East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 21, 1902, Image 2

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Of Men's and Boys'
Summer Clothing
"We have begun to cut prices. "Watch our window display.
Come in and see what we are doing.
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton
MONDAY, JULY 21, 1902.
Policeman. Joseph Wager struck a
soldier at Leavenworth, Kan., la the
back of the head at 1 o'clock Sunday
morning. It is believed his neck is
broken. Great excitement prevails.
The United States transport Sheri-
day arrived in San Francisco, Satur-
day morning from Manila, with 612
men of tne rnirteenth infantry, loi
men or tne Tuira uavairy, oo4 cas-1
uais ana it sick.
Karl von Bisniark, claiming to be j
a grand-nenhew of the late Princ
tod Bismark, and who has been in
prison at New York charged with
having stolen tapestries of considera
ble value, has been returned to Ger
many by the authorities.
A joint committee, appointed by
the commander-in-chief of the Span
ifih-American War Veterans, has
n.,i ..r '
Spanish War" for the
and sailors
organization of soldiers
. . , I
Twenty counties in Mississippi are
BoCering from the effects of a dlsas-1
trous drouth, and in over one-half of;thn30 nf Mc nnnnnPnt Kntnrrinv
this number the corn crop has been
utterly ruined, while cotton has been '
w u 60 .t0 percent In
jrauanaicnie county forest fires are 1
Sirs. Josephine Hart, of Oswego
Kan., made a desperate attempt Sun
day to drown her daughter-in-law.
Mrs. Walter Fisher, in a well, and
failing, committed suicide by taking
strychnine. A few years ago Mrs
Hart's husband was killed while he
lay in bed beside his wife. She is
believed to be demented.
The iroperty of the St. Joseph
Hallway, Light, Heat & Power Com
pany, which includes the street rall
jray system, an electric lighting
plant, steam heating plant and other
utilities. Las been sold by E. H. Har
riman, of New YorK. to Seligman &
Co and E. W. Clark & Co. The com
pany is bonded for ?3,500,000.
The annual Chataqua session at
Gladstone park, has come to an end
after a very successful season.
Picnics in a grove near the asylum
are being pTOviaed as hot weather
recreation for the feeble-minded con
fined therein.
The people of South IBaker City
are kicking hard because their free
mail delivery has been cut off. It
win probably be re-established short
ly. Because the people living in the
Ticinity of Salem do not care to get
cot In the hot sun and pull flax, it has
been found necessary for growers tc
engage Japs to do the work.
The government has decided to
take the Fort Hall reservation landt
-within the five mile limit near Poca
tello, Idaho, off the market as there
ire few purchasers appearing.
Two brothers named Hall are In
trouble at Baker City, being charged
with horse stealing. One has been
capturcl and the sheriff Is In hot pur
suit of the other at last accounts.
A natural curiosity in the shape of
sand nsn, or nsti wtucn nurrows in
the sand instead of living in water
has been dug up on the beach at Sea
aide, several hundred feet from the
-water's edge.
Thomas Murphy, of Mountalndale
was attacked by a vicious cow a few
days since and two ribs broken. His
young son, who was with him, was
also attacked by the turious animal
nd thrown oyer a log about 10 feet
Governor Geer Saturday Issued
requisition upon tne governor of flowing most of the Jlme with jolly
Nevada for the extradition of Bortt merryrniakerB. A. good 'time was had
Heaton, who Is wanted In Lane coun- ami eyerythlng went off wUh quiet
ty for the murder of Benton Tracy , nea8j
Sheriff Withers, of Lane county, has(
the man under arrest at Reno, Ner.,, For a cool, refreshing glass of
and will return him to this state. Schlitz beer go to Gratx'a.
Terrible Turk" Was Unable to
Him Over Saturday Night.
The "Terrible Turk" met his match
when he came to Pendleton. He came
here with his managers several days
ago and a challenge was Issued thatj
he could throw any man in town. '
The Turk was a pretty large fellow
and looked scary to many, but after
the wrestling exhibition' last Thurs
day night nis manager repeated his !
challenge in the opera house and
one man was in the audience who
was not afraid of the big fellow-
, This was Frank S. Lewis, who tends
t bar at the "Gratz." Mr. Lewis offer-
ed to wrestle the Turk three bouts
witn iv minutes netween oouts. Tiiisj0f Hays that the lad would
was accepted and the Turk met his come uown.
match when he went against Lewis
Saturaay night. The Turk was to
throw Lewis in the 21 minutes or for
feit 550. if Lewis threw him he was
to forfeit $100.
After the first bout the Turk gave
up the fight. He saw there was nc
chance to down Lewis, and from that
' time on he worked on the defensive.
apparently preferring to forfeit the
SnO rjither than take
,aurei luu
,ettnS Lewis throw him and win the
Lewis is the best built man of the
f. tvmio ti, T,.rL- i n in ,,
' cinc .n,,i mi,oro vcith
night. He is simply a big duffer who
throws his men by main force and
has the weight to back him. When
he goes up against skill, combined
with muscle and
Turk is not in it.
rood -weight, the
Lewis is skilled
in the art of wrestling, but will lack'1116, thi,rd D-v. a combination of hits.
50 pounds of weighing as much as the
A small house witnessed the
match, but those who did were well
But Little Attention Being Paid to It
Now Days.
A crusade was started in Pendleton
several months ago against the nui
sance of spitting on the sidewalks,
in public buildinga and on stairways.
For several months the sidewalks balls to Penland, a sacrifice by Rhea
were kept comparatively clean, but ) and two singles by Fay and Stovall,
people are again getting careless andj-wblch scored Hays and Penland. j
it is no uncommon thing to see great ! ia Grande Made Runs. I
pudles of tobacco juice on Main T.i.-i. , !
street wafts where it has. been ex- flff rands fiJStun came ln the
pectorated by the filthy tobacco ?"ho f" Crawford drew a pass,
users. There Is room for the police ?f? seBi , and was ,s?red "y Men
to be a little more vigilant. A few fs .B'"Sle. The vis tors got an
arrests and fines for expectorating on LIf ?hZ S?'
the walks will tend toward stopping j SSf8'0" a e by Schmidt, i
this filthy habit more than anything ' was puf, " tofr"n bases1-!
i sna having been hurt, stole second.
,v. i.n.
of someone the better.
It is nothing infrequent to have
strangers come into Pendleton and
remark about the filthy looking
Btreets. They have room to remark
too. Pendleton started out last win
ter to clean up and: brighten up so as
to become one of the cleanest towns
in the country, but it is falling by the
wayside. Now is a good time to re
sume the vigilance and see that Main
street, at least, Ss kept free from
filth as much as possible. There is
little excuse for the streets being in
their present condition.
Gold Watch Free.
A gold watch will be given away at
the merry-go-round to the most popu-
lar young .lady. Every purchaser ot a
riding ticket is entitled to a voting
ticket and the lady receiving the most
votes will receive the prize. The con
test will, close Saturday night, July
26th. T;he watch Is on exhibition at
W. E. Garrison's.
Many Danced.
The picnic Saturday and Sunday
nights at Kine's grove attracts more
i people each week. Saturday night
and Sunday afternoon and night the
larce nl at form was crowded to nvnr.
Saturday's Agony Column Rsad: In
dians, 10: Beet Pullers. 5, While
the Sunday Massacre Totaled Up
22 for the Home Boys and 7 for the
Standing of the Clubs.
VTon. Lost. P. C.
Pendleton ... " 1 -S"5
Baker City 4 -500
La Grande ... 3 5 .375
Valla Walla... 2 6 .250
The last two games of the series
with La Grande resulted in their
leaving the city the worst scalped
foe the Indians have ever gone up
The two exhibitions were more like
massacres than baseball games, and
i when the Indians anally stopped nil-
j iug up tallies it was because they
were tired of running bases and
rather lost interest in the game.
t Saturday's game was a beautiful
! exhibition of erratic playing with a
est. while Sunday's game was worse
I with several features which
the shade
the people sweltering in
of the grand stand soon
became tired of the one-sided exhibi
tion and even when "Baby" Hays fan
ned Dennie Shea for the third time
only a mild burst of applause was
awarded the clever little pitcher for
his rmnishmmit nf thp hi:r catcher
who had boasted that he would get j
two hits the first time he went '
acainst thp "Wonder." and that La
, Grande would have the air so full
Had Hays been given the support
the man in the box, it would have
. . ... n , 1 10 errors, but when It came to batting
Mills, who has until recently been oni" T ,, , ,..,
u n .- t e , . 'the Indians did all sorts of stunts
ers. was in the box for La Grande
for the first four innings. He was
linttml cn f rnol r fViof oi n'nc
citlistifiitofl riTirl h a ciirifAaf1ffl in cfmt t
ting off the locals with only two more
When the Fun Beaan
Brown started the fireworks with a
wild throw of Castner from left field, I
and scoring on Shea's passed ball.
Fay was safe at first on an error of
Adams stole second, was sacrificed to
third by Stovall and scored on
Schmidt's two-base hit.
Pendleton cinched the victory in
anil witn tne am or rour errors.
With the bases full, Schmidt lined a,
doable to center field and scored
Brown, Fay and Stovall. In the fourth
Fay singled, stole second and scored
on Stovall's safe hit. Stovall got to
third on fielder's choice and Cox ,
walked to first and started to steal
second. In the attempt to catch Cox
between bases Stovall started fori
home and scored on a wild throw of j
Pendleton's two runs in the fifth'
were obtained through the medium i
of an error by Crawford, a base ont
and scored on a wild pitch by Hays.1
The Beet Pullers made three runs
in the ninth on errors by Schmidt and
Cox, stolen bases by Adams and Men
efee and hits by Crawford and Ray,
scoring Crawford, Adams and Mene
fee. Cox, Ray and WHner each made
difficult catches In the out field.
Schmidt won the batting honors of
the game, having two two-baggers.
A dog fight which took place under
the grand stand during the game
was the most interesting thing which
happened on the grounds.
K Jt Woald Be , Relief to Tr Skte
From Back. Cored bj CXJT1CCHA.
I bod a b renting out all over my back.
The Itching vru almost' unbearable, and at
Umea I folt that It would be a relief to tear
the ikln off my back. I tried doctors' pr
ecrlpUou, ana several remedies, without
even relief. I read of your Cuticura reme
died ln the Indianapolis Newt. After, three
applications, my bacJt.qult Itching, and by the
time the box of Cuticuua Ointment wa half
used the breaking out had all disappeared.
J. 11. THOMAS,
2510 Cornell Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Complete External mad Internal TreaU
OBiit for Every Humor, eoarttting of Otm.
cuiuUoir (23c.), to ebaiue the kin-of eruau
nd cale, CtmcCfU Ointment (SOc.f, to allay
tuning, and (ootbe and bal. Gutiouiu lUaoiy
tent (Uo.). to cool nd elaoe the blood. Sold
throughout the world. I'orrtR Ditto amiiObem.
Corp., Hole Prip Uojlon, llow to C'ura
licblnir Human," free.
2 11
2 2 1
Stovnll. lb
2 2 G
1 2
Cox. cf ...
Wilner, rf
Hays, p ...
Fontanel, If
Khoa, c ...
Totals 35 10 S 2G 4
"Black out for Interforence.
La Grande ABIt HPOA
' Crawford, 3b
Arinms. ss
Menefee, lb, c .... o
Hay, cf 5
Black, rf
Shea, c. lb 5
Castuer. If -1
Brookler. 2b 3
Mills, p 2
McBlruey, P 2
Tnmls -10 5 C 24 10
Score by Innings.
Pendleton ... 2042 2 000 10
La Grande ... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 35
Earned runs Pendleton, 1.
Two-base hits Brown; Schmidt, 2.
Sacrifice hits Rhea, 2; Fay, Sto
vall. !
Left on bases 'Pendleton, 7; Lai
Grande. 11. !
Stolen bases Crawford, 2; Adams,,
2; Fay, 2; Cox, Hays, Shea, Menefee. i
Bases on balls By Hays, 3; by
Mills, 1; by McBlrney. 1.
Struck out By Hays,
by Mills,
2; by McBirney, 3.
Wild pitch Hays.
Passed balls Shea.
Time of game 1:55.
Umpire Ryan.
Scorer Held.
Attendance 300.
! Sunday's Game.
Pendleton took the fourth straight
! fnmo frnm Tji f?rande Slllldav ill all '
exhibition which careless might call'
j baseball, but what in reality was only
batting practire for the home team.
So far as fielding was concerned the
honors were even, each team making
with the willow, while the Beet Pull-
1 ers found it exceedingly hard to con-
. ; nect with the wily curves of our Mr.
Nine scattered hits was the
, i best they could do and "Slats" was
' I vorv Kt-infv Issnintr nn n.lKKPS to first.
New Men Made Good.
Mr. senilis, tne gentleman wno
made his debut on third yesterday,
straight into the hearts of the ;
fans by knocking the ball over the
right field fence. This is the first
(Concluded on page 8.)
are becoming; more popular at our
fountain daily. (
"We know just how to mix them
(there's lots in the mixing). The
eggw are always perfectly fresh.
Try one of thee :
Egg Phosphate
Egg Chocolate
Egg Lemonade
Cream Puff
Chocolate Leghorn
Pine Apple Frappe
Egg Flip Cherry
Egg Flip Pine Apple
Pike's Peak
Coffee Frappe
Served just right at
Red Jacket Pumps
Hayes' Double Cylin
der Pumps
Machine Oil Babbitt Metal
Clarke's Hardware
Pendleton AB R
Brown, 3b & 2
Vnv ss 4 3
For Health, Strength and
neasure Urink
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
The One Who R
Money !
Shirt Waists
at the surprise price of
Worth Many Times more
Full Size Blue
Wool Blankets
while they last
The new cotton
Dress Goods
are proving popular
10c, 15c yd
Black Satin, with White
The Boston Sli
Don't Let Your Wife Sid
Cool, comfortable homes are easily kept soil joss
The Blue Flame Wickless Oil Sid
The cheapest, most convenient and most satisfutij
cooking device known.
Don't Fail to Call aud Examine Them
Taylor, the Hardware
741 Main Street
The best wearing and easiest cleaned ware ever
Our line is complete. We have eve ; ; wry
dippers of 'all sizes and numerous other artic e
Bade c
T reduce 3
Pe store for fan0!
D,)le Blankets
53c, 67c, 75c
Prices advanced.
for the Little Fc$j
io pair lefttopa
a pair
Black Cotton,
r.nu ulwavBbehai
ially between 1
liri have yet manr f
in.?, but we muatBitefa
or fall trade.
cheap. RemnantifitB""
lens than cost. 51
Too Carpets now
35c to wf vmi v'yj
thing tn uul " ZkflWm
w in i m a