East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 18, 1902, Image 3

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:e attracts.
ON US . . .
And The Alexander Department Store has on hand
a Complete Line of
Consisting of Stnple Groceries,
Green Fruit and Vegetables and Sak Twine,
Men's Working Shirts trnm 25o to 75c
Men's Underwear from 60c suit to . $5 00
Men's Overalls fiom 45o to 90c
Men's Jumpers from 60c to 90c
Men's Straw and Helmet Hats from 25c to 75c
Men's Gloves from 25c to 1.56
Men'B Shoes from 76c to 3 00
Large Liue of Comforts from 76c to 1.50
Ask to nee Scrivner's Patent Elastic Senm Drawers.
Agent for the celebrated Red Seal Union-made Overalls
and Jumpers.
lexander Dept. Store
There Is No Question
t is the finest grade it is possible to make. Nothing
rout the choicebt wheat enters into Byers' flour, and
satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for bread
i'or fancy baking.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
News of That Lively Little Burg ai
Caught by the Pencil Chaser.
To the "Weston Leader the East Or
egonlan is indebted for tho following
items of that 'lively 4Utlo commu
nity: Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. KtnR re
turned Monday from a two weeks'
visit at Bingham Springs.
The huckloberry crop will ho quite
plentiful this year in tho vicinity of
Saling's Camp, on "Weston mountain.
Mrs. Maggie Brown, wife of Con
ductor Brown, is In tho city from
Starbuck, visiting at tho homo of
Uncle William Lleuallcn.
S. T. Gore has returned from his
homestead near Kahlotus. Wash., unti
left yesterday for Helix, whero ho
has a contract for carpenter work.
W. P. Willabv was in town yester
day from his farm between Weston
and Athena. He renorts no damage
from tho wind storm in that locality.
Mrs. B. P. Swaggart leaves this
week for Pendleton, where she will,
make her home In the future. Mr.
Swaggart intends to build a residence
at Pendleton this fall.
A shipment of 3000 sacks is being
made from tho Pacific Coast elevator
company's warehouse at Weston.
This cleans un the last bushel of
wheat in tho warehouse, leaving H 1
empty for the first tlmo in three1
years. j
W. J. Baker, who recently sold his '
farm on Wild Horse to James Boss, i
has gone to Hldaway Springs with!
his family, to remain until October.
They will thon locate In California,
by advice of Mr. Baker's physician, in 1
the hope that his shattered health ;
may improve.
I McMorris. the pioneer, was In
town Saturday. Whllo hedo Mr. Mc
Moris sold tho handsome bay trotter
that W. A. Barnes has had In train
ing to Cashier Klllgore, of the Farm
ers' Bank, who thus becomes pos-;
sessed of a sprightly roadster. !
A smail bear, evidently an orphan,
prowled around the nromises of Ben
Waldon and Charles Sains, on Dry ,
Creek Monday night, and caused no
little excitement. Since young bruin '
has no business so fnr from his ,
mountain homo, ho will probably bo 1
killed or captured.
A flerco wind and dust storm
sprang up from the southwest Mon ;
day evening, and transported two or
three townships across tho state line.
Among Its freaks was to lift a brick
tine tho brick flew, in fact from
the roof of A. J. Mclntyre's now resi
dence north of town. Ho camo in
next day after material for repairs.
t.is cheap in the long run. A cheap furnace is dear at any price.
r:J.r you can ouy iumaces oiten auu gee your iuei iree, uy an means $
iget a uueupiuriiBce, $
W. G. McPfaetson
Heating and Ventilating Engineer
47 First Street, Portland, Oregon
m't Let Your Wife Suffer!
Cool, comfortable homes are easily kept so if you use
ie Blue Flame Wickless Oil Stoves
The cheapest, most convenient and most satisfactory
cooking device known.
Don't Fail to Call and Examine Them
ylor, the Hardware Man
741 Main Street
old Medals Jorldgn-MttRdard qual
ity at Ne Orleani, 1885
Chicago, 18&3 ; Paris, 1800
For Bale by
A 4 -Room
Dwelling House
Centrally located
"Electric llghte throughout
In good repair
Iiot 50 x 180 feet
I .A. Ba,rgra,in
Some of the Contestants Failed to
Show Up, But Those Who Did Had
a Very Lively Time.
Tho "Terrible Turk", entertained
the sportsmen of Pendleton at the
opera house Thursday night with a
very clever exhibition of wrestling.
The Turk is a mouster. He is a man
who is as powerful as an ox in fact,
is a giant land has skill.
Ho advertised to throw anybody
that would accept his challoiigo,
within 15 minutes or forfeit $G07 Mo
tanac, the Indian policeman from the
Umatilla reservation, accepted tho
challenge and promised to be on hand
last night to take a chance with the
Turk, but evidently became alarmed
when ho saw the fellow, and did not
show up. However, two matches
were given. Professor Walters, of
Seattle, a little fellow, who has been
doing stunts on the streets for sev
eral evenings, as a strong and active
man, went acainst tho Turk and held
him for just 10 minutes. Tho little
fellow looked like a boy by tho side
of the giant, but ho has skill and
managed to squirm out of several
tight places to the delight of tho audience.
Professor C. E. Hallott, of British
Columbia, then went against the Turk
and he stayed with him for 14 min
utes, showing his skill in eluding the
strong man.
Cannon Ball Catcher.
The performance was opened by
Captain John Holtum, the cannon
ball catcher, who gave the audience
some of the worth of its money in
handling cannon balls. He tossed
iron balls weighing from 1G to CO
pounds around like an ordinary man
would handle a baseball. "When he
caught tho cannon ball tossed from
tho mouth of tho cannon tho onlook
ers were astounded. ThiB was 0
clever trick. HJs most difficult feat,
though, was walking on bottles from
one side of tho stage to the other.
A row of beer bottles wore set 01
the stage and small flags stuck In
the necks. The' captain started at
one end and picked the flags out of
the bottles as he went along, step
ping from one bottle neck to tho
other, apparently with ease.
Another Bout Tonlaht
During the performance tho man
ager for the Turk lsaued a challenge
to all co mors and Frank Lowls, bar
tender at the "Gratz," accepted the
challenge, or rather made tho Turk
a challenge. Lewis is a strong man
and has held the middle-weight cham
pionship of the world, but has not
wrestled for several years. Ho offer
ed to wrestle the Turk tonight on the
conditions that the Turk was tc
wrestle him 21 minutes, in 7-mInute
pouts, with 10 minutes between the
bouts, to gjve him a chance to catch
his wind. Tho Turk accepted the
challenge and Lewis agreed to go on
tho stage tonight If the Turk does
not throw Lewis within the time
given, Lewis is to eet S50.
That Is the Latest Opinion Regarding
Foster Carmine.
"Hank" Moans, who Is in town to
day from Echo, throws moro light on
the time tho man, found below town
Tuesday, had been dead. Mr. Means
says a man answering tho descrip
tion of Poster Carmine, tho dead
man, was in Echo last Thursday and
left thero elthor Friday or Saturday
Ho went into Means' place of busi
ness and "soaked" his watch for $1
saying ho had been working for Soth
Richardson, near Pendleton. Ho ro-!
malned there a few hours and 1Ib- 1
appeared. Means thinks this was not j
until Saturday, however, and this
was tho laBt tlmo ho was seen alive.
If this was Carmine, and thoro is
little doubt but that it was, ho had
not been dead as long as was thought
by the physicians nnd .coroner's Jury.
If he left Echo Saturday morning, ho
could not havo reached tho plnce
where ho was found until some time
Saturday evonlng or night, and had
not been dead moro than three days
and nights at the most. A body lying
in tho hot Bun, as his was, exposed
for three days, would naturally bo
badly decomposed and would appar
ently havo been dead longer.
Iowa Editors.
Boone, la., July 18. Today's ses
sion of tho Upper Dos Moines Editor
ial Association's convention opened
with an increased attendance of
members. During tho forenoon pa
pers were presentod ns follows: "Ma
chino Composition," Allen Harvoy
Perry; "Ad Writing," Jas. E. Down
ing, Fort Dodgo; "Special Features,"
G. S. Turrill. Jefferson: "System in
Newspaper Business," L. W, Chand
ler, Fonda; "Clean Advertising," Mrs
Carrlo M. Ogllvlo. Dob Moines. Lato
this aicrnoon the convention will
chouse new officers and select a place
for the next meeting, and this oven
ing as a fitting wind-up to what has
been ono of tho most successful
meetings in the history of tho asso
ciation, tho visitors will bo guests at
a banquet to bo given by the Business
Men's Association of Boone.
Murderer's Execution Stayed.
Jersey City, N. J., July 18. This
was tho happiest day for Georgo W
Taylor, tho colored murdoror, since
he was first locked up in the county
jail. It was to havo been his day of
execution, but an oloventh-hour stay
granted by the court assures him of
a further loaso of lifo until October,
at least. Taylor's crime was the
murder, of his aunt. Minnlo Taylor, in
this city, last December.
Wheat Harvest Big.
Spokane, July 18. Tho great wheat;
harvest of Eastern Washington willi
begin next week, which Is three)
weeks or a month later than usual
The harvest of fall wheat on the-jlch
hill soil and o spring yheat on the
Jow, light soil, will begin. almost sim
ultaneously. Tho crop this year will
hot come up to tho mammoth yieia ,
of last year, but it probably will be'
in excess of the average, owlnj to,
the increased acreage. Some fear Is
expressed ' that tho supply of laboi I
will not be equal to the demand. j
Everything Mew Everything Fresh
Everything Good
Sweet, Fare and Wholesome
Marie With Potato Yeast
Just like your mother used to make
Mercantile Co.
636 Main St,
Don't delay. When tho Komler stock is closed out
tho chance of a lifo time to got Groceries at theso pricos
is at an ond.
to buy now in largo qualities for your future needs.
All persons indebted to me must cnll at
once and settle or the accounts will be
placed in the hands of my attorney to pro
ceed to collect without further time. Meed
this notice and save costs. D. KEAILER.
Horseshoo plug, cut from 50o per pound to
Star " " 50o u " to
Climax " " 50c " " to
Saw Log " " 50c " " to
BattloAx " 41 45o " " to
Brandywino, 15c plugs, cut to tOc
Honey Dip Twist, out from 5o a plug to.... 4c
Seal of North Carolina, I lb tins, reduced
from 70c to 60c
Pedro, cut from G5c to 55c
Sun Cured, cut from GOo to 50c
Rod Boll, cut from 50c to 45c
Fashion, cut from 5(o to 45c
Dixie Queon, cut from 60c to 45c
Sweot Virginia, out from 50c to 45c
Pedro, cut from 10c straight to 3 packages 25c
Fino Bolid potatoes, por sack $ 1 00
Largo fresh lemont, pordo.on 25c
Schilling's baking powder, 2i lb cans, $1.. 85c
Schilling's baking powdor, 5lb cans, cut
from $2.00 to $J 65
Tomatoos, corn, boans, peas, regular price
2 for 25c por can JOc
Monopolo fruit,high grado,cut Fm 25c can to 20c
Standard table fruits, 7 cans for , t 00
Salmon, 4 cans for 25c
Hams and Bacon, per pound f 4c
Oatmeal, per pound 4c
Rope, por pound, from 8 to i2c
Schilling's baking powdor, por pound 40c
Schilling's Typical blond colleo, por pound 20c
Cano Bugar, per sack 4 90
Boet sugar, por sack 4 80
Potatoes, .por hundred i 50
Best cream chooao, por pound i6c
Silk soap, G bars for 25c
Golden Star soap, 0 bars for 25c
Dairy salt, 50 pound sacks, por Back 90c
Flour, por sack 75c
Dairy butter, por roll 25c
Creamery buttor, per roll 50c
Macaroni, 1-pound package $0c
All kinds of lye, por can iOc
Sea Foara, largo packages, G for 25c
All kinds of axlo grease, per can 5c and iOc
Arbuckle's and Lion Coffee 8 pekgs $ 00
Mason Frait Jars, Qts. 75c, Half-gals 90c Do
Everything else in Oor Grocery Cot Accord
ingly. Cash Only Goes at this Sale.
No Credit Given Anyone.
Closing Oat Sale
The Beverage That Cheers
and invigorates during summer's do
pressing heat is
Schultz's Pilsner Bcr
For luncheon, dinner or at bedtime
it is the drink par excellence (or
health, strength and ncrvo, D.in't
fail to try a case of this pure and
palatable, as well as refreshing beer
and you will never be without it for a
y afterwards.
JfcUIjntnr J. oa erery box of tho geeals '
UxativeBnxnoHMaJiieruiiJ 1
tM rccied tbst eurem m m
' W I V- -IP?