East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 18, 1902, Image 6

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FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1902.
All Summer Dress Goods
greatly reduced in price.
Shirt Waists sold at great
reduction to close out.
Special reduction on Clothing.
See our stock at once and I
make your purchases. You I
ran save money. m
Where Whole Families Can
127 and 129 East Alta Street
We See Our Finish
on the shirts of a large proportion of
the male population of Pendleton. It
is much preferred owing to its distinct
superiority. . We do up shirts, collars
and cuffs in Al style to perfection.
That's our specialtyrand we're experts
at the business. Hence our large and
high class patronage. Bend us your
laundry. We'll do the work with
neatness and dispatch. Service the
best. Charges right.
J. F. Robinson, Prop. Pendleton.
Vera tood ruaalraut when you can buy ona at
bargain from Neagle Broiheri Ouratocknt
Algb clwi vehicles would bo bard to beat in
either price, make or material, and, if you need
eme to. run about in, there ,ia nothing
like a nice buckhoard. Come inland look'aT
tao bpanty wl the style ol our up-to-date car
riages See Us About Gasoline Engines
Tater 8t, near Main, I't-dUUa, Or
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walters, Proprietor
Capacity 150 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
FJour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, eto.
jUwftjra on hand.
Great Bicycle Road From New York
to Chicago Is Planned.
Atlantic City, N. J., July 18. Prom
inent automobllists, bicyclists and
good roads crusaders took part In a
conference here today to discuss tuo
bulldlngrof a short cut highway from
Now York to Chicago, which will re
duce tho distance of tho present
roundabout route between the metro
politan cities of tho east and west,
from U87 to 859 miles. Tho promot
ers of tho project, including Colonel
Albert A. Pope, of Boston, and others
outlined their plans at considerable
length and dwelt upon tho benefits
to be derived from the completion of
tho highway. It was pointed out that
fully 400 miles of the projected route
already has been fequipped with 'good
roads. Much of it has beon macad
amized, and it is estimated that the
other portion can bo put in good
shape at a cost of about $5000 a rulla
Tho schemo is to rn '
ways fti'- ; rfct th, Wsh"
...eady in existence by now
-es to bo built by the states, coun
ties and municipalities on the line of
tho proposed highway. Local organ
izations are to be formed, which,
backed by tho national association
are to be relied upon to build tho
connecting links that will complete
the through direct line. It is intend
ed that the. road shall begin at Fort
Lee and run through New York state
by way of Newburg, Binghampton,
Elmira, Corning, Olean and James
town to Conneaut, O., on Lake Eric
In Ohio it will pass through Cleve
land, Elyria and Sandusky, thence
through Indiana by way of South
Bend and Hammond to Chicago.
In support of the project, It is urg
ed that, aside from the road's com
mercial value, it would be a big ob
ject lesson to other parts of the
country. It is believed that tho lo
cal authorities in all parts of the
country could not but recognize the
success of the project the profits
paid on the investment, and would
follow the example. It is believed
that with the construction of roads
suitable for autorhobiles, bicycles and
road horses many city men of wealth
would make country seats of farms
which are not profitable at tho pres
ent time because it i ntoo difncult to
get to them. Better schooling for
tho children of farmers would bo an
other result of better roads, and still
another benefit to the farmer vould
be the greater frequency of the rural
free delivery malls. In Bhort, the
classes will bo Interested in tho great
promoters believe that people of all
highway from the east to tho west
nmi that nntwithstandhiK the difficul
ties to bo encountered, that tho road
will bo built in the near future.
Deafness Cannot be Cired
by local applications as they cannot reach
tue diseased portion of the ear. There is
only one way to cure deafness, and that
is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is
caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When this tube is inflamed you have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when It is entirely closed, Deafness Is the
result and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out nud this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will be destroy
ed "7V . ut of ten are
caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing butt
an Inflamed condition of tue mucus sur
face. We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Bend for circulars, free.
F. J. CIIKNKV & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family I'll Is are the beet.
Silk Culture in Georgia.
Atlanta, Ga., July 18. Plans are
nearing completion for tho introduc
tion into Georgia of silk culture and
manufacture on a large scale. A con
siderable tract of land near Tallulah
Falls has been acquired for the ex
periments. The land is to bo divid
ed into small farms of 25 acres each
and it is proposed to have these farms
tilled by expert Italian farmers from
the Piedmont region of Italy, the
principal silk-growing country of the
world. Plans are also being made
for the erection of mills for the man
ufacture of the silk.
President Roosevelt has issued a
proclamation officially announcing
tho postponement of the World's
Fair to 1904, and the department of
state is transmitting the proclama
tion to the heads of the various na
tions of the world.
It Will be Allowed to be Played In
Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, July 18. There will
be no fight made against bunuaj
baseball by tho law and order element
In the city of Walla Walla, this an
nouncement has beon made by Coun
ty Attorney Oscar Cain, who holds
M,o nr. Iniv nn the RtatlltO l)00k8 Of
the state of Washington governs the
playing of any game on tno banuatn,
and who claims baseball is a game of
skill and not of chanco in any sense.
Tho decision of Judge 1 nomas H.
Brents with regards to Sunday clos
ing, recently reversed by the supreme
court of the state of Washington,
contained nothing regarding baseball
and there is nothing to indicate that
any one of the laws regarding Sab
bath desecration applies to the game.
It is admitted the matter would be
fought through tho courts if taken up
at all and that tho expense attached
to such a icpii would b.
the side of the county as well as for
those who opposed the movement to
do awav with Sunday games, with tho
latter admitted to bo of certain suc
cess. It is not tho intention of the
law and order people to take up a
losing fight and they have no desire
to cause useless expense cither to the
county or to Individuals. That Sun
day baseball does no general harm is
admitted and at that it will bo al
lowed to pass.
Saves a Woman's Llfa.
To glvo up wouTd have meant
death tor Airs, j-oib uragg, or Dor
nhrmtnr. Mass. For years Bhe had an.
durcd untold misery from severe
lung trouble and obstinate cough,
"flftnn ." Bho writes. "I could BC&rnnlv
breathe and somotlmes could not
speak. ah ,aociors ana remedys
failed till I used Dr. King's Now Dis
covery for Consumption and was
completely cured." Sufferers from
nmmliR. Colds. Throat and Lnm-
Trouble need this grand remedy, for
it never disappoints. Cure 1b euar-
anteed by Tallman Co. Price BOc
and ?1.00. Trial bottles free.
Tollot soap, all klndB, 5 cents.
Toutchi'. 'I'lilHI
Artificial Ice
Catholic Women's Benevolent Legion
Saratoga, N. Y., July 18. Six hun
dred delegates, icpresenting nearly
all parts of tho state are attending
the convention of. the Catholic Wo
men's Benevolent Legion in session
here.- The convention was opened
this morning with a high mass in St.
Peter's church, Father Flood being
the celebrant Following tho relig
ious exercises tho delegates adjourn
ed to the town hall, where the busi
ness of the convention was begun be
hind closed doors. The sessions con
tinue through tomorrow. The most
important business before the con
vention is the election of six dole
gates to the supreme council, to be
held in Washington in 1904.
Telephone Main 105.
No Sediment to Foul
Your Refrigerator
No Disease Germs to
Endanger Your Health
Special Cleanup Sale
Our Semi-annual Clearance Sale is now on, and we are making radical reductions on all
Summer Goods, intending to Olean Up everything seasonable before our new Fall go.ods begin to -S
arrive. Everything must be sold out at once, for we do not want to carry summer goods into the 2
- winter season. -5
On Saturday, July 19j we will put many staples on special sale,' and give all a chance
to buy their harvest furnishings at very low prices.
Calico, all colors, 10 yds for 30c
Bleached muslin, io yds for 30c
Scotch lawns, io yds for 30c
Unbleached sheeting, 8 4 width, heavy grade 17c
Unbleached sheeting, 9-4 width, heavy grade 19c
Bleached sheeting, 8-4 width, heavy grade 19c
Bleached sheeting, 9 4 width, heavy grade 21c
White cotton flannel, good grade ; 5c
Cotton crash toweling, good grade, 10 yds fot 35c
Ladies' sleeveless vests 3c
Ladies' percale white waists, 25c, 40c, 65c and up
Ladies' white shirt waists, 75c, $1.00, Si. 25 and up.
Ladies' silk waists, our regular price S3. 50, special $2 75
" 4 25, " 3 50
Ladies' dress skirts, special discount 20 per cent
Ladies' trimmed hats, to close out At Half Price
Children's mull hats, all styles At Half Price
Misses' hose, special for Saturday 7C
Summer underwear, light or medium weight 25c
Socks, medium weight, cotton 3C
Bib overalls, 8 ounce blue denim ; 4.0c
Good riveted overalls, 8 oz denim 5QC
Light weight checked jumpers 05c
Gents' fancy vests, silk mixed, $3.00 and $2 50
Gents' new initial ties, the very latest 50c
Boys' knee pants, special value 20c
Boys shirts for every day wear, good ones 20c
Boys' crash hats for hot weather 20c
Boys' straw hats, 50c, 25c, 15c and 5c
Light weight corded goods, regular -jtfc, special.
yueen Bess Oimity, all colors, reg 130yd, special..
Marigold Batiste, all colors, reg -12c yd, special . . .
Florodora Foulard, regular 15c yd, special. ... . . . .
Silk Ponginette, large figure, reg 25c yd, special . .
Special Discount of 20 Per Cent.
Fancy figured lawns, reg 22c and 2 sc. snecial.
Jap silk, all colors ,t ;
Lyons dye silk, all colors
Wash silk waist patterns, 4 yards' in piece
-i O 1 r- . mi . -
joc rancv suns, worth tine ami Sr :i on-
1 ' o juiu, oycutm .... JtJi
You will see in the above list wp i -...f " 1 7. ! '"' "
you buy hot weather uoods. in hot w.atu, a "Li. b',rl w7 u,,u .are e ones most needed now,
listed will -perhaps be sold out during thS Lu " uon 1 m,ss tms Particular sale, for many of the best
- - U w-SW
Remember the Date
Also the Place ZZZ
The Place to
Save Money
H A 1 13 The Place to 2
JL f 1 11 ) Save Money 2
When eett!nB. -
aon'i foree. , I
anrl c ... rget tO cJI
us, Wpr, "(
BtiId5 Mat
including shi8lBi ;
nmn m..iv 1
11,81 s found in l
nass lumber yard.
Buy a Fai
While They Are C1m,,
Will Sell You
Land at
$1250 PerAc
that will be xrartli Iku
within five years ul J
Pay Fifteen Per
on the investment b tin
FOR sale
The celebrated "Binghin i
located in the Blue MomM
the Umatilla Rim, mVt,i
furniture, fixtures, stages m i
Absolute control of fiTC2nrt
trout fishing stream in Onpt'
sell 80 acre tract tod
grounds with water priiBW
acres, as desired; msliigj
farm, controlling Hgnty''
lease. Call on or address;
Ft auk B.
Pendleton, Oftpfi,
Office, Associatifl
M J -
1 nrs in X-
$30 iol
lands iOtfiW