East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 15, 1902, Image 2

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- i.
Of Men's and Boys'
Summer Clothing
We have begun to out prices. 4 "Watch our window display.
Gome in and see what we are doing.
One Price Clothiers, Fumiisliers and Hatters, Pendleton
TUESDAY, JULY, 15, 1902
The Prince of Siam will shortly
visit the United States.
George W. Stevens, president of
the Mollne Plow Company, died Sat
urday night at Moline, 111., aged 83
The health officer of the port of
Hong Kong, has reported that nine
cases of plague and one of cholera
have broken out in that city.
Thomas O'ltiel. assistant electric
ian nt the Granby smelter, Grand
Forks, B. C, was instantly killed
Sunday by coming in contact with n
live wire.
The Peary Arctic steamer, "Wind
ward, has been entirely refitted and
will shortly return to the Arctic Cir
cle with supplies for the Peary ex
ploring party.
H. and Bessie Hail, diamond
thieves, and J. M. Brooks, a burglar,
under penitentiary sentences at San
Diego, Cal., attacked their jailer,
beat, bound, gagged and locked him
in a cell and escaped.
At the Sutro baths, San Francisco,
Sunday, J. O. Erickson, a sailor
dived from a ladder into shallow
water, struck on his head and broke
his neck. His upper extremities are
paralyzed and it is believed he will
Dr. NlcLolas Sonn, of Chicago, has
performed a remarkable operation on
a woman at that place, removing a
knuckle of her thumb which was af
fected by blood poisoning, and re
placing it with a new knuckle form
ed of strips of bone.
The Pendleton.
H. Brash, Portland.
JL. Hunzlker, city.
E. W. Pinkerton, Tacoma.
M. Hanak, San Francisco.
I. K. Levy, San Francisco.
A. Freeman, Portland.
J. B. Murray, Portland.
A. S. Heatfleld, Spokane.
F. TV. Paine, Walla Walla.
Josephine Paine, Walla Walla.
C. -C. Hermann, Portland. "
Jean G. Amos, Boise.
W. J. Clarke, city.
C. H. Brigham, Seattle.
C. F. Overbough, Portland.
A. Sinsheimer, Portland.
F. It. Hanak, Portland.
J. KIttlesen, Colorado.
A. W. McKinzle, Portland.
W. It. Glendening. Spokane.
W. H. Hermann, Portland.
W. F. Courtenay, Walla Walla.
A. W. Hunt, Omaha.
L. M. Kelogg, Missouri.
The Golden Rule.
J. B. Saylor, Echo.
Charles Dutcher, Idaho.
O. W. Blank, Idaho.
H. A. Banister, Milton.
H. L. Frazier, Milton.
William Talbert, Milton.
H. D. Cameronz Spokane,
W. W. Williams, Portland.
J. S. Vinson, Milton.
G. D. Gally Portland.
Mary E. Itobinson, Baker City.
C. D. Rinker, The Dalles.
J. G. Helfrich, California.
Harry Rice.
John Given.
Albert Winters.
J. T. Masterson.
C. L. Ingram, Idaho.
Albert Loss, Iowa.
W. H. Masten, Portland.
La Grande Beet Pullers to Play Four
Game Series With the Indians
Commencing on Thursday Notes
of the Diamond.
Next Thursday. Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, La Grande and Pendle
ton, the three times winners, will
cross bats at the Alta grounds and
detormine which of the two are the
mightier on the elongated diamond
At the same hours and dates Baker
City and Walla Walla, the tallenders,
will do battle nt the latter city.
Much interest is felt locally in the
series to be played between tho In
dians and the Beet Pullers, ns uotn
have the same per contago and both
have won three out of the first four
names nlaved. Tho four games to
be played here this week will give
the fans a line on the respective
merits of the two leading teams and
practically settle in their minds the
question of which will carry' e pen
nant when the season is over.
Of course, the local devotees of
he game are enthusiastic over the
work of the Indians and do not hes
itate to predict that they will havo
the Beet .Pullers' scalp-locks salted
down and safely stored away in their
trophy chest when the forthcoming
series is over.
Thev base this opinion on the fact
that the drubbings administered by
the Pendleton boys to the Baker
Gold Diggers were so one-sided that
it looked almost like a slaughter ot
the Innocents, while the games ue
tween Walla Walla and La Grande
were more like school boy ball than
anything else, the scores running up
to real old-fashioned farmer league
La Grande was the tauonuer in
the recent amateur league which just
closed its season, while Pendleton
stood easily hi the lead, and that the
first named " city should have devel
oped such unexpected strength wlth-(
out making greater changes in hen
team, does, not seem possible to Pen
dleton fans. Hence their confidence
in the Indians.
One or two of the players of the,
late Yellow Kids team have been
added to the beet picking aggrega
tion, while several changes have
been made in the redskin line-up and
this may make a difference, but it
can hardly be very great.
It is whispered on the strict q. t,
among the knowing ones, that an
other man or two is to be added to
the Indians, circles, men who have
made good in the Northwest League,
and, who leave it only by special per
mission, but just who these men are
is not yet made public.
v Line Hits.
There is some talk of Jess Stovall,
of the Seattle team, going on with
one of the teams of tho Inland Em
pire -league.
Baker City papers have raised
their estimate of the number of diff
erent kinds of monkeys "Baby" Hays
from 7
Saves a Woman's Life.
To glvo up would havo meant
death for Mrs. Lois Crags, of Dor
chester, Mass. For years she had en
dured untold mlsory from severe
lung trouble and obstlnato cough.
"Often," she writes, "I could scarcely
hreatho nnd sometimes could not
speak. All doctors and remodys
fnllod till I used Dr. Klng'B New Dis
covery for Consumption and was
completely cured." SufforcrB from
Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung
Trouble need this grand remedy, for
it never disnppoints. Cure is guar
anteed by Tallman Co. Price GOc
and $1.00. Trinl bottles frco.
,UR business is growing
because we pay closest
attention to every part of it
Our greatest ambition is to
make a success of this drug
store not an ordinary 30c
success but a success that
will be talked about far and
wide. Our plan is to treat
every customer so agreeably
that we will hold every one.
Then every new customer re
presents just so much growth
to our business. We invite
you to come here for your
drug store trading.
Our Clovor Cream is Up to Date
A Bamplo (or the Asking
F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Reliable Druggists,
Association Block. Phone 851
In Progress at Pendleton
Big Boston Sto
m m
for anybody!
All Havana Filler
Called Session Is Being Hed Today
by Judge. Ellis.
District court convened in the court made of tho Gold Diggers,
house in Pendleton this morning in to 49,
called session, Judge W. II. Ellis, pre- H. A. Clemens, formerly the popu
siding. Tho case of W. A. Banister, lar left fielder of the Indians, has
of Juilton, against Umatilla county gone to Baker City, where ho will
About half 'the wool crop of Baker
county has been shipped. '
James S. Dedman, of Weiser, Ida
ho, drank carbolic acid by mistake
and died in 15 minutes.
The first party of mountain climb-
-ers to reach tho top of Mount Hood : for damages for injuries received by play the fall league season with the
this summer, made the trip Fridav.
July 11.
Mrs. Fisher, an aged woman of
Granite, Idaho, has been missing for
several days and searching parties
are out looking for her.
.poisoned salt Is being used with
great success near PrinevIIle for the
extermination of rabbits, which have
become a great nuisance.
The Douglas County Bank has let
the contract for a new two-story
brick, 41 by 101 feet, which It is said
will be the best brick in Roseburg. -
The Portland free baths which1
were put out of business by the big
East Side fire, have secured a new
location and are again in full swing
The run of large salmon still con
tinues excellent and the eoldrstorage
plants have been working their dou
ble crews overtime for the past few
Jim Sing, a well-known Chinaman
of iCorvallis, decided the other day
that he would not return to China,
bo went and had his pigtail cut off
and will hereafter live "alio same
Melican man."
Attacked by a vicious bull and
knocked down on tho ground, Mrs.
John Hosterman, of MUhelm, seized
the" ring in the animal's nose and
twisted it until the beast gave in
and allowed her to get up and lead
him to tho barn.
An adjournment of the .case
agafnat J. F. Markloy for the shoot
Ing of .his partnor at Champoeg, Is,
being asked on the ground that the
Tracy Merrill excitement has preju
diced the public and an unbiased
jury cannot be obtained.
Fruit Jars at Cost
B.are. cloalqgr out our line of Ma
so .saad Vacuum fruit jars at cost
Jf you need fruit jars, better come
now. The Standard Grocery.
driving off an embankment at tho Gold Diggers
side of the road near Helix laat win- Hupp, the new third baseman im-
iur, is uemg xrieu. ported oy uauer uity trom the
It will be remembered that Banis- Northwest League, Is said by fans
ter and several others were driving to be a great practice player, but
from Milton to Helix last winter af- one who falls to come to the scratch
ter dark to attend a temperance -jol- when the game is actually under
liflcation and while driving nt a rapid way.
pace near Helix the team, hack and It is now in line for tho Baker City
load spilled over an embankment sev- papors to work up a big scare about
eral feet high and in tho mix-up two tho Indian invasion which took place
or three of the crowd were Injured there last week
but Mr, Banister was the most ser- The substitution of Jimmy Cox for
lously hurt of any. Dickie Knox In center field, with the
He sustained injuries which he al- Indians, was apparently merely an
leges forced him to pay a large doc- alphabetical change, at least so far
tor bill and kept him from following us tin1 .vny tic ground r covered s
his usual occupation for several concerned,
months. Mr. Banister presented a One of the prettiest nieces of work
claim against the county for the dam-1 in the entire series between Baker
age to the hack and doctor bill but City and Pendleton was the double
the county turned it down and the play made by Fay in Sunday game,
suit resulted. when ho fielded a hot liner, ran to
second base and touched tho bag,
putting out the man forced off first,
(Concluded on page 8.)
California Excursion.
For the biennial meeting. Knights
of Pythias, to be held in San Francis
co August 11 and 12, the O, IL & N,
Company make a rate of $20 for the
round trip front Portland, via steam
er, or $25 via rail in -.both directions.
or steamer In one direction and "rail
tho other. Qne fa,e between Port
land and Pendleton in connection
with the above rates, for the round
trip. Tickets good until September
JO, and to bo: sold for steamer -from
Portland, July 30 and August 4; by
rail, August 6, 7, and 8.
One Fare to Hot Lake and Return
On July 16 the O. R. & N. Company
will sen tickets to Hot Xake and re
turn at $2.45. Tickets will be sold
on the above date only at this rate,
and will explro. July 17. This low
rato Is made on account of, the past
ern Oregon Medical Association,
which moots at Hot Lake July IS.
Cheerfulness muBt bo cultivated,
hut tho seeds or dlscontont will grow
in any soil.
Mothers Children
Rejoice In the cleansing, purifying, and
beautifying properties of Ouxicuiut SoAr
and CuTicutt, Ointment, purest and
sweetest of omol)lont skin ourea. These
gentle -yet effoctive 8kln purifiers and
wautwers have made thousands ot lioraca
happy by .curing torturiug, disfiguring
humors, rashes, aqd. Irritations of Infancy
and childhood, and relieving parents of
caro ana Mul&ty.
Sold tttmfhtattht world. Votth Diva iin n,w
Pun oK., i. I.. J cm-J.
lBlly between gessom, O111
lines Lave yet many fins Mi 11
ing. but we must make Mlcttoli
for fall trade. Now Is the ttafcl
cheap. KeniuantsfromlOtoMi
Jess than coat 1
76o Carpets now
60c Carpets now
85c to 40c Carpets now...,
Try the Victoi PorchBhsdfjJi
thing this hot weather.
Asbestos Sad Irons
Easiest to use and most convenient; detachable handles.
Guaranteed to be free from defects, and kept in repair Ii
two years.
See the display in our window, or better still, come
look at them.
of same value as tags from
"SPEarhead;'"standard na vr."
or "MASTER WORKMAN" Tobacco.
I CIGARS, the best brands I
iPHACCO-finest for i
smokinc and Rhnwimr
I PIPES-to suit all.
There Is No Question
Km v.:. . ...i,anf onrarc into B versfloufi Wf,f1
satisfaction is the result whererever it is used for brefr,j
or fancy baking. --r-'
W. S. Bye s, Proprietor.
Red Jacket Pumps
Hayes' Double Cylin
der Pumps
Machine Oil Babbitt Metal
Clark's Mire
For Health, Strength and
ricaaure UrinK
9 ft m m
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
Ull 1 UHLHWM-Z-;