Business Cards and Societies Classified Advertisements COUNT SIX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LINE. PROFESSIONS AND TRADES ALPHABETICALLY ARRRANGED. PHYSISIAN8. W. G. COIjB. office in judd bulWlng. Omce noure, iu to 1- a. m. ; ,to 6 p. m. reiepnone, . if npannv tit rrtir r 1 1 ! 1 .1 . t' . 1 . . Ill . IJ uut alii uuuom rPRts and Tfcrrects eye troubles, catar- conaiunn uftaub. Masses r. T RMITfT. OFFICE OVER THE Pendleton Savings bank. Telephone 80; Idenre teiepnuue S. OA III' IKIjU. ju. v., iiuair.ui'Axn Ic physician ana ourneuu. uucc iu Bdd building, ieieimuuci uuice, umca residence, Diac IB. WILLIAM UUUBK, mioitmn Artu Duifecu". ' t., ti r ... on BOne. Alalu l. ntBiucutu iuuub ncu u. En n. J. M'FAUL, nOOM 17 ASSOCIA- tlon blocK. xeiepnone oiaiu wo; rei nee telephone, black 161. IR. T. M. nuNUHiiHUM, ruiaiuiAiN and Burgeon, opciauies eye, ear, nose id throat, umce in Havings isani duiiq- I'uone Main as. BTEOPATluC PHYSICIANS. DR8. Office one block west Keyes 4 Keyes. Helton store. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE. CnRONIC and nervous diseases and diseases of wo- en. Opp uotei rennieton, cor. water Bd Main Sts., rendleton, ure. rnone 273. DENTISTS. A. VAUOHAN. DENTIBT, OFFICE IN Judd building. A. MANN. DENTIST. OFFICE IN AS SOCIATION block, over Schmidt's new ng store. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. F. nOWARD, ARCHITECT AND su perintendent, makes complete and rell tile plans for buildings In the city or onntry. Room 17 Judd building. HEEK & COLE, CONTRACTORS AND builders. Estimates nirnlsned on snort otlce. Job work a specialty. Prompt srvlcc. Shop on Muff street near Main. . MAY. CONTRACTOR AND RUILD- er. Estimates turninned on an Kinds or Montr, cement walks, stone walls, etc. rders can be left at the East Oregonlau See. PHOTOGRAPHERS. I S. BOWMAN. LEADING PnOTOGRA-1 pher of the city. Harvest views, In-1 in pnotos for sale. i'inisning aone ror i nateurs. Main St., near bridge. Phone 27(1 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. LPLE BROS.. COURT STREET. LA tWDow block. Electricians, dealers In elec- cal Htipues. Houses, stores, wired ror Mctr JsU etrlc lights, bells or telephones. Electrl- rtxtnres of all kinds. Get onr prices. lr work a specialty. HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. tOU CAN GET THE HIGHEST MAR- ,ket price for yonr pelts, hides and all ands or junK, sucn as rubber, Drass, cop ier, lead. zinc, rags and bottles. Iron of all kinds a specialty. Yon can bring In 50 nts worth or rags or snip in iro rorth of hides and will be treated In the me way. We have come here to stay. Jive us a call and yon will be satisfied. L. hank Co., office and warehouse next to Eastern Hotel, Pendleton, Oregon. Tele phone. Red 221. INSURANCE & LAND BUSINESS. IOE n. PARKES, OFFICE COURT ST. Opposite Golden Rule Hotel ; land of- Ice business, such as filing of claims and initiating contests a specialty. .JOHN TIAILEY, JR., U. S. LAND COM- mlssioner Specialty made of land fli- flings and proof: Insurance and collections. .Office In Judd building, room 10. BOARD AND LODGING. THE WRITE LODGING HOUSE, S0t 80UTH . Main street, M T Bradley, prop. Housekeep ing rooms and lodging rooms. Good comfort able rooms and clean, well kept beds. Lodging 25 centi. EMPIRE LO DOING HOUSE-CORNER OF E. Pourt and Johnson streets; good large clean rooms with comfortable beds. Rates 25c and 60c anight. Thoa. Smart, Prop. HOTEL ALTA. CORNER ALTA AND Mill streets. Board by the day or week, Good table set. Rates $4 and ?5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection Neff, proprietor. HOTEL EASTERN. SAMUEL GEORGE. Prop. Board by the day or week. Good clean beds nnd well ventilated rooms; meals 25c: board nnd lodging $5 per week; feed stable In connection. CABS AND CARRIAGES. CITY CAB LINE, BRWIN BAKER, Prop. Telephone Main 70. Stand In front of French restaurant. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. O. K. FEED AND BALES YARD. n. OHE3- nut, prop.,610, AuraStbet. Webb and Alta. "O. K." treatment given horses left in our care. HB CITY LIVERY, BOARD AND BALE Stable, M. J. Carney, proprietor, (or ne turnonto. Stable 118 Alto street COMMERICAL STABLE8, Q. W. FBOOMB ..Prop. Livery, Feed and Boarding. A kinds of turnouts.. Competent driven. Op Poslte Hotel Pendleton, telephone 16. DHPOT LIVERY FEED AND BALM Stables. First claas single and double for all occasions. 827 Cottonwood at. Phone Main 70. lyln Crnlg-, Prop. OREGON FEED YARD, W. T. BOYNTON Prop. Special care given to horaea left JjH me. Lower Webb Street Phone Bed TONSORIAL PARLORS. SSY KRA88IO, BARBER 8UOP .AND a2i ro9.m Oppoiite Hotel St. George. onaur KyerytnJtS ln be,t nltary BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF ATtlRKA. uregon. capital, $r,0,000 anrplns nfl profits, $0000. Interest on time deposits. LrniB in lorciRn Rna domestic exchanee collections promptly attended to. Henry v-. nuuuis, ,iri-aiueni ; i. j. ivirs, Tice-oresi-(lent; E. L. Harnett, cashier; F. 8. I- urow, nssisinnt cannier. THE TENDLETON SAVINGS HANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, ioou; cnpuni, ;U,UUU, surplus, J00.OOO, Interest allowed on time deposits. Ex change bought nnd sold on all principal points. Special attention given to collec tions. . j. furnisn, president,; j. rj. leni, vice-presiaent ; T. J. Morris, cashier, THE FARMERS' RANK OF WESTON, Weston. Oregon. Does a general banking DUBinens. exenange Dougnt and sold collections promptly attended to. R. Jameson, president; Geo. W. Proebstel. vice president; j. it. rvllgore, cashier: d rectors, G. A. HartmRn, M. M. Johns. T. J. Price, G. D. Qraw, J. F. Kllgore, Robert Jameson, u. . rroehstel. FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF FKNDLB- ton. capital ?70,000: surplus, 105,000. transacts a general banking business. EX' coange anu teiegrapnic transfers sold on cnicago, San Francisco, New York and principal points In the northwest. Drafts drawn on China. Japan and Europe. Make collections on reasonable terms. Levi An keny, president; W. F. Matlock, vice-president; C. R. Wade, cashier; H. C. Guern sey, assistant cashier. ATTORNEYS. CARTER AND RALEY, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Office In Savings Hank building. STEPHEN A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW J Room 14, Association Block, Pendleton, Ore . HENRYJ.BEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW: Assoclat on lllnck, Pendleton, Ore. - S. BERKELEY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Association block. S. D. HOYD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Court Street. Ill u. R. REEDEll. ATTORNEY Pendleton, Oregon. AT LAW, JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JODD Kultdlng. AN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS At Law. Mr. Stlllmnn has been mi nil tied to practice In United States patent offices i ann muxes n specialty or Patent Law. I Kooms 10, 11, 12 and 13 Association block. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Wlldwood Comn. No. 2333. meets second nnd fourth Tuesday of each month in Odd Fellows' hall. Mrs. Ida Ilolcomb. Oracle : Mrs. N'eu.e Rohblns, Recorder. UMATILLA TENT, NO. 27, K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All visiting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. S. Keos, Record Keeper; E. D. Estobrook, Commander. PENDLETON LODGE. NO. 52. A. F. and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of eacn montn. iVisiting nretliren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe U. Parkes, Sec. PENDLETON CHAPTER. NO. 28 T. C. Taylor. II. P., F. F. Wamsley, Secretary, Meets first and fourth Friday of each month In Masonic nail. PIONEERS OF TnE PACIFIC WIL Ilam Martin Encampment. No. 1. Meets every Wednesday nt Ilendrlck's Hall. Mrs. L. F. uampkin, Secretary. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGnTS OF Pythias. J. i'. Nowlln. C. C. ; R. W. Fletcher. K. of R. u 8. Meets every Mon day la Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tutnllla Camp, No. 0309. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd I Fellows' Hall. George A. Hamblln, Con sul ; G. A. Rohblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41, W. of W., are held In Secret Society Hall every Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are nlways welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk, .1. P. Earl, C. C. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRERS. JOHN WILSON, FIRST CLASS SHOB maker and repairer. Best material used and good work done. Shop 117 Alta street. second-hand dealers. jEORGE O'DANIEL, NEW AND SECOND hand goods bought and sold. Court St, Opera house block. Call and see him. f. STROBLE, DEALER IN SECOND band goods. If there Is anything yon el new or second hand furniture. itoves, granite ware and crockery, call and et his prices. No. 212 Court St. BLACKSMITH ING AND HORSE SHOEING. COPELAND ct 80N FOR WHEAT RACKS. Cheapest and beat in town. 814 W ebb street, WANTED. WANTED TO PURCHASE AT INVOICE iiHc. a .nAil ilir.r nr (tlnnnrv llnr. In Pendleton. Address F. H. M., care of East uregonian. WANTED TWO MEN WITH BIX OR EIGHT horses each to work a combined harvester; one man to drive, and th other to sew sacks. Apply at this office. FOR SALE. FOR BALK CHEAP FOR CABH-TWO BECOND band organs aa good a new. Call at 6. L Wakefield i.Co.'i warerooms on Upper .Court street Must make room for large shipment of new mnslcal Instruments. FOR BALE OR TRADE. GOOD COVERED wagon suitable for delivery or for going camping in Call at R. Martin's Family Grocery and Bakery. BABBITT METAL, BB8T IN THE world. In bar. Irle $1 per bar. ne Eaat Oreonlan offlc. FOR RENT. FOR RKNTRNTINQlhRE'W'MAUY" Rust, 3fl Ann street. ROOMS TO RENT-ENQUIRE MARY E. Rus t, 820 An n street. TnE 8TUAHON ROOMINO HOME, MAIN BT , Mrs. R. A. Btrahon, prop. Nice large well kept rooms ln new building, with good clean beds. . . iLJj - jp. Y''iing St'rli V uti.i i? ! t forget MEN FOR HARVEST NOW IS THE DAY OF THE LABORER'S GLORY. Farmers and Harvest Crew Runners Are Falling Over One Another to Secure Men For the Harvest Fields.' Now is the time when the farmers anil harvest runners are vicing with each other for men to work In the harvest field. It Is not expected that there will be any trouble ln getting plenty of men for the harvest but they will not be a drug on the market. It is esti mated that no less than 700 or 800 men are now in Pendleton awaiting the harvest season to open so they can go to work. Most of theso will be out of town within a week. While harvest will not begin within ln earnest ln all sections over the coun ty for another week most of tho men are being gobbled up. Farmers be lieving in getting their help "early and avoiding the rush," at the same time getting their pick out of tho men wanting work. Many have taken out their crews and are keeping them busy putting up hay so as to be sure to have them when they are ready to start their headers and threshers. Wages offered this season are prac tically the samo as what has been paid for the ,past two years and thero Is no complaint from the men seeking work in regard to tho wages offered. Most of them recognize the fact that they are being offered a good figure and are content. It would be expected that tho em ployment offices would be doing a land office business theso days but such is not the case. The man look ing for work in the harvest Held pre fers to stand on tho stieet corners aud make his own bargains with the man looking for help. In this way the men usually know who they are going to work for. The men who have worked ln the fields of this county for many years past mingles with the men who come Into town from other places and each man is "put onto" the farmer who Is hard to work for. Consequently every man tries to get a job from tho man who has the reputation of being "easy." This method has been In voguo from time Immemorial and will remain so until the end. As a result the employment office Is ignored. CANDIDATES FOR OFFICES. Wisconsin Politicians Are Fixing Up Their Slates. Madison, Wis., July IC Delegates and politicians generally are flock ing into Madison for. what premises to bo one or. the liveliest state con ventions the Badger state has wit nessed In recent years. Tho ropubll can state convention to nominate candidates for governor and other state officers to be chosen this Kail will be called to order at noon to morrow by Georgo B. Bryant, chair man of tho state committee. Though Governor La Folletto will bo able to control tho convention so far as securing his own renomlnatlon the opposition of the "stalwarts" la considered of sufficient strength to make things lively. Unless all indi cations go astray thero will be a lively time on the convention floor when resolutions are introduced in-1 dorsing John C. Spooner for re-elec- ( tlon to the senate, La Follette and hlB lieutenants make no effort to niae their Intention to oppose this reso- lutlon with all tho strength at thir command. La Folletto proposes to make a clean sweep of everything, and will not bo afraid of being swept off tho political map himself by any popular wave in tho convention for Spooner. I and rlmngo fcrt during the' night. Tho La Follotto people do not be lieve that La Follotto can bo beaten at anything he undertakes at politics and that If he starts out to hang tho scalp of the popular Mr. Spooncr to his b"lt ho will do it, for the conven tion is his, they say, to do as ho pleases, and ho fougl'it hard nnd long to get it. Besides tho head of tho ticket candidates will bo named for lieutenant governor, secretary of state, treasurer, Insurance commis sioner, attorney general and suporln tondent of public Instruction. For all tho places on tho ticket thoro are several aspirant In tho field and all of them are busily engaged today in conducting buttou-holo campaigns among tho delegates who havo ar 1 Ivcd. Books Frazlcr's, and novels exchanged at TRANSPORTATION LINES. RUNS Pullman Sleeping Qirs Elegnnt Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars fRT. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS IMtTjUTH FARGO TO GHAND KORK CROOK8TON WINNEPJiG HELENA aud I BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOHTON aud all point Eaut aud South T( Through tickets to Jaiun and China, vli Taooma aud Northern Pacific flte&mihlu On ana American line. TIME SCHEDULE, Trains leave rendleton dally ezoept Bands at 70 p.m. For further Information, time iirilt. man. and tickets, call on or write W. Adams, Pen dleton, Oregou, or A. D. UHAKLION, mira ana Morrison sts., Portland, Ort "BEST OF EVERYTHING" In a word thin tdln of the paHBenger hervlce via The North-Western me 8 trains (Lilly between St. Paul and Chicago comprising The latest Pullman Sleepers Peerlew) Dining Can Library aud Observation Care Free Reclining Chair Care The 2pth Century Train THE NORTH WESTERN LIMITED runB every day of the year FINEST TRAIN IN THE WORLD Electric Lighted Steam Heated TO CHICAGO BY DAY LIGHT The Badger State Expreea, the finest rlav train riiniilnir honrHin Ht. Pa.ul d rjhlcaira vl a the filiort I.lnw ran. neotlonn from the West made via The Northern Paciflo, Great Northern, and Canadian Pacific Ryu. This la the beet line between Omaha, gt. Paul aud Minnesota. All agents 1 ticket via "The Northwestern jjlue," w H jjEAD, H. L. SISLER, q, a. T. A. 248 Alder St., Portland, Ore. TWO LINES. time 15o tlmea ...0o week 30o Extra llne: .10 cent each a MISCELLANEOUS. FEXDI.KTON MACHINE SHOP AND FOUN- drr Iteore ,t Howe. Mxintletorn Pluck. tmlthtnc and cnrrnl Jobbing. Iron and brum mating All klndj ol machinery repair. rnonr Ketl i GENERAL REIAIR SHOP, WKIIH BT., West of Hotel Eastern All kinds of re pairing done at reasonable prices, lllcy. rlea. gun and machine repairing a special ty. Simmons A llolln, proprietor. LOT-AN IVORY 2 KOOT RULE ON SOUTH Main Street or Muff Avenue Finder plea return to 11 K Cook and receive reward lioilRKS TcTpABTURK -TmoTftvToROH Attn and bmnie Krw! goo! pnture: plenty of running waUr. Termi reaaonable. W. H, Row Meacham, Oregon. MIPS MINNIK sTlCu5KroRAin'A'rFNTmK" UW Turk street. Telephone No. Mack SM, calls day or night promptly responded to. lSTnfRTli.itYffMkVnnTsst5rTr tho corner ol (lanltfn and Alta slrerti. Finder return to Hotel rendleton and receive reward ICKLLAR HRU-.115H8. l'LABTBRINO and cementing. Cemeut walka a apeclal ty. Ultimate furntahed free. Work guar anteed. Lcare order at Hartley A Kan ner'a clear atore. Main Rt... I. O. box 104 WANTKO AOVKRTI8US TO MAKH UHR of three claailfied column. If yon have you havo no ue for, offer to trade It for aomethlnir that omn other body may have and hare no uae for, nnie thlns that you may need In your tmalnea. You may have an extra horns that yon may with to trade for a cow or a rehl cle. Bomehody may have the row and rchlcle nnd want the horae. A fifteen or twenty-five cent want ad will probably do the builnrna. TRANSPORTATION LINES. OREGON amd imon Pacific PKI-AKT rua Tims Sehedule From Peiidleton Chicago Portland H pedal Bait Lake. Denver, Kt. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, Ht liuls, Chi 6UW 11 m ) 11 m nun cago anu nasi. rla lUKtou. Atlantis Kxnress Halt Lake, Denver. Ft Worth, Omaha, Kan. taa City, 81. Louis. Chi. cgo aud Kast, 6:l5 a. in. rla Hunt ington. Ht. Paul Fast Mall 8.1b a. in. via Spokane. Walla Walla, Ijiwlston,! HiMikane.Wallace.l'ull. man, MinnuapolU, Ht. ram, iiuiuwi, uuwau keo, Chicago aud Kast Ocean and River Schedule. KKOM POHTI.AND. All sailing dates subject to change. For Hau Krancl.ico Ball every 0 days. 8XJ0 p. m, 1 p. m, Nally ' eicetx Huiiday 8 p. m. HatUrday IU p. in. Columbia IUver To Astoria aud Way ljlll'llUgS. p in Hundai Wlllatnetta Iliver lloata leave Portland daily, virept Monday tagttof water K-rmlltliig lor Wlllamctto ant 'amhlll Jtlvcr kjIiiH. !ave Teave I.ewlilOD Hllxirla 4:03 . m. Snake Hlver Klparia to Iwlstoil, Dalit Isi pt M Dall lally iptMf on F. F. VVAMHI.KV, Ageut, Pendleton Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for For Chicago, St. Paul, St. Iulu, Kan mm uuy, til. joe, uinaiiM, ana All Points East and South Portlaad and points a tha Sound TIME OAKD. Leave Pendleton, dally eiceit Unndari ai 70. vat. Arrive Pendleton Monday, Wednesday au Frldav 12 M cm. Arrive Pendleton Ttteadar, Thursday axis . Saturday 10:Mam, ! Leave Walla Walla dally, east bound tsOOpm. Arrive WalU Walla dally west bound ItpH am. For information rsxardlns rat aad icmb raodaUons, call on or addres s Vf, AUAMB, Agwas, Paadlattn. Oraaaa 8. B. OaXDIKJIKAD. Q. P. A., wana waits, waan. Saving's Bank Free O END YOUR ADDRM0 TO the Pacific Newspaper Union. t27 Market 8t, San Francisco, aad secHre free, a beautiful Nickel Bar lng Bank, also full particular rs gardlng the new Three Volume 1903 International encyclopaedic Diction ary which Is now being furnished tc readers of t paper for only Flv Cents a Day. THREE LINES. 1 time M 2 tlmea 90e 1 week 4te week; 25 centa a line per month. HOTEL8. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendletos and a good as any. KM Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 pet day. Special rates by week or month. I Uxccllent Cul.ilite, Hvcry Hodern Convenience. Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Only Three Blocks from Depot , GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. Comer Court and Jnltnaon Btieou, l'midlntnn, Oregon, m- f- Ky. proprietor. MEATUD DY STKAM. LIUMTBD BY BC.HCTR1CITV amurlcaii 1'lau, rates II. M U liOOailay. Kiifopean plan, 60o, 7o, I1.0Q Hiclal rates by week or inonlh Free litis Meets all Trains. Commercial 1 rade Solicited. Pine Sample Rooms Special attention fjiven Country Trade QUO. DARVBAU, Pro. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated BisroBcaa Plaa. Block and a half trosa dot!. fsvaiala aai ta coaaetiasi. Room Rite . S9c, 75c,.$l M MEN AND WOMUis .-. isWTmFmsIIsM 1 1 1 1 i ft 1 n : m 1 m ! lKBatHssssPU I . Dm Sit M lot nnnilnel 1 Aaarte 1 u aa aana auuut aj fTSjra f al strUlara. SW" rnu CaUclaa. difliarJ trrlUlluu aSaaaaMBaaSj TBfBswoMiMn,e.afJfj 1 la tmm wflWaL Dtfal BtfaaaabaasL. flaar a -ajBTrspaaastaiaP ,r a nnsma SB.1.