East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 16, 1902, Image 1

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    SSM """VO Eastern Oregon Wcth
i t5c A WEEK. -F" i 5
f .M. BMF Ffttr onSht and Thursday,
aMaa a a aw 'iHlH '''IIIBBHSSlSSniHM M
I " ' 1
t'Their Struggle, the
Freight Handlers
leir Fight.
I Vote Was Taken Several
(Had Already Given Up,
Back to Work at Varl-.
it Houses.
luly 1G. jAt a meeting of
the freight handlers
aomlng, it was voted to
fwork and make the best
ble with the managers.
Federation of Labor re-
Ipport the strikers,
deration did not sanction
is not likely it will offer
it this stage. The strike
virtually ended, with a
Ihe freight handlers.
vote was taken several
Ikers returned to work at
light houses.
waiting for the commit
the officers of the Fed'
strikers stampeded for
iouses and went to work,
nour the trucks were
feat piles of shipping be
away. The congestion
freight will require the
r.iand day for a week.
rho went out.
lx Men Killed by Cuban
Icher Exhumed.
lily 16. Six skeletons,
d on the island in Ha
ive created a sensation,
es are investigating.
is that the skeletons
Linen put to death at the
lieral .Weyler.
lity Mecca of Cyclists,
Sity, N. J., July 1C At
just now the Mecca for
Blasts from all over 'the
ot since the high-water
Ming in 1897, has there
Ich interest taken Jn the
manifested in the 23d
bnal meet of the L. A, W
of a delegation from
more than 1000 strong,
Ire noon today, ushered
neet and from that hour
cers of the league nave
their ears in work reg-
Htors and issuing creden
headquarters at the
itlc Hotel. The early ar-
licipated this afternoon in
session of the Good
rcss, which is an ad
ie meet. Tonight, on the
shaped Coliseum track,
the glare of a thousand
its, the first races of the
be run off. These will be
ile-dlstance motor-paced
I among the crack racers
le seen at their best are
Implon, Bobby "Walthour,
and others who are al
.Christian Endeavors,
N. J July 16. Bridge
malning the largest con-
: the history of the New
llatlan Endeavor Union
ITlng was formally opened
every local union in the
eaented. During the two
onvention will be in ses-
will be addresses by
note, while the musical
the program are to be
a trained choir of 2000
M'lng Stranded 8hlp.
July 16. Divers are
renairlnp the, rtnitaH
itleship Illinils, the break-
use steering gear caused
ashore Monday evening.
win Bhortly go ,to Eng-
mil repairs will be
Fools of Themselves.
July If! Tf la n,i
Jts may force an issue in
"i uie Bragg vaalr. The
s ia using the Incident to
u anti-American feeling
Barley Is Principal Sufferer, Early
Wheat A!?9 Being Damaged to
Some Extent.
The damage done to Umatilla
county farmers by the wind of Mon
day evening is not so large, taking
the country over, as some were wont
to give it yesterday.
Estimates from those who have
been pver the field and taken close
observations of the damage give the
total loss in the county as being 10
per cent Most of this is in the ear
lier portions of the county. In the
Helix, Weston and Adams country
mue damage has been done. In
fact, the only noticeable damage any-
wnere is where the wheat Is ripe.
and to barley.
Damage Near "Fulton.
Mel Shutrum; who is in town from
Fulton, says some grain is badly
damaged in that section. He has a
field of barley that will harvest at
least one-third less than it would
had the Btorm not come. Other
grain is damaged more or less.
Horace Walker is in town from
Helix. He says damage is small to
grain in that section, although the
fruit crop has suffered.
John Dand is in town from north
east of town, and says damage is
quite perceptible in his section in
some fields, but is hot general. Bar
ley has been the principal sufferer.
Louis Hagen, ' north of town, will
harvest a large barley crop which
will be 10 to 15 bushels short to the
Fruit Suffered.
From all sections comes the re
port that fruit has heen -knocked
from the trees. Some go so far as to
assert that the apple and pear crops
will be almost one-half short be
cause of the Btorm. In other ..places
.Forced ta. Shave the Outlaw, Young Gardner Could Not Mus
ter Sufficient Courage to Cut His Throat,
Seattle, juiy 1(5. The latest story of the appearance of Tracy at
uamners Monday, is fully confirmed. The outlaw appeared at tho farm
er's home near Enumclaw, entered the house and forced tho family to
provide a meal. He seemed to be in excellent health and spirits and pro
tended to be extremely careless.
He forced Gardner's boy to shave a two weeks' beard from his faco,
meanwhile holding a gun on him. Ho also took a pair,. of trousers, pay
ing ?1 therefor. M
The chase continued today without result Shorifffr.Cudlhoo ia at
It Is Surely Merrill.
Tho inquest this morning at Chehalls makes it almost posltlvo that
the body found there is that of Merrill. There is no ouestlon In tho of-
fleers' minds. '
Portland, July 16. The Inquest them are innocent farmers or cheap
this morning at Chehalls, determines Ss
to the officers that the body found
is that of Dave Merrill.
Additional details of the Gardner
hold-up Monday show that Tracy had
two hundred rounds of ammunition
and two revolvers. Ho held a gun
on the boy when being shavod, and
"I can shoot you before I die if
you try to cut my throat."
He also said: "Tell the reporters
that I am well, strong and cheerful;
am not worried and could have kill
ed over 100 deputies since I left Sa
lem, but didn't want to, as most of
"I have on many occasions talked
with them on the roadsides. Some
of them are pretty good fellows.
Whenever I have seen men who look
ed dangerous, I hae simply loft thorn
alono. The chase doesn't bother mo
in the least"
When Tracy got tho trousers ho
paid $1, saying: "You're a poor man,
so I won't rob you. I wish I could
pay more. If the deputies had any
money I might hold somo ot them
Tracy also, Bald: "Toll tho papers
that they would learn, If they wont
below Chehalls, that Merrill is
the estimate is smaller.
dent, however, that much
been' lost
It is evi-
fruit has
Question as to whether the Finders
of Merrill's Body Get the Money.
Will tho finders of the body of Da
vid Merrill receive the reward of
$2760 which has been offered by the
That Is the question which is in
teresting a great many people at the
present time, since the Chehalls wo
man and little boy stumbled across
what may prove a lucky stumble for
themselves, says the Portland Tele
gram. In the minds of the majority
of the people, they will be entitled
to the money, when the remains of
the outlaw and convict are taken to
the doors of the Salem Penitent!'
District Attorney Chamberlain was
not in his office this morning, having
gone to Gladstone to deliver and ad
dress, but the question was propound
ed to his deputy, John Manning, who
"If, as stated, the proclamation
states that the reward will be paid
Bulletin Issued From Royal Yacht
at Cowes Says He Is Greatly En
joying Change of Air and Scene.
Cowes, iBle of Wight, July 16.
The following official bulletin regard
ing the king's condition was Issued
from the royal yacht this morning:
'His majesty bore the journey
from London to Cowes extremely
well. He suffered no Inconvenience,
had a goood night and his general
condition Is excellent.
'He Is much gratified by tho
change of air and scene and had his
couch wheeled upon the deck for two
hours yesterday afternoon." ,
Wild Reports of Loss of Life, How
ever, Are as Yet Unconfirmed-
Minnesota Also Suffered.
Sti Paul, July 16. Two sovcro
storms passed over tho Rod Itivnr
valley in Minnesota, and Nnrth rwi.
kota,slast night, causing heavy dam
ago to crops.
Alarming reports woro curront of
groat loss of llfo, but nono ot these
havo boon confirmed by late advices
No Loss of Life.
St Paul, July 16.-Lato reports
from the Btorm stricken soctlon of
North Dakota Indicate no loss of
life. I
American Insurance Union.
Columbus, O., July 16. The Amor-
lean Insurance Union, a beneficiary
organization ' with a considerable
membership in Ohio, Michigan, Penn
sylvania and a number of other
states, assembled in annual conven
tion in Columbus today and will (Con
tinue in session through the remain
der of the week. Officers' reports
to be in a satisfactory condition.
Elaborate entertainment has been
for the capture and return of the nrovlded for the delegates by the lo
men, aeaa or anve, i can see po rea- members of the union.
son why the reward Bhouid not oe
paid the finders. It makes no differ
ence who fired the shot that killed
Morrill, for while that was necessary
to his capture, the chief part was the
return of the body, and that Is what
these people will be able to do. I
should Bay, In an offhand decision,
that they would certainly be entitled
to the money."
Sheriff Storey Is of the same opin
ion as Deputy District Attorney Man
ning, arguing that they have found
tho body and by presenting it, will
be entitled to the reward, for the of
fer says, "dead or alive.
Other attornoys argue that when it
savfl "caniure ana reuirn, uia n
North Carolina Democrats.
Greensboro, N. C, July 16. 'Demo
crats of North Carolina assembled
in convention here today and were
called to order by F. M. Simmons,
chairman of the state executive com
mittee. Candidates are to be named
for chief justice of the supreme
court, two associate justices of the
supreme court, superintendent of
public instruction and one member
of the state corporate commission.
Arkansas Republicans Active.
Little Rock, Ark., July 16. The re
publican state central committee
held a meeting here today in re-
would shut out any one receiving the flp0nse to the call of Chairman Rem
reward for simply finding the body, mel. Plans were discussed looking
as they could lay no claim to having to the pursuit of a campaign which
captured tho man, ana tne ostensi- jH designed to be without precedent
ble purpose of the reward was to in- jn the annals of the republican party,
duce some one to gunning for Mer- 0f Arkansas, as regards its scone and
nil; that if the autnormes were sure vigor.
... . i . .... . ..i
he was dead, pney woum uuruiy
bo much for Jils remains; Among
nthem J. A. Strowbrldge is of this
In such a case, It is possible that
the matter may have to be adjusted
in court.
Court-Marshal Found Him Guilty of
Reprehensible Conduct and Viola'
tlon of Articles of War1 Repri
manded by President
Washington, July 16. General Ja
cob Smith of "kill and burn" fame.
Is to be placed on the retired list.
his retirement being compulsory.
It Is given out today that tho court
martial finding in his case was that
he was guilty of reprehensible con
duct and a violation of tho articles
of war, and the sentence was that
he be publicly reprimanded by tho
Tho president's reprimand has
been received by the war department
and will be made public at once.
The president's order, made public
this afternoon; after expressing re
gret over Smith's order, approved
the sentence and directed that Smith
be placed on the retired list.
The court-martial, in its findings
says it was proved conclusively that
Smith gave Waller oral instructions
to kill and burn, and that the more
he killed and burned the better
would his commander bo pleased.
also found that Smith designated the
age limit of 10 for those who should
bo killed.
Secretary Root, in transmitting
the findings of the court to Roose
velt, said an examination of the evl
deuce had satisfied him that the con
vlctlon was just
Reported by I. U Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York, July 16. Tho wheat
market opened this morning at 11,
the Bamo as last night's closing. Dur
ing tho foronoon It gained a llttlo,
but lator lost what It gained and
closed at 76, lower. Livorpool
closed at 61, also lowor. Corn
strong, closing at 63, highor.
Wheat closed Tuosday, 77 bid.
Opened today, 77.
Rango today, 76;77.
Closed today, 76.
Stocks are higher.
Union Pacific, 107
St. Paul, 182.
Stool, 40 U.
- Wheat In San Francisco.
San Francosco, July 16. Wheat
$1.151.17 per cental.
Wheat in Chicago.
Chicago, July 16. Wheat 74
Powder Explosion in Utah Sil
ver Mine Results in Fearful
Loss of Life,
1 . . ;1
Corn Is Down.
Chicago, July 16. Tuesday's tre
mendous slump in July corn was re
flected in the market this morning,
when a further decline of 2 cents to
63 was recorded. Buying by for
eigners who were short later advanc
ed the price to 66. Tho market was
weak and,- featureless.
A Collision at -Sea.
South Hampton, July 16. A story
is afloat here to the effect that the
Amer'can Jin's St Louis, which left
Saturday for New York, has been in
a collsslon ok Queenstown.
Attending Grand Lodge.
tJiH MiYRrlrfn. O. P. Davis and
Mrs. E. Sloan are in Portland attend- Denver, juiy m. rnree posses now have the robbers who Teld up
ing the annual session of the grand a train and secured booty to the amount of thousands of dollars, near
loduo of tho A. O. U. W. and Degree Marshall Pass, surrounded in the vicinity of Middle Creek, In Legausche
nf Hnnnr which onenod Tuesday county, and it is believed here that a battle will be fought today. This
mnrnlnir Thev are dolegates from will no doubt be hotly contested and many lives will be lost as the rob-
" ' - I 1 1 11 1 JX l- i. A . I 1 M 1 f . ,
tho lnnal lodiro uorB wro uepcio ,ua win ujsui w a iiimbu uc-iuru uoing ianen.
Stony Point Dedication.
Now York, July 16. At Stony
Toint, whore, JuBt 123 years ago to
day "Mad Anthony" Wayne and his
American forces defeated tho Brit
ish, thero was dedicated today
state park in commemoration 'of tho
historic engagement Tho dedlca
tory exorcises woro procodod by an
Imposing parade of military and civ
ic organizations, tho former Includ
ing Grand Army votorans, tho Wost
Point cadets and stato militia. Gov
ernor Odell made tho opening re
marks and was followed by Judge
Samuel W. Ponnypackor, republican
candidate for governor of Pennsyl.
vanla, who delivered tho historical
Big Shoot at Titusville.
TltUBvillo, Pa., July 16. A num
ber of well known sportsmen are
taking part In tho big shoot of tho
Interstate Association, which bogan
hero today. A throo-daya' program
has been arranged, calling for 10
events each day.
Team of Horses Was Killed at
tance of Mile and one Half 1
Magazines Containing Two Cam
of Powder Were Exploded.
Salt Lake, July 16. A torrlflc paw
dor explosion in tho Daly West
mlno, noar Park City, this moralsii
entombed about 100 miners, of wheat
33 havo already been taken out 4eas
a) It 1b foared that fo wof tW
many miners in tho in I no havo es
caped. Tho noxious gases havo penetrate
tho Ontario mlno and It is foarai
that many of tho hundreds of mm
exploring thoro havo lost their llvm
Already thrco bodies havo
taken out of that mlno.
Tho explosion occurred on the
foot lovol of tho Daly West, wMe
Is noted nn ono of tho grcntoBt silver
producers of tho country, and
magazines containing nhout two
of powder blow up. Tho shock
torrlflc and wns folt 10 miles ai
a. icam or norses ono and one-1
mlloB away from tho scono of the
plosion woro Instantly killed.
As soon &b tho nows of the expt
slon reached Park City every piys
ctan and nurse In tho city was raeV
od to the sccno of the accident Jtst
atlyoH of. the miners flocked to, tike
mines boforo daylight and their artiff
wna truly pitiable
Soveral mombors of the reMeff
party havo not boon hoard from
it is feared that they havo porlal
Many unconscious minors have
brought to tho surface.
Communication between tho
and Park City Is Interrupted, tho ex
plosion having blown down the tet-
ephono wires. Tho last message
from Park City says that over M
bodies havo been rccovorod and seas
miners tnuon out. They aro unc
bcIoub and cannot rocovor.
Renominates Lacey.
Newton, Ia., July 16. Tho repal
can gongresslonal convention of ti
Sixth district held hero today,
extremely short and harmonious
resulted In the renomlnatlon of
jor John F. Iacoy, of Oskaloom
without opposition.
, Lti
Washington & Oregon
Electric Railway
Light & Power Company
A population of 40,000 dlntrlluteil
over the wealthiest funning country In
the world Is tributary to this road.
First issue of 1000 shares, par value $100
Now Selling at $90 Per Share
Low capitalization: $1,600,000; 16,000
shares, at f 100 each.
Biiareg fully paia ana non anions me,
Valley Owe J
Not a Speculation
iwA. m
f 'i h Prii o Iron Jiilr , I w7.
Unincbrpomtn -
'college fVice
'ue Mountain Valeif
It f thf IriUut on of the manueutat to ull
the entire iters In K'Hern nd Turnwaa totr
keU, However, by way ot court!, a aiuk r
Pendleton and Vicinity s Apply to
E. T. WADE OmcenKa.tOregonUn BaIaUc PltnMm fW.
Apply to Main Oiiice, 21-22 Dooly 'Building., Walla WUa.Wu?
. 1 lWC,Ji'