East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 19, 1902, Image 5

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he Big Removal Sale
We are now in the midst of our great rush: every
thing is moving. Prices have been reduced to such a
small fraction of the former price that every one is taking
advantage of our big bargains and low nrices bv filling
their baskets with the necessary wants of life. Come with
tiie rest, uon t miss it the greatest ODDortunitv
goffered for obtaining your wants for so little money.
Come and Sec for Yoarself
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1902.
Howard, farm loans.
Dms by the day, week or msnlli
ined goods for harvesters
ley Bros.
ickers vlll find what they want
iwley Bros.
Mine free lunch from 9 a. m. till
light at Grctz's.
rnlshed rooms for light house-
lg, 517 Aura street.
en s straw hats, only a few. 50
while they last. Teutchs'.
fcwley Bros, are headquarters for
on cherries and raspberries.
the removal sale they are talk-
bout now. Where? Teutchs'.
Bh live crawfish juat received,
ratz's, cooked while you wait
weather has no terrors at the
Rule basement, where good
TcUttc beer is on tap. I
Dr6p into the cool, comfortable!
Bment the Golden Rule and en-
glass of Schlitz beer.
re manufacture our own ice cream
candy. Nothing but good,
riesome articles enter them. The
will be received for the build-
t.of a new Presbyterian church on
.Indian reservation. Bids will be
Bived at the office of T. F. How-
the architect, until Wednesday,
23, where plans and speclflca
i can be Inspected.
Clothing made to order. N. Joer
ger. Fancy stationery, new books. Fra
zier's. Jingo baskets, Gc. Oregon view tab
lets, 25c. Nolf's.
Time books, sack needles, at Fra
zier's. All kinds of fruits, melons and veg
etables at the Standard Grocery.
Good lunches nt Phillip's restau-
at rant, opposite Tallman's drug store.
Did you see those ornamented rugs
in Failing's window? Something
Call up 'phone main 105 for pure
artificial ice. Only place in town
you can get it
Our extra fine ice cream by the
quart or gallon. Get our wholesale
prices. The Delta.
All kinds of city and country prop
erty for sale. Rlhorn & Cook, room
10, Taylor building.
Drop Into button's and get the Ice
cream that lias never disappointed
Grand nlcnic evfirr Sundnv nt
Kine's grove. Dancins begins nt 2
o'clock. Music by Kirkman's orches
tra. A six-room cottage, located at SOS
Alta street, for rent The classifica
tion columns, commencing next Mon
day, will give full particulars.
Harlo Richmond, of Helix, won the
gent's bicycle given away by tho bus
iness men. He held 45S5, which was
the lucky number.
An equity suit was filed this fore I
noon by Peter West, attorney for
Nellie Hodges, to secure divorce from
her husband. James W. Hodges. They
were married In Arkansas in 1S99.
Mrs. Hodges lives at Umatilla. De
sertion is the charge.
Arthur Ludewitzke. a chiropodist
of Cleveland, O., is in Pendleton and
cures corns, bunions, Ingrowing and
club nails and all diseases of the feet.
No pain and no blood drawn. Leave
orders at Brock & McComas' drug
store. Forty-five years experience.
Very best reference.
Montanac, the Indian policeman
who was to have wrestled the "Ter
rible Turk" Thursday evening at the
opera house, says he did not appear
at the opera house because he was
afraid to wrestle the Turk. He asked
the Turk to wj-estle him back holds,
and the Turk reused. Motannc said
he would not wrestle the big fellow
catch-as-catch-can because he did not
think he could stand any show with
him, but he would wrestle him with
back holds.
Do you need any col
ored glasses, goggles,
eye protectors or cheap
watches for harvest ?
I have a full line of
the above named articles,
and my prices are guar
anteed to be the lowest
in town.
Jeweler and Optician
Next Door to B. Alexander
This is a snap. 25 per cent, or one
fourth off xm all summer clothing at
the Big Boston Store.
Schlitz beer Is good beer, and Is
served in a nice cool place a. the
Golden Rule basement
Take advantage of the chance to
get bargains at Mrs. Campbell's
closing out sa'o of summer millinery
Grand picnic every Sunday at
Kine's groye. Dancing begins at 2
o'clock. Music by Kirkman's orches
tra. Rooms in the East Oregonian build
ing for rent. Steam heated, hot and
cold water and bath room In connec
tion. Grand picnic every Sunday at
Kine'c grove. Dancing begins at i
o'clock. Music by Kirkman's orches
tra. Time and trial have proven that
there Is no better ice cream made
than Dutton's. We take pleasure in
delivering it to your home.
Mr. D. T. Edwards is no longer em
ployed In the work on the city direc
tory, and all further contracts for ad
vertlslng made by him are void.
Doctors predict considerable sick
ness of typhoid nature. Be careful of
your drinking water. Cool It with
pure artificial ice. 'Phone main 305.
Bids for Supplies for Umatilla Agen
cy Were Opened.
The contract for furnishing thp
supplies for the Umatilla Indian
agency has been let. This contract
calls for the furnishing of the sup
plies for the agency during the fiscal
year. The first article called for is
25,000 pounds of beef. This contract
was awarded to Schwa rz & Grculich
itheir bid being ?7.30 per hundred for
any kind of beef wanted by Agent
The next Items were 27,000 pounds
of flour, 38,000 pounds of barley chop.
30,000 pounds of mill feed or bran.
This contract was awarded to W. S
Byors. Seventy-five tons of hay was
nlso advertised for and 340 cords of
wood, but as Indian Agent Wilklnr
has no telephqne at his place and is
not in town, who were awarded these
contracts could not be learned. The
contract prlco for the flour, barley
chop and mill feed could not be
learned. The contracts call for all of
the stuff to bo delivered at the agen-
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse.
This Saturday Evening
Wo will place on pnlo all of our
Summer Coats Pants
$6.00 Coats and Pants, this evening $3.00
$7.50 " 44 3.75
$10.00 " " 6.00
$12 00 :U: " 6.00
' hi.
These Prices ate Good for This Evening;
and This Evening Only
Buffalo William's Rough Riders Will
Shortly Invade Pendleton.
Advertising car No. 1, of the world
famous Buffalo Bill's Wild West
shows, is in the depot yards today
and the show's bill posters have been
busy pasting the .flaming advertise
ments of the exhibition all over the
These great shows are. famous as
the most complete and wonderful ox
position of Tough riding and frontier
life In all parts of the world, ever
presented to the nubile.
Arrangements have been made for
the use of the baseball ground for the
exhibition -which', will bo In Pndle-,
"ton on August and the people of
this city are thou promised the big
gest show for their money which has
ever toured the west. - "
Deafness Cannot be Cired
bv local arnllcotloDB as ther cannot reach
tne diseased portion of the ear. There U
Withee, 305 Court St, agent for only one way to cure deafness, and that
Domestic and Davis sewing machines, j STtA
Drop heads from J27.D0 to JC5 on in- muCua lining of the Eustachian Tube,
stallments. Everything guaranteed. When tlila tube Is inflamed you uaTe a
rumbllnc sound or Imnerfect hearlnc. and
The Peoples Warehouse has Just re" when It la entirely closed, Deafnesa la the
ceivod per express, popular-priced fult un,e"",t,he Inflammation can be
. i i i n H l r a it' taken out and tlila tube restored to Ita
four-in-hands in the newest fad. It normal condition, hearing will be destroy
doesn't cost much to be well dressed ed forever: nine cases out of tea are
caused by Catarrh, which la nothing but
an Inflamed condition of the mucus sur-
Pendleton Visitor Tells of Conditions
Around Town of Rltter.
Silver Purcell, who has been In
town from Hitter, loft this morning for
home with a load of freight. Mr. Pur
cell snys the roads are good between
hero and Rltter, except a small por
tion of tho way. In speaking of tho
country nnd conditions In tha Hitter
country, Mr. Purcell snld:
"I never saw a better season for
"the stock men. Grass novor was hot
ter and stock fatter. Tho only thing
we have to mar tho porfect peace Is
tho littlo scraps which havo boon rlfo
between the cattle and sheep men
Of course, these outbreaks aro not so
bad as they aro sometimes reported
in outside papers, but nn outbreak and
stock shooting scrape does occur oc
casionally. The trouble Is now over.
or at least no outbreak has beon re
ported for some time, but it may
break loose again any time, although
most of the level-headed stock men do
not expect anything sorlous."
Four League .Games.
4 -
Our Entire
To Clean Up tho Entire Lino
Always Enjoyed
Arc the Meals
Served nt tho
French Restaurant
Large, comfortable dining
room and good service
Positively the
! Best 25c Meal in Pendleton
if you know where to trade.
The corner room, slzze 25x40, ini"1?.?; , , n , M .
t 1 i.iit We will glte One Hundred Dollars for
mo luaai. uic(,uuiu uuuuiua, uoitiu-i lnj, CMe 0r Deafness (caused by Catarrh)
fore occupied by the Jackson-Dickson
Company, will be for rent after
August 1. The room Is steam heated
and contains hot and cold water. Ap
ply at the East Oregonian office,
Quart of Flie sf or 5c
We guarantee that a 5c package of our Poison Fly
Paper will kill' a quart of flies.
Our 5c package contains 10 sheets of Poison Fly Paper,
extra strong.
We also have a good supply of Tanglefoot sticky fly paper,
insect powders and Koeppen's Bed Bug Destroyer.
65 Steps from Main St Toward the Court House
that cannot be cured by Half' Catarrh
Cure. Bond for circulars, free.
V. J. CHUNKY CO.. Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family 1'llls are the best
Just arrived by express.
Just arrived by express.
prince Henry Tecks.
Prince Henry Tecks.'
Fasten without taking collar off.
Fasten without taking collar off.
The Peoples Warehouse.
! Baseball;
t Baseball, ft P
$ 4Baseball;i g
La Grande
La Grande,
La Gran do,
Pendleton, ;
Friday, Saturday and Sunday nftor-! ablcta lnita
Weekday Barnes called at 3:30,
Sunday gamo at 3:00.
$2.50 Hammocks, now $f.95
$1.05 " ' " 139
A good paper bound novel
with each hammock
I'lie French Restaurant
Fine Stationery Arriving
at the Popular Book
Frederick Nolf
The Plumber and
For First Ohms Work at
Huitsonablu Prlooa
Shop: Cottonwood Street, OpponlU
Purses, Toilet Sonpa I St. Joo Storo, Near Court St,
Fruit Jar at Cost
We are "closing out our line of Mil
bo nand Vacuum fruit Jars at cost
If you need fruit jars, better come
now. The Standard Grocery.
For Sale.
125.00 cash will buy out a business
paying from ?20.00 to $40.00 weekly.
No opposllJon, ee A. V, Mellon,
care 'Love's 5 boarding "-house, ."726
Joluison street ; u , -
Farmers and fruit growers of Cal-
Ifornlaare 'saving samples' of 'this
year's crops for exhibition in the Cal
ifornia sections at the World's Fair
of .1004. - . , - .
A Delayed Shipment of In
fants', Children's and Misses'
Slippers ajo Colonials
Just in. We have them
to Sell Quickly
ope nnuuou bef?re yu,huK
Btlll another shipment of the famous
Douglas shoe.
Again new today- More wamlew ehot
,f .of all sixes Jor male.
Boston Store
SJ)oe Dept.
ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH M m sssssssssssslsssft
We Have Them Now
Warranted, and will be kept
in repair for five years without
Remember my guarantee
means something. You don't
have to send your machine to
Portland or Chicago or repairs.
We tlll lisvo His Kins at nil Htiwlug
The White and Standard
10 yvsrs sb4 of nil olbsrs
Every Saturday Night and Sunday
Dancing begins Saturday at p. m., .Sunday at 2 p. m. Admission
to dancing platform 25 cents ; ladies free. Busses to
and from the grounds day and night.
RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. The grove oaa be aggxU to
picnlr partiea by applying to PETER SMITE, a m JMl
St. George. j ; t .. 1 '