East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 15, 1902, Image 4

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We See Our Finish
on the shirts of a large proportion of
"the male population of Pendleton. It
is much preferred owing to Ita distinct
superiority. We do up shirts, collars
- and curTrt in Al style to rerfeetion
. That's our specialty, and we're experts
at the business. Hence our large and
.high class patronage. Bend us your
C laundry. "We'll do the work with
rnealnePH and dispatch. Service the
' best. 'Charge right.
,J. F. Boblnson, Prop. Pendleton
tor a good runabout when you can buy one at
bargain from Neagle Brothen Our stock of
Bih claw vehicles would be hard to bent In
either orlce. moke or material, and, if you need
j carriage to ran about in, there U nothing
like a nice buckboard. Come In and look at
the beauty and the style of our up-to-date car
'tiages See Us About Gasoline Engines
Tater St, near Main. Pemdletoa, Or
All Summer Dress Goods
greatly reduced in price.
-Shirt Waists sold at great
reduction to close out.
Special reduction on Cloth
ing. See our stock at once and
make your purchases. "You
can'save money.
The Fait
Where Whole Families Can
127 and 129 East Alta Street
Stockmen Have Organized to Exterm
inate Thievery and Are Offering a
Reward- of $500 for Capture of
R. A. Stanfleld and. other Butter
creek ranchers and stockmen were in
Pendleton Monday having posters
printed announcing a reward of 600
which thoy are offering for the arrest
and conviction or information leading
to the arest and conviction of parties
stealing or assisting to steal any
Stock bearing their respective brands
and running on tho Butter Creek
Interviewed regarding the stealing
of stock from tho range at Butter
Creek, .Mr. Stanfleld said that stock
stealing in a small way had been go
ing on for- many months past, and
the stockmen were getting tired of
it and had determined that, a halt
should be called.
The plan of the rustlers Is to run
off two or three head of good raugo
cattle at a time, apparently whenever
they get short of spending money or
beef, and as Mr. Stanfleld remarked:
"A few head do not make much dlf
ference. but when it is kept up for a
year or so it amounts to quite a mat
It is not believed by the stockmen
that any regularly organized band of
rustlers or stock thieves exist as
yet, the stealing being done by var
ious Individuals, but these depreda
tions were becoming so common that
it was deemed time an end was put
to them.
A few years of unchecked lawless
ness of this kind would lead to the
organization of a band of stock
thieves which would soon work sad
havoc among the herds of that sec
tion and the thievery is still so in
significant that it can be easily nipped
in the bud.
It is believed that the offering of
the reward of ?500 will either result
In the capture of the thieves or their
intimidation so the depredations will
be stopped.
Numerous clues as to the identity
of the perpetrators of the ravages
on tho herds are hold by the "cattle-
. t i Ala 1 .1Mnitf
men and tnoir uienuiy ia iu-
..ntoltllalmrl 1 1ll f nfl VP.t DO lC"
gal stops have been taken to bring
them tO JUStlCO. THO puttuug ul uiw
in flmt fltnn In n. movo-
I U til U id m. w-
.t.tii nnt a inn until the80
mi'Ill WHItU rwsti vt-
rustlers are entirely enuiiuuira
tho BUtter oreoK range.
Deafness Cannot be Cired
u nnniirnfinnn aa they cannot reach
ji i.i nt flu rnr. There Is
only one way to cure deafness, nnd that
U by constitutional reuieuiw. iiT
caused by an Inflamed condition of the
nr ih. INi.tnohUn Tube.
When this tube Is Inflamed yon nave n
rumbling sound or impcneci neuriDK,
when it Is entirely closed, Deafness Is the
nn. itniu. ttio Inflnmmntlnn can be
11-21111L uuu 11 11 1 v "j .
taken out and this tube restored to Its
normal condition, hearing will be destroy
ed forever; nine cases out of ten arc
. 1 1. - nnnl i 1 1 1 ni la nnthlnff hilt
CUU3CU U uiuiiiii) ""- "C -
nn Inflamed condition of the mucus sur
face- ..
mill trltfA Hnn TTiinrlrMl Tlnllnra for
"iw " . , :
aiiv fttian nf UpnfnfiBR frmiRPfl hv CntArrnI
ii. -on tint Ut rurpil hv llnll'n C?atnrrh
ruure. acna tor circulars, iree.
F. J. chums v ft uu., xoieuo, V
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family l'llls oro the best
Tho sun's flames snrlnc nt times
to a distance of 35,000 miles fiom its
surface. .
Everything New Everytbing Fresh
Everything Good
Sweet. Fare and Wholesome
Made With Potato Yeast
Just like your mother used to make
Mercantile Co.
636 Main St. - Pendleton
Artificial Ice
Telephone Main 105.
No Sediment to Foul
Your Refrigerator
No Disease Germs to
Endanger Your Health
We are prepared to dp your work
and ask you to call on us.
Charges will be right.
-Office at-
The Old Dutch Henry
Feed Barn.
Kit Hays & Connerley
rw tti ;n , i.
When gettine ...
yours, don'.t 'Ul 7
Kcl ., IA i
hji TV A , 77
oi all kinds n
Biiildinf M,i
including shingles.,,...
raou diner
and windnTOc
thinrr U. If
v-iass lumber yard.
Buy a
Wflllfi 'I hn l.n ,
mi sik, amvBV
1 lilJI H
Will Sell Joa
Land at
$1250 Peri
ll.J a.
TV 1 1. 1 1 I 1 1 UWM VBIIH auM
J m h
uu wc luyoHUKOJll ill U
1 1
omce, large busw tin
taming oyer 100 Mf
uiiueu lor 20 CMS
1 I ...... I oil. II 111. III. III! Illl I III Ml. MM llll III. MM Ml Ml II 1 1 1 1 1 1 i . 1 1 . . . 1 1 . . I . I . I I . . I 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II II 1 1 II II 1 1 II 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M I M I U M 1 1 1 1 1 f lM H 1 1 1 1
Time Has
Come !
Great Removal Sale at Teutsch s
Our ,
Stock, Must
7Vl UGUST i, 1902, we will occudv the corner store now used hv the Kemler Grocery Comiianv. Moving is trnnhlpcnmo o J
2Hi ga St0ck of new BdS now on ,he road, we will have a Great Kemova! Sa,e, con.fnne' un.i, we have moved. Our iie tabTtS, H
argument we can present for this is the money saving, value giving opportunity offered, which will be shown in the prices auotpd hplnw ti,;, j j . ,
out odds and ends and dispose of broken lines, at a sweeping reduction in prices, many of which mean a loss to us. All offering ZlteoiZ Zt .i ZT, T,"
the confidence of the people. The prices quoted bear no relation whatever to the true worth of the goods. B daSS that haS 6ained im '"
Handkerchiefs and Laces
A special effort -will be made to dis
pose of the entire line in laces.
Torchon laces, entire lot, .J -rl
8c, 10c, 15c yd, now. . . . W jU
A Great Flurry will be seen in our
Haadkerclilef Departaient
10 doz fine white cam- A
brie, Jinchjhemstltch.lOo
4 doz all linen, 3-8 in, hem
.stitch, 16c, now
Baozwnite, with fancy ?
embroidered corners, 10c. Co.
5 doz fine all linen, with ?
wideembr,d'rededge,25o Cfl
Umbrella Sale
Best assortment of womenfs sun
shades, 20-inch paragon f AA
steel ribbed, 1.25 to 1.75 vU
Ladksr Stfmmer Sits
have also taken a tumble
4 covert cloth suite, In yr
grey and brown,.2.75,... Hliu
Ladies' Corsets
The well known J. B.
corsets, $1, $1.25, $1.50. . . .
The Ariel summer corset,
60c to 75c
The P. D. corset, French QA
imported, $2.50... VUC
6 duck and linen auita in 0 nC
3,45 fV
tan, and other colors i
Midsummer Waist Sale
A Oreat Reduction! in Prices on
all of our White and Col
ored Waists
Several dozen summer waists of
choice patterns, all in 1 1 1 C
wash fabrics, fl, $1.25, $2 vlI
A dozen or more patterns in percale
and dimities, very stylish 7 C
1,11.25 iuC
A mixed lot of a hundred or over
white and colored that were for
merly priced some as high as I.eO,
reduced for quick Cr
Belling. ZDC
Fancy, all silk, in colors
3 in wide....
Taffeta, silk, ribbon,! J in
10c yd
5 c syd
Will Alto Bear Matks of
Paper pins, iop full count. . .
nest quality brass, 360 full count. . . . .
Ladies' hairpins, cute 59, to
laau's' ioc to
tCurliHfplroris,1 ioc .'',
French imported hair .curlers' ioc .'
"Syaty Pins, bestpattern, 5c; t .
itfie -Kate . ' '
! 1
A Better Opportunity Will Never
Come Again to Cover Your Bed
for so Little Money
Bedspreads for the largest size iron
bed, white with heavy
fringe, actual 3 aa
value $7iUU
Bed spreads, full size, Marseilles pat
iernjkhemmed, CI 1 C
h60, US, 12.00 VlAO
Bed spreads, large size, Mar- iTCr "
seilles pattern. 76c and 85c. . vtlW
Bonnet Sale
Bonnets In red, blue and in.
pink polkadot, 25c Cfl
Big Sweep in. Towels
and Towelings.
3 34c
7 I-2c
200 yds glass toweling y y
dice checks at 16 -20c lm&C
600 yds ;C6tton Craah
toweling, 5.and 6c. . .
400yds.pure linen crash
toweling at 14 and 15o
300 yds pure linen crash
toweling, 10 and 12Jo
Women's mercerized sat- fri g
een petticoats, l.SO plviu
Women's French mercerized, sateen
' petticoats 4M
1.75 M.Z5
Women's silk finished (9 mm
sateen petticoats, $3.50 . . . HMt O
3 fancy colored sateen petticoats
former price aa
2.50 $LUU
3 fancy sateen petticoats In pa
colors, formerly $3.50 HIiuU
Women's Muslin Underwear.
1he Qreatest Reduction Ever Offer-
ea ia this Departmeat.
Shirts at 49c, 7oc, .$.. and
$1 25, reduced from 64c,
75c, $1.25, $1.50. 2.25
Drawers at ipe, 25c, 39c,
Reduced 25c. 35c. 40n.
Night-Gowns 50c, Reduo-!
Du ""iu 00 ana oc.
Heavy Peau De'.Soie,,Silk.
Begular Price 91.26 no
' -yH$
Reduction in Wbite Goftit
Fancy White Goods Dotted, S.b
and other Fabrics IE, yA
all 20 and 25c Jr
White goods assorted in-atriped'nd
white corded 10 and -71
12jc values
Lidies' Hosrsry.-
Ladies' fast black full fUlc
fashioned 10-15c quality J
Ladles' Lisle thread in b -1
broken lots to close 50
auu 10 cus ,
" Bargains in Was
Skirts, ,j
Only a few in covert cloth itfo
on1 ilimllnir 11 and 81.60
Anda few in Whlte; f.
Pplbadotand Linen, for. JJj
iner price, 12 and W&w .
. Ribbon RewwiW'fe
JOO; pieces ln yard lengij? . jgg
,10 and 25c
Siftr RprtTItt
'80 pieces, 76o
' w , Everything ,in standard Prints.
Regular, 5 and 6c
50 in fancy leather, hand decorated, 55 and 7
l4VW wvm yj aim 75c
rvi;; ; ,
. . 50c
toll yd
Former price 12 1-20 ' ' V'
F4ae Dinltks and
Regular yalueao and 25c.
Dimities at 10 and 13 i-ac V'-uiiltK j
Silk Tissuea.and iMercyrized wiMWvT.,lN
oniv, o; and 7c
Silk Mercerized zephers, ,350..,
. .,, ?
Soccessor to
Cleaver Brotners
Dry Goods Co.
Pendleton, pS