East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 14, 1902, Image 4

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t rt,i, with antiseptic and
rests, fights, robberies, scandals, pic
nics, everything is recorded.
3 -
It Improves the Appetite, Aids Digestion and
Relieves Dyspepsia
Brock & IHoComas Company
MONDAY, JULY 14, 1902.
By the president's proclamation
there Is -no longer an enemy in the
Plllippines. The war is over, and the
army there is only a police force at
the orders of the civil authority,
It rests with us if this peace be a
permanent one. If we govern wisely,
The world makes us weary prating t generously and honestly, the next
(about its bovs. I generation will see the Filipinos a
i " i t i mti,in ' contented race, loyal to us, working
This boy and that boy is something n.n ' . s
wonderful to think about.
One is being taught science, anoth
er mechanics, another theology, an
other military tactics and another
All are preparing to rule the world.
5M1 are going to be captains of indus-4are delivered over for exploitation;
out their own destiny under the Stars
and Stripes, proud of the institutions
we brought them, and with the scars
of war as completely obliterated as
they are in the Southern States to
If, on the contrary, the Philippines'
;try, leaders of the van on arriving at
the age of common sense, (which
:scercely ever comes until the brow is:
!grey and the hand shaky).
But what of the girl?
What are you doing to prepare her
for the great undertaking of life?
What plans are laid by midnight
'lamps for her welfare?
What special course outside of the
kitchen, is chosen for her? What
jains are you taking to give her ed
ucation a polish that will shine along
the path of human experience, equal
to that of her brothers?
Take care. Don't forget. Think a
little. Is she fitted for the task be
fore her?
Weigh well the measure you mete
out to her. Heap up the little her
Jtage of wise council, equal opportu
nity and equal solicitude which you
are setting aside for her.
Is she learning day by day the use
ful or the fictitious? Will she'be able
io stand alone under the great re
sponsibilities, when your help and
council is removed? Think deeply.
You are the architect of her life.
You are laying point by point, the
structure of her fate. She is the soft
.clay in your hands. Touch lightly
ihere and there, lest you mar her na
ture and her life.
, Take care. It is a slender cqrd that
human fortune hangs upon. The line
between good and evil is so narrow
ithat only a parent's discerning eye
icau search it out, at times. Look
frell. Build well. Think, think
'" Someday, in that undiscovered
-.Kingdom which men call the future,
she will wear the coronation, robe,
and be crowned queen in, some love-
Jit home.
, She is standing at the edge of the
.wondrous river, flowing between the
realms of romance and reality. The
world is a picture-book. She hears
Its fairy story. She sees its mounted
knights and fluttering banners. Take
Jier by the hand and lead her out
into the shade of the old orchard seat
;and tell her gently of the stern reali
ties she soon must face.
You know how.
One earnest word of love will tell
.her volumes. She loves you, trusts
you, confides in you. Handle her
idols gently. The little -painted gods
of girlhood's paganiam, .the dreamy.
unreal temples of her roseate faith;
you must touch lightly upon them,
for she believes In them.
Slowly the truth will dawn. That
mist of dreams will roll away, and
before she is aware, you will lead her
Into the clearer air of understand
Tell her of the snares and dead'
falls that infest the human pathway.
Teach her the royal code of woman
hood that has made you beloved ol
mil. She may not understand at first.
if the American stands there merely
as a conaueror. treathic the natives
! as an inferior race, ignoring their
rights and their prejudices, there is
grave danger that the four year's war
will be known to remote history as
merely the first of the Filipino resur
The first years under. the new re
gime constitute the critical period.
There must be no Neeley scandals;
no squandering the island revenues
by political favorites.
The men who are chosen to carry
on the work of reconstruction must
be selected with greater care than
has ever been exercised in a similar
case if all is to go well iu Asiatic
The islands did not revolt against
Spain because it was Spain that gov
erned, but because she governed with
injustice and cruelty, and that injust
ice and cruelty caused her three nun
dred years of intermittent rebellion,
and culminated in the loss of all her
foreign territory.
Amnesties and peace proclamations
are not new in the Philippines; they
were commonplaces there, as they
were in Cuba, when the islands were
to us merely names in our school ge
ographies. They are not more en
during than houses without founda
tion, unless they are based on more
than might.
Perhaps this war that is just over
had to come; perhaps it might have
been avoided and the same end still
have been reached. All this is idle
speculation now. It was fought hard
and bitterly, and no American can
fail to join with the president in his
message of complaint and apprecia
tlon of the army that won It. Now for
the war that is to come the war
against greed- and spoliation.
If we are going to govern thePhll
ippines for the benefit of the Filipi
nos, our work in the archipelago will
redound to our honor and glory; if
we are going to plunder them
whether we do it directly by small or
corrupt officials, or indirectly by sur
rendering the mto the trusts through
the tariff we must- reconcile our
selves to ,kecplng a perpetually re
bellious people In subjection by force
of arms at a cost in lives .and money
of which the past four years gives us
a unit of measure.
By refusing reciprocity to Cuba af
ter setting her free Congress smeared
a blqt'acroes the .record of one of the
grandest acts on the part of a nation,
in history.
Let there he no such disgrace in
our treatment of the other islands on
the far side of the world of which fate
has made us the guardian. Hearst's
American and Journal.
n ... hnrn In tho cltV BlnCO
v....." -
this history began has a mention m
i. it.,-,. ,tnnHi in rficoriled. The de-
11. U....V.. -
parture of every settler Is noted, as
well as the arrival oi new ura. "
iness changes, improvements, the ma
terlal progress of the city Is correctly
recorded. It is an uucrusuuH
script to those acquainted with the
facts. Many local happenings of Im
portance are lost trace of In the chan
ges and progress of time, but this
record keeper can tell you the day
and date of any fact you wish to know
connected with the town.
It is rather odd to trace back tht"
storv of a baby girl born recently
there, for instance. Its name Is given
the day and hour of its birth. Turn
ing back in a retrospective mood, this
ctimvc vnn n fnw Bummers
ago. the record ofTi happy marriage.
ti, nivno tim littio mninv romuuero
connected with it; the name of the
pastor, the bridesmaid and best man.
interested in the
story, he turns back nearly to the be
ginning of the volume nnd points to
a dim line recording the birth of the
parents of this last arrival in town.
it ic n fnmllv record "of the city.
Some day it will be brought to light.
The present historian has made ar
rangements to have the record pub
lished on his death, and has started
the first link In an endless cnain oj
entering Into an agreement with aj
friend to continue the work, and this j
friend in turn to umu some one tjiu
to take it after him, and so on in
definitely. KtntisHpR iro to nrove that people
are now living longer than they did
in times gone by. but Jietnuseian
still holds the record.
The treatment . - tobacco
chJfSinjtion, and the po onous and
vinnrs WhlCil SIlOUlU nua u" ...t- - - yZZM TiZmZZML.
JC back ttnon the mucous membrane or inner skin, 1I1&
VJVSSIS " ttb the circulation
much of wllVjJfn?Jr!Stm involving the Stomach, Kidneys and other
reafeil7bPodv wLn SdSse ironies the dry form, the breath
E SLS&lT bHudins headache are f, the eyes red.
. . jii Mailt rinirinir in uie cars, .wu icmuuy uim uuca
hearing fffW Catarrh. S. S. S. expels from the
not reach the polluted offensive mMcr nnd when rich( pnre
blood is again coursing through the body the
mucous membranes become healthy and the skin
active, all the disagreeable, painful symptoms disaj
pear, and a permanent, uiuiuugu iuic u.ku.
coo tw.:Mn- n Mrtlv vegetable oiooa punuu uuta uuv ""b1-
liomich 3ffiJtl appetite and general Health rapidly improve
i tonic Sects. Write us about your case and get the best medical
advSe free! Bwk on blood and skin diseases sent on application
aavice ircc sWXfT SFKCIMC CO., Admate, G.
A Physician's Tests.
Brlght's Disease nnd Diabetes,
Are Positively Curable. i
In tho city of Union, there Uvea an
eccentric bacholor, who has kept for
something, near twenty years a min
ute social history of that -city. Hav
ing leisure time and being "personally
acquainted with every person In the
city, "he 'has cajnpuen.,rqaa. 'actual
nappeamgs a voiumniousr uemueu u
count'.'of the social lifo of'lts Iphabl
Every .birth, death, marriage elope
ment, severe, sickness, accident, busi
She may falter to listen to that old, ness change,. new enterprise, and ev
love story of youth, but you wlll.tri- H7 minutest .fact connected with tjie
"" . t)(i,t i. of ai,in riiwiJ every day'life of Union has,been re-
uwpfa Illght is at your side.. . ,,Vtfi iprec,.l6-j giVbg r.M W
Ib over you. Fear not, for these will ject naroe8( aateB and plrcumajances.
conquer. , gcn0ol elections, -city elections" ar-
Judge Henry S. Fbote, n former member ol
our State puprcmo Court 'Commission, and one ,
ot the best known jurists on the Coast, makes '
the following certlflcate:
" 1 am asked to certify the following fscu. A
well-known pnjalclan In active practice put two
cwa of Bright' Dlwaec and one of LUK'tea on tho
Kulton CompouadJ. He U willing the reiulu ahouM
be known, but for professional reasons without hl
name. - the result are so siuarelr opposed bj- all
medical works, I was asked to Investigate and re
port the facu, which I did, and I nnd and certify as
follows :
" An old-school physician of unquestioned atand1
Ing and ability has Juy teted the Fulton Com
pound) In three caeea with tbe result :
Can; No. 1JIrs. T.,chronlc Bright' Ulseafe; usual
atbumenurla dropij- etc.: llmlx nwollen almost to
bunting. Usual treatment without result. Under
the Compound the dropty disappeared In thirty days,
and last of the albumen In SO. Cured.
Case So. 2 Mr. II.. chronic Brlght's Disease of S
yeara' standing; albumen large, dropy, etc In !
wecka albumen reduced a half, and a few weeks
later albumen down to a trace and dropsy entirely
gone. Patient Insisted e was well and left lor an
extended trip. (Too early. It Is believed, for per
manency.) Cae No. 3 lire. F.. Chronic diabetes: physician
state "typical cate. worst I ever saw.' First ten
days pain disappeared and sugar decreasing. Sec
end report: "Sugar reduced halfi Improvement
wonderful; sugar g-ttlng less every test.'
Asked what percentage are curable by these
Com onnds. the phys!ciq replied! " I don't know,
but It must be lar.e nearly a hundred, if my own
case are any criterion."
"Attest: Henrt 8 Foot.
"f3S Montgomery Bu, San Krancltco."
Asked what he Individually tbonght of It. Judge
Foote replied: " I am satisfied the cure has been
Medical works arjrw that Brlght's Disease
and Diabetes are Incurable, but 67 per cent, are
positively recovering under the Fulton Com
pounds. (Common forms ot kidney complaint
and rheumatism offe- but short resistance)
Price, tl for the Hrlght's Disease and 81.60 for
the Diabetic Compound. John J. Fulton Co.,
430 Montgomery St., San Francisco, sole com
pounders. Free tests made f r patients. De
scriptive pamphlet mailed free.
F. W. Schmidt & Co., Sole Anents.
Don't Let Your Wife Suffer !
Cool, comfortable homes are easily kept so if you use
The Blue Flame Wickless Oil Stoves
The cheapest 'most convenient and most satisfactory
cooking device known. "
Don't Fall to Call and Examine Them
Taylor, the Hardware Mail
741 Alain Slreet
Everything Hew EYerjthIng Fresh
Everything Good
Sweet. Pare and Wholesome
Maxfe With Potato Yeast
Juat like your mother used to make
Mercantile Co.
636 Mais St.
Blag e leave Pe41eton dajljr, except Sunday.
t7 rn.. for yklah nnd Inte-mediata polnti;
Rtee: To Pilot Rock. 76c ; Pilot Kock and rtv
turn. To Nye. 11,26. Nye and return. r
Albav. ft!.: to i Alba and return, l,oo: To Ukiab
j,MfK Ukiah and return, fi.co.
Offkc ki Qokka Rule Hotel, PeBHetoti
sacs) & e
Harvest Supplies
Farmers, you will find it to your advantage" to
call at our store for your harvest supplies .We'make-
prices as low as the goods can be bought in Portland.
Our stock is the largest and best in Pendleton. Every-,
thing that comes from our store is .clean and good,
You Dont Get Old Groceries
when they come from us.
All Sizes at very low prices. We can also .sup'ply.ou . L '
with extra tops and rubbers. . ' '," ' '' w
Sec ks for yotr Berries for Canning ' "
I iffl I
R. MARTIN, Proprietor
8S Si) fit I
Is cheap in the long run. A cheap furnace.18 .dear at any price.
If you can buy furnaces often aud get youriuel free, by all means
get a cheap furnace.
W. G. McPhetsoa
Heating and Ventilatiig JEigiier.
47 First Street, Portland,"
HOW DO Y Ol I tsfJt'S4
-ar jrwm nsiv mi n js mww
me. new aiwrv van never Be
Wnown unl e It advertise!
Tliiaaignrtturela on every rnMt of.llio irenill"
1 HYHtl V(P.FnttU,fhilntnit tnhit
' CiUb rmocly tisat cnr.n b'-Jlttlu"a4ia cMy.
SM i- t I K ,
Header Bea y. , ''
We are trr.itaVi . .
lit; urp tun .
Pendleton Plassf
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11 ii-mill r
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Pnr All Kind ef
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For Dr
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