We Are Gbiiig to Moye After August l, 1902, -we will change to the building now used by .Kemler's grocery store, corner of Main and Alta streets. In order to re duce our stock and make the trouble of moving as light as possible we will have a great Remove Sale BEGINNING JULY JOth and-continuing until we have moved. Every thing in the Btore to move at prices lower than the lowest. No exceptions in anything. ash Goods "i Summer Fabrics At Wonderfol Sacrifice Prices We cordially Invite 70a to come and Inspect our price, No trouble to show goods. Lee Teutsch SUCCESSOR TO Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company. f TUESDAY, JULY, 15, 1902. BREVITIES. lley vA. Howard, farm loans. soma by the day, week or monl!i Iratz's. nod goods for harvesters at Bros. uilts and blankets for camping Teutsch's. nickers lll find what they want awley Bros. Sne free lunch from 9 a. m. till jght at Grctz's. a cool, refreshing glass of beer go to Gr&U'a. kwley Bros, are headquarters for n cnernes ana raspDemes. live crawfish Just received. atz's, cooked while you wait. up 'phone main 105 for pure Ice. only place in town in get it weather has no terrors at the Rule basement, where good beer is on tap. into the cool, comfortable nent the Golden Rule and en emas of Schlltz beer. manufacture our own ice cream candv. NothinK but good, lesome articles enter them. The Silas H. Soule, of Soule Bros.'s Company, Portland, is in the nrnnnrnd to do exnert niano x- - . " - and all Kinds or aencaie re- ig. Please leave orders at iau Drug Store. 11 cial g IF YOU WANT A GOOD WATCH CHEAP we can supply yon HUNZIKER h Jeweler and Optician Next Door to B. Alexander , Clothing made to order. N. Joer ger. Latest books early In stock. Fra zier's. Nice line of new ties, 25 cents. Teutsch's. Full line of new parasols. Teutsch's. Books and novels exchanged at Frazier's. Ribbons, ribbons, more ribbons. Teutsch's. Bonnets to keep the freckles away. Teutsch's. Fine Hardwood croquet sets, $1.24. Nolf's Notion Store. Immense line paper novels, 10c each. Nolf's Stationer' Store. Drop into Button's and get the ice cream 'that has never disappointed anyone. Our extra fine ice cream by the quart or gallon. Get our wholesale prices. The Delta., All JdndB of city and country, prop erty "for sale. Rlhorn. & Cook, room 10," Taylor building. Good lunches at reasonable prices at Phillip's restaurant, opposite Tallman's drug Btore. Schlitz beer is good beer, and is served in a nice cool place a. the Golden Rule basement We clve free tickets on the bicycle with every dollar's purchase: Martin's Family Grocery and Bakery. Take advantage of the chance to get bargains at Mrs. Campbell's closing out sa'.o of summer millinery Rooms in the East Oregonian build ing for rent. Steam heated, hot and cold water and bath room in connection. Doctors predict considerable sick ness of typhoid nature. Be careful of your drinking water. Cool it witn pure artificial ice,- -'Phone main 105. Withee, 305 Court St., agent for Domestic and Davis sewing machines Drop heads from $27.50 to $G5 on in stallments. Everything guaranteed All kinds of real .estate for sale Homes on easy -payments, will fur nish part of purchase money, Rlhorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor Tldg, Economical buyers will profit by watching closely the prices quoted in the display advertisement of the Peoples Warehouse during the big claarance sale which Is .now op. A great many laboring men are in town waiting for harvest to open so they can get employment in the har vest fields. These are men who have money to pay their way usually, and Domer no one. i The corner room, slzze 25x40, in the East Oregonian building, hereto fore occupied by the Jackson-Dickson Company, will be for rent after AuEUst 1. The room is steam heated and contains hot and cold water. 'Ap ply at the East Oregonian office. ,. Baseball, Pendleton vs. La Grande, July 17, 18, 19 and 20. Furnished rooms for llght house keeping, 517 Aura street Work has commenced on the foun dation for the new Christian church being erected on Water street Some of the stone is on the ground for the foundation for the brick to bo erected on Alta street, opposite the city recorder's office. Time and trial have proven that there Is no better Ice cream made than Dutton's. We take pleasure lnj delivering It to your home. j S. L. Wakefield & Co. have just received a carload of newest twen tieth century styles in different makes of celebrated pianos. The ladies of the' Christian Church will give an ice cream social on the court house lawn tomorrow after, noon and evening, July 1C. The Del ta furnishes the ice cream. Every- body invited. E. H. Cook has lost an ivory rule which was given him as a present and is very anxious to recover the property. A notice of reward offered for the recovery of the rule will be found in the classified columns of this issue. All the stock of the Art Exchange of Mrs. S. L. Wakefield, such as ma terial for fancy point lace work, doil ies, fans, sun shades, pillows, etc., for sale below cost Must have the room for the large shipment of mu sical instruments just in. Bids for the constructibn of the Academy building, according to the plans and specifications in the hands of Rev. F. L. Forbes, will be re ceived up to July 22, 1902. Bonds will be required. Right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. The removal sale at Lee Teutsch's store is now in full blast and spec ial low prices are being offered which will prevail until the time to move arrives. Mr 'Teutsch expects to move into his new room, the one now occupied by Kemler's grocery, Aug ust 1st, and prior to that date will greatly reduce his stock In order to make room for his large new stock, which is now on the way and will be here for the opening of, the new store. Mr. Teutsch is making liber al use of printer's ink in spreading the news of his removal sale, and ad vises the public of the big redue tlons made In prices. In this issue will be found a large advertisement giving some specimens of the bar gains that are offered. It is advisa ble to carefully study the prices. BACK FROM SUSANVILLE. Guarfbf Flies for 5c We guarantee that a 6c" package of our Poison Flyk Paper will kill quart of flies. Our 5c package contains id sheets of Poison Fly Paper, extra strong. We also hay.e a..good supply of. Tanglefoot sticky fly paper, insect powders and Koeppen's Bed Bug Destroyer. fe DRUG jS YORE 5 Steps from Mala St. Toward the Ccwrt Hoitte Visitor Says it Is a Very Live Little Mining Town. W. C. Smith, of Waltsburg, spent Monday night in Pendleton on. his way home, from Susanville. Mr. Smith has some valuable irflning property in the Susanville country, and has spent the past several weeks there developing it Ho says Susan ville is a live little mining town, and has a bright future before it. The one drawback to the country is the bad roads in getting Into the town. The best way out is to come to Pen dleton and the road is very bad com ing this way. He thinks Pendleton should make an effort to better the road through from here to Susan ville, so the bulk of the business would come this way for the town is going to grow right along and as It growB business will increase and this business will be worth looking after. Mr, Smith, in speaking of the mur Abr. William Johnson nv" J- A. U4 Wl, I. - " " j Crlsman, said the murucr was in cold blood and Crlsman would prob ably hang. He was considered a bad man and Johnson was peaceable. He was shot down without provocation, and without a chance to defend him self. HOW WILL HE DOD(D)GE? Blatter Requested to Produce a Few Sheep for Assessor. Pendleton, Or., July 14. To the Editor. I see by the weakly blatter, generally known as the. Tribune, that there are 300,000 sheep In this county. The assessor has only found 185,000, and It is now up to the blat ter to show the assessor the other 115,000. Respectfully, G. A. HARTMAN, A Milton Opinion. The action of the county court in turning down the application of Dr. Christie for stock inspector's caus ing considerable adverse comment. While efficiency should not be sacrl flced for the sakeof a. fevr Jaundred dollars, yet tnere is no reason ior oe- lieving Dr. Christie would not per form mo duties or inspector in as satisfactory a manner as' has. Mr. Tl J A. I .a AlaA .nunn.r ers of $340 a year. Milton Eagle. It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse. The Following Items Ate Only a Sample OF WHAT WE ARE DOING. CALL! Walking Skirts. Just the thing for Mountain Wear. $1.98 $2.98 $3.25 At our Clearance Sale. Wash Stilts. . Buff and Blue Shades. $ii 98 Clearance Price $1.08 7-o8 " " $5.98 Shirt Waists. $2 50 Value. Clearance Price $1 7ft Ja.oo " " " $125 $r.75 " " " 98c $1.50 ' " " 75c $1 00 " " " 50c Mosltn Petticoats. $2.50 Value. Clearance Price $2.00 1' 11 11 u 11 11 n 11 $1.88 $1.50 $1.38 $1.12 97c Red, Blue and Blaok Calico v . 75c Fancy Organdie Scotch Lawn Summer DreBa Goods 36 inch wide Bleached Muslin 50c Fancy Madras - f 245 dozen good spool Cotton 60c Fancy Grenadine . I . Ladies' Gauze Vests $1 98 4 yard Wash Silk Waist Patterns 20c Figure Lawn . Clearance Price 11 - 11 11 .-11 4 11 i 4c 48c ac 3 3-4c . 37c a I-3C 8c V 3. $1.48 14c The PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Agents Btitterick's Patterns Warm Excursion to Bingham Sprint. fllxtv.dav roiinrf trio tickets, in cluding' stagelire Jbetweea Bingfcasi station nattw springs, i.vo; iwo day tickets. Including, In addition to the above, .three bmmIb ,at -the hotel and a bath in the warm springs, $2.75. O. R. & N. ticket offlce. Baseball TendIetonvs',l!a,' Grande, A buLD, BAD BEAR. Will Not Go Out of His Path For Anyone. Lawton, July 16. Many bear are reported to bo skulking in the brush along Rabbit creek, a few miles west nf .liprn Hftrdlv a DefSOn KOC8 into that section but comes hack with a lipnr stnrv. Ono old bruin. However, has been showing himself to tho pros pectors and otherB who, nave occa sion to Invade his domains. Ho Is a "whopper," according to those who have had tho pleasure of bis acquain tance, and will not make his "get away" for anyone. When met In a trail ho simply stands his ground and makes the other fellow do tho going around act He has been met by several prospectors and they tell harrowing stories of his boldness. Ono instance ho reared on lila hjnd feet and with wide-open mouth, mado toward a man who happened to get In his path and the fellow has not stopped running yet. In speaking of the bear those who have seen him say a visit from Tracy would bo pref erable to ono from this bruin. An Onion Trust waila Walla, July 15. The verv latest thing id trusts Is the onion trust, vrhtch was formed hero yes terday for tho purpose of holding' lip tho prico on this pungent and succu lent vegetable. Twenty growers of onions Jn tho vicinity of this city, have entered into an Ironclad agree ment not to sell an oMo or, any kind for I6ss than CO cents per uUBU' el, and they Intend to koep tho agree ment . SALE OF Paper Bound Books Madison Sauarc scries, contain ing such popular authors as Mrs. Southworth, Bertha Clay, Mnry J. Holmes, etc. Choice 25c Sweet Heart series a popu lar line of novels 15c Ot)er series, each ..5c and 10c PING PONQ An express shipment just arrived . Prices $1.39 to $3.95 We show Always Enjoyed Are the Meals Served at the Frencli Restaurant Large, comfortable dining room and good service Positively the Best 25c Meal in Pendleton the genuine Bros. Ping Pong Parker Frederick Nolf Tablets, Infcg, Purses, Tollot Soaps The French Restaurant a US LA FONTAINE, Prop. BECK The Plumber and Tmnct NEW SHOES JUST ARRIVED A Belayed Shipment of In faitg', Childrea's aid Miiset Slippers Colonials just ia. We have them MARKED CLOSE to Sell Quickly SEE THESE S? Still another shipment of the famoiui Douglas shoe. Again new. today- Mom seamless shoes oiau sues wuhum Boston Store For First Class Work at Reasonable Prlooa , Shop: Cottonwood Stmt, QPf St. Joe Store. Near Court St. ' Dept ' BBIIIIIIlVBIIIIlVlilBllllllllllllllla Wo have them now. A Sewing Machine for $2 cash. Warranted, and win he kept in repair for five years without cost. Remember rny guaran tee means something. You don't have to send your machine o Portland or Chi cago for repairs. We still have the Kings of all Sewing Maclu'nns, the WHITE ' l f. . ' STANDARD 10 years ahead of all ers. Uils and needles. ESSE FAILING. oth.- - y GRAND PICNIC AT KINE'S GROVE Dancisjg begins Saturday at 8 p. m., Sunday at 3 p; . AdwibC to dancing platform, cents ; ladies ree.Jhjggj 3, " arid from the grounds day and PP J at a. n eV . July 17, 18, 10 and 20. 01. ueorge. mmmmmmmmmmm