East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 19, 1902, Image 2

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Of Men's and Boys'
Summer Clothing
We have begun to cut prices. Watch our window display.
Come in and see what we are doing.
One Price Glothicrs, Furnishers and Hatters, Pendleton
SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1902.
Heavy damage to the hop fields
near Dayton, Or., is reported done by
Jthe high wind of Monday.
Baker City has begun raising money
to send a man east to lecture on the
richness of the mineral country sur
rounding that city.
Thomas Johns, for 20 years a prom
inent resident of The Dalles, died at
his home there "Wednesday evening,
after four days of apoplexy.
A Portugese who struck Portland
recently has reported to the police
that he was drugged and robbed of
$325 in gold in a joint there.
George S. Benson, general baggage
agent for the O. R. & N., dropped dead
at his home in Portland Thursday
evening. He had been in good health
and death was caused by a paryletic
The will of the late William H.
Mead has been admitted to probate at
Portland. It divides $2S,000 among
friends and relatives. The city of
Portland gets 51500 for a drinking
The hay harvest is now in full swing
in the Willamette valley and the crop
is the largest ever produced in that
section. The acreage is very large
and the yield good, so that there is
plenty of hay everywhere.
Henning Olsen, about 20 years of
age, lost his arm in an accident on
tlie railroad construction train at
Cottage Grove Thursday. As the train
was leaving he attempted to board It
and fell on the track. His arm was
amputated four Inches from the shoul
der. The Port of Portland Thursday
awarded the contract for building the
dredge tender, John McCraken, to the
Herferman Engine Works, of Seattle.
The contract price is $24,600. The
boat is to be finished within six
months, but the company gave assur
ance it would deliver it before that
time. The trial trip of the boat will
".be at Seattle.
lilajor Charles H. Smith, U. S. A.
'(retired as Colonel), died at Washing
ton, D. C. Thursday, aged 75 years,
after a long Illness caused by a stroke
of apoplexy two years ago.
News comes of the massacre of a
caravan conveying $40,000 in the Ko
wett region of Asiatic Turkey. The
same force of savages then surprised
and massacred the Turkish garrison
of Elaglr.
The commission appointed to reap
portion Oklahoma has announced the
total population of the territory to be;
600,000, with one representative for!
every 22,000 people, and one senator
for every 45,000.
Charles A, Sturras, a Fort Scott,
Kan., plumber who can not gain ad
mission to the Master Plumbers' Asso
ciation or buy goods without being a
member, is bringing suit for damages
against the association.
The Chinese government of Chi Li
.province, and the Chinese foreign of-j
flee have decided to accept the terms
proposed for the withdrawal of the'
foreign troops from Tien Tsin. it was '
supposed they would attempt to ob-t
tain bettor terms.
In the circuit court of Missouri
Thursday, Judge Ryan ordered Gott
lieb Ehrmann, Jr., bondsman for
Charles Kratz, ex-member of the mu
nicipal assembly, who is a fugitive
from justice In Mexico, to pay $20,000,
the amount of the latter's bond.
The Cuban senate has appointed a
committee to decide whether the ag
ricultural and cattle industries in Cu
ba need assistance, and if so to rec
ommend means to aid them. A loan
of $4,000,000 to assist the cane grow
pra, Jb proposed f "and it Is also sug
gested that a bounty of $5 bo paid for
each 'cow Imported into the island.
The Pendleton.
G. W. Hunt, Portland.
A. Nylander, Portland.
B. K. Coppman, Fort Worth.
J. C. Ryan, Chicago.
W. H. Tarrett, Portland.
M. P. Mendelsohn, San Francisco.
A. S. Heatfield, Spokane.
J. H. Dasche, Washington, D. C.
Charles H. Green, San Francisco.
J. B. Eddy, Portland.
Myrtle Jacques, Pullman.
C. E. Wood, Genesee.
H. G. McCarty, Chicago.
H. T. Booth, Baker City.
E. C. Skiles and wife, Spokane.
O. R. Ball, Portland.
Fred Darnell, San Francisco.
Miss L. Mason, Colfax.
F. Shonest, San Francisco.
Charles N. Lockwood, Spokane.
George Stevens, Spokane.
J. A. Livingston, Portland.
Dr. W. T. Phy, Baker City.
S. A. Robinson, Pullman.
C. J. Littlefield, Chicago.
The Golden Rule.
J. S. Thomas, Walla Walla.
Mrs. M. Cosby.
Claude Estes, Walla Walla.
A. E. Reed, Walla Walla.
A. F. Tyler.
F. J. Bunbing, Portland.
Mrs. J. Arlington, Weston.
S. Ferguson, Milton.
R. E. Storey, McMinnville.
F. J. Gardner, La Grande.
E. Suitzer, La Grande.
Ed H. Corum.
J. A. Haybough, The Dalles.
A. R. Merdorf, North Dakota.
O. M. Simonson, Kansas.
Mrs. A. F. Tyler.
W. R. McRoberts, Spokane.
Ed Mills, La Grande.
J. W. Peringer, Adams.
Jake Arlington, Weston.
H. W. Vogt.
H. S. Thomson, Butter Creek.
Jesse Tryson, Fairfield.
G. H. Hissinger.
Saves a Woman's Life.
To give up would have meant
death for Mrs. Lois Cragg, of Dor
chester, Mass. For years she had en
dured untold misery from severe
lung trouble and obstinate cough.
"Often," she writes. "I could scarcely
breathe and sometimes could not
speak. All doctors and remedys
failed till I used Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption and was
completely cured:" Sufferers from
Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung
Trouble need this grand remedy, for
It never disappoints. Cure Is guar
anteed by Tallman Co. Price 50c
and $1.00. Trial bottles free.
Meeting of Game Wardens.
Helena, Mont, July 19. State
Game and Fish Warden Scott has
gone to Mammoth Springs, in the
National park, to attend an Important
conference of game wardens. The
wardens will discuss matters pertain
ing to their duties and especially try
to bring about uniformity In the fish
and game laws. Among tho states
represented at the conference are
Oregon, Washington, Utah, Wyom
ing, Minnesota and Idaho. Repre
sentatives of tho Northwest territory
are also expected to be present.
If a Man Lie to You.
And say some other salve, oint
ment, lotion, oil or alleged healor Is
as good as Bucklin's Arnica Salve,
tell him thirty years of marvelous
cures of Piles, Burns, Bolls, Corns,
FelonB, Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds, Bruises
and Skin Eruptions prove It'a the
best and cheapest. 25c at Tallman
& Co.', drug storo.
English Tennis Experts Coming.
London, July 19. Tho English lawn
tennis team, consisting of tho Doher
ty brothers and Pym, sail for tho Unl'
ted States today to contest for the
American championships. Their first
appearance will bo at Longwood the
latter part of tho month.
For a cool, refreshing glass of
Pchlltz beer go to Qratz'a.
RTilcr of Persia Will Visit There for
Several Days Merchants Anticipate
Many Rich Purchases.
Antwerp, July 19.-Antwerp is in
a state of expectancy over the visit
of Muzzafer-Ed Din, the Bhnh of Per
sin, who is booked to arrive in tin?
city tomorrow. Though the visit of
the Persian monarch inconveniences
the authorities not a little, owing to
the measures necessary to insure his
personal safety, and is likewise rath
er expensive, as it is found necessary
to refurnish and redecorate the rooms
of the royal palace occupied by the
shah and his suite after they have
departed, the stay of the royal visit
or is not entirely without its redeem
ing features. One of the foremost
industries of Antwerp is diamond
cutting and tlie manufacture of jew
elry and as the shah is expected to
make big purchases in this line the
merchants do not share the dread
with which tlie officials regard his ap
proaching visit.
As purchasers there is a marked
difference between the present shah
and his father, Nasr-Ed-Deen. The
last named was an excellent hand at
making a bargain, but not too scru
pulous in concluding it. He bought
right and loft and rarely asked for
tlie bill, and there are some mer
chants today in Antwerp who arc
still waiting for a settlement for bills
il liv the lntn shah on the
occasion of his visit hero 14 years
ago. His son, on the other hand, is
regarded as an ideal client, we is.
easily pleased, never dickers, and
rarely asks the price of anything I
Whnn slinnninc he Invariably tells!
his grand vizier for whom the pur
chase is intended, or if any article!
of furniture, for which of ills resi-:
donees it is destined. He is ready 1
to buy anything which strikes his!
fancy. For instance, on the occasion j
of his last visit to Western Europe i
he returned to Teheran with morej
tlmn inn snan-shot cameras, a dozer1
phonographs, an equal number of nu-1
tomobilos anil telephones, musir 1
boxes and other odds and ends, to
sav nothing of furniture, jewels and
art work representing fabulous sums ,
lianffer-Eil Din's love for blazing!
jewels has been much commented up
on. One of the largest diamonds in ,
existence he wears In the front of(
his can and on cala occasions he an
pears in a robe so richly embroidered
wirh iewels ns to be valued at over
?C,000,000. The- shah's treasure room
is said bv those who have been fa
vored with a glimpse of its interior i
to defy imagination. The room itself
is a marvel of mosaic work, in which
f urnnnisps minear calore. Dav and I
nlrylif If Ic fninrlntl v fmin snlrHprs !
n'b"1- i3 ft""' n-w 'j ...... '" ,
who are among the best paid person-j
ages of the royal liousenoiii. Tnei
roRiinnslhilitv of their charee is evi-,
dent from one of its possessions a j
golden globe, on which all the conn-'
tries of the world are represented by '
mosaics of diamonds, turnuoises. ru- i
hies and pearls. Around the pedestal
are piles of golden coins, of which
not a single one is worth less than i
$175. This unique treasure is valued
at over $5,000,000. It is with the -hope
of disposing of some of their stock 1
to be added to -the contents of this,
Aladdin-like treasure room that tlu
diamond merchants of Antwerp arc j
looking forward with pleasure to the,
isit of the Persian monarch. ,
ji yLL Havana Filler
A A.
of same value as tags from
or "MASTER WORKMAN" Tobacco.
Goes! enough
&m m
Insanity Due to Nervous
and Mental Troubles
The Groat Tower of Safety and
Rook of Health in the
Hot Weather.
Nervous diseases, when aggravat
ed by mental disturbances produce
more causes of insanity in tho hot
weather than at any' other season of
the year. Nervous headache, nerv
ous dyspepsia, sleeplessness and
chronic constipation induce depres
sion of spirits, extreme weakness,
morbid fears, despondency and lan
guor; from these, dread insanity
conies slowly but surely.
Nervous sufferers have a dread of
hot weather. Finding themselves
deeper In the pit of misery than they
were in the spring nnd early sum
mer, they are in utter despair.
There Is hope for you, dear read
er, if you are one of tho sufferers.
You stand In need of Paine's Celery
Compound, that great builder of the
nervous system. Its vitalizing ac
tion commences with the first bottle
you use. The volume of blood imme
diately increases in the artories and
tlie body is fully fed and nourished.
Your appetite becomes regular and
natural, the nerves and brain are
strengthened, and you have impulses
of health that cheer the soul.
This remarkable remedy will truly
meet your case and give you a now
lifor it will lav the foundation for
happiness and long years. We coun-j
sel you to try this marvelous sum- j
mer ' health-restorer at once, and en-,
joy tho blessings of health. j
are becoming more popular at our
fountain daily.
We know just how to mix them
(there's lot in the mixing). The
eggs are always perfectly fredh.
Try one of these :
Egg Phosphate
Egg Chocolate
Egg Lemonade
Cream Pulf
Chocolate Leghorn
Pine Apple Frappe
Egg Flip Cherry
Egg Flip Pine Apple
Pike's Peak
Coffee Frappe
Served just right at
Everything Hew Everything Fresh
Everything Good
Sweot. Pnre and Wholesome
Made With Potato Yeast
Just like your mother used to make
Mercantile Co.
636 Main St.
ate, ore to nix bone power. Economical
In the uae of fuel. Price $250. Zut Ori
gonlan office. Pendleton. W
ror neaith, Strength and fl
Pleasure Drink II
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
In Ptogtess at Pcndleti
uirr n n Tnn
n u nil ( mi ami
" rwwmwil VIU
Asbestos Sad Itons
TTocioct tr. nco nr1 mnst r.nnvenient: detachable niso
Lruaranteea to oe iree iram ueici-ia. auu -- ,
two years.
see tne display in our wmuuw, ui
look at them.
i l - ' a i i r inn uwr l rvi - ix y inmu.
Water Sets
And Toilet Sets
Positively the largest and best
assortment ever shown in Pen
dleton. We bought these goods
direct from the factory in the
east and will offer some advan
tageous prices'.
Cut Glass Goods for Bars
and Family Use
Bargain House
office, large bundles of newppw. con
taining over 100 big papen c M
tainea ror zo cents a Dunaie.
Pnn nltrnva ha had af T.l?
ially between mum.
lines nave vet many to
iui inn iiauc. Jrtun asx
cheap. Remnants Iran!
less than cost
75c Carpets now...,
50c Carpets now
35c to 40c Carpets no..
tiling this notireauur.
- . akM
The ColiiP
Lodging ft?
at 7a. m.. Vt
rrrv, niT
Km n mi
ill '