East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1902, Image 4

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Improves the Appetite, Aids Digestion and
Relieves Dyspepsia
Brock & McComas Company
from one Object to Another while you
"The Masculine Creature who can
Trek out of an Engagement, and with j
fewer wounds to show than I can, has
to be a Sooner, and don't you forget
Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt
Rheum, Tetter and
MONDAY, JULY 21, 1902.
tain stream for a day's fishing. They
may visit some noted battle ground
or some old fort surrounded bs le-
: j gends of Indian wars. He may watch
the buccarroos in their wild work on
the range so scientifically performed.
All of these things are open to the
sheepman, the herder, the buccarroo
The real stock range of the Pacific I and to every man on the plains. Out
Northwest is called a "desert." It is sitle of a fevr months of solitude in
not a desert, however, for every inch ' company with a band of sheep on the
of the soil produces vegetation of winter range, the sheepherder has as
some kind, and with water it will sood a chance for diversion as any
produce anything that grows from the other plainsman, and while on the
ground. The casual traveler through ' range at this season of the year he
this region is struck with the idea nas hourly. opportunities every i
that it is a monotonous country, and oay for diversion, for his Hie. in-
wonders how the stockmen find di- stead of being a monotonous one, is
version from the routine life. Long slled with excitement; the distant
stretches of country without a hu- hand of antelope gashing like mirrors
man habitation, a cold biting wind in the desert sun, the skulking coyote
winter and dust whirlwinds in sum- ever ready to pounce down upon his
mer; the days made dismal by the band, the ever faithful dog ready to
continuous bleating of sheep and the do his bidding; the stories with the J
nights made hideous bv the howling camp-tender at night, the game of
of coyotes; the long hours of thirst cards after supper, the disturbed
and the poorly prepared meals, are sheep and the coyote howl by night,
all reckoned in summing up the furnish him all the diversion that the
gloomy side. bright student of life needs and all
"But the stock range has many di- men this day and time are or should
versions. To the vigorous, searching he nothing more than students of the
mind it Is an unexplored field. A wonderful surroundings that are so
thousand things are found to interest interesting to all who have eyes to
and instruct The range of the North see and brains to comprehend.
Pacific coast country is one of the j
most interesting countries in thej FABLE OF FICKLE MINK.
world. It has more wonders than I n ZT.
x . . ! Once upon a Time
aiij fcecuuu oi 11s size in me wonc.
TiAnnrr to that class of inflammatory and disfiguring; skin eruptions that
H Ttr over old Affairs coming' of txor digestion, inactive Kidneys ana otner organ ot mtnauon are
mv "Way.
"This Fortunate Fickle Disposition
has enabled me always to live in a
Perfect Feast of Romance, instead of
v a vies to Feed my hungry Heart on
the Canned Affection of yesteryear
Moreover, as I always wipe the slate
Clean nnd have no Pictures Turned to
thn Willi in mv Life. I can take a
--- - - L-tiiuj. v --- - e- . ' -
enuine Heart Interest in the Caloric. C0tisist of innumerable blackheads and pimples or naru, rea Dumps upon
the face Purification of the blooa is tne oniy rcmcu) iui iuc viuuus skih
diseases. "Washes and powders can only hide for a time the glaring
UleUllSlieS. O. O. O. eruun-uica tin juisuuuus iiLtuiuu-
lations, antidotes the Uric and other acids, and
restores the blood to its wonted purity, and stimulates
and revitalizesthe sluggish organs, and the impuri
tips nasa off throuerh the natural channels and
. . , . . . .
relieve the skin. S. S. S. is the only guaranteea purely vegetaDie Diood
purifier. It contains no Arsenic, Potash or other harmful mineral.
Write us about vour case and our physicians will advise without charge,
We have a handsomely illustrated book on skin diseases, which will be seat
free to all who wish iL THE SWXrT PXCiriC CO.. AUuit, G.
J ? n r OTrli nmH rr f i4 4IIJ.
i., n hv the olooa. saturaiinir uic5.iu .'u t., uums
w m nnt throuirh the elands and pores of the skin, producing an inde- u m Jj
scribnble itchin? and burning, and i 0an cheerfully endorse your S.S.s. Hcarlf .
.. j; ... fnmic na n lnrK for EdOma. I TU fcTOTl V1 1 I Wt iXQS. TL t
the yellow, with it tor 25 years and tried man; r ,
;ha i-mcTC nriri sore ui niuc uiuuu . j i rAK. . i 3rm . ' '
and white scabs that drop oft, leaving using- few bottle of S. S. S. was entire. (
e".' 1 8i8W. Central SU.Wkan.
crack and bleed, or give it a scaly, fishy appearance; again the eruptions may
Talk of the Masculine Creature who
Is spieling to me. 1
In this way I have been enabled to'
make Three Advantageous Matches'
that were Peaches while they lasted.
and that left Alimony instead of Hard
Feelings behind when they were Call
ed off.
"If I had been in your place Instead;
of wasting my Life in a Dolorous;
Moan over the Fly Bird I could not I
cet, I should have given the Joyous!
Mitt to the Domestic Fowls who were
willing to scratch for me, and lmmmmmKmS)S!SiS)Si(S)(S&(SS)e)siiS)i)eSm&
would have been well. Besides, per-&
Harvest Supplies
sonally, I do not care for Last lears
Birds Nests, and I am always ready
for a Change."
"I see," said the Sheepess. fetchin
a deep Sigh, "that you do not take..
uy juigu ana atuiuiuiuc lev. ui
"That may be." replied the Mink
sir shp nnttprl hpr "Pnmnnrlniir fntn
shape, "but I get all the Fun. because
I do not stick to a Dead Issue when
the Game is Played Out." I
Moral: This Fable teaches that!
while Constancy is a Jewel, Fickle-
ness is a Cinch. Dorothy Dix, in S
Hearst's American and Journal.
Bright's Disease and Diabetes
Are Positively Curable.
While the Fulton Compounds Trere under ex
amination, one oi the investigators trent to one
oi the best known physicians in San Francisco
ond asked him to came a certain case o!
Bright's disease for a test. He named C. H.
Allen o El Paso, a former conductor of the S.
P. Co., os beyond human aid. Eight physicians
had declared the case chronic Bright's disease.
there was a
Meekfaced old Sheepess who was the
It is the scientists and student's par-, Victim of Blighted Affection. In her. it ws typical albumen, casts, dropsy, sleep-
adise. The great historical land- early youth she had loved a Nifty gSftnd'lfiirSS" PaMenTwenT"-
marks, the Indian battlegrounds, the ounf LJ?; ?ho ,ad flow he , ErfreS 5 ,t01' "'e oow tnm tbe
old government fort- rock pillars anf hiS V08 dealt her fiTijmprovement sum clearer. Color
5uciumeuL xuri, .uth. pmart a soar plexus blow that knocked better. Albumen decreasing. Patient much
that estend high heavenward, rivers her Clear over th Ropes enfour3Jed . . .
. , ... ... V, i.ujica. ; JuneSa. Continued improvement. More aro-
that rise up out of the sands of the Because, when she was girly-giny bitious. Albumen diminishing. Night sweats
"desert." rivers that lose themselves he h,ad once admired her ringlets, she , ji1,6' laTorable went to the
as mvsteriouslv in the sands as thev -u"""ucu lu ,ca lc ,country ano oesan to Dioat. returned and
" "ai"uuaiy in me sanas as mey fT v,,i ec,j k a a feelinc better, thouch not nmhnhir nnit
Farmers, you will find it to your advantage to
call at our store for your harvest supplies We make
prices as low as the goods can be bought in Portland.
Our stock is the largest and best in Pendleton. Every
thing that comes from our store is clean and good.
You Dont Get Old Groceries
when they come from us.
All Sizes at very low prices. We can also supply you
with extra tops and rubbers.
See tfs for yocr Berries for Canning -
We are nreirj .
r v. u in .
a first .
"6"c wimyct
re p nn vimh i
and the only people fc tai
business that cany a cocpfei
Harness, Baddies, Bridle,
, Pads, Pack Saddle tad BiaS
j agon Coveas and Cmrji
t ; Leading HarMMaadS
Ions after she hart Tiassed thp Aire
appear therefrom; great areas of lava Limit, and as she let her Sorrow in
beds, interesting caverns stored with terfere v. 1th her Appetite, she passed
ice in the verv heart of the desert: int the Selling Plater Class of an-
lakes that rival the world for beauty
and lakes that rival the Dead Sea as
, cient Pullets with Ironing Board Fig
wonders; game and wild animals that; In the same yerdant Mead in which
feelinc better, thouch not nrobablr nniio m
weli as ViSi report. A favoraule indication la
the disappearance of the nlsnt sweats.
July la. Dropsy again disappearing. Albu
men getting less and less.
Aug. 1. Improvement continues.
Aus. 13 Patient claims he is nearly well. 1
Continued improvement, and patient recora-
mended for light employment. Double analyses '
by railroad surgeons In El Paio stow as lol- '
Iowa t !
smoking and
' jarniiuiiiiiiliii
9 '.
S The East Oregonlan li E
9 gon's representative piper, w
0 I and the people appreonB;
t it by their liberal patrcujn
B?S6&.'5)05ffiee advertising medium ci w
flin's Family Grocery 3 B
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
e i
dm ill
ii 1 1 ii i cs c
'Bpeo. Grav icaj
Heaatioa Acid '
a Mink, who was Glad-eyed creature! 'V ."one ;
, ' Aloumea .................. .....TKicft .!
with Three divorces and a summer Exam, tor Casts . None I
home In North Dakota, and it chanced At this writing. January id, patient is I
one dav the two met by the side of Si5 e: e?JIrS'J" recovered, but is still on the i
,h fi, R, treatment and getting better continually.
Why this gloom?" asked the Mink
would make the sportsman's heart the Sheepess lived there dwelt also
leap with excitement and fish that
would tempt the most deep-seated
pessimist to try his luck; hot springs
in, which hogs are scalded and In
which the aboriginies did their cook
ing; a book full of things that should
Instruct and amuse, and all of these
surrounded with snow-capped moun-
" " , - " aie componnaers. irrce tests made for pa-
beautiful forests and whose beds are ter Tears. Long ago I loved one who tlents. Descriptive pamphlets maued free.
Medical works azree that Hrfpht'a mu..
i- r- - - - . w. .c 1 1 . . . ji-vueiag unaer
the sad Gazelle gaze.
Compounds. Common forms of kidney com-
, , , . nui&i rncw, ei mr t.e Mrtgnrs msease and
see before you one who has pessed li J for the Dise Compound. John j. mi
her life salting a Memory down with C&m$rW &isS&?0erls&
thing will Btick, but it takes Back
bone and Enterprise to Change.
composed of rich minerals, make It , , . t, ..
passed me up for Another, It put my
one of the most interesting countries Heart out of Commission."
under the sun. :
Instead of its being a monotonous' 'Tvas ne the only Banana in the
country it is pregnant with Interest Bunch?" inquired the Mink with in
and the man who visits it never for-, terest.
, u . . , . ,f u t "Tor me," replied the Shepess, "for
gets it and longs to visit It again. T Qm one of Nobe whQ
There is not an hour that the stock are Faithful unto Death."
man may not find a diversion from "To the Pines with your faithful-
his work, and not only enjoy It but ness," cried the Mink, scornfully;. "I
find Instruction in it But the work ? ot se fecl cf,led UP?
it , . to throw Boquets at yourself on that
of. the stockman of this section Is In- accountt lor j apprehend that Con-
terestlng. If he takes an Interest Jn stancy Is only .a kind of adhesiveness
his work he cannot find pleasanter that you have In common with Mua-
rv n nnv nthr vocation. The in- masters. Any Kina ot a ump
dustry here, while carried on on a
larsre scale, is onlv In its infancy. It
is only a question of time until it will "Now, in my youth, I, too, met a
be one of the greatest fields as a pro- fascinator who gave me a lot of Syn-
ducer in the world. It is practically copated Con Talk that I afterward
... . t,i , ascertained to be merely the Senti-
In its experimental stage at present, mental gtock ,n Trade h(j hand.
and the stockman who is forging to eA oul t0 every Female whom he en-
the front, and there are many, finds countered, but Instead of wearing the
the work so fascinating that he is Willow as you have done when I
never heard to say that it is a mo- found "Mhat he d,d mefn, bUf
.. , . - . ness and there was nothing doing in
notonous life. He is too busy to find a Matrim0nial Line, I went aside and
monotony. thus communed with myself:
But still, he finds diversion In many "None of your Pressed Roses and
ways. He has to visit the towns and" Tfow f, Ptte U?d wlthTaJFad;
, , . ed Blue Ribbon in Mine, I don't
cities for supplies and making sales thnk.. T HaId ..T prefer Uye AmerJ
He is experimenting with orchards can Beauties and EpUtles whose date
and shrubbery about his home when brings them within the Jurisdiction
he has time. He may take down his the Cou,rt So with thflt 1 c"t Con-
JO a ....t - a,.- in tto Htancy, and Blnce then my great Stunt
uc uu haB been my ughtn,ng change Act
may take his family to some moun- jn which I can transfer my Affection
F. W. Schmidt & Co., Sole Agents.
Gold Ufcil (or biitb-tandBrd qual
ity at ew Orlean.
Cbitaico, iiia; Parii, 15C0
i-r Kale by
They Are In !
Positively tlie Largest, Best and Most Complete Line of
High Grade Pianos
ever shown in Eastern Oregon are now on exhibition at
S. L. Wakefield & Co.'s Music Wamoom, Court Si
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred "Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc.
alwayu ou hand. '
of Seven of the Greatest Piano Manufacturers in the World are Here Displays
Read this list of pianos :
We also handle such celebrated makes as Knabe, Steck, Fisher, FranklD'S
& Co , Willard, Heller, Krell, Cable, Harrington, Ellington, Hamilton, Baldwin,
Bush & Gerts. and orhprc
. . . v. it &
Ihis list includes the best makes for tone, style and quality, and tne v
lowest ever offered on strictly high grade pianos.
A Regular Harvest for Piano Buy a1
A Special Invitation to Yotf
We most cordially invite you to call at our music
wareroom on Court street, and we will take great vrg ,
in showing you the new styles in pianos, as this J'5
inciuaes tne chic ideas.
'mmm finnfinnn nj