East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 10, 1902, Image 6

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    THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1902.
Artificial Ice
TsJephatM Main 106.
No Sediment toFou!
Your? Refrigerator
No Disease Germs to
Endanger Your Health
Our Special Sale on Men's
and Boys' suits will continue
all week. Special reductions
on all suits sold this week.
Buy your new suit this week
and save money enough on
it to buy you a nice dress
The Fair
Wlore Whole Families Can
Good enough
I fnrifimiAilt;! 1
for anybody!
ll Havana Filler
ef stmt vein as tags from
"spbarhead:u,standardna vr."
',J1ASmi WORKMAN" Tfhteeo,
of theae claasiaed column, if yon ba?e
WHetli.ng yon bare bo sae for, oCar to
takSe It for aoaaethlng that ohm etbr
'hedV BIV hjlVA Anil flav nn t.A n. mrnm.
tklug that you may need In your bualacas.
ijt wi pwy ubts bd extra none mat yon
p "v itw id iraue tor b tuw pc Teui
civ. .wmwwuu -tun j ujiro mc cow UD
vakkla.aad wastta bone. A flftaaa ar
twmty-nre eat want ad will probably 4o
ike baalaiaa.
More Than 20,000 Acres Have Been
Located During Past 90 Days on
Strength of a Rumor That Railroad
Will Go In.
There is a great rush reported to
be on at tho present time to take up
lands in the vast timber belts of the
John Day country. Within the past
three or four weeks as many as thir
ty or forty timber entries have been
made in the yellow pine belts of the
.Nort Fork of the John Day and Des
olation creek.
Timber locaters are busy looking
up government corners and staking
out locations all through that part
of the country, while as many as
eight and ten new land seekers are
going In nearly every day:
The greatest activity in this line
is over in Crook county, where some
20,000 acres have been taken up with
in ithe past 90 days. There has also
been some talk at Sumpter recently
of a rush for the splendid body of
timber along the middle fork of the
John Day, beyond Clifford, and it is'
stated that the land has been cruised
in the interests of the O. It. & N.
which will shortly make locations of
immense tracts and proceed to open
up that country.
Of course this is mere rumor, and
cannot be substantiated until the fil
ings are made, but it is an undoubt
ed fact that cruisers have been over
the ground and already a movement
is on foot to take up the land. Peo
ple living in Sumpter, who make it
a business to keep posted in such
matters, knowing that something of
kind is on foot, have taken ten or a
dozen claims in that vicinity. These
extensive filings on timber lands al
ways precede the establishment of
transportation facilities, for wKaout
transportation the timber Is worth
lltle or nothing. Generally men who
have a means of knowing that some
railroad is to be extended, organize
for the purpose of acquiring large
tracts. They can not keep their
movements secret for long, but when
it becomes known that such a scheme
is on .foot, the public steps in and
takes a flyer for luck.
There is scarcely a doubt but what
this is the case at present, and those
who have not used their timber land
right will never find a better oppor
tunity. They will have to act quick
ly, however, for If they do not the
choice quarters will be taken by the
hirelings of some syndicate organized
to gobble up everything in sight; and
all will be filed on, too, within a few
days after the movement is inaugu
Thinks We Got All That Was Com
ing to Us Visit of River and Har.
bor Committee Helped.
"Oregon and "Washington fared
well in this season's river and harbor
bill," said Congressman Tongue, of
Oregon, to a representative of the
press after his return from the Na
tional capital.
"In fact," he added, "our appropri
ation this year was a record breaker.
I attribute this largely to the visit
made last year to the Pacific north
west by members of the house river
and harbor committee.
"They freely admit that that trip
was a revelation to them, and that
they had previously had no concep
tion of the magnitude and resources
of the great country drained by the
Columbia and Snake rivers.
"After that trip I found it was not
necessary, in asking -for appropria
tions for these rivers, to argue that
the Improvements were of national
importance. I was particularly pleas
ed at our success In obtaining a large
appropriation for the work of over
coming the obstructions in the Co
lumbia river at Celllo. I nave no
doubt that this appropriation binds
the government to the undertaking,
and that further appropriations will
be made from time to time to carry
on and complete the work."
"Who will be the republican stand
ard bearer in 1904?"
"It la too early to venture pre
dictions. (President Roosevelt is evi
dently popular with the masses, and
if he retains this popularity, ihe will
undoubtedly be a strong .candidate.
Will Mark Hanna be a poMlblllty?
Yes, .1 regard .him asj8omethlBg more
than a possibility, though he insists
both in .public and to his friends that
he Is not a candidate. The public is
readjusting its opinion of Mr. Hanna,
and undoubtedly his popularity is
growing rapidly."
Mr. Tongue was reelected at tne
present olectlon in Oregon. He re
mained in Washington all through
the campaign. "I find," he said
laughingly, "that I fare better when
I leave these .matters to my friends.
In 1900 I was reelected by the nar-.
row margin of C5 votes, but In the re-,
cent contest I led by over 7,000."
Snlnach and dandelion leaves are
excellent for the kidneys.
Deep Borings In the United States.
The deep well borings of tho United
States, made for water, oil, and gas,
are the subject of a statistical report
by N. H. Darton, in the series of
Water-Supply and Irrigation Papers
of the United States Geological Sur
vey. Tho list of deep wells is ar
ranged by States, In alphabetical or
der, and appears in two pamphlets
known as Water-Supply Papors Nos.
57 and Gl. All wolls 400 feet or over
In depth are carefully listed. Depth,
.diameter, yield per minute, and other
characteristic data are given, and
many instructive details are noted
indicating for what purpose tte bor
ings were originally made, the char
acter of the product obtained, and
whether the wells are in use or aban
doned. For the benefit of persoiib
desiring moro detailed informatioi.
concerning wells In any particulat
region, references are given to the
literature or other sources from which
the data were obtained The lam
product of natural gas in tho Ki?t
and the West, the enormous output
from the oil fields of California,
Texas, and the East, and the consid
erable nnd Indispensable water supply
furnished by the deep wells on the
plains and In the arid and hum c.
States, make concise nnd accessible
Information of this nature valuable,
for economic and scientific purposes
Crematory companies would do
well to note the statement of a chem
ist who has determined, by painstak
ing analyses, that a human body of
average size contains three pounds
and thirteen ounces of calcium. The
current quotation of calcium is $300
an ounce, which would give us each
a value in the retort of $18,300, or
one-fourth our weight in gold.
nr.i to do BVHtomatic work, which
with the hearty co-operation of tho
people bore ' aad personal onief. ef
forts, will bring such results as -will
people Oregon In another live yeara
n nnnvllv nn Washington, with work.
LOOKING OVER FIELD FOR ors and capitalists. There is some-
IMMIGRATION WORK, thing for each one to do and while
' west Mr. McKlnney and his assocl-
Publicity Promoters Will Take a ates want to meet the people and the
publicity rromuvc. WOrkors. Co-operation and union or
Trip Over the Country and En- home ?now no failure. These
deavor to Interest Eastern People RrQ Q principiea underlying all the
in Thl Section. plans of Mr. Craig and Mr. Hall.
General Freight Agent R. B. Miller, wMcm Hr.ln
nnd private secretary, accompanied Need More Help,
by General Passenger Agent A. L.( often tho overtaxed organs of dl
Craig and R. M. Hall, publicity pro- gegtion cry out for help by Dyapep
nioter of the O. R. & N., arrived in Bia-8 pains, Nausea, Dizziness, Hoad
Pendleton last evening in a private ncheB, liver complaints, bowel dlBor
car , ders. Such troubles call for prompt
Mr Miller is on a tour of gonornl ' use of Dr. King'B New Life Pills,
inspect! in and business, and will be They are gentle, thorough and guar
accompanied In his car over the anteed to cure. 25c at Tallman &
Walla Walla and Coeur d'Alene divis- Co.'s drug Btore.
Ions by General Agent Burns, of the w .
Walla Walla, who came her to meet Don't Use Too Many Word
, "a , Multiplication of words Increases
' i a t won nw here the expense and decreases the effec
Mr. Craig and Mr. Hal are tore , of ndVortlslng. Say what
to meet General Immigration Agent nfl f Wjrd(j Ra Jt
McKlnney, of Chicago, who has with you nave
lum five assistants All or uiem. an set vnat ,y0u t to sayIn,
under the guidance o' Mr. Hall, IH ' go ,t wlll nuj
make a trip over the entire line 10 attenUon 0f more readers than
familiarize themselves with condi- discourse set la small
tions here that their work of intor- r"
esting homeseekers and capitalists in
Eastern Oregon and Washington may The nomlIeBt; man j Pendleton, as
be thz more effective. wej a8 tne handsomest, and others.
From Pendleton Mr. Craig will go ar0 invited to call on any. druggist
to Colorado on a three weeks' busi-1 ana got free a trial bottle of Kemp's
ness trip, after introducing Mr. Mc- Balsam for the throat and lungs, a
r-i . u n. . v. f rv n.l . tVinf fa mfirantno nnra anil
. . V. I to thn rinr. tl.n nil nlimnln anil anttfo nnnvfia
All IIUS UJt."ilIl WliHC- " rUUCVU all UUIVJU.V. auu uwucua,
pose of the O. R. & N. and Harriman aBthma, bronchitis and consumption,
lines to judiciously expend the ?50,- Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tall-
UUU SCt aside lor nuveruaius -"10 J tJtw mini re kju.. vviv qemm.
This Advertisement Will Appear but One Time Only, so Take Heed Today.
These Must Be Sold
E WANT TO DEMONSTRATE the quick selling of a good article
caused by a low price, and therefore you are asked to note the various
items offered below, and particularly you are urged to ' call at the store
and notice the various goods that must be sold quick and the low
prices put on to accomplish this end.
Men's Half Hose
in colors, black, brown, tan,
red, blue and gray
mixed, worth 15c....
Still continuing to sell
Those Sale Suits at
Many hare been benefitted;
Why not yen?
A lot of men's dress shoes
!asrer $ 1 .00
You can't afford to miss this
Silk Shirt Waists
Summer Waists in black
and white
$3.00 vals. toar $2.25
4.00 " " 2.75
Men's Working Shirts
Black drill, white stripe.
These are worth O C
more than this. .. . C
All kinds of Straw and
a Canvas
For harvesting O
weather -C
We have just received
another lot of all kinds of
Baby Shoes
Call and See Them
Ladies' Gauze
Comb't'n Underwear
$J .50 suits now iA5
X.25 " " J.05
Men's Canvas Gloves
Useful in warm weather
Now to sell '
Others ask 10c
Big lot of
Ladies' Shirt Waists
To sell ir.
Odds and Ends
of the spring season's sale
of shoes are offered at
Cat Prices
to close out
A Special Offer While
they last
Arctic Sam'er Corsets
now 23c
Summer Underwear
We have one at 25c a gar
ment, two at 50c a gar
ment, etc.
CQ tfl is the price
'V made on a lot
of $2 to $20 Stfits
Get one and be happy
We Offer the
Best House Lining
S.?.6.... 3' I -2c
Compare Price and you will be
Cotton Shirt Waists
$1.40 Colored Waists ,9Jc
2.00 " ' $1.25
1,40 White Waists 90c
i-75 " " 1.10
2.00 125
SOti) '
Come in 3j .: "a
ave the 0 1
and the
n three refrigehw ,
have by time 2?
demonstrated to
and most eroL.'1'!
"uuiuicjj 1
Yocr Inspecliot.ii
Complete Bmt
We See OsrFlikin
on the Bhlrte of, a large pn
the male population of fti
Is much preferred owing josl
superiority. We do nb
aud culls in Al stjle-fojs
That's our specialty, and trV
at the business. Hence tm
high class patronice. fal
laundry. We'll do the 4
neatness and diipatdu
best. Charges right
"THE DOM ffl
J. F. Robinson, Prop.
The celebrated ''BingtaJrP
... .. m' " '
1 oca tad in me jjkkj
the Umatilla Rir, 1
furniture, fixtures, jUgai"j
Absolute controloi w."fi
trout fishing strcaBB
.11 Kn arre. .UaCt'BN
crmttnrlfi with watT.
form, controlling b-jt -a
lease. Call onoraddB:
Frank B.
Rhv afl
4 ...U:
Will Sell
on "'9iy,