East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 17, 1902, Image 6

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It Improves the Appetite, Aids Digestion and
Relieves Dyspepsia
Brock & NScComas Company
THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1902.
King Edward has left his bed and
la out for a voyage on his yacht.
This is one case of surgery in mod
ern times where an important per
sonage has been operated on by the
doctors without fatal results. Wheth
er the methods of the old country
are different from those used in this
country in detail or not, is not stat
ed, but anyway the results in this
particular case have turned out diff
matters it, with some, if the patient
should die? The public does not
know, and will be satisfied with the
statement that "he would havo died
anyway." But if a delicate operation
is performed and the patient survives
then the name of the surgeon is
made, and in many instances his for
Then how much more ambitious is
nrmed with Winchesters have met
and slaughtered two bands of sheer
and shot the herders and tho dogs
A dispatch from Pendleton says
"Tho situation in Central Eastern
Orecon is very strained on account
of overcrowding the range, and shoot
ing affrays talto placo every day or
two. News of a general battle be
tween the settlers, who are princi
pally cattlemen, and the forces of the
sheep men is expected here.
Can it bo true that there is to be
no remedy provided for this sltua
tion? It is the same as that which
disgraced tho ranges of Australia and
Texas until it was ended there by
leasing the range and making overy
stock man stay on his own leasehold
In Orecon. where battle and murder
rage on the range, both political par
ties in their platforms resolved
against leasing the range or chang
ing the land laws at all, and the Oom
missloner of the General Land Office
declares for that do-nothing policy
Tho statistics in the Department
of Agriculture show that the potency
of the range declined Gl per cent be
tween 1895 and 1901, leaving only 31
per cent of Its strock-producing ca
pacity. Suppose that tho country s
potency in the production of Iron,
wheat, corn or other staple had de
clined In a like ratio, would thero not
bo a widespread alarm and a gener
al search for a remedy? Yet that de
cline in the cheapest method of pro
he to operate on a klntr or a nresl
dent, when in case of success, great duciuK beof laB 8ent the n,r,ce 0,1 tho
fortune and fame come immediately.
And how much mpro danger attends
the king or president, or othergreat
personage who happens to fall into
the surgeon's hands. 1
Garfield had the best in this coun-
1 i. t r-n . ..
crcntly. Of course, the scientlib ap- iry anu people waited with
plication of the knife and the treat- abate'l breath to applaud the surgeon
ment that follows are doubtless tlio'wll should save him. The case of
same, as prescribed in the books in!McKinley was equally great.
hoof up 30 per cent and threatens to
cut off our export trado entirely. The
dying industry struggles in its ex
tremity. Murder reddens the range
nd gentlemen who admit it all weak
ly say that there is no remedy! It is
hardly creditable to American com
mon sense. San Francisco Call.
s a preliminary to tho exhibit of
Louisiana at tho World's Fair, it is
nrnnrmpfl In pnlnhrntf tlio rrTilrnnfnl
They ae in nilmlssslnn of that, stato into
all countries, but American surgeons, 1 10?t ancl 110 Slory attaches to their the Union. The date is December 23,
bo far havo siiccpfiilcd in throwing surgeons. 1903. The celebration will be held
a i T-, . . . I :,, "r . ..i ......
,,i, ),ii,.i.im i., ..i, i.inK iiuwirci is recovfirlnir. TTis items
iiuuKti juiii luuujii y iiii i aucii milium i ca- -
surgeons havo the glory. Whether it
was luck or not, it is an exceptional
case of surgery,
f , , . ,.tatt f.V V- '..'.''.'.' .'.V'.'.W.'.' '.' 1 fj
Which is Correct?
Diamond "C" does better work and goes
further than any other laundry soap, or
does better work and goes farther than any
other laundry soap.
No matter the soap does it, whichever it is.
SAVE DIAMOND "0" WRAPPERS We redeem them
for all sorts of useful ami nttrnctlvo nrllcles. Illustrated
book sliowiiic over 300 premiums given for wrappers, sent
on request. A postal will brine it.
Premium Dept., The Cudahy Packing Co., So. Omaha, Neb.
for Hatvest
C,n 'tt
produce fatal results every
as to
It is notoriously charged, and no
longer denied, that if the surgeons
did not kill Garfield outright, their
mistreatment of his case did it indi
rectly. President McKinley was re
ported to be doing "nicely' until a
few hours before his death, when he
began sinking so rapidly that the
shock of his death, received so sud
denly after the favorable bulletins,
was even greater thaii the announce
ment that he had been shot. There
None of the various propositions
for solution of the stock ranen nrnli-
' lem has been acted on by congress.
i The president referred to tho de-
j struction of the range forage on the
puuuc domain in nis message, and
tho Secretary of Agriculture treated
tho subject frankly and intelligently
in his report, but tho Secretary of the
Intel lor and the Commissioner of the
General Land Office seem to have
have never been serious charges sus- decided that the existing situation is
tained against the surgeons in his rosy and nothing need be done.
case, however, and it would do no
good for it would only reflect on the
science in this country and not re
store the dead.
Whether prominent persons are
"over-doctored" through the ambition
Competent testimony proves that
the range is beiug destroyed at the
rate of 5,000,000 acres a year by over
stocking, and that tho desert gains
that much on the meadow annually.
The only parts of the public domain
Mirth is an almost in
fallible sign of good
health. A sick woman
may force a smile or at
times be moved to laugh
ter. But when a woman
is bubbling over with
purth and merriment she
is surely a well woman.
Dr. Pierce's Lavonte Prescrintiou has
made thousands of melancholy and mis
erable women cheerful and happy, by
curing the painful womanly diseases
which undermine a woman's health and
strength. It establishes regularity and
of .tho surgeons to make a name and "! lJl
reputation or not, it has been charg
ed as a fact, and there is doubtless
some reason for believing the state
ment. Physicians themselves charge
that more people havo been killed
by the annoyance of over-anxious
friends who persist in calling on
them and "doing something" for them
than all of the diseases combined, to
gether with tho awkwardness of tho
physicians and all of their experi
menting. It is generally conceded
that tho physicians themselves havo
done their share toward supplying
the "cemeteries In the latter manner,
and those who havo retired from ''the
practice laugh about it as a huge
The modern plan of taking the pa
tient from his friends and placing
him in a hospital under a strange
nurse and denying admittance to
friends, Is an evidence that the sci
entific conclusion Is that In sickness
tho patient must not have too much
attention; that too much Is moro
dangerous than not enough. If too
many friends are dangerous to tho
welfare of a patient, certainly too
many doctors and too much expert
mentlng. would havo a like effect. It
is claimed that tho rule In the caso
of physicians is different from that
In tho caso of lawyers. In the latter
caso it Is claimed "that in a multl
tudo of counsel there is safety' but
Jn a multitude of physicians thero Is
Mually death,
It Is claimed that no well man, it
matters not how strong a constltu
tion ho might havo, 'could -survive tho
experiments of a hordo of physic
ians any length of time when they
aro giving medlclno alono; and that
to undergo their knives and probes
would soon depose tho most powerful
physique yet born. In this day of
Vcaro heads," yellow journalism, and
longing for notoriety, tho doctor Is
aot behind tho times. Ho Is over
ready with his Jtnlfo and table. What
are either protected unlawfully by
fences or by rifles. Since early
spring tho range war has been in
progress. Rival stockmen havo met
in battle in New Mexico, Colorado
and Wyoming, and murdor has been
d .ne and property has been destroy
ed. '
Commissioner Hermann In his tes
timony before tho Land Committee
of tho House said: "Tho great mis
chief now on the public domain Is
that It Is overstocked. Tho grazing
is not as good today as was twenty
years ago, simply because everyone
anywhere near having stock drives
it to the range, and the result is the
elimination of the natural herbage
The natural grasses no longer sup
port the stock they once did, and It
requires ten acres now to do what
tv.'o acres would havo done twenty
years ago upon the public domain of
this country."
That statement Is true. Yet tho
Commissioner declared against all
propositions to apply a remedy. In
frls own state of Oregon tho conse
quences are now apparent. Tho
small cattlemen of Grant county are
now up in arms against tho sheep
that aro being driven on tho public
domain. MasLcd and mounted men
and the only people in the saddlery
business that carry a complete stock of
Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, Sweat
Pads, Paok Saddles and Bags, Tents,
Wagon Covean and Canvas.
Leading Harness and Saddler
dries debilitating drains and so cures
me cause ot much womanly weakness.
It heals inflammation and ulceration.
and cures the bearintr-down nains.
which are such a source of siiflentur in
sick women.
" I take crreat pleasure Jn recommend In a- Tir
Pierce's Favorite Prescription for female weak
ness," writes Mrs. Susannah Permenter. of
Pauls Store. Sliclbv Co.. Texas. 1 m lrnnM,.,l
with bearing-down pains in my back and hips
for six vears. and I wrnrp tn fS-t,- tu-
advice. I tried his' Favorite Prescription and
six bottles fured me. I feel like a uew person
nml I thank Dr. Pierce for my health. Life is a
burden to any one without health. I liav. tnM
a great many of my friends about the irreat
medicine I took."
Accept no substitute for "F.iv nritp
Prescription." There is nothing "just
as good."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of
stamps to pay expense of mailing only.
Send si one-cent stamps for the paper
covered book, or 31 stamps for the
cloth bound. Address Tir. R. V. Pierce.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Everything New Everything Fresh
Everything Good
Sweet, Pure and Wholesomo
Made With Potato Yeast
Just like your mother used to make
Mercantile Co.
636 Main St. - Pendleton
U H Supreme Court
U.'H. Patent Ofllc
Trade Markr and Copyright!
700 7tU H., N. W., WushlnBton, D. .C.
s , ; it)g9
arvesi supplies
Farmers, you will find it to your advantage to
call at our store for your harvest supplies We make
prices as low as the goods can be bought in Portland.
Our stock is the largest and best in Pendleton. Every
thing that comes from our store is clean and good.
You Dont Get 0!d Groceries
when they come from us.
All Sizes at very low prices. We can also supply you
with extra tops and rubbers.
See us for yoar Berries for Canning
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
Pendleton Planing u
niiu ... j
- AT THE -
Oregon L
Alta St., opp.CoBitl
For All Kinds of BuUdligj
Screen Doc
and Wiri
and Sand
And Don't Foreet OurWoodO
hor barns and Dwelip
is elieap In the long run. A cheap furnaco'ls dear at any price.
If you can buy furnaces often and get your fuel free, by all means
get a cheap furnace.
W. G. McPiefsoii
Heating and Ventilating Engineer
47 First Street, Portland, Oregon
Don't Let Your Wife Suffer !
Cool, comfortable homes are easily kept so if you use
The Blue Flame Wickless Oil Stoves
The cheapest, most convenient and most satisfactory
cooking device known.
Dou't Fall to Call and Examine Them
Taylor, the Hardware Man
741 Main Street
All Havana Filial
4k M
of '-'VJiir -
..in CTHIYUi
We are prepay- jion
and a?K yuu ,
Charges '
nffiee at""""
ThA Old .WW" J
1 V - . fl--l
Peed w