East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 10, 1902, Image 2

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Men's Clofliiflg
The superiority of our clothing"
is apparent atTone glance into
our window. The coloring, the
shape the Btylc in every suit
shows grace usually to be found
only in the best custom tailored
clothing. Then the saving here
Is from ?2.60 to $5.C0 what you
would pay iu other stores.
Men's All Wool Suits, wor
steds, tweeds and cheviots
$1100 $12.00 $15.00
Coats and Pants
$5.00 and $0.00
Coat and Vest, for summer,
all sizes $4.00 to $7.00
Coats only $1.00 to $3.00
Baer & Daley
THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1902.
The parliament o Cape Colony
lias been summoned to meet August
A daughter has been born to Colo
Bel and Mrs. John Jacob As tor at
their home, Sixty-fifth street and
.Fifth avenue, New York city.
Herbert Hill, of Roxbury, Mass.,
while demented, shot and instantly
tilled his sister and mother and then
ran wild through the streets.
Tuesday Governor Hunt, of Idaho,
appointed 30 delegates to represent
that Btate at the meeting of the In
ternational Mining Congress, at
Eatte, in September.
Linden Tree, the celebrated Ara
bian stallion given by the Sultan of
Turkey to General Grant, and by him
given to General L. TV. Colly, died
Tuesday night of old age. He was 30
years of age.
A Nicaragua dispatch reports that
the volcanoes of Mirad Valle and
Ilincond Vieja, in Costa Rica, situ
ated respectively SO and 60 miles
southeast of Lake Nicaragua, are in
active eruption. I
At a meeting of the Hudson's Bay) Spokane
The Pendleton.
E. L .Marvin, Moscow; Sirs. McMa
hon and children, F. S. McMahon, W.
H. Burch, A. D. Verra, William S.
Wallace, San .Francisco; H. S. Har
mon, Duluth; A. Stevenson, William
Maher, A. D. Chase, G. W. Ashfield
R. A. Waltz, J. A. Lukel, F. B. Ram
soy, Fred S. Rogers, W. S. Prize,
Henry A. Townsend, A. L. Craig, R
M. Hall, Portland; Blanche Canfield
W. T. Hislop, city; J. F. Nicholson
St. Paul; I. M. Bates, R. Burns
Walla Walla; C. L. Lucas, Bert
Suyer, R. H. Caston, J. H. O'Neil
Spokane; C. D. Brenton. G. M. Mc
Kinzie, C. Mackinzie, William Burke
I. N. Conklin, Chicago; C;- E. Red
field, E. W. Rhea, Heppner;. George
B. Baker, M. M. Godman, Dayton; B
V. Pitts, St. Louis; M. L. Day, South
Dakota; J. H. Harvey, P. W. Mid
dough, Colorado Springs; Graham
Glass, A. Huffman, James Dayton, C,
L. oqx. .
The Golden Rule.
I. H. Vaughan, E. W. Helm, C. C.
Vaughan, F. J. Galley. P. ,J. Kelly
Portland; T. C. Darland, Goldendale;
John Tasback, La urande; J. H. Lay,
Seattle; J. Zieroff, city; James Try
son, 'Fairfield; T. C. -Reese and fani
ily, Milton; John Blesenger, Dayton;
H. W. Cameron, A. E. McBreen, C. D.
Rinker, S. A. Mann, Mrs. S. A. Mann,
A. R. Bloomfield, G. H. Gallley, Mar-
jorie Barron, Mrs. Nora Schuyler,
G. H. Burns, Wichita;
bflnn ri
P. B. Sherwood.
Company, in London. Lord Strath-1 Thomas Kinser, Noble; C. W. Falks,
cona expressed the opinfon that in I Nebraska; R. N. Crawford, Heppner;
another decade Canada would be able w. ri. iuncam ana wue, ruuman;
to supply the whole of the foodstuffs , R- J- Moore, Mrs. W. L. Davis, Mrs
for the United Kingdom.
The British punitive expedition un
der Colonel Swan, sent to Somali
land, East Africa, against the Mad
Mullah, reports that the Mullah is
indulging in wholesale killing of his
followers in order to terrify the rest
and put a stop to desertions.
A miner named Jordan struck a
small pocket of gold in his claim
Hear Henley; a few days ago, contain
ing 583. .
It is reliably reported at Salom
that two prominent hop growers have
teen offered 18 cents per pound for
contracts for crops of the year 1902.
The proposition "to float $22,000
bonds for the purpose of building a
fine club house for tho Walla Wala
club, has proved not feasible and the
scheme has been abandoned.
Mary MacLane, the Butte girl who
has written the most sensational
hook of the year, has decided to go
through Ratcllffe College with the
money received from her copyright,
A large whale came ashore a few
days ago near Seal Rocks, about
nine miles south of Newport. It is
a female, 50 .feet long and 12 feet
high. It has attracted much atten
tion In that vicinity.
Ralph Henry, white hunting near
Falls' City, accidentally discharged
lis gun, which he was carrying at
lull cock, and, received, the charge In
the chin, nearly the entire front por
'tion of his face being blown away,
W. 'S. Hargus, a fisherman, jump
ed 'overboard from a fishboat while
intoxicated at Astoria iFuesdayi .Bight;
and '-was drowned. He apparently
committed suicide. He was drowned
In -only eight feet of water, but the
current carried the body away and
k tras not recovered.
The musket -used by Major Jdhtt
Jluttrlck at the North Bridge', in Con
cord, on April 19, 1776, has been pr
MBiecL. ny ins two great granacnu
.Jni. ike only remaining' members
f.fSe' family, to '.the State of MaBsa--'nhmttiu)
mad Is to be deposited in
1ke state house in Boston for porma
aat preservation.
Deafness Cannot be Ctred
by local applications as tlicy cannot reach
tne diseased portion of the ear. There Is
only one way to cure deafness, and that
"Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is
caused by an Inflamed condition of the
muens lining of the Eustachian Tube,
wiien tins tube is inflamed you hare a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing; and
when It Is entirely closed, Deafness is the
result and unless the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to Its
normal condition, hearing will be destroy
ed forever ; nine cases out of ten are
caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but
un muumeu condition or tne mucus iur
AVe will clyn One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh).
unit cannot oe curea ny nans catarru
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
Pf J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 7Cc.
Hall's Family l'llls are the beat.
Cosmopolitan for July.
What makes the happy relation be
tween man and woman, is an .eter
nally interesting question, and a
clever discussion of why marriages
fall, presented by Rafford Pyke in
his article "The Woman's, Side," is
certain to recelye the very wide con
sideration which has been .given to
that .authors previous articles on -the
discussion of woman versus man.
The July Cosmopolitan seems to he
.almost equally divided In interest be
tween men and women. "An Experi
ment in Domestic Finance" is an
other entirely novel article which
will appeal to women,, while some
twenty pages, devoted to tthe "Cap
tains of Industry" will receive thtf
consideration .of men in all, iclasses
of .business. The Cosmopolitan has
undertaken to present a. series jof
brief sketches of the' men who are,
'leaders in finance, manufactures, and
'comworce not prepared in an offhand
way, but by (writers of Jth'e greatest
ability who have an exact knowledge'
of their subjects, Tlio sorloa "thus
far produced has attracted the widest
Says He arrested In Dllllon, Mont.,
- in 1891 Under the Name of Henry
Garr the Man Who is Now Terror
ising the Puget Sound Country.
A. O. Rose, ex-shoriff of Beaver
head county, Mont., who is now living
at Payette, Idnho, declares firmly his
belief that the desperado who is
gaining notoriety for himself under
the name of Harry Tracy, by murder
Ing deputy sheriffs and stirring to
their very depths the entire popula
tion of four or five counties in the
state of Washington, is not entitled
to the name under which lie is be
coming notorious, Baying that Tracy
is an alias and that the fleeing con
vict's real name is Henry Garr and
that he began his career of crime in
1891, in Beaverhead county, Rose be
ing sheriff of the county at the time.
Ex-sheriff is Positive.
Speaking of the matter to a news
paper reporter a few days since, Mr.
Rose said:
"I am positive that Henry Gar&
whom I arrested at Dillon in the
spring of 1S91 for stealing a keg of
beer from the depot platform is none
other than Harry Tracy, the escaped'
convict of the Salem penitentiary. !
first learned that Garr had taken the j
name of Tracy in 1897, when I re
ceived a photograph from the warden f
of the Utah penitentiary, accom-
panied by a notification that he, with j
four other prisoners, had effected
his escape while in custody.
'At the time of his arrest at Dillon 1
Garr, or Tracy, could not have been i
over 18 years of age, although hej
gave bis age as 19. He received a
jail sentence of 60 days for the theft i
of the beer, and on his release he1
went to work for a ranchman in the j
southern part of the country. He wasi
with his employer but a short time;
when he made off with goods to the)
value of about 530. He was cap-i
tured and returned to the jail at Dil
lon. He was tried and convicted and
was sentenced to one year iu the peh
itentiary in Deer Lodge.
"While serving his sentence I re
celved a letter from his father from
a town in Mssourl, the name of which
I have now forgotten. When young
Garr was again set at liberty he re
turned to Dillon where he secured
some clothing he had left in my care.
He then. went to work with a gang
of woodchoppers, but soon tired pf
that, and decamped in company with
another youth, after robbing the
camp. I then lost sight of him until
I received his photograph from the
warden of tho Utah penitentiary.
Chose Career of Crime.
"An incident of his final disappear
ance from Montana, which dhows
that he had selected a career of
crime, was that when he robbed the
woodchoppers' camp there was -owing
him in wages $30, and that the stolen (
goous uiu not exceeu tne vaiue oi
$15. Ho could not resist the tempta-i
tion to steal. When he returned forj
his clothes after serving time in the
Deer Lpdge penitentiary, about the
first question he asked me was
whether I had heard from his folks
in Missouri. I told him, that I had and
he wanted to know what I had re
"I told him that I had informed
his father of his incarceration in the
penitentiary for burglary. He said:
What in h 1 did you do that for?'
'Sou did not expect mo to tell
them you were elected governor of
Montana, did you?' said I.
He remained silent for a few mo
ments, and then said: 'O, I don't care
cuss; the old man (meaning his
father) stole hogs In Missouri.' "
Don't Fall to Try Tnis.
lmnnst trial Is glvon
to Electric Bitters for any trouble It
is recommended for a permanont
cure will surely bo effected. It never
falls to tone up the stomach, regu ate
the kidneys and bowels, stimulate
tho Hvor, Invigorate tho nerves and
purify the blood. It's a wonderful
tonic for run down systems. Electric
Bitters positively cures Kidney and
Liver Troubles, Stomach Disorders,
Nervousuess. Sleeplessness, Rheuma
tism, Neuralgia, and expels Malaria.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Tallman
& Co. Only 50 cents.
McReynold's creamery butter on
sale In all stores. Ask for it.
,UR business is growing
because we pay closest
attention to every part of it.
Our greatest ambition is to
'make a success of this drug
store not an ordinary 30c,
success but a success that
will be talked about far and
wide. Our plan is to treat
every customer so agreeably
that we will hold every one.
Then every new customer re
presents just so much growth
to our business. We invite
you to come here for your
drug store trading.
Our Clover Cream is Up to Date
A Sample (or tho Asklug
F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Reliable Druggists,
Association Block. Phone 851
C ' '-1
L f -1
. I.I ""I
wm m . i
M r m m I I I 1 m
In Progress at Pendleton
f- 1,11
If" B e I
boots enougit
for anybody
yLL Havana Filler
"Men's Resort" -to Open.
The reading room and baths of the
'Men's Resort," in tho Despain build
ing will be open to receive visitors
Saturday. A reception to the gener
al public will be held later when the
furnishings e,ro complete. .Member
ship tickets will be issued to all who
are contributing to tho. expense of
furnishing and maintaining tho work.
A committee of young men will be or
ganized Friday night and a canvass
for members begun. The full work
of classes, meetings, etc., will not be
bogun until fall.
II.. I
wan aiways no naa at MUing'i. m
mi cm uuve yv.i mauv nne 101s rtfl
ing, nui we mum mage euetioKno
1 T- 1- ' 1Ai. M L
less than cost
75c Carpets now
50o Carpets now..-.t...
-85c to 40c Carpets now.
w- " " v.
of same value as tags from
ir" MASTER WORKMAN" Tobacco.
The Austrian army has an active
general whovlH35 ye,v: old. Tills is
Field Marshal Lieutenant B'aroif
Schwartz'-Mclllor, who has.'been' an
officer 74 years and 50 years a gom
oral. Ho lb' one of fivo officers still
allvo who marched with their 'bag
gage on their backs from l.omberg
to Naples.
Jham iin'fimr'iil free' from eierr
u mo uin, cftjp,
i tulr preerrd.
purined, and
beautified by
Otrri coal'BoAP.
Ii pftvDU toe
,bUeifcM, red.
'thin ,'aodMllM
-hair, and baby
'.m. ;tbe
i ..1 clogged, irritated.
""aw'ii.ij iT-
Form. Ho otber'aoap u
to fro compared twllb U tot
preeeryinKi-.pqrlfylni and
lpeaifiiyiOK ue.aau.tgup,
(Baif, ana nana. q oilier
cap la 10 do compared
witb HT for all the, pur.
!P9e of .tbe toilet, batb, and
Mtaery. .Tbua.lt combine lo
),, oat- at .(tats l'uic
'namely, 88 CENTS tbe bibt
akin and complexion aoap, and
Uie bksv toilet aoap, and bkst
baby aoap In tbe world.
Asbestos Sad Irons
Easiest to use and most convenfent; detachable'handles.
a i-pnt m reoair lor
,1 : 1 . j AM uaffnc rti rnme n
www VliU V I jJmj 1 la UUI TflUUUIT) V uw v w ? -
look at them.
Therai Is No Question
It is the finest grade It is possible to make. Nothing
but the choicebt wheat enters into Byers' flour; ;a?d
satisfaction is thetresult whererever it is used for.bread
or fancy baking.
W. & BytM, Pr oprietot.
CIGARS, the best brands 1
TOBACCO finest for
I smoking and ch.ewing 1
JfUfiS to suit all.
JMiiiilU 11 Iililiiwiiiin.il un. ?
- u muuium
- " TTMl'k -
rr- . - t . i iiJ I Sa
1 9
For Health, Strength and
neasure Urink : : :
a a a a
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
v.if rnu 1mm
- naa' mm