East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 15, 1902, Image 6

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It Improves the Appetite, Aids Digestion and
Relieves Dyspepsia
Brock & McComas Company
TUESDAY, JULY, 15, 1902.
Last night the first lot of immi
grants to come west under the recent
. fcr inaugurated immigration move
'rent of the Harriman lines, reached
Feadleton depot in their special car.
Tieir reception was not what it
.should have been. They should have
keen met by a delegation charged
"with the duty of inducing them to re
main over in this city for several
days and look over the town and sur
rounding country.
There is no doubt but of the twenty-five
or thirty families represented
in the colony of last night some
would have been found to locate here
and add to the population of the com
aenmity. This is"a matter in which deeper
interest should be taken by the peo
.ple of our city. If we are to' build
.p here a great and substantial city,
the Queen City of Eastern Oregon,
as we undoubtedly have the resour
ces to do, we must recognize that
population in the surrounding coun
try is the essential requirement, the
foundation stone upon which all true
'prosperity of the city must be built
have turned a new page in the an
nals of Western crime.
Henceforth the criminal who would
attract more than casual attention,
must be a veritable human Mephls
topheles; a man without fear, wlthi
the cunning of the- fox nnd the
venom of the serpent; one who will,
stop at no crime, no matter what
its enormity, to attain his ends, and
whose escapades must be not only
dare-dovjl, but original as well.
The doings of Harry Tracy havel
been given their full and
over measure of publicity
newspapers throughout the country,!
upon the lnnd of the largest standing
army on earth; the favoritism of the
government which crushes all honest
ambition: the Kovoro Intolerance oi
the church, state and nobility, which
bars out the right to speak, think or
print facts contrary to their liking
the land system which makes- pruc
tlcal slaves out of those who seek to
own a small homo; tho arrogance
and insolence, severity and brutality
of ofllclals, government departments
and military powers; all these and
a thousand other reasons are be
ncath tho murderous assaults upon
Russian authorities.
If Nicholas would practice what he
preaches, matters would change in
Russia. It was ho who issued the
invitation for the peaco conference,
Why did ho not prepare his govern
ment for peace?
Ah, he could not gain notoriety by
doing so thankless a thing. He must
stand upon a .street corner of the
world, where he could be seeu and
praised of men.
Why does he not decrease the Rus
slan army, lessen the military ex
pense, liberate his subjects from the
thralldom of despotism, recognize
individual merit, reduce the powers
of the petty tyrants in official posl
tions. and in short, introduce in his
reign that sacred code of civil gov
ernment which the twentieth cen
tury needs, and which humanity longs
He need not look outside his own
council chamber for hundreds of
running- abuses which spur his subjects on to
in the deeds of violence.
Serfs, htrones, despots, armies all
and already many would-be emu- j '
. Umatilla county is not so well set
tled up but a large number of new
lamilies could be accommodated with
lators of his crimes are springing
up. In Kentucky within the past
week, two men attempted to steal
a steamboat, as did Tracy tho gaso
line launch, but both were deterred
from their purpose by an overdose of
lead administered by the mate of the
vessel. They were taken ashore for
burial at the first station.
In Portland last Saturday, a hu
man degenerate shot and almost In
stantly killed his' wife, his sister-in-law,
his father-in-law and another
party; Rucker Rogers escaped from
the Walla Walla penitentiary short
ly after the Tracy-Merrill escape,
and has not yet been recaptured;
two soldiers made a daring break
from the guard-house at the fort in
the same city.
Last week the authorities at Sa
lem discovered a plot on foot for an
other bold escape from the peniten
tiary there; Tracy , and Merrill are
feeaeflcial results, and even after this 1 renortetl on reasonable evidence, to
ironnty is populated to its uttermost
limit there are other counties to be
considered, the upbuilding of which
will do much to benefit Pendleton and
her people.
In Morrow county there are vast
areas of practically virgin land which
nly awaits to coming of the settler
to blossom, inio a garden spot of ver
dant beauty. Every settler secured
for this county whether through tho
fforts of Pendleton people or not,
will add to the business and prosper
ity of this city to a certain extent.
Therefore our people should take
deep interest in anything pertaining
fo the settlement of any section of
ftountry adjacent to this city.
'. Other parties of Immigrants will
be organizing an outlaw band. The
country is undergoing an epidemic
of Tracyism.
Tho Czar of Russia has taken up
the task of inquiring into the reason
for the murder and attempted mur
der or mgn officials of his govern'
ment by the student and working
If the Czar is earnest and honest,
he will not need to search far for a'
thousand reasons. If ho can put
away his arrogance and tho empty
doctrine that royalty is better -in any
single Instance than the peasantry,
for one hour, and Heal In the naked
truth of social conditions as he finds
them, he will be overwhelmed with
reasons -not all of them justifying
We Kn&w What
la going to happen to the little boy who
is stuffing himself with preen apples. A
grown man couldn't be induced to try
that experiment j and yet the grown man
will overload himself with indigestible
food for which he will pay a greater
penalty than colic. It is this careless
and thoughtless eating which is the be
ginning of stomach trouble and all its
painful consequences.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery cures dyspepsia and other forms of
"stomach trouble." It restores the weak
and run-down man or. woman to sound
"Some time has elapsed since I have written
you iii regard to the treatment I have been
taking unaer your instructions," says Mr. li. F.
Cingmars, of Minneapolis, Minn. "When first
I commenced talcing your remedies I was under
treatment of a well-known specialist in this citv
(and had been for four months), for catarrh,
and especially stomach trouble, and I was
rapidly getting worse. Got so bad that I could
not eat anything that did not distress me
terriblv. and I was obliged to auit takiutr the
doctor's treatment entirely. I was greatly re-
auceu in nesn. ai a last
resort I wrote to you
and stated my case, aud,
after receiving your in
structions I followed
them closely. After
taking five bottles of Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery and one vial
of his ' Pleasant Pellet
I commenced to improve,
and decided to continue
the medicines nnd ob
serve your instructions
regarding hygienic treat
ment It is now nearly
six months since I com
menced your treatment
and I can say that I am
well and never felt better
in my life. Am very
grateful to you for what
your medicine has done
for me."
Dr. Pierce's
Pellets cure
biliousness and
sick headache
1 soap 1 r
Our Best Known Brand
We make several kinds of soap.
Our best known brand is
It is a laundry soap-
-the best on the market.
Use it according to directions, and wash-day
is robbed of half its terrors.
It does its work quickly, thoroughly, and
SAVE DIAMOND "0" WTIAPPEUS. Wo redeem thorn
forall sorts of useful nnd attractive nrticlos. Illustrated
book showing over 300 premiums for wrappers, sent on
request. A postal will bring It.
Premium Dept., The Cudahy Packing Co., 8o.OaHM.IM.
a f site . i
brought out shortly and arrange- murder, but all of them provoking it.
aents should made at once for ro-
eeivlng these properly and laying the In tn0 "rat place, merit does not
1 ' A J I i- m l .
Mrlvnnt.i sriin nf TTmntlllo nnrt mmj. uuhhi. in iiuaam. itqyai iavor IS UH
liig counties before them in tho most
, count in Russia.
basis of all individual success.
i Education, fitness, mental and
ittractive light possible. Every im- moral training do not ontor rinto the
migrant who can be Induced to sot-
lie anywhere within a radius of i50
io 200 miles of this city will more
dan repay any effort or oxponso to
which our citizens may go to locate
, The railroads are doing their share
fa line with the movement of imml-
choice of selecting men for positions.
students are iookcu down upon.
because the light of. learning ha3
opened their eyes to true conditions,
and they are considered dangerous
to the perpetuation of monarchy. On
the slightest excuse,, .they are thrown
into prison, banished, exiled, con-1
il.mnpfi tr tho Slhfirlnn nilnoa nnr!
ration as outlined here a few days their families disgraced and property
since by Messrs. Craig and McKln- confiscated.
ey .of tho O..R. & N. They are do;
livorlng ,the goods. Now Pendleton
fans should seo that the people the
roads bring to our doors are invited
to remain among us and assist In
fcuilding up tho mighty metropolis
f Eastern Oregon.
The insolent severity of tho Rus
sian police system is another fruitful
cause of revolution and Nihilism.
No homo is free from 'the brutal
invasion of this pet of royalty. On
the slightest hint of -suspicion; a nod
of tho head of some favorite, toward
the home pf some Jamlly -which 'be
longs to ,the student class the house
Is searched, the inmates arrested,
thrown' into prison without trial, and
the sacred ties of home trampled by
the paid thugs of -royalty.
Your Ice Bill
Come in and see the properly
constructed refrigerators. We
have the
and the MASCOT
the three refrigerators that
have by time and use beeu
demonstrated to be the best
and most economical made.
Yotar Inspection is Earnestly
Harvest Supplies
Farmers, you -will find it to your advantage to
call at our store for your harvest supplies We m'ake
prices as low as the goods can be bought in Portland. -Our
stock is the largest and best in Pendleton. Every
thing that comes from our store is clean and good.
You Dont Get Old Groceries
when they come from us.
All Sizes at very low prices. We can also supply you
with extra tops and rubbers.
See os for yoor Berries for Canning v
m' n r
rocery 3 Bakery I
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
e , g (
is cheap in the long run. A cheap furnace Is dear ,t ny ' price.
If you can buy furnaces often arid ge.t your fuel .free, by alLmeanB
get a cheap furnace. -
G. McPBctson
Boating and Ventilating Engineer
47 First Street, Portland, Oregon
Tho execrablo murders and dare
iavll escapades of Harry Tracy, tho
Oregon desperado, wJjo has for tho
ast several weeks successfully elud
ed tho. entire civil and military au
tlioritlej of two states, set at defi
ance .tho law, passed through tho
ouiitryjlke a spectre of evJJ, ter
rorizing: tho Inhabitants, forcing revolution, Tvhlch Nicholas will
ihem at rifle point to provJdo his everywhere.
j!ife' Mnd Tb ux the
fiend when 'his pathway Is barred, substance from the poor; the drain
Joseph Basle
Complete Hotise Furnisher
The' severity of Russian, military SflViflg'S Bflflk FtGG
w cttu iuuh AUOIUB88 TC
law, the horror, .of lifelong 'exile, the
lingering Heath of Hhe. Siberian pris
ons, tho futility of honest effort to
gain success without being puppet
to crown, all 'these are reasons for
the Pacific Nwnn ni.
m Market 8t, San Francisco, an.
ecure free, a beautiful Nickel Bat
logs Bank, also full particulars rt
gardlng the new Three Volume 1M:
International Encyclopaedic Diction
ry which Is now being furnished ti
readers of t paper for only Flw
Cento a Day.
Don't Let Your Wife Suffer !
Cool, comfortable homes are, easily jkept so if you use-
The Blue Flame WickfeW Oil Sioves
The cheapest, most convenient and most -satisfactory
cooking device known.
Don't Fall to Call and Examine Them
Taylor, the Hardware Man
741 Main Street
HOW DO YOl l expjtpopM01kow whj
The new .tore . .7- " WWW Y
Header Bid JiuJ
-va or LoofcflJ
We are prepared , j
a fit class job. 3
I Pendleton Haita'j
tankr Ml
- at rm-A
Oregon kxM.
. e
AltaStopp. Conn BJ
- H
Riw All -. n .... 4
main ul DWUwfU
Llaclnd4sg ,f !1
uoors 1
Windows -J
Screen M
and Wd
Lime '
r i
and Sand 1
And Don't Forget Oer Well
por Barot mm Did
The Coiufit;
Lodging Houi
t-w r 'TilKTRR OK BLOu ;
known unle.i Tt " "Z A nCDXICC9