .of the suit.
f Millionaire Mackay Has Phy.
wani in Attendance.
July 22. Mrs. Mackay is
n Dj Her hushanri'n Heath
'doctors were summoned to
wered her to take a corn-
on which the deceased
M body will hfi tAlten to
IWere it will be Interred
pt been decided.
Irlah-Boer Leader Is Up
wurt and Laid Over.
JHly 22. Colon a! Aritir
lirU1 of treason for fight-
ooere, waa arraigned to-
n remanded.
7, . "Ueen, an ex-member of
unsafe, w th which T.vnMi
, v bUl uiv
ungaae were no
' "-an he himself Is.
' cJ?LCty DeP,lt Robbers
-v rouno,
Jtllr 4 tn, -
imZi . ine Ponce are
t,tnIaaonlc Temple safe
rUta. All of the em
Questioned last Bight
. 6 waa adduced.
IlitT: 1 me company ad
It iL 1 noae of the em'
Itttf ?0DCem receive over
af i that hisjaalary Is
Jifautd Smith
vJuly 22.-The presi-
igZ, uiec Colonel Them-
' mtA V6 ouera'. to fill the
;ent Jacob
ft is.8 ln venty
recently, '""6"
Widow of Murdered Man Declares
Her Husband Was Killed by Man
With Black Mask, Undoubtedly a
New York, July 22. William H
Tuthill, the man in the Latimer case,
was the principal witness at today's
session of the coroner's inquitry into
the mysterious shooting of Latimer.
He declarejj that his relations with
Latimer and his wife were cordial
and at the time of Latimer's death
they were good friends, and denied
that his relations with Mrs. Latimer
were Improper.
His statement was flawless and left
little or no opening to connect him
with the crime.
Mrs. Latimer, widow of the mur-
aerea man, was the next witness
She said the man who shot her hus
band wore a black mask and that
she had no doubt he was a burglar,
re lee Is Once More Beginning tc
Buck a Little.
Kingstown, 8L Vincent Island,
July 22. A severe earthquake Bhock
Monday moralng, greatly frightened
many people and a large number of
A I m 1 A . - f
mem rcnminea in. me Bireeis an
night, fearing a renewal of the
shocks. Property was damaged con
To Investigate Philippines.
Boston, July 22, A number of
anti-imperialists, including Charles
Francis Adams, Moorefleld Storey
and Julian Godman, have gone to Be
Ions Landing, Lake George, to join
other leaders of the movement In a
meeting of the special committee to
investigate affairs in the Philippines
and secure publicity of the facts, it
Is possible that after the meeting a
statement of the facts developed will
be sent to President Roosevelt,
An Angry Husband. -
Harrlsburg. Pa., July 22. William
Filer this morning shot and killed
his wife and Harry Bennett, with
whom he claimed his wife had been
A Cardinal Is Dead.
Dnmn Tnlv 22. Cardinal Lcdoch-
owskl, perfect of the sacred congre
gation of the propaganda, died tnis
Will Be Handled by the-Railways,
The wheat crop of Umatilla county
will soon begin to come into the
warehouses and the harvest of gold
en grain promises from present indi
cations to be' a bumper yield, despite
the damage which has been done by
wind, heat and blight.
Last fall there was a'litttle trouble
with' winter wheat on account of in
opportune frosts and some little dam
age was done but it was not sufil
clent to materially affect the yield
this season.
W. E. McComas, representing the
Northwestern Warehouse Company
and other well posted parties who
have travelled over the country and
estimated carefully the amount of
wheat to be harvested this season
say that it will be somewhere be
tween 3,750,000 and 4,000,000 bushels
"which will be better than the average
Yield Has Been Estimated.
In past years the yield has various
ly been estimated at from 4,000,000
to 5,000,000 bushels, but the actual
crop has failed to come up to the fig
ures, it is believed tnat tne present
estimate will be close in the neigh
borhood of the actual yield.
Many hundreds of men will be
needed in the harvesting of this
great crop, which is close upon one
per cent of the total yield of the
United States in average years and
this season will run a little better
than one per cent on account of im
mense damage to wheat fields In the
eastern portions of the union by fire,
flood and drouth.
The railways, however, do not an
ticipate any difficulty .in handling, the
Immense yield of the county as a new
system of car handling Is in force
this season, -which it Is believed will
result in much quicker return of cars
from consignees than has been ob
tainable heretofore.
O. R. & N. Will Have No Trouble.
F. F. Wamsley, general agent of the
O. R. & N., when seen by an Eastern
Oregonlan man said regarding the
handling of the wheat crop for this
"We do not anticipate any trouble
this season in supplying sufficient
cars to move the crop rapidly and ef
flclently. The demurrage system
which is In effect this year will force
consignees to unload and return
their cars much more rapidly than
formerly. This system only went In
to effect at the last end of the wheat
shipping season last year and we did
not really get an opportunity to de
termine just how much it would af
fect the traffic, so we can not have
very good estimate of the exact
number of cars which will be neces
sary to handle the wheat crop this
Estimates Hard to Get
"In fact if you want any kind of
an approximately correct estimate
of the number of cars which will be
in service this year In moving the
wheat crop of Umatilla county, it will
be necessary to consult the operating
"Personally, however,. I am of the
opinion that there will be less delay
in supplying cars and moving
consignments than was experienced
last season. I cannot give an ac
curate estimate of the amount of
wheat shipped from Mission this sea
son as -the farmers living near that
point sometimes bring their wheat to
Pendleton for shipment and some
times take it to Mission."
W.NA C. R. Is Ready.
The officials of the Washington &
Columbia River line believe that
everything has been so arranged that
there is plenty of rolling stock and
traction on the Pacific division of
the Northern and the tie-up of last
year will be effectually avoided. The
local road will run on timo through
out the season as it has done in the
past. Last year the trouble was not
on the line of the Washington & Co
lumbia River road, but after the cars
of wheat had- been delivered by that
branch system to the parent line.
Demurage System Will Help.
Not only will the Increased facili
ties of the various roads assist in
moving the wheat crop rapidly, but
there is another power back of the
business this year in all lines which
will hurry things along, and that is
that hereafter the charge will be
made of freight cars by the day, and
not by the mile of travel, as before.
When a road gets hold of a car be
longing to another line and has it
loaded for shipment and delivery.
the charge made by the company
owning the car will be for the num
ber of days it is in the possession of
its competing road instead of the
miles it travels. This will result in
cars being returned sooner as the
charges will naturally reflect on con
signees and will force them to hurry
their unloading of cars upon delivery.
.Hm Road Js Immune.
Speaking, of-the possibility of the
various lines being tied up by the
heavy wheat crop, an official of the
W. & C. R. general office said the
other day:
"No railroad can ever claim that It
is immune. There may certain con
ditions arise that would tie it up at
almost any time and not even the
most elaborate preparations can
guard against it. Indications now
are that the crop will be larger than
usual and that the price at the open
Ing will border on 50 cents. If there
should be a large number of farmers
take kindly to this price and unload
their grain at once there might fol
low just such another tie-up as oc
curred last year. But with conditions
normal and everything as it should
be, our line has guarded against all
possible trouble."
Amount of Damage Done.
Speaking of the damage done by
the recent hot winds and storms
which have swept over the county
Mr. W. E. McComas said this morn
ing that the amount of grain Injured
was not nearly as great as indicated
by most of the reports which have
come In.
"These reports are generally affect
ed by local conditions," said he, "but
the general aggregate will be found
to be not nearly so great as estimat
ed. While one man's crop may be
damaged to the extent of 60 or 60
per cent, there will be eight or 10 In
his immediate vicinity who will suff
er no loss at all. Individual losses
have caused the reports of damage
to run much higher than the real in
jury done and unless I am badly mis
taken, the actual damage will not
run over two, or perhaps three per
cent of the total yield."
His Majesty Left His Bed Yesterday
and Is Improved In All Respects.
Cowes, July 22. Tho king walked
yesterday for tho first time Blnco tho
operation was performed upon him
four weeks ago. His majesty contin
ues to improve in all respects.
Met at Hot 8prings and Elected Of.
fleers Monday
Mammoth, Hot Springs, Wyo., July
22. The game wardens of Montana
Minnesota, Utah, Colorado and Wy
oming 'mot here yesterday and or
ganized a national body to bo known
as the National Association of Game
and Fish Wardens and Commission'
The officers wer elected as follows:
President W. F. Scott, Montana.
First vice-president O, W. Harris
Second vice-president John Sharp
Secretary and treasurer H. G
Smith, Minnesota.
Another Sensational Spurt in
Corn on Board of Trade at
Chicago Today.
Big Drive, Failed.
Manila, July 22. Tho drlvo organ
ized in Cavite province last week for
the capture of Felizardo and Montal-
Ion, Ladrone chiefs, has failed. Tho
chiefs broke through tho cordon and
escaped to the mountains. Over 1200
of tho constabulary engaged in the
drive, covering an area of 50 square
A Filipino Is Successful.
Washington, July 22. Of all tho
designs submitted for tho new Phil-
ipplne coins authorized by the last
session of congress, those drawn by
Flguedos, a native Filipino artist
have been adjudged tho best and
probably will be adopted.
It Is Expected That by Tomorrow the
Big Pinch Will Be in Full Opera
tion, and Fortunes Will Be Made
and Lost in Short Order.
Chicago, July 22. Thore was an
other sensational spurt In corn oa
tho Board of Trade just before the
closo this afternoon, Tho prico ad
vanced rapidly from 60 & to 67, clos
ing at C6j.
Buying by tho shorts causod th
Tomorrow is oxpoctod to soo the
squeczo in full oporation witli no let
up until tho men in tho deal nro con
vinced thoro is no further uso for
maintaining the high prlco.
Great Confederate General Remem
bered by His Comrades at At
Atlanta, Ga., July 22. On the spot
where General William IT. T. Walker,
the famous Confederate leader, met
his death in the battle of Atlanta,
juBt 38 years ago, a handsome mon
ument in honor of his memory, was
unveiled today. The unveiling exer
cises," though very simple, were ex
tremely Impressive and were partic
ipated In by Confederate veterans
from many parts of the state. A
number- -of Union veterans were also
among the Invited guests.
The guests were conveyed to the
site of the battlefield in carriages.
They included General O, O. How
ard, Congressman Livingston, tne
family of General Walker, and vari
ous Confederate organizations. Ar
riving at the monument the exercises
were begun with prayer and music
appropriate to the occasion. Hon.
Julius 1. Brown, president of the W.
H, T. Walker Monument Association,
delivered the presentation address,
and the reply was made by Major
Joseph B. dimming, of Augusta. The
monument was unveiled by the 8
year-old grand-child of General Wal
The main shaft of the monument is
composed of a big '32-pound gun. The
gun stands on end! resting oa four
blocks of marble bearing appropriate
Inscriptions. An jroft' fence surrounds
the monusaent' and four smaller guns,
relics of ttfo Civil War, are used as
corner posts.
Santos Will Go Up.
New York, July 22. Santos Du
mont arrived here today and will
make an ascension at Brighton
Russia will send her Siberian ex
hibit to the World's Fair at St. Louis
through the agency of the East Chi
nese railroad.
Natives Are Fast Learning How to
Bolt Conventions and Other Wrink
les of Mmerlcan Politics.
Honolulu, July 22. Tho homo rulo
party, after a stormy session, during
which the younger element of na
tives, led by Jonah Kalanianaole
(Prince Cupid), left the hall, bolting
the convention, renominated Robert
W. Wilcox for congressional dole
gate. Tho bolters have formed a now
party, "Hut Kuokoa" (non-partisan),
and called a convention. Tho split oc
curred over tho adoption of a con
stitution to govern the party.
Reported by I. L. Ray & Co., Pensile
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York 8tock Exchange Broker,
Now York, July 22. Tho grade
markets wero all stronger today,
wheat gaining a full cent and con
IVic. The continued hoavy rainB are
doing lmmenso damago throughout
the Missouri and Mississippi valley
to both tho. growing coarse grate,
crops and tho wheat recently harv
ested. With corn and oat prices
nearly up to wheat it would boob
as though this cereal .would, soon ad
vance. Liverpool closed 6 1, New
York opened 7694 and closod 77?4
Chicago openod 71 and closed 72.
Closed yestorday, 77.
Oponod today, 76.
Range today, 7677.
Closod today, 77,(.
St. Paul, 183. ' "
Union Pacific, 108.
Steol, 42. ;
Wheat in Chicago.
Chicago, July 22. Wheat 7D
Wheat In San Francises.
San Francisco, July 22. Whoat
$l.lfi1.16 per cental.
Offered to Grant.
Washington, July 22. Gonoral
Fred Grant lias boon offorod tho coss-
mand of tho department of Toxas, te
which General Jacob Smith had boom
assigned before his retirement.
Washington & Oregon
Electric Railway
Light & Power Company
A population of 40,000 distributed
over the wealthiest farming country in
the world is tributary to this road.
First issue of 1000 shares, par value f 100
Now Selliig at $90 Per Share
Valley Gtwe
. ... t
Aa iBvestsscitt, Net a Seecwlatiea
Low capitalisation; $1,600,000; 15,000
shares, at 1100 each.
Bhares fullv paid and n on -assessable.
Dry Creek
UtHncorponted -
How tain Mty
Hfnna jt j, thB tiitlon of tbe auutant te Mil '
the entire itock In EUrn and European r- t
kets, JJoweTer, by way of coorUay, a blok ef
juw huh wui d oncroa lor loaai auMcnpuoa
for tke period of 80 daya from July 10, 102. .
Application! coming later than Aug ut 10, 1063,
will not be considered.
Pendleton and Vicinity: Apply to
E. T. WADE Office in tOreoUa Bundle Pendleton, Otti
Apply to Main Office, 21-22 Dooly Building., Walla Walla Wasj,'
71 K