East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 18, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
i h .iAllTred at ronr residence
Mace of business by carrier ut
i5c A WEEK.
Fair tonight nml Saturday,
warmer Saturday.
NO. 1438
n n lost
the Officers Thought
Had Him He Proved
le Elsewhere.
III Go at Once to Take Up the
eh Again, as He Thinks Tracy
idly Hurt and Will Soon Be
a red.
lie, July 18. At 2 o'clock yes-
afternoon, Sheriff Cudihee
posse, not seeing any signs
tabout the shack In which they
ed they had Outlaw Tracy and
vo confederates surrounded
the place but found that the
iad flown several hours he
ld that they had been watch
deserted house for several
Sous to rushing the house
had his men posted at all
I'of vantage and not wishing to
my possible chance for a rep
iof the previous battles with
which resulted so disastrous
the police, he gave orders that
who attempted to leave the
vas to be firqd upon without
"Kill him first and identl
afterwards," were his instruc
the posse and this would un
Jly have been done If Tracy
en so foolish as to wait to be
Sbut this he did not, decamp-
Dbably about the time his pur
thought they had him nlcel:
Sheriff Back In Seattle.
Cudihee returned to Seattle
jfht, but says he will rejoin his
iCtoday at iiavensuale. He be-
Tracy is not far from the shack
ithey had him surrounded yes
lee says Tracy is too badly
Bd to travel far or fast, and is
enfldent of his capture in this
His Majesty Continues to Improve
Duke of Marlborough Named as
Successor to Earl Cadogan.
London, July 18. It is officially an
nounced here that the coronation will
take place on August 9.
The coronation procession, which
will be between Buckingham palace
and West Minster Abbey, was re
hearsed this morning. Eight horses
drew a heavy drag representing the
royal coach.
More Bulletins Monday.
Cowes, July IS. The king contin
ues to Improve. No more bulletins
will be Issued until Monday.
New Ruler for Ireland.
London, July IS. The Duke of
Marlborough is named as the proba
ble successor of Earl Cadogan, as
lord lieutenant of Ireland.
Shot His Unfaithful Wife and Then
Attempted His Own Life.
Chicago, July 18. Because his wife
was untrue to him during his two
years' confinement in the penitenti
ary, William Nelson this morning
shot and killed her in the presence of
their child, and then shot himself
wounding himself slightly.
iSystem of Capturing Ladrone
Chiefs Is Being Used.
July 18. An extensive
vlth the object of capturing the
le chiefs, Montalon and Fellz
and BO of their followers, is pro
ag in Cavite province. Twelve
Bd constabulary, commanded
iptain Baker 'moved today at
t, forming a complete angle
cordon, covering 60 square
jtrol launches are guarding the
It Is expected to "close the
Saturday. The entire male
latlon of the towns and farms
included in the concentration
three Quiterrez brothers who
charged with the murder of an
entice named Venvllle, a mem-
Df the party commanded by Cap-
J. C. Gilmore. of the United
gunboat Yorktown, captured
Filipinos in April, 1899, have
red at Balor, Principe province,
having evaded the military and
tabulary for two years. '
Anderson Without Warning,
Murders Edward Fagerstone.
bokano. July 18. Without warn-
or apparent provocation, Gust
terson, a street railway employe,
: night fired three shots into Ed-
fagerstone. one of the nronrle-
of the Western house. Facer-
le died Instantly. Both men were
femes to the republican county
mention tomorrow,
nderson had been drinking and
ilng his wife. She had fled and
Person was evidently laboring un-
uiu impression that Fagerstone
concealing her. thoueh Mrs. An-
on and frlnnrin
P said Mrs. Anderson .and Fager
e were not even acquainted.
Waived Preliminary Hearing.
'It Lake. Julv 1 Wnrnr T
assistant nnaht or nnrl Alnv
'ertson, paylncr teller of th Wnlla
'SO Bank. accilRerl nt nmlio9Tllno
vU0. WRlvArl tVint.
lng today. Their bonds wore
ai ?z&,uqo each.
Fatal Fight at St. Helens.
St. Helens, July 18. Thomas Dol
ley, a farmer, was killed In a fight
here today, by a man named Itejeskl,
who Is held, charged with murder.
Rock Island, R. I., Was Flame Swept
With a Total Loss of More Than
Rock Island, R, I., July IS. The
National and Narragansett hotels
telegraph ofllco, weather bureau sta
tion and several other places burned
this morning and the Surf hotel was
badly damaged. Loss $200,000.
Vatican's Note Merely Expresses Sat
isfactlon at Cordial Relations
Rome, July 18. The Vatican's an
swer to the last American note on
the question of the friars and their
lands in the Philippines, merely ex
presses satisfaction at the cordlr.l re
lations exhibited between Washing
ton and the Vatican and hoping that
the negotiations which will bo" con
tinued in Manila, will be eciually sat
Unhappy Pair Parted.
London, July 18. Lady Dela War
was today granted a divorce from her
husband on the grounds of desertion
and misconduct. She named a prom
inent American actress as co-respondent
In her original complaint, but
later withdrew this charge.
Bituminous Coal Miners of
the United-States Will Not
Be Called Out,
His Plan, if Carried Out, Would
Mean the Raising of $2,000,000
Monthly for j Strikers Anthracite
Men Opposed .to Strike.
Indianapolis, .Tuly 18. President
Mitchell won a,' marvolous indorse
ment from his men when the anthra
cite men said hat Mitchell's plan
pointed out the right courso. Ills
suggestion, if adopted, would ylold
$2,000,000 per month for the relief or
the strikers.
Before the national convention of
miners was called to order this morir
lng President Nicholas, of Anthracite
District No. 1, vof Pennsylvania, an
nounced that he. was opposed to a
general strike. vJThlB makes It assur
ed that there will bo uo gonornl
ml.n TT..l c. ... M r 11,.
x lie niii mu lulling, uuu ul nit: i
largest in the country, is. planning a
great reunion at the World's Fair,
St. Louis, In 1904.
Marion county farmers are report
ed to be having trouble on account of
a shortage of harvest hands.
Tie Ffew IPeimdlfletoini Reaidleflimy
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Doard of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, July IS. Tho wheat
market opened H higher today, nt
77-, remaining strong throughout
the morning and taking a slight rise
nt the close or ', closing at 77 Mi, TA
higher than Thursday. Liverpool
closed 'i higher nt 6 Corn Is
Si higher, closing nt G4!$.
Wheat closed Thursday, 77'.J.
Opened today, 77-.
Iiungo today, 77V101? to 77ft,
. losed today, 77
Stocks nro up.
St. Paul. 1S2U.
Steel, A0.
Union Pacific, 10S4.
Wheat In San Francisco,
San Francisco, July IS. Wheat
$l.lt6 per cental.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago. July IS. Wheat "PUff
Patten Has July Oats In a Corner and
Is Forcing Prices.
Chicago, July 18. A big deal In Ju
ly oats. It Is snld, is being engineer
ed by .lames fatten. Under innnlpti'
lntlons the price ndvnnred four cents
todny to fi7. Patten Is snld to be
In a position to get more out of tho
denl than wns realized in the July
corn corner.
Murderer Rice Walked Up
Gallows Steps lo His Death
at Toronto, Canada,
The accompanying cut is of the new
Pendleton Academy building to be
erected north of the Umatilla River,
just east of tho old city cemetery,
this fall.
This shows the building just as it
will look, according to tho plans,
when finished. It will be one of the
best modernly furnished school
houses in the Northwest, and as the
cut shows, will be two stories high,
with a .full-sized basement.
It is to be built of stone and brick,
at a cost of nearly $20,000, and as
well as being an up-to-date educa
tional Institution, will be an orna
ment to tho thriving town of Pendle
ton. Bids are now advertised for by the
faculty for tho construction of the
building. These will be received up
to next Tuesday when they will bo
opened aid the lowest and best bid
der will be awarded the contract. As
soon as thlB is done work will be
commenced on the structure and It is
the intention of those back of the
move to have It completed and ready
for use before the first of the coming
year, nnd possibly by tho opening of
tho 1902-1903 term of school.
Recent Contributions.
W. H. Jones 50.00
W. M. Slu8hcr C0.00
James A. Feo 60.00
C. H. Dutton C0.00
12. P. Marshal 25.00
M. A. Rader 25.00
John F. Robinson 25.00
Louis Hunzlker 16.00
Charles C. Sharp J0.00
J. F, Brown 10.00
John McCourt 5.00
W. F. Taylor 5.00
W. S. Perry 6.00
Coroner's Jury Decides That They
Were Not Liable for Mine Explo
Salt Lake, July 18. A coroner's
jury at Park City has returned a ver
diet i'cJdlng the officials of the Daly
West mine blameless for the accident
by which 35 men lost their lives.
Beloit's Chatauqua.
Belolt, Kan., July 18. This was na
tional day at the Kansas Epworth
Chataqua Assembly and it proved the
blggeat day in the entire program.
Hundreds of visitors were In attend
ance and genuine enthusiasm pre
vailed. Governor Stanley presided,
and the principal speaker waB Gen
eral John B. Gordon, who delivered
his celebrated lecture, "lne last
Days of tho Confederacy."
Christian Workers' Conference.
T.nke Orion. Mich.. July 18. The,
second annual International Bible
Conference and Christian Workers'
institute onened today under favora
ble auspices. A ten-days' program
has been arranged, among tho inter
esting features being addresses and
papers by speakers of prominence,
Including Professor George E. Coe,
of Chicago, Rev. J. F. Farson, D. D
of Brooklyn? Rev.'Wayland Hoyt, D.
D., of Philadelphia; Rov. W. F. Mc
Bowell, D. D., of Now York, and ,Rev.
Charles E. Bradt, of Wichita, Kan.
St. Andrews Honors Carnegie.
London, July 18. In recognition of
his liberal donations to Scotch uni
versities, the municipality of St. An
drews, Scotland, today bestowed the
freedom of the city on Mr. Andrew
Carnegie. Joint recipients of the hon
or with Mr. Carnegie were the Earl
of Elgin, Lord Lieutenant of Fife
shire, adn Lord Balfour, of Burleigh
secretary of Scotland, who aro trus
tees of the Cernegle university und
President's Clemency.
Columbus, 0 July 18. Through
the clemency of President Roosevelt,
Frank Colbert, a full-blooded Chero
kee Indian, was released from the
Ohio penitentiary today. Colbert
was received at the institution from
the Indian Territory in 1897 to servo
10 years for burglary and larceny.
First Move to Develop Vast Timber
Resources of Western Oregon.
Roseburg, July 18, Frod J. Blake
If has returned from Gold Hill where
ho inspected tho plans for the damm
lng of the Rogue river where It 1b
contemplated to install a large elec
trie power plant. Tho contract will
be let in a few days. Many electric
companies have boon after Mr. Blake
ly for tho contract and tho company
making tho lowest and most satis
factory bid will bo awarded the work.
Tills is tho first move toward the
damning of tho Western Oregon
stream which has now been Inaugu
rated and the move is looked forward
to as being the first steps toward de
veloping tho enormous timber re
sources of this country. Tho power
is for the purpose of running saw
mills, and other industries. The ci
tizens of this county predict tnat the
time 1b not far distant when tho
Rogue and Umpqua rivers will pro
sent scenes of industries, through
the process of power harnessing, that
will rival those of many eastern and
middle states.
To Meet at Put-In-Bay.
Cincinnati, July 18. Mr. II. F. Col
Indus, secretary of tho United Stntos
League of Local Building and Loan
Associations, bus perfected nrrnngo
ntontn for the 10th annual mooting of
tho organization to bo held next wcokj
at rut-in-uay. Advices received by
tho secretary Indicate a largo attend
ance. Among thoBO to present papers
and addresses are F. W. Thomas, or
Toledo, O.j Theodore Seldon, or Chi
cago; Michael J. Brown, of Philadel
phia; W. A. Whitney, of Lnwrouco
Mass.; Gcorgo H. Kostmeyor, of Now
Orleans, JuIIuh Stern, of Chicago;
Henry Rosenthal, of Cincinnati, and
Seymour Dexter, of Elmlra, N. Y.
Was Hanged for Murder of Constable
W.hlle Attempting to Escape From
the Officers Last Fall Came of
Good Family.
Toronto, July 18. Frod Rico, a not.
ed crook, was hanged hero this morn
ing for tho murder of County Con
stable Boyd during nn attempted Jafl
delivery, In which one of Rico's cota
pnulona wan also killed.
Rico died gamely, rofuslng otlma
Innls before going to tho scuff old. Hlfl
neck was not broken nnd for 13 min
utes ho slowly Htrnugled to death.
Ills mother and sister, both of
Champaign, HI., mndo a pitiful nppoal.
Inst week for a commutlun of hta
sentence, but It wnH refused.
The body will bo taken to Cham
paign for Interment. Kirn en mo of
u good family nnd wnn n graduate
of tho University of Illinois,
Ancient Order Hibernians.
Denver, July 18. President Kent
lng delivered tho nuuiinl nddrcss nt
today's hoksIoh of the Ancient Ordor
of Hibernians and said the order was
now the strongest Cuthollc organiza
tion In tho world. He urged tho
teaching of Irish history In tho pa
rochial schools, and the maintenance
of neutrality toward other Catholic
organizations, The flnnnccs of the
ordor nro In good condition.
Request Good Offices.
New York, July !8.--iHollvlu lias
decided to rcquost the good offices of
the United States to settle tho Acre
quest Ion, says a correspondent to the
Herald. This decision Is much criti
cized hero.
Golf Plnycro Are Working Over
Flooded Course,
Chicago, July 18. Tho Homl-flnals
of the National Amateur Golt tour
nament are being played today on a
Hooded course.
The heavy rains of last night an
this morning utmost forced a post
ponement, but thn oftlclalH of tho golf
association lnnlBted that play must
Tho winnors of today'a tnatche
.will meat tomorrow for tho championship.
Rural Mall Route for Ashland.
Ashland, July 18. H. C. Clement,
special agent of tho Rural Freo Do
llvory Department of tho Govern
ment's postnl IiiihIiiokh, has been here
during the piuit few days, making pre
liminary arrangements for tho la
Htullatlou of n free delivery route
south of Ashland. Threo application
liiul been received for tho appoint
ment of mall carriers, and tho appli
cations and the examiner drovo over
tho proposed route recently. It Is
expected that tho new route will be
established about the first nt Sep
tember. It will be tho firut rural
route In the Huuthuru purt of the
Washington & Oregon
Electcri Railway
Light & Power Company
A population of 10,000 distributed
over tliu wealthiest funning country la
the world Is tributary U tliin rend.
First Iwtuu of KOO shares, pur vuluu W)
Now Selling at $90 Per Share
Valley Grovt
Aa Investment, Not a Speculation
Imw capitalization; tI,K00,0O0; 15,000
sliareH, at f loo each.
til. L. I .1 .1 1.1 ..
rcuBri-H iuiiy jmiu uuu iioii-attHeiutauie,
fCoiityt Pace
HJu Mowlam WW
It fi tb Intrnt'on of the uian(innt U tU
to enlfreiUirk In Kininil .umu. au taw
Miami ,bWM wm t 0BeteJ for local aubicrlpUoa
for tit period of au daji (torn July 10, vm,
Aphl'calfoni coming later than Autuit It, Ittt,
Pendleton and Vicinity : (Apply to
E. T. WADE WJ!,l",,f Pendleton. Of
Apply to Main Office, 21-22 Dooly Building., Walla Walla, Wash.