Quality Style Moderate Prices FOR THIS WEEK I0ME CODMTY MEWS We Offer 500 yards of BEAUTIFUL SILK III Fascy and Combination Effects for i 57c yd 1 FREEWATER MENTION. t i rhese silks were always priced by us at $1.00 and $1.25 ard, and THEY ARE WORTH IT. lexander Dept. Store RELIABLE CLOTHIERS. iiiimiMMiiim nmiimiwiiiiiMMiin Happenings In That Warm Little Burg and Vicinity. Freewater, Jnly 19 The high winds of Monday did little damage to the grain" in this section. Fruit was blown off to a great extent, but the general opinion Is that the amount blown off will only help to improve the quality of what is left and will be an advantage to fruit raisers in stead of a detriment. There would have been an Immense crop had the wind not come. In fact, tho trees were too heavily laden and would have had to been picked to get good results. Blackberries were blown off pretty badly. The worst damage rtono here was the "blowing down of shaue trees. A walnut tree, 30 years old, standing on John Young's place, just west of the depot, was blown to the ground and as a consequence there has been mourning in the Young fam ily. Mr, Young said he would not have lost this tree for any price could he have helped It. It was set out by "Billy" Crow, and has stood as a tow ering monument to him ever since. Freewater people are feeling good over the prospect of tho good things going to be derived from the electric railway proposed to go through the town. Since tiro franchise was grant ed for this road town property has advanced from SO to 100 per cent and the town Is beginning to put on met ropolitan airs. The building of this road will be a groat advantage to the fruit shippers. They will bo able to send their products away as fast as they are ready and will not have tc hold them over from morning until night to catch a train. One thing the town now needs "worse than anything else is tho putting In of n good furni ture and hardware store. The town has a good building recently erected, and is simply waiting for someone with a few hundred dollars to Invest A good hardware establishment and furniture store combined would bo. n money-making investment hero. There Is No Question )UT THE MERITS OF BYERS' FLOUR t is the finest grade it is possible to make. Nothing ut the choicest wheat enters into Byers' flour, and Satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for bread fer fancy baking. fDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. A SHUT-OUT GAME INDIANS AGAIN DID STUNTS WITH THE ENEMY. Took Scalps Right and Left and Would Not Allow th'e Beet Pullers Even One Poor, Lonely Little Run. GOOD FURNACE cheap in the long run. A cheap furnace is dear at any price. ffou can buj furnaces often and get your fuel free, by all means at a cheap furnace. W. G. McPherson Heating and Ventilating Engineer 47 First Street, Portland, Oregon : i't Let Your Wife Suffer ! iol, comfortable homes are easily kept so if you use Blue Flame Wicktess Oil Stoves fhe cheapest, most convenient and most satisfactory joking device known. Don't Fail to Call and Examine Them lylor, the Hardware Man 741 Main Street -BUY YOUR MBER J- AT THE gffnnnnnnnnTTnnmiHnmmniHHmu FOR SALE Lumber Yard St.. opp. Court House. LOW A5 THE LOWEST k ef BulMlag Material, Doors Window Screen Doors and Windows Building Paper Lime Cement Brick c and Sand AT A BARGAIN A 1 4 -Room Dwelling House 1 l c Centrally located .... i i Electric lignta tnrougnoui -a In"g6od"repalr tottA 130 feet Bargain i ON EASY TERMS J. A. HOWARD COURT ST. Standing of the Clubs. Won. Lost P. G. Pendleton 5 1 .833 l.a Grande 3 3 .500 Baker City 3 3 , .500 Walla Walla ..1 5 .107 Another row of La Grande scalps dangled at the Indians' trophy belts 1 when the agony was Anally ended by limitation yesterday tho locals mop ping the ground with their visitors to the tune of 4 to 0. This making the third shut-out game for the Indians this season out of only six games played. "Bobbie" Wilner had on an extra amount of war paint yesterday, and smeared It all over tho visitors with regularity and unction. But three times did tho little sphere reach the field for safe hits, and two of theso might have been cut off by close, sharp fielding, while no less than 11 of the beet reapers were successful In landing three times on the place where "Our Bob" didn't throw the ball. The game throughout was fast and Interesting and the spectators were generous with applause for the many brilliant plays which were made. The -home team supported Wilner In a manner which could not fall to give him every encouragement. 1 Brown led oft with a fly to Bay in center field. Fay was out by a fly toi Adams. Stovall and Schmidt each got' singles and Cox retired the side by a grounder to Menefee. In the second ' Wilner walked and got to second on a fielders cnoice, reniana ueiug thrown out at first. Rhea perched on the initial bag on an error of Menefee, Wilner going to third, where he died when Rhea was caught stealing set ond. When the Crop Was Ripe. i The third was fruitful for the Indi , ans. Brown singled and reached set- 1 ond on an error of Brookler. Fay hit safe and scored Brown. Stovall smashed a skyscraper to center, but as Mr. Ray's appetite for those kind was good yesterday, he went after It in a hungry sort of way and ate It up but little Fay stole third before the ball could be returned to the diamond Schmidt was safe on first on fumble of Adams and Fay scored on wlld( throw of Shea over third. Cox knock-j ed a grounder to Menefee, who beat I him to first and Wilner flew out to J center field. In the next Inning Clark fanned HayB and Penland. Rhea sent one out to center field to appease tho' hunger of Mr. Ray. Pulled a Few Beets Themselves. j Pendleton picked a couple morel beets In the fifth. Fay got a single,) but went to Becond when Ray fumbled the ball. Stovall was caught out by fouling to Shea. Schmidt smashod a" line drive over .second base .and It bounced over Ray'B head in center, al lowing its author to make the round of the bases, besides Bcoring Fay. This Is the first home run that has been knocked on the grounds thla sea son. In tho sixth Wilner flew out to Black a,nd Hays singled. Penland struck out. Rhea drew a base on balls and Brown sent a stinging lino drive to third, but Crawford nabbed it The next inning finds Fay reaching first on a safe hit. but being forced out at second by Stovall. Schmidt flew put to Castner and Cpx forced Stovall off first. In the ninth Wilner and Hays fanned the atmosphere, and Penland got to first pn an error of Crawford,. (Concluded oa pace 8.) I DON'T RUNABOUT For a Rood ruimliout hi'H you cn buy on t 1 bnrgclu from Ni-ngV Hrolhi it Our twk of I high clats vvhlr'ei would lit linrri lo beat In either tirlce, uittkit or inntcrUl, ami, If you need a carrlace lo run nbout In, tliero luliothlni like a nice bucktioard. t'ntno In nnd look nt the Ixwitjr and tlin style oi our up-to dato oar rlages. See Us About Gasoline Engines NEAGLE BROTHERS Water Ht, near Wain, Peodleton, Or Good enough for anybody! All Havana Tillci " FLORODORA " BANDS in cf same valut at tags from " STAR," " HORSE SHOE," SPEARHEAD." STANDARD NA VK" " OLD PEACH ft HONEY." , "SAW LOG." "OLE VARGINY" or "MASTER WORKMAN" Taece. 8 , "... . gwmrnffnnnrtmTnwHHnnnTmmmnje SMOKERS' Supplies I CIGARS, the best brands 1UJBAIAAJ finest lor smoking and chewing 1 PIPES to unit nil ? 6. NftEUmAN I 9 ST. PAUL'S Boarding and Day,Sohool for Girls WALLA WALLA, VA8U, PlnUutDK arid accredited college preparatory couracf. Music a apcclftlly : Voice, violin and plauo. The Hot Andreai Hard, freildent of Truitcci MiaalmoKeu Hoycr, l'rluclpal. Term f 100 to MX. COME NOW! Don't delay. When tho Komlor stock is closed out the chance of a life Unto to got Groeoriea at those prices is at an end. IT WILL PAY YOU to buy now in largo qualities for your future needs. LAST NOTICE. All persons indebted to me must call nt once and settle or the accounts will be placed in the hands of my attorney to pro ceed to collect without further time. Heed this notice and save costs. D. KEMLER. HERE ARE SOME SPECIATEN PRICES: SPECIAL TOBACCO BARGAINS Horseshoo plug, out. from 50c per pound to 45c Star " " 50o " " to 45c Climax " " 50o " " to 45c Saw Log " " 50c " " to 45c Battle Ax " " 45e " " to 40c Brandy wine, ICo plugs, cut to IQc Honey Dip Twist, cut from 5c a plug to.... 4c SMOKING TOBACCO Soal of North Carolina, 1 lb tins, reduced from 70c to 60c Pedro, cut from G5c to 55c Sun Cured, cut from (50o to 50c Bod Boll, cut from 50c to 45c Fashion, cut from 50c to ,. 45c Dixio Queen, cut from 50c to 45c Sweet Virginia, cut from 50c to 45c Pedro, cut from 10c straight to 3 packages 25c MORE SPECIAL SNAPS Fine Bolid potatoes, per sack $ t 00 Largo freBh lomonf, per dozen 25c Schilling's baking powder, 21 lb cans, $1.. 85c Schilling's baking powder, 51b cans, cut from $2.00 to $1 65 Tomatoes, corn, beans, peas, regular' price 2 for 25c per can XOc Monopolo fruit, high grado,cut fm 25o can to 20c Standard table fruits, 7 cans for t 00 Salmon, A cans for 25c Hams and Bacon, per pound J 4c Oatmeal, per pound 4c Bopo, por pound, from 8 to J2c Schilling's baking powdor, por pound 40c Schilling's Typical blond colleo, por pound 20c Cane sugar, per sack 4 90 Beet sugar, per sack 4 80 Potatoes, por hundred i 50 Best cream cheese, por pound J6c Silk soap, 0 bars for 25c Golden Star soap, 6 bars for 25c Dairy salt, 50 pound Backs, por sack 90c Flour, por sack 75c Dairy butter, por roll 25c Creamery butter, per roll .' 50c Macaroni, 1-pound paekago Oc All kinds of lyo, per can iOc Sea Foam, largo packagos, 0 for. 25c All kinds of axle greaso, per can 5c and tOc Artockle's and Lion Coffee 8 pekgs $ 00 Mason Ftislt Jars, Qts. 75c, Half-gals 90c Do Everything else in Our Grocery Cut Accord ingly. Cash Only Goes at this Sale, No Credit Given Anyone. D. KEMLER Closing Out Sale The Beverage That Cheers and invigorates during summer's dc pressing heat ia Schultz's Pilsner Ber For luncheon, dinner or at bedtime it is the drink par excellence (or health, strength and nerve. Don't fail to try a case of this pure and, pa1aablc, as well as refreshing bjeer. and you will never be without.it for day afterwards.