East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 19, 1902, Image 4

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    -J I
W nn rx -tt T "W nr m "T TT T1
B 1511 1 JiK5
It Improves the Appetite, Aids Digestion and
I Relieves Dyspepsia
W Brook & IHcComas Company
SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1902.
It has been the custom of Pacific
Coast papers to tell about the won
ders of this country for years and to
try to induce Immigrants to come
and to tell how they "are coming this
way," and many times all of these
matters have been overestimated and
much harm to people, and to this
country, has been done thereby, but
according to all accounts they are
Captain John Holtum, the cannon
ball catcher, while fooling his time
away catching cannon balls from the
mouth of a cannon for a division of
the gate receipts, might go into the
neighborhood of Seattle and catch a
few of Tracy's small rifle balls and
then catch the gunner himself, and
obtain more money at ene exhibition
in this way than ho will get in a
whole season facing a cannon.
coming this way now at a great rate Prations
and it is stated that immigration is
only at neap tide to what it will be
a little later.
The newspapers and railroad offic
ials are making these statements all
over the country, and their state
ments are corroborated in many
ways. The weekly
When there is nothing else to howl
about the small bore politician and
his right hand bower, the fake news
paper, may always fall back on taxa
tion and talk about favoritism to cor-
It is hard lines when a tamale mar
is interrupted in procuring his sup
plies. How can the people expect
him to furnish them with tamales
unless he has a source to draw from?
Will Tracy have to hold -some of-
newspapers fleer or deputy up and compel him to
throughout the Pacific Northwest are arrest the said Tracy at the point of
filled with notices issued from the his gun?.
The only thing that approaches the
Tracy excitement in this section is
It is not stated whether Tracy had
the back of his neck shaved or not
general land office showing that more
public lands are being filed upon than
at any time in the past history of the
country. It is true that a great many
or these notices are of the filing on
timber lands by persons who are al
ready citizens of the state, but the
Homestead entries and general activ-! THE COMMERCIAL SITUATION.
ity in land transactions show that . " " . .
. . . , ., , i A year ago about this time the
Lomeseekers are abroad in this coun weatem tate suflerinB 1Imler
try. The number of strangers one a ions period of unprecedented hot
encounters daily is also another evi- and dry weather, when the crops
dence. were shrivelled up and destroyed and
the farmers in half a dozen states
thus increasing the actual circula
tion of funds throughout the country.
The transfer of this money produced!
no serious derangement iu -Wall,
street, but it is noticeable that since
the disbursements there has been less
demand for investment bonds. The
public are still shy of speculating,
which is a good thing, and the CM-:
cago and Now York Exchanges con
tinue in the hands of professionals,
who do not care to operate heavily
when tttb public are not in the game.
The monkey needs the cat's paw to
draw his hot chestnuts from the
coals. The west is calling on New
York for funds to move the crops,
and this demand wilt be active for
the next few weeks. Foreign ex
change has advanced to the gold ex
porting point and Paris is calling m
its credits. Otherwise the money
market is In its normal condition
and presents few noteworthy
Viewed as a whole the commercial
situation throughout the world Is ap
parently all right. The money mar
kets of the world are as well bal
anced as they ever are In these mod
ern days of active and enormous ex
change's and the International move
ment of merchandise is in normal
condition. There are 'no serious
signs of disturbance anywhere.
Conditions In California show no
change. Business continues good
with easy collections and no failures
worth talking about. Crop prospects,
in the aggregate, could hardly be
better. We are still under the Hag
of prosperity and profusion. San
Francisco Call.
Uses Pe-ru-na in His Family For CatanU J
i .i A ft
Nervous Anecuons.
Exact measurement is one of the1
first processes of modern investiga
tion. The psychologist is now meas
uring the depth of sleep, and uses a
so-called Grlessbach ethesiometer. (
which prods with either a sharp or a
blunt point, and shows just how much
excitation is necessary to disturb a
sleeper, or cause him to move, and
how much is required to wake him
up. Two physicians of Rome have
been making studies with this instru-i
ment for many months on a number'
of subjects, including several epi
leptics. The prodings have been per-,
formed after sleep has continued for1
varying lengths of time, and the re-'
suits give the practical suggestion1
that those who find it hard to wake!
in the morning can lesson the diffi
culty by timing their sleep so that
the waking point may be at a
minimum at the desired hour of ris-.
J.. B . Crowley.
It Is a good time to receive a strong
immigration, too. Times are good
over the entire country, and the peo
ple who come home-hunting In such
times are usually good citizens and
are self-sustaining; they were not
run out of the other country by cred
itors, or starved out and fled to this
country In self-defense, but are of a
class who were able to come right
travel about and see the country, se-
lost millions of dollars. This year
nature, in restoring the equilibrium,
has swung to the other extreme, and
for several weeks it has rained with
hardly any intermission from the
Rocky mountains to the Atlantic sea
board, rotting the grain and vegeta
ble crops in many sections and doing
much mischief in all sorts of ways,
"'he immediate effect of these pro
tracted rains has been to materially
cut down business in the western
stales, by diminishing the retail dia
lect the place most suitable to their tribution of goods, canceling reor-
idea. and settle down contentedly. ' tlera ,and checking the usual fall de-
. . mand for merchandise. The rains
Jn cases of reverses or disappoint- haye beneflted the Gulf states nota.
ment they will not then lay It to the bly Texas, where the cotton crop out
country and write letters home de- look is reported much improved, but
rogatory to this country, but will tell the "Pnor Uer of states bas had al-
. ' , j together too much mofsture and
the truth about the country and Kive an(, oat flelds are eported im.
the proper credit for their misfor- der Water, with the wheat sprouting
But these cases are few. There is
hut little reason for failure here
where the homeseeker means busi
ness, as has been proved in so many owing to the cool, damp weather.
in the shock. All this is affecting
business in New York, especially as
the Atlantic seaboard cities are re
porting a poorer retail trade, with
less patronage, of summer resorts,
Instances, and the class of immi
grants that are now coming in, and!
the class that they will Induce to fol
low them here, are Industrious, self
uustalning citizens and these need'
not ever fear their futuro In Oregon
There-are different surroundings here
Aside from the adverse Influence
of tho weather, however, business
throughout the country continues on
a sound and satisfactory basis, with
no disquieting signs. The staples
are apparently as active as ever.
The grain markets rule firm, owing
largely to the damage done by tho
than those of the old home, it is true j rains. The railway earnings of the
in many Instances, but tho advan- year are the largest ever known,
. , , . I,iioc, showing a gain of 5,7 per cent over
Ka UD the corresponding period in 1901 and
overcome most all other inconven- j 18 7 per cent over ig0o. Trade In dry
lences, and the new citizenship will goods, boots and shoes, is reported as
never retrret comlntr. good as it ever la in midsummer,
It cannot be disputed that they are'Lm,ber Gt the East, but
. , . . .. . j j I stocks are low all over the country
coming this way by tho hundreds and tne markots cverywhere are
and no particular section is getting quoted firm. Dulldor's hardware con
them nil. Peonle are as "notlonato" tlnues in active demand, while the
as they are charged to be, and while
one set of Immigrants will like this
section, another will like another, j
and all of the country will receive its
proportion. Of course each individu-
iron and steel mills are still unable
to promise prompt delivery of struc
tural material, owing to pressure of
provious orders. There never has
been such a building era in the
: United States. Cotton goods are sell
rttr n ff T v I Q 1 1 1 T ontlini finuAvnt
1 i 1.1 II 1 1 "t '"-J ..w,.v.,.,
bi -ummu.my jir.uca umm m J.B after a jong perJod ,of firmness, is re
xuai u is me uesi, uui mey are an ported weakening. Provisions are
good, and there is no necessity to quieter at Chicago, but packers main
make any particular blow about any tain the high prices without difficulty
Riven section They will all bo even- Tho llve8tock markots everywhere are
given section, inoy w m ail do even h, h and but )lghtiy Buppliod aml
umiy hihuu up, auu wiu leuuw who hog8 a fow (lay ago touched the high
adapts himself to the situation and est quotations for the year,
makes the best neighbor and bestl
citizen and has the greatest success I As mentioned last week an onor-
m n a n mniinf rf nnnnv la n i iir Im I n l-
will bo tho one to prosper moat with dl8,mr80(1 by tho government and pri-
tho future development or the coun- vato corporations In payment of In
try, j terest and soml-annual dividends,
One of the promising discoveries
that have been almost forgotten is
that of writing on glass with alumin
um, magnesium and some other
metals. It was five or six years ago
that Prof. Margot, of Geneva, an
nounced that the metallic tracings ad
here firmly and do not wash or rub
off, the metal seeming to form some
union with the glass. The writing
resists even fluids that corrode the
glass. Prof. Berger, of Brussels, has
lately taken up the matter, and has
had especially good results with the
aluminum pencil 'on glass moistened
with silicate of potash solution. The
method has special value for giving
permanent Iabelb to dangerous
liquids, Jlke 'poisons and explosives.
Hon. Joseph B. Crowley, Congressman from Illinois, writes
from Robinson, 111., the following praise for the great catarrhal tonic,
Domnn r.nntrresstnan Crowley says:
"After giving Peruna a fair trial I can cheerfully recommend
your remedy to anyone suffering with coughs, cows ana ia grippe,
and all catarrhal complaints.
"Mri. Crowlcv has taken a number of bottles of Peruna on
account of nervous troubles. It has proven a strong tonic and last
ing cure. I can cheerfully recommend it."J. B. CROWLEY.
No other remedy Invented by man has . It is exactly as Congressman Crowley
r r,nMv.vl na much nraiso from men ' says: "Peruna Is a swut anu sure rem;
nf hltrh station as Peruna. Over forty
members of Congress have tried it and
recommended it to suffering humanity.
They use it themselves to guard against
tho effects of tho intense strain of publio
life; to ward off tho ill effects of the
changeable climate of Washington.
They keep it in their homes for family
use. They recommend it to their neigh
bors, and thoy do not hesitato in public
print to declare their appreciation and
endorsement of this greatest of modern
edy for coughs, colds and la grlppo and
all catarrhal complaints. It Is an excol
lent romedy in all nervous troubles. It
never fails to provo itself a powerful
tonlo and a lasting cure." This Is what
Congressman Crowley says, and this Is
what thousands of other people are Bay
inc all over theTJnited States.
Concressman Komnlua Z. Llnney from
Taylorsvllle, N. 0., writes: "My secre
tary had as bad a caso of catarrh as I
over saw, and since ho has taken one
bottlnnf t-..
. ii una no ... I
fflan.-R0nin, -HU
Congressmtn a W!" I
Bon Spring., AlJ-lJ
used one tx,.u7XJ
u. a. senator W.K.lw.
ore, N.D., wjifc, J
-.uugressman H. w r: . 1
ton, La., writes:
recomm.na yonr p
Congressman H.wjjui.
Tll tKr-r III .. UM
iu., wnte3: U
one bottln nf
wuu wrajy
I feol very nmch hei,.
Congressman DivH
Napoleon, 0- write; IjJ
mjverai douicsoI Penuu
hennfltwl ih
tho head.''-DavidMttk
Senator Mallory, of iw
writes: "I have toed m't
remedy, Peruna, and hiTsrs,
it both as a tonlo and a ub
edy." Stephen RMilbrj.
Senator M. 0. Boiler, eift
South Carolina, writes: "it,
mend Peruna for dyspepsia
trouuio." m. o, untlcr.
Senator "W.V. SalllnaiaJ
Miss., writes: "I tike tJ
cure, Peruna, as the bestlJ
Senator J.I.ThsntaabgJ
Nob., writes: "Penmjes-SM
mo of a very lrrltatinj ue$M
Congressman II. G. Woriial
Novadn, writes: "iMTetabi
tie of Peruna and It Luted
immensely.".!. 0. Wcrtiiji
Congressman HowudfenN
Ala., writes: "Ih-Tetiiah
la grippe, and I take ptaili
mending Peruna as ia
edy." M.TV.Hcwird.
Congressman Wlllii Ban
Hayuesville, Ala, to!o:
used one bottle of Perm till
and I take pleaaure ta neea
it." Willis Brewer.
If you do not derive- pn
factory results from tieaii
write at once toDr.Hiriasf
full statement of yoartaW
bo pleased togiTr!aIl!ni'
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hsrtnc, Ni
I Tho Hartman Binltinv
I Ohio.
No engineer would be mad enough to
run by the flag which signaled danger.
What the danger was he might not under
stand, but he would take no chances.
It is different with the average man or
woman, lney at
tempt constantly
to run by the dan
ger signals of
Nature and that
attempt costs
thousands of lives
every year. When the
appetite becomes irregu
lar or entirely gives out,
when sleep is troubled
and broken, whet: there
is a loss of flesh, when
there is a constant feel
ing of dullness and lan
guor, Nature is hoisting
the danger signal. The
stomach and its allied
orgaus are failing iu their
work and the bouy is los
ing the nutrition on which
its strength depends.
Such a condition calls
for the prompt use of Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. It cures dis
eases of the stomach and
other orgaus of digestion
and nutrition, nurifies
and enriches the blood and builds up the
body with sound solid flesh.
"Your kindness to me I can nerer foreet,"
writes Mrs. Joie K. Clark, of lJnterprUe, Shelby
Co., Mo. "I cannot express half tuy feelings of
gratefulness to you. I had despaired of ever
getting well. I bad been in bad health for
twelve years. Ilad aches all through me. numb
hands, cold feet, and everything I ate dUtressed
me; bowels constipated, was verv uervoui, de
pressed and despondent. In fact. I can't express
half my bad feelings to you. When I first wrote
to you I thought I could never be cured. I have
taken six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, and my health is now good. You
have my houest recommendation. to all suffer,
ers. I think there is no medicine in the world
as good as Dr. Pierce's."
If constipated use Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets. They cure constipation,
biliousness and sick headache. They do
not produce the "pill habit.''
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 150 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, etc.
always on hand.
We Make
And Can Save You Money
if yon need
Header Beds, Tanks, Feed
Racks or Cook Houses
for Harvest
We are prepared to give you
a first class job. Let us
figure with you
Pendleton Planing Mill m(
Lumber Yard,
KOBtRT FORSTTR, Proprietor '
aud the only people in the Haddlery
business that carry a complete stock of
Hamese, Saddle, Bridles, Spurs, Sweat
Pads, Pack Saddles and Bags, Tents,
Wagon Coveas and Cauvaa.
uu oaub NEW CniCAfin vnn.
writer, unlTet.nl Itey-bonrd. flrt-lji
machine. Tnlra lw. ..,t":,u,
arda wul bu7 it. Ewt Oregonlw oBce.
D853 e8835l1
t Supplies
Pnrmnrc vnn will find it tO VOUf a'f i
call at our store for your harves j suppjj
prices as low as tne goous cm t6f J
Our stock is the largest and best in Pend WM W
Uni- o (mm nnr store is clean auu 6 l
You Dont Get Old Grocer
when they come from us.
We can.alsp w
All SizTes at very low prices,
with extra tops and rubbers.
wr ;
See tis iot yoarJBerrifor
ins hi im I
MARTIN, Propria01.
Ti,. inUmu'intr cr.hools and COIlPb
nDPflfll V
The first serriester, session tlSccppMVi
ng schools TliictU
vejrsity : Graduate School, Voue? Universe '
17 th.
qollege of Science and Engineering,
-.,.t mrj;-:... CrllOOl'.OI
iviusic. cnooiiOi fvieuiwju, .
, . - irnjpi-.-
Coat of living from $100 to 200 pe ry E1
ilSSr Resto 4 of the '