iosSness Ctds and Societies professions and trades alphabetically arrranqed. COUNT SIX AVE RASE WORDS TO THE LINE. PHY8I8IAN8. a COVR. OFFICE IN JTOD di- us5frrw , p. ZD ICKUVVt t xji t nrcflPAIN BLOCK. L and correct eye trouble catar- FcondltloM and impaired neann. corecnj i ourrn OFFICE OVER THE Kleton SaTlngs bank. Telephone SO; nee toiepnone 01. inpicT.n. M. D.. .HOMEOPATH- I physician and Surgeon. Office In building. Telephone: Offlce, black lesldence. black 24. nLMAM'HOUSE. ppSICIAN AND won. V ' 11 CC, rww ""- ' Main 72. Residence Phone Red 28. n J M'FAUIj, ROOM 17 A880CIA i block. Telephone Main 03; real telephone, black 161. BANKS AND BROKERS. FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF ATHENA. Oregon. Capital, 950,000 anrplna ata profits, 16000. Interest on time deposits. Deals In foretra and domestic nrrhanr. Collections promptly attended to. Henry j. ami, president; x. J. rura, viee-crew-dent; K U Rarnett, cashier; F. S. Le ts row, assistant cashier. IT. M. HENDERSON, PHYSICIAN Surceon. apcjaiues eje, car, uum k.n. nmre In Savlncs Bank build- Fpbone Main S3. fa Keycs. rton Store. PHYSICIANS. DRS. Offlce one block west fliYNN K. BLAKESLEE. CHRONIC 1 nervous diseases ana aisenses oi wo- Opp Hotel 1'enaieton, cor. water fain Sts., Pendleton, Ore. Phone RT3. CABS AND CARRIAGES. CAB LINE, ERWIN BAKER, Prop. ephone Main 79. Stand In front of restaurant. DENTISTS. YAITGHAN. DENTIST, OFFICE IN Id building. MANN. "DENTIST. OFFICE IN AB LATION block, over Schmidt's new f store. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, 1889; capital, $50,000. surplus. S90.000. Interest allowed on time deposit. Ex- cnange nougnt ana sold in all principal points. Special attention given to collec tions. Y. J. FurnUh, president; J. N. Teal, Tlce-presldent; T. J. Morris, cashier. THE FARMERS BANK OF WESTON. Weston, Oregon. Does a general banking Dullness. Excnange bougbt and sold. Collections promptly attended to. R. Jameson, president; Geo. W. Proebstel, rice president: J. K. Klleore. cashier: dl rectors. G. A. Hartman. M. M. Johns. T. J. Price, G. D. Graw, J. F. Kllgore, Robert Jameson, u. w. iToewtel. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PKNDLE- ton. Capital f 70,000; surplus, f 95,000, rransacts a general banking business. Ex change and telegraphic transfers sold on Chicago, San Francisco, New York and principal points In the northwest Drafts drawn on China, Japan and Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Le ab leny, president: W. F. Matlock, Tlce-presldent; C. B. Wade, cashier; H. C Guern sey, assistant cashier. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA "Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month in Odd Fellows' hall. Mrs. Ida Holcomb, Oracle: Mrs. Nei...e Bobbins, Recorder, LjIATILLA TENT, NO. 27. K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All I visiting Sir Knights cordially Invited. J. S. Kees, Record Keeper ; E. D. Estabrook, commander. PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T. C. Taylor. H. P., F. F. Wamsley, Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each ' month In Masonic Hall. , PENDLETON LODGE. NO. 52, A. F. and A. M., meets first and third Mondays of i eacn montii. ivisltlng bretnren welcome. ICHITECTS AND BUILDERS, I T- J- Tweedy. W. M., Joe H. Parkcs. Sec. HOWARD, ARCHITECT AND BU- nfonrionf' mnlrpn rnmnlptA and rell- i plans for buildings In the city or lioom n juaa Duuaing. 5K & COLE, CONTRACTORS AND llders. Estimates furnished on' short Job work a specialty. irompt Shop on Bluff street near Main. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILD Estlmates furnished on all kinds of ttry, cement walks, stone wans, etc can be left at the Eaat uregonian PHOTOGRAPHERS. BOWMAN, LEADING PHOTOGRA- of the city. Harvest news, in- , photos for sale. Finishing done for enrs. Alain St., near oriage. rnone 76- ! PIONEERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL 11am Martin Encampment, No. 1. Meets every Wednesday at Hendrlck's Hall. Mrs. L. F. ampktn. Secretory. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF I Pythias. J. i.. Nowlln. C. C: R. W. Fletcher, K. of R. u S. Meets every Mon day Jj Secret Society Hall. Monnnv wnnnxtRN np amrrtca 1 Tttftillln fan, Vn fi-Iflfl lliut. . and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows' Hall. George A. Hamulln, Con sul; G. A. Robblns, Clerk. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. liE BROS.. COURT STREET, LA block. Electricians, dealers In elec- suDlles. Houses, stores, wired for rlc lights, bells or telephones. Electrl Bxtures of all kinds. Get our prices. air work a specialty. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetlncs of Pendleton Camp. No. 41. W, of W., are held In Secret Society Hall every Saturday evening. Visiting nelgh- Dors are always welcome. J. i: walker, Clerk, J. P. Earl, C. C. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRERS. HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. CAN GET THE HIGHEST MAB- prlce for your pelts, hides and all of 3unk. such as rubber, brass, cop- f lead, zinc, rags and boules. Iron of kinds a specialty, ion can bring in ou m worth of rags or ship In 500 th of bides and will be treated In the way. We have come here to stay. ui a call and yon will be satisfied. L. nk t- Co.. office and warehouse next to item Hotel, Pendleton, Oregon. Tele- dc Red 221. 5URANCE & LAND BUSINESS. H. PARKES. OFFICE COURT ST. Opposite Golden Rule Hotel ; land of- bnslness. such as filing" of claims and tlatlng contests a specialty. H.V HAILEY. JR., U. S. LAND COM- niBsioner Specialty made of land Bl and proof: Insurance and collections. Dee in Jndd building, room 10. JOHN WILSON. FIRST CLASS SHOE maker and repairer. Best material used and good work done. Shop 117 Alta street. MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON MACHINE SHOP AND FOUN drv Baltezore & Howe, proprietors. Black Emithing and general Jobbing. Iron and brass castings. All kinds of machinery repairs. Phone Red 26 GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. WEBB ST., West of note! Eastern. AH kinds of re-1 pairing done at reasonable prices, nicy cles, gun and machine repairing a special ty. Simmons & Bolin, proprietors. HORSES TO PA8TUBE TIMOTHY, ORCHARD 5and bmme gracsei; good pasture: plenty of running water, lerms reasonaoie. n. u. kw Meacham, Oregon. OLD NEW8PAPER8 TO PUT UNDER carpets, on shelves, walls, or for wrap ping purposes. Old newspapers In large bundles of 100 each at 25 cents at bundle at the EAST OHEGONIAN office, Pendle ton, Oregon. BOARD AND LODGING. tHE WHITE LODGING HOUSE, SOI SOUTH iin Bireet, m. t jiramey, prop, uouieseep t roomi and lodging rooms. Good comiort- raumi ana cie&n, well xept di. ixxigiuB nts. PIRE LODGING HOUSE CORNER OF E. onrt and Jobnuon streets; good large clean urns wun comiortabie oeas. itaiea zac ana : s night. Too. Bmart, Prop. fEL at.ta. mmtvm . at.ta and Mill street. Board by the day or week. a table set Kates i ana 5 Pr .week. ndleton Feed 'Yard In connection. L. proprietor. fEL EARTFRN- RAlfTTElY GBORGE. iProp. Board by the day or week. Good iu Deos ana jttn ventilated roosts; Is 25c: board and ' lodging 15 per teed stable In connection. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. X.TF.P.n Awn antra vipn tr nRFl aat, pron.. Kin. asm Rt . i Wuhh 4 Alta. treatment gtven horses left la oar IK CITY l.irasv uitni mm tin tabM. .Cttwr.L Wprletar, tor tUrnonta. KtahU 11 A Ifa atrwat. uj', iTeryrt vmm and BOArtnBC of turnonta. CotsMteat drivars. Op- Ll Hotel PecdletojlyjniVld . SPOT T.T WOW . mtvm "tables, pint eUam afahHa a ImM J0' all ooeaalosML fr CttWMd aui t, jpitu crasg, Rff). flthl sJell care gives to horses left 2r Lower Webb Htreet. PhM Bed TONSORIAL PARLORS. ?ILLY KUA8BI0, BARBER SHOP' AND KCd OPPoalte Hotel St. George. hmion 'ferythlng In best sanitary KELLAR BROTUERB, PLASTERING and cementing. Cement walks a special ty. Estimates furnished free. Work guar anteed. Leave orders at Badley ft Zah- ners cigar store. Main St.,. P. O, box 104. WANTED. WANTED, COOK CALL AT ALTA HOUSE. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOU6E- work and cooking. Good wages. Small (am ily. Apply at this office. WANTED TO RENT-PART OF HOUSE IN good location for light housekeeping by lady idq gentleman. Aaareu box so, renaieion, FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR TRADE. GOOD COVEKED wagon suitable for delivery or for going camping in Call at R. Martin's Family uivccry mua Kery. FOR SALE-GOOD MILCH COW. ENQUIRE lira uoan hi. BABBITT METAL. BUT IN ' THE world. In bars. Price Jl per Mr, mt the East OreroetaD omem. E STRAYED. FROM MY PLACK, ONE MJFEaT BELOW U- Branded E Ehr- vamt BtaHoa. abent tsneweew ago. one r; F." on left hip. Reward will bepaii forma Ken as tolte wherMeoaUT N hart. Pendleton. Ore.; t, - SECOND-HAND DEALERS. UKORGB O'DANIEL, NBW AND BBCOXD sand goods bcnigbt aad sold. Coort Bt, Qteea beoee block. Call aad see aim f. 8TBOBLH, DEAL1B IN BBCOND aaad good. If there Is aaythiag yea oeed la new or aecoad aaad farnltore. ttoras, granite ware aad crockery, call aad get Isle pr!cee..'Na, 12 Coart Bt., BLACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING. COPE LAND ft SON, 814 WEBB STREET ..All kinds of blacksmlthing and wagon repairing; horseshoeing a specialty. A NKWSPAPEU MAN AT WORK. LAST DAY OF EDUCATORS SESSION OF NATIONAL BODY ENDS TODAY. TWO LINES. 1 Htm 1t t time ...SO --- Mfe THREE LINES. 1 tlm , S time , 1 week : Extra line: .10 cento each a week; M cente a line par mantfi. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel In Pendleton and as cood as any. aBiG3CsWswK We See Our Finish THE DOMESTIC LAUNDRY J. F. Robinson, Prop. Pendleton. Mountain Resort FOR SALE The celebrated "Bingham Spring," locatad in the Blue Mountains on the Umatilla River, complete, with furniture, fixtures, stages and stock. Absolute control of five miles of best trout fishing stream iu Oregon. Will sell 8o acre tract including hotel grounds with water privileges, or 960 acres,as desired; making fine stock farm, controlling big range. Or will lease. Call on or address : 1 Same Ardor and Enthusiasm Mani fested Early in the Week Marked Final Sessions of the Association. Minneapolis, July 11. The same ardor and enthusiasm that was man ifested early in the week marked the closing sessions today of the Nation al Educational Association's conven tion. In many respects the conven tion has been the most notable ever held bv the association. In the va rious departments more than 100 on the 8h,rt of a lnr8e Proportion of sessions have been held during the mle Population of 1'cndl.toii. It week and in all the discussions have ch preferred owing to Us distinct been marked by intelligence and an- superiority. We do up shirts, collars imation and have drawn forth a free aQd culls in Al style-to perfection. interchange of views tending to the That's our specialty, and we're experts general enlightenment of the educa- at the business. Heuco our laige and tors in ineir an. 'high class patronage. Bend us your . Before the general session this aundry Welli do tno work w5tk mr :rvZt c' "tt", neatness and dispatch. Service the null. tviumui x. "inoi i .iiv.u , , States Commissioner of Education ; J best. Charges right. Charles Payson Gurley Scott, editor of the Century Dictionary; Professor Thomas Clarkson Trueblood, of the University of Michigan, and Superin tendent Carroll Gardner Pearse, of -Omaha. f "Tha TTro nnil DanirPr of Method".! was the subject or an interesting pa per read before the department of el- ementary education this afternoon by! Superintendent W. A. Millis, of Crawfordsville, Ind. In part, profes sor Millis said: "Education is a movement in the life of the individual or community. Teaching is an art employed in fa cilitating and directing this move ment along lines believed to be wholesome. The educational process is according to certain laws determ ined by the nature and sequence of activities through which the individ ual must pass if he is to grow Teaching must conform to these laws to be effective. The teacher must un derstand -the principles of education, not as spmething out of which she may deduce rules of teaching, but as a criterion by which sbo may test the worth of what she is doing Teaching is not applied pedagogy. It is born of the teacher's own instinct and inventiveness, However, it must not transgress the general princi ples, else it will be futile. Education al method is to the teacher what chart and compass are to the sailor. Art has to do with particular situa tions. The particular child and the particular teacher with her resources and limitations are always primary elements -to be reckoned with. The actual problem of the teacher is to move tue cnna irom wueiu uo fmmH to where he Is wanted. In the mnvnment the teacher must enjoy en tire liberty in the employment of wayB and means, Instrumentalities .n,i fiAvIpes. keenine all the time within the limits fixed by the prln ciples of education. "Twn nf the chief dangers in teach ing are, restricting the teacher to the practice which - some particular teacher or school lias found success ful, and destroying- the vital spark of her work by the lavisn attempt u 'deduce the practice or me cuw room from laws of psyclioiogy. '.mere t ereti. daneer in the freaueni ae mand for uniformity of text-books, .'courses end .methods. Each scnooi has the right to do for its pupus what they most need to Jiave done and in the way la which it can best do them. In the effort to make Machine scientific there Is always danger 'of "elMafthKM!her's per- unnaiitv aiistrticumc ner. rscuunse w ettj a In "te 'X taeiehiW's na tive development. wm Headquarters for Traveling Hen. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 pet day. Special rates by week or month. Excellent Cuisine, Every Modern Convenience. Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. TRANSPORTATION LINES. fin Oregon Ggll Shortline am UNION PACIFIC GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. Comer Court ami Johnaon Btroott, l'eudleton, Oregon, M. F. KoUy, Proprietor. nxrART Ttma Sehadula Aaaivi ron Prom Fatitlaton vaon Ohtck(o. 8U Lake, Dwm. Ft. IortUnd Worth, Omaha, Kan Hpolal MuUltr.Rt LouU, Chi-1:90 a. M. S ;S0 p m cagx and Kait. vta Hunt ington. Atlantic BU Lke, DonYr, Ft. KxprcM Worth, Omaha. Kan. 5:if . m. iaa city, BuLouli,Chl-11:10 .. yl Hunt- Of 0 and Kait, inston. St. I'ftUl Wall Wll. Uwliton Fnit MrII HpokKiio.WKtUcc.lnill 8.15 a.m. man, Minneapolis, Ht. ArX)p. EK, via 1'aul, Duluth, Mllwau Bpokane. kco, Chicago and Kait. Ocean and River Schedule FKOM rUKTLANI). All railing date iubcot tochaiiRe. 8:(0p.H. For Ban Praiiulnco tp, la. HalloTerrtkdayf. ' llallr ' except Columbia Rlvar Buiulajr 4pm 8 p. m. To Aitorla and Way Bnnday Saturday LanUuK 10 p. m. II Frank B. Clopton Pendleton, Oregon The Russian government has ap pointed a commission to Investigate agricultural methods and the condi tion of the peasantry In Russia, with a view to improving both. WHY DON'T YOU Buy a Farm WMleThey Are Cheap? N.Berkeley HEATED BV STEAM. LIOrlTED BY ELECTRICITY American Flan, ratui 11.25 to W.OOaday, European plan, DOo, 75c, 11.00 Bpeclal rated by week or month Willamette River Roati leave I'ortland dally, except Banday, Magoot water pormlttlnK) lor Wlllamettaaod k'amlilU Ulvur polut. Leave Klparla 4:0A a. m Dallr Kxopl Mon Snaka Hirer Klparla to I,wUton. Leave Lewliloa 7:00 a. m. Dally Kxcpt Mor F. F, WAMBI.KY, Anent, l'endleton. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this riflltaO ifr For ChlcaKo, 8t. lmil, 8t. Louis, Kaa Btia City, Ht. Joe, Oman, and All Points East and South Portland and points on the Sound Free Bus Meets all Trains. Commercial Trade Solicited, Pine Sample Rooma Special attention given Country Trade WjlL Sell You Land at $1250 Per Acre that will be worth $25.00 withl Ire years aid Pay Fifteen Pet Cent oa the UveitMeit la the Meanwhile ORLAN CLYDE CULLElf COUNSELLOB-AT-LAW U. S. Supreme Court REGISTERED ATTORNEY U. H. Patent 0oe V. I. mm FMEIIN PATENT Trada Mark and Copyright TOO 7tk It., N, WaahlastoB, D. C mm OEO. OARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heat EraM Ptaa. MMk ami a half treaa 4tpt. Rocr-iKMf ;5ac, 75c, CHICH ruin rjFkwamx YRDYAL P L 41 Hll 4 flflr Otmulm. It la 1UI (JU wlUU IwfM. wM f tlaKi Kur uf lira piuoila. M4,AaVw '4 "Kcllcl .ir f j.jTe,"iii iir, kr r, JJ.Ktl., tUqusrr, fllJLA I TIMK CARD. Leave Pendleton, dallr exeant Bandava at 7:00. pm. Arrive Pendleton Monday, Wednesday aad Friday l'iasopm. Arrive l'eudleton Tneaday, Tbnrtday a,aa Saturday 10:&flami Leave Walla Walla dally, eait bound BKpB Arrive Walla Walla dally wett boond 10 fA ia. For Information regarding rate and accoa modaUona,callun or addreei W, ADAMB, Agent. I'endletou, oregoa H, D. OALDKUHKAD.O.r. A., Walla Walla. Waih, TO RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars f HT. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO GRAND FORKH OROOKBTON WINNEPEG HELENA aad BUTTE. THROUGH TICKETS CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all point East and Bout Tbroturb tlekata to Jaaaa aad tlhlu. iueu tun aflruan rmamn kmmiub aadaaurleaailM. ' TO TiHI ICNIBULI. Tralna laava PanIUtnn dall &a . 5iT -r- Tblrd ana KorrUoa aU., rMtaMaTpM, MEN JuiBWIIMat