East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 10, 1902, Image 5

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    We Are Going to Move
After August 1, 1&02, -we will change to the
building now used by Kemler'u grocery store,
corner of Main and Alta streets. In order to re
duce our stock and make the trouble of moving
as light as possible we will have a great
Remove Sale
and continuing until we have moved. Every
thing in the store to move at prices lower than
the lowest. No exceptions in anything.
Wash Goods Summer Fabrics
At Wonderful Sacrifice Prices
We cordially lnrlte you to come and Inspect our price. -No trouble to ihow goods.
Lee Teutsch
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Company.
A. Howard, farm loans.
11(1111 k 1 1 v liih iiuv. w tJtrrv ui uijulu
"HawJev Bros.
fine free lunch from 9 a. m. till
pHpvnn n'B frftaTTierv nutter on
in all stores, AbI: for it
nwlov Krns nro n Ann n iia.it era fnr
drntn nnrilrnA whlln irnn Wftlti
nr. wpnrnpr nnn nn TRrrnra nr rnn
fieri i tin ft naflement. wnere eooa
( haA la aii ran
tnan f no rln Irian TctilA nn1 on
- C-.V.H,. linn.
. . m 9 x
umuiuacLure our uwu iub uicum
candy. Nothing but good,
t lI i a mi.A.
T Gtlnn XT CaiiIa rf CJniiln T3fra 'a
1 x . J- t
i .it t .1 j.ii.t.
1 Tl tf II II 1 1 Jll 1 ItlllllH 111 UmiUULO A XJ
we can supply yot
Jeweler and Optician
Next Door to B. Alexander
Clothing made to order. N. Joer
ger. Latest books early In stock. Fra
zier's. Nice line of new ties, 25 cents.
Full line of new parasols.
Ping Pong, the new society game,
$1.39 to $4.45. Nolf's.
McReynold's creamery butter on
Bale at all stores. Ask for it.
New and delicious are the ice cream
sandwiches served at Dutton's. Only
5 cents.
Call , up 'phone main 105 for pure
artincial ice. Only place in town
you can get it
Dutton will deliver nice, freBh
sweet cream to you if you will send
in your orders.
Our extra fine Ice cream by the
quart or gallon. Get our wholesale
prices. The Delta.
All kinds of city and country prop
erty for sale. Rihorn & Cook, room
10, Taylor building.
Good lunches at reasonable prices
at Phillip's restaurant, opposite
Tallman's drug store.
Schlitz beer is good beer, and is
served In a nice cool place a. the
Golden Rule basement.
We give free tickets on the bicycle
with every dollar's purchase. Martin's
Family Grocery and Bakery.
Free picnic every Sunday at Kine's
grove. Dancing begins at 2 o'clock.
Music by Klrkman's orchestra.
Money to loan at lowest rates on
town or country property. J. R.
Dickson, East Oregonian building.
Take advantage of. the chance to
get bargains at Mrs. Campbell's
closing out sale of summer millinery
Doctors predict considerable sick
ness of typhoid nature. Be careful of
your drinking water. Cool it with
pure artificial ice. 'Phone main 105
Withee, 305 Court St., agent for
Domestic and Davis sewing machines.
Drop heads from $27.50 to $65 on in
stallments. Everything guaranteed.
All kinds of real estate for sale,
.Homes on easy payments, will fur
nish part of purchase money.
Rihorn & Cook, room 10, Taylor Tldg.
The corner room, slzze 25x40, in
the East Oregonian building, hereto
fore occupied by the Jackson-Dickson
Company, will be for rent after
August 1. The room is steam heated
and contains hot and cold water. Ap
ply at the East Oregonian office.
R. Martin, proprietor of the Family
Grocery and Bakery, has a covered
wagon In good condition which he de
sires to sell or exchange for some
article that he can make use of, as
he has a surplus of wagons. In the
classified advertisements of this pa
per is a notice giving further infor
Ribbons, ribbons, moro ribbons.
Teutsch's. ' , ' r
Bonnets to keep the freckles. away.
Books and novels exchanged at
Quilts and blankets for camping
out. Teutsch's.
Fine mountain strawberries at the
Standard Grocery.
The W. C. T. U. moots with Mrs
A. M, Raley at her homo on Court
street, Friday, at 2:30 p. m.
A social will be given at the home
of R. L. Oliver Friday evening, to
which everybody is invited.
Free picnic every Sunday at Kine's
grove. Dancing begins at 2 o'clock.
Music by Kirkmau's orchestra.
The Standard Grocery Is the head
quarters for harvest supplies. The
low price for cash is what is drawing
the business.
Rooms in the East Oregoni?n build
ing for rent. Steam heated, hot and
cold water and bath room In conncc
tion. The Boston Store In this issue of
fers some remarkably low prices on
certain lines of summer goods which
must be closed out. See their big ad
vertisement. The Kemler closing out sale con
tinues to attract the crowd and it Is
a sight to see the vast quantitles-of
goods that are daily being sold at
this store. The sale cannot last much
longer as many people are buying in
amounts that will supply them for
some time to come. They are find
ing out that it Is profitable for them
to buy the goods now and store them
away for future demands.
W. B. Ross, of Meacham, has some
good pasture land to rent to parties
having horses to pasture. The land
is covered with timothy, orchard and
brome grasses and has plenty of good
running water. The terms for past
uring are very reasonable. The
classified columns of the East Ore
gonian give further particulars, as
Mr. Ross has taken this means of ad
vising the people that he has pasture
to rent.
Quart of Flies for 5c
Vy,e guarantee that a 5c package of our Poison Fly
Paper will kill a quart pf flies.
Our 5c package contains 10 sheets of Poison Fly Paper,
extra strong.
We also have atgood upply-of Tanglefoot sticky fly paper,
insect powders andKoeppen's Bed Bug Destroyer.
65 Step item Maia St. Toward the Court House
Baseball Team Gone to La Grande
Randall Won His Fraud Case
Hottest Day of the Season.
Walla Walla, July 10. M. McDon
aid sold 46 horses and four mules at.
public auction at his ranch nnr this
city, realizing $4100 in cash in the
transaction. The stock was whut
had been used on the ranch and was
of a fair quality.
The Walla Walla baseball team left
yesterday for La Grande, where a
game will be played, the first under
the new league rules.
Georgo Randall has been given a
decision in his favor, in a case where
in he tried to have set aside a trans
action in land by which he clalnis to
have been defrauded by one D. Shep
herd. Randall traded with Shepherd
and later found 'that the mines he
had gained possession of were not
what they were represented to be,
while his land was increasing in
value. He sued on the grounds of
fraud and won.
M. L. Baltrzo and Miss Sadie Bel
grave were married in this city yes
terday. Yesterday was the hottest day of
the season and grain harvest is being
hastened by the sudden change In
the weather. Near Milton grain har
vest is just at hand, while all over
the valley hay Is being made while
the sun shines.
County Court Decides That Umatilla
Can Get Along Without Them.
The county court has decided that
Umatilla county can get along with
out general road superintendents,
The laws of the state of Oregon say
the county court shall appoint one
or more road superintendents and at
the February term of court W. 11,
Beatho and Thomas Jacques were ap
pointed to these positions. Now the
court has decided to ignore the laws
providing for these officers and dis
continue them.
uney gave as tneir reason for so
doing that the regularly elected road
supervisors refuse to work under the
superintendents and the way it was
carried under them made it worse
than without them and the old
method of letting each .district
have its supervisor and oversee the
work in his territory and the county
commissioners and county Judge be
the , general superintendents, will
again be resorted to.
Commissioner Walker can look
after the east end of the county
Commissioner Gllliland the south
part and Judge Hartman can see
bow things go on in the north and
west. This does way with an ex
pense to the county of $200 month,
as these pflcers were paid $100 each
per month. '
It Pays to Trade at the Peoples Warehouse,
75c 60c
Fancy Organdie Fancy Grenadine
48c 48c
v 'L At Our At Our
50c 20c
Fancy Madras Figured Lawn
37c 4c
' At Our At Our
6 2-3c 50c
Summer Lawn Striped Madras
t2lc 38c
At Our At Our
? I
The above items ate only a sample of what we
ate doing. Call!
L 11 v U
Agents Butterick's Patterns.
has been
Commissioner Refuse to
His Application for
Considerable discussion
caused by the decision of the county
court In turning down tho application
of Dr. J. Christie for stock Inspector.
J. E. Bean Is at present govern
ment stock Inspector for Umatilla
county and is getting $700 per year.
Dr. Christie offered to do tho samo
work for $30 a month, or $300 a year,
making a saving of $340 to tho coun
ty, but Commissioners Walker and
Gllliland refused to consider IiIb ap
plication. Judge Hartman was in fa
for of trying Dr. Christie for a whllo
as if he did tho work satisfactorily
it would bo a la'rgo saving to tho
county, but tho commissioners con
tended that $700 for county inspec
tor was nono too much for tho coun
ty to pay for the work and absolutely
refused to allow Bean to bo removed
and succeeded by Christie.
This caused qulto a bout between
the judgo and commissioners. They
all agreed that tho stock Inspector's
office was not a necessity and should
bo done away with, but tho commis
sioners said t!;o stock men were sat
isfied with Bean and they preferred
to pay him $700 a year out of tho
pockets of the tax-payers rather" than
give it to Christlo at $300 a year.
They glvo as their excuso that Chris
tie may. not give satisfaction,
Heat Stopped Maneuvers.
Paris, July 10. During, the .maneu
vers of the 108th Infantry at' Bergcrac
today, 320 of the men were overcome
by sunstroke. Tha maneuvers woie
stopped. Three of tho men are dead
and .others, in a per jous cmwimku
Georgo N. Dale, CotfSiil at Coatl
cook, Canada, reports a doGJlno of
American trade in Quebec as a result
of high duties there.
Paper Bound
Madison Square scries, contain
ing such popular authors ns Mrs.
Sotithworth, Bertha Clay, Mnry
J. Holmes, etc. Choice 25c
Sweet Heart series a popu
lar line of novels 15c
Other series, eaclt ..fie and 10c
An express shipment just arm ed
Prices $. 39 to $3.95 ,
We show the genuine Parker
Bros. Ping Pong
Frederick Nolf
tablets, Ink. Purses, Toilet Soaps
Always Enjoyed
Arc the Meals
Served at the
French Restaurant
Largo, comfortable dining
room and good service
Positively the
Best 25c Meal in Pendleton
The French Restaurant
The Plumber and
For First Glass Work at
Reasonable Prloes
Shop: Cottonwood Street, Opposite
St. Joe Store, Near Court St.
A Delayed Shipment of In
fants', Children's and Misses'
Slippers 5 Colonials
just In. We have tfcem
to Sell Quickly
cri? 1HI ECU Msn yan;buz
gtiU another shlpmeat fit the famous
Douglas shoe. ' "
Again new to4v-MoreeaiMJe8boes
or ii tuw for maM.
m m mmm
Boston Store
Shoe Dept;
We have them now. A
Sowing Machine (or $2
cash, jy-wantod, M will
he kept in impair for five
years without cost,
Rememher my guaran
tee means something, You
.don't have to send your
machine to Portland or Chi,
cago for repairs.
We still have the Kings
of all Sewing MachipM, the
" io years ahead of all oth
ers, uus ana neeuies. ,h
Every Saturday Night and Sunday
Dancing begins Saturday at 8 p, m.. Sunday at 2 p, m. Adaiissibn,
iu uancwiK ptmtunn 25 cenis ; lames iree. uusses 10
and from the grounds day and night.
RESTAURANT ON GROUNDS. The grove eaa to mk '
pionio parties by applying to PHTf SITr
St, George. ' ' f