si 'f s .1 XL iasiness Cards Irokessions and trades alphabetically arrranged. PHYSISIAN8. 0. COLB, 'OFFICE' XX Nine, uwce '." JIUVV ' r Telephone, 77. p. ro- LMIi,pn, Mi D.i UBSi'ftin oai an,I correal- V il nmlltloIlS nnu uuitu.ic. coreciiy fltted for reiractive er- "i SMITII. OFFICE OVEIt THE ii.tnn Savlncs bank. Telephone 30; tee telephone 31. "nAKFIKUD, M. HOMEOPATH- Vatrinn ana. Surgeon, .uwcei in Phi lldlncr. Telephone : Office, black fesldence, black i. rniAM HriteB. raTSICIAN AND Main 7 Residence Phone Red 28. J M'FAUL, ROOM 17 ASSOCIA-'mAm.- Telephone Main 93; trel- ' telephone, black-aoi. "Surgeon. Dpe"iuiie eje, en., nmnt Office In Savings Bank bulldj. frhone Main 33. hPAThiC Ees 4 Keyes. kton Store. PHYSICIANS, DRS. Office one block west LYNN K. HIiAKESLEE, .. CHRONIC Knervous diseases and diseases of wo 1"Opp Hotol Pendleton, cor. Water Knln Sis., Pendleton,, Ore. Phone CABS AND .CARRIAGES. CAR LINE, BRWIN BAKER, Prop. lephone Main 70. Stand in rronr. or h restaurant. DENTISTS. VAUGHAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN Md building. MANN. DENTIST, OFFICE IN AS- ICIATION block, , over Schmidt's, new : store. fcCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. HOWARD, ARCHITECT AND SU- fclntendent, make complete and reli- . plans for buildings in ine city or try. Room 17 Judd building. P3K & COLE, CONTRACTORS ANU lllders. Estimates rurnlsnea on snort fee. job worK a specialty. i-rumpi Ice. Shop on muff street near main. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILD Estlmatcs furnished on all kinds of Enry, cement wants, stone wans, ere. rs can be left at the .East Oregonlau PHOTOGRAPHERS. S. BOWMAN, LEADING (PHOTQQRA her of the city. 'Harvest views, In F photos for snle. Finishing done for Eteura. Main St, near (bridge. Phone ELECTRJCAL SUPPLIE8. EPLE BROS.. COURT STREET, LA ow block; Electricians, dealers In ,elec il suplles. Houses, Btores, wired for trie lights, bells or telephones. Electrl- fixtures of an Kinas. (Jet our prices. hair work a specialty, HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. !U CAN GET THE HIGHEST MAR iet price for your pelts, hides And all da of Junk, such as rubber, brass, cop , lead, xinc, rags and boitles. Iron of kimin a sneclaltv. Yon can brine In 50 fets worth of rags :or ahlp In $500 ferth of hides nnd will be treated in tne kmc way. We have come here to stay, ive m a .call and Vou -Willi be satiated. L. bank u Co., office and warehouse taext to patera uotei, .-enaiion, inreguu. acic Eone.'Red 221. ' 1 . 1 INSURANCE &7 LAND! jU8 ;rE8S. RT ST. On II. PATtKES. OFFICE COURT ST. Onnoslte Golden Rule Hotel; land of ce business, such afa filing of claims and Initiating pontests fa specialty, E0US nAiUjEY, Jit., U. S., LAND COM mlssloner Spealalty made 'of land HI 1KB and proof; Insurance and collections, 'fflce In Jndd building, room 10. BOARD AND LODGING. TIIE WHITE I.ODG1NQ nOIISE, S01 eOUTH mm siree;, . u . uraaiey, prop, uiwcb.caj fog rooms und lodEine rooms, oooa comiori- ble rpoms, and clean well kept beds. Lodging EMPIRE LODOINQ HOUfeE COKNEBi OF E. 'onrt and Johnson streets; good large ciean rooms wlth,corafottablef beds. , Kates 25,tf ana 60c a night.-- Tii os. Smart, IProp. ' HOTEL, ALTA, GOUNEIl. .ALTA. jAND Mill streets. Board; by itbe day'or yreck. Oood table set. .Bates S4 and. $5 per wee, i Pendleton Feed. Yard la connection." I Neff, proprietor! rr I' HOTEL EASTERN, SAIUEI GEQIIOE, Prop. Board by tne:day or .week flood clean beds and well ventilated roonw; filPA 111 Ort . Kro wA n lu1fl,ln SK Dfir lweelc; feed Stable In connection. . LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. f Vr t ,t, ...r.r,'.:. mi K. FEED ANn RAT.RS YARD. H. CHE9- Jrp.-K.V ,fratmeat glree Jionos leltiaiporj ;S?HB CITY LIVERY, 'BOARD AND8At11 Stable. M. 3 r7nn!nrIetor.' for 1 ' ""Wr.PTRW fW;.fVWHPTfff, 5 DEPOT HVBBY. FHHD AND BALM HtahlM VIm. .nM. mmA nnhlil t "( for all ooulonji. V tft Oottoawood 2if sons: Mate WJn jCraltt l-OREQON VKiim vinn w m nnTUTnN th me., tower bb 8tret Pboa 26 tonsoW al' 'iAnL6ni.' U.Y KRA83IG, BARBER SnOP AND iiAJVaM' PP0lte Hotel 8t. George. .ti2diRSrkmen' Everything In beat sanitary IIUI) and Societies BANKS AND BROKERS. riltST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA. Oregon. Capital, $50,000 surplus tuft profits, $0000. Interest on time deposits. Deals In forelpn and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, president: T, J. Kirk, vIce-Dresl-dent; H. L. Harnett, cashier; F. S. Le Grow, assistant cashier. THE FENDLETON SAVINGS HANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, 1889; capital, $50,000, surplus, $90,000, Interest allowed on time deposits. Ex. change bought and sold on all principal points. Special attention given to collec tions. W. J. Furnish, president: 3. N. Teal, vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier. THE FARMERS' BANK OF WESTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general banking business. Exchange bought and sola. Collections promptly attended to. R. Jameson,- president; Geo. Wfl rroebstel, rice president: J. H. Kiigore, casnier: ai rectors. G. A. Hnrtman. M. M. Johns,- T: J Price, G. D. Graw, J. F. Kiigore, Robert Jameson, G. W. 1'roebstel. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF, 'PBNDLE ton. Capital $70,000; surplus, $95,000. Transacts, a general banking business. Ex change and telegraphic transfers told on Chicago, San Francisco, New York and principal points In the northwest Drafts drawn on China, Japan' and Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi An keny, president; W. F. Matlock, vice-president: C. B. Wade, cashier; H. C Guern. aey, assistant cashier. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ROYAL NEIGHBORS, OF AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meets second nndi fourth Tuesdnv of each month In Odd Fellows'' hall. Mrs. Ida. Holcomb, Oracle; Mrs. Netv-e RobblnB, Recorder. LMATIiiLA TENT. NO. 27. E. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second nnd fourth' Tuesdays In each month. All visiting Sir ' Knights cordially Invited. J. S. Kees. Record Keeper; E. D. Estabrook, Commander. PENDLETON LODGE. NO. 02. -A. F. and A. vM., meets first nnd third Mondays, of each moutu. iVisitinc Dretnron welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe H. Parkes, Sec. PENDLETON CHAPTER, NO. 28 T, C. Taylor. H. P., F. F. Wamsley. Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month in Masonic Hall. PIONEERS OF THE PACIFIC WIL llrim Martin Encampment. No. 1. Meets every Wednesday nt Hendrlck's Hall. Mrs- L. F. arupUIn, Secretary. DAMON LODGE, NO. -WKNIGHTS OF Pythias. J. v: NowIIn. C. C. ; R. W. Fletcher, K. of' R. u 8. Meets every Mon day U Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF. AMERICA Tutnilla camp. No. 0309. Meets nrst nnd third Mondays of each .month at Odd Fellows' Hall. George A. uambiin, con' sul ; G. A. Bobbins, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetlncs of Pendleton Canin. No. 41. W. of WJ, are held," In - Secret ,Soclety Hall cveryi Saturday evening. Visiting-neighbors rnre always 'welcome. J. P. Walker, UlcrK, ,i. i: Earl, c. C. , jj j BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRERS. JOHN WILSON, FIRST CLASS SHOE maker and repairer. Best material used and good work ..done. Shop. 117 Alt a treet. j v . ) L. D. Arnold, who Is . seeking housekeeping rooms, placed an advertisement In the classified columns of the East Oregonlan and has received by mail a large number of answers. The classi fied advertisements are read ,and are result fa ringers. If you have a want, make the fact known through our , want col . umns. MISCELLANEOUS. PENDLETON .MACHINE, 8UOP AND FQ.UN drv Balteioro it Howi. proprietors. Black' smithing and genoral Jobbing. Iron and hrnss custings. All' kinds of machinery repairs. Phone Red 2C fSRVRRAT, TlRPAin SHOP. WEBB ST..' West of .Hotel: Eastern. All .Jclnds of re-j pairing done at reasonaoie pricey, uicy clea, Run and machine repairing a, special ty. Simmons & Bofln, proprietors. KELLAR BROTUERS, PLASTERING and cementlnir. Cement walks a apeclal ty. Eatlmates furnished free. WorX gnar anieea. ,eave, oraero at uuuiey mu' nert clsar fitOMKBln.'jBt,. P. 0,. box 104 WANTED. WANTED. (jOOKQAIX AT ALTA HOPBE. PANTaD-AlRL TO'. DO GENERAL HOU8E-1 worK una cookiue. uuuu wuxcb. diuui mui- lly. ,ADj)ly at this office. w i rW ANTED TO "RENT PARI' OF HOUBE'lN good location lor Hgnt nouieiceepinp oy laay and gentleman.. Addresa box oi, renaieioq. FOR SALE. FOR.BALE-QOOD -;MILOH ,CPWf ,BNQUIREj iFROMi MY PLAfOE. ONE MILE BELOW P I YbatMIon, akout three weeks ago, qne-r boll, one year qld last spring. B ran. F.,oa left b!! 'Reward wlp J6 paid formatUjni t Its .whpreabqnU, N. Branded;' . E. lu- hart. PendletonQre, 5 ;8E,QpN)rJAI)jP yPKALERg. UHORGB 'O'DAJJIBU NW AND BBCOWD band, goods boaght nd sold. JjirttBf , upemnuuw mw.. w . --y - '.f:rLna'''iiT.m;iai JjlHOnND OoeMibooM bio.. f ana nana xooaa. more . ' 'r . aeSfWlaew or second hand f urn tare, 'rtofeargranlte ware and crockery, call and iTil e,i,i Nn. 21 2. Court 8t. , BLAOK8MITHING ANp HORE- " 8HOEING. COPELAND & SON, 814 WEBB STREET All kinds of blackamitblng and wagon repairing; boraeaboelug a apeclalty. Vlsltrr AVell. Tomiry, did you have as good a time thlH Fourth of July as theToiinnj--No,m. I only ost one eyebrow and two fingers this year. BIG WHEAT CROP READY FARMERS WILL SOON REAP THEIR HARVEST. Only Thing They Want Now Is a Good Price For Telr Crop and Ev. erything Will be Lovely. Now that one of the best crops of whear trrnwn in Umatilla county for sevfiral vears Is almost ready to harvest, the farmer is only worrying about the price. A big yield of wheat mi.i.-M tho n-nwor fpfii pond, hut when ho cetB a heavy yield and it com- mands a good price ho Is doubly blessed as the two hardly ever go to gether. It will only be a few days until hn.rvpKt.lne will becin in earnest in tho pnriinr of the county. Some bailey is already being headed in the Pilot Rock country. In anticipation of good prices, some of the local wheat dealers and capitalists have begun to negotiate with the farmers for their crops and one or two small yields have already been contracted' at from 50 to 51 cents per bushel. Very little contradicting is done, however, as the farmers are convinced that if the speculator will offer 50 cents for wheat in tho field, he has good reasons for doing so and they prefer to take the chances of getting more rather than selling at 50 cents. The farmer figures that the specu lators will take no chances and the fact that they are trying to contract six weeks before the marketB open is ample evidence to lead tho rancher to believe that wheat will bring a good price. In fact, ono dealer, who Is studying the markets, made the assertion on Tuesday that he believed wheat would open at not less than 55 cents and the indications were it would be higher berore snow flies. Anyway, It is up to the buyer and the farmer is very hopeful of increasing his bank account (his fall. Locat Market Prices. The following shows the prices paid oh the local market: Strawberries, 10c per box. Tomatoes, 10 cents per pound. Peaches, 10 cents per pound. Apricots, 10 centB per pound. Cherries, $1.75 per crate. . Plums, three boxes for 25c. Strawberries,. J.0c per., box. Parsnips, 76c per sack. Cabbage, 4c per pound. - ' ' Cheese,, per pound, 20c. . . . Onions, por cwt, $1.50 to' f2. , Green onions, 25c doz. ; Beets, per Jb, lc New potatoes', 3cj ,per pound. Potatoes, per cwt, $1.60 to $1,755 rllcv clb.. Pendleton Llvo iStoCk ,nd' Poultry. Chlckeps, hens, per doz., $2.50, to $3.50. Roosters, 3.6084; , TurkeyB, . per lb.; 'JOk j Geese,, er doz., $9. Spring chickens) ppr d9z., $2.50 and $3. .".' ' Ducks, per doz.,. $3.75. i Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. , Eggs, 15c in trade. Butter, 25c and 60c pr joll. -j j iCboIce lieef QattleEta ' Cows, per hundred, $3.10. . 4 . Steers, $3.8003.90. Hogs, live. $6.25. Hogs,, dressed, 7c Qajy, dreased 89c. 4 i Pendleton Retail Grocery Price. Coffee 'iSoiht.' and 'JaiVa, beat, jlOc ner lb: next xade. 86c per lb., lower grades jcbffee 25c to' 15c per b; package coffee) 15c lb. nice Beat head rice, 12tfc perb; next rade. 6 looser lb. r t Sugar Caiew fganulated, beat. S5.25 Der sack: do.. 16 Iba. $L Salt Coarse. 75c per 100: table $2.20 per '100. FJour, B. B. $3.25 per bbl. amMm$ 35c; &uV wool, SOOWc;' Mag wool, G0c3$l each. ? and UP1S5615VC per pousd drp JWp, ed bulls and stags, one-third leas than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, 3 CO pounds and over, 89c; 60 to 60 pounds, 7HC8c; under 60 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 605Hc: kip. sound. 15 to 20 pounds 7c: veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 8c; green, (unsalted), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse maes salted, each. S1.50Q2; dry, each, $1 1.60; colts' hides, each, 25 iff 50c; goat skins, common, each, 1016c; Ango- ra. with wool on, each, 25csi. Pelts Bear skins as to size, No. 1 each, $520; cubs,, f2?5; badger, each, 10fl40c; wildcat, 2650c; house cat. bttrioc: lox. common gray, eacn 3050c; do red, each, $1.502; do cross, eacn. sb&Dib do stiver ana black, each. $1000200; fisher, each $56; lynx, each, $23; mink, strict ly No. 1. each, 50c1.50; marten pale pine, according to slzo and color, $i.E0( 2; muskrata, largo, each, 63 10c; skunk, each, 4050c; civet or polecat, each, 5(310c; otter, for largo prime skins, each, $57; pantner, with head and claws perfect, each $23: raccoon, for largo prime, each 3050c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.505; wolf, prairie, (coyote), without head, each, 30 35c: wolverlL-, each, ?47; beaver, . w u" fvi lac. BALTIMORE AND OHIO. One Hundred and Seventy-Nlne Bat tles Fought on or Adjacent to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. (The Baltimore & Ohio railroad and the Civil War. 18C1-18G5.) It was tho most desirable point of van tage coveted by both federal and confederate armies. In May, 1861, the four federal advance columns concen trated at Parkersburg, W. Va,, Wheel ing, W. Va., Harper's, Ferry, W. Va., and at Washington. To retain tho advantage, tho federal government established block houses along the railroad from tho Monocacy to the Ohio river, besides tho forts at Win chester, Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, Piedmont and Wow Creek (Koysor). Tho B., & O. was the base of opera tions for tho federal army for noarly four years and from whloh the gov ernment could not take advance line, earlier than November, J8G4. The B, & O. was the meanB of communlca tlon between tho west and tho army of tho Potomac, and was constantly in a continual state ot selge Har per's Ferry, the key to the Shenan-. doah valley, first famed through the fanatical attempt of John Brown, In defying the laws and cuatomB of his country, was captured and re-captured eight times in three years. The government arsenal and armories which were located tberei Tvero de stroyed by the government to prevent capture. One hundred and soventy- nine battles of greater or loss im portance were .fought on or adjacent to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, not taking into consideration tho In numerable skirmishes. AH-through trans from 'St. LouIb, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago, Co lumbus, Cleveland, Wheeling and Pittsburg to the east run via Wash ington. .Send stamp for battlefield map. D. B. Martin, Manager Fassen gor Traffic, Baltimore. ,Md.; B, N. Austin, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. Most Effective Advertising. That advertising Is the most effect-. ive which attracts the eye and ap peals to the brain, Strong adjectives maybe as much out of taste in .an advertisement as In a bit of more aspiring literature. Exaggeration (si always to De avoiaea. reopie nowa days demand 'sincerity' in all matters of business. It is observable that all the. big and successful advertisers are aaost careful; as to. their statements of fact They realize that conldeace is ,the keyrstone to tne area 01 iraae. Jhelr success came of their Jealous regard tot their work 'kt bedtime' "itdikm. pleasant herb rfrinfc tfae'3erfroni I feel bright and my( ,compIexlon is better. My doctor says that It acts gently oa the stoBiaca, llvw and kldaeys aad Is a pleasant' laxative: It is made from herbs, and.js prepared as, easily si tes. Ht if called- Mae's 'Medicine. Line's. jFamlJr eMpdlclne moves the bowels each day. Price 25c and 50c. For sale by Tallman & Co., sole agents. Classified Advertisements COUNT SIX AVERAGE TWO LINES, time 15o 1 2 1 week 30o Extra lines: .10 cents each' HOTEL8. HOTEL PENDLETON. VAN DfcAN BR0S. Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as ood as any. Headquarters for Traveling Hen. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 pet day. Special rates by week or month. Excellent Cuisine, Every flodcrn Convenience, Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Only Three Blocks from Qepot. GOLDEN ROLE HOTEL. Comer Court and Johnson Btrcett, I'endleton, Oregon, M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. HEATED BY STEAM. LIQHTED BV ELECTRICITY American Plan, ratei $1.25 to 12.00 a da. Knropcan plau, 60c, 76c, J1.00 Bpeclal ratei by week or month Free Bus Meets all Trains. Coramcrclal.Trnde Solicited. Fine Sample Rooms Special attentiop given (Jounlry Trade ft OEO. DAKVEAU, Pnv. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated gMBis Resss la ceuaectiea. Room Rate 50c, 75c, $1.00 ree your ''Amkmm to aj the Pacific- Newspaper Unlen, M7 Market t, tan Franclace, MMi seenre free, a beautiful Nickel mt- Interriallenal EneyeJopaedic, CHierv ary which Is now being furnished to readers of t paper for only Five Cents a Day. Afft 01 ilMHIIB WORDS TO THE LINE. , THREE LINES. ' 1 tlm I 2 times 9S 1 week week; 2& cents a line per month. TRANSPORTATION LINES. 1 IP 'OREGON thi Tlmeihedula 'ikarrs roa From Pandletom raov Chicago- Bait Lake, Denver, Pt. Portland Worth, Omaha, Kan Bpetslal MjOlty.StLouli, Chl Sa. at, 5UJ0p m casoandKaat. via ftunt iaUxi. Xttantlo Salt Lake, Denrer. Ft. Kxpreai Worth Omaha, Kan MlJ a. m. iaaClty,8t.Louli,Ohl- UUS v,m. via Hunt- cagoandBaat. Iticton. Rt. Paul Walla Walla, Lnwltton, Fast Mall Bpokano,Wallaoe,rull 8.16 a. m. man, JiUnaaapolli, Ht. iao p. a. vln I'aul. Bnluth, Mllwau Spokane, kee, Chicago nud Kit. Ocean and River Schedule KKOM I'OUTIANU. All aalUns date lubjoat to chanre. 8 K p, m. For Han Francisco 4 p. ra. BalloTury 5djri. ' Dally ezoent Columbia River Buuday , 4pm S p. m. To A 1 tori a and Way Sunday Baturday LanllliKi. 11) p. m. Willamette River Iloati leaye I'orlland dally, except Bnnday. (atagont water pcrnilttlns) lor Wlllamiitto aa4 Yamhill Hlver poluti. ICHTB I I ITe Rtparla Snake River Lewliton iMn. ra. 7Ka.K. Dally Rlparla to Iwliton. Dally KxcptMon iKxeptMor F. F. WAMBLKY, AgontTl'endUloa. Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take thjs route fpr For Chicago, Bt. Paul, Bt. Louis, Kau saa City, Bt. Joe, Omaha, and All Points Cast and South Portland and polats i ., job the leuaefr s w tt Loare I'endleton, dally except Bondayi at 7.00. pm. , ; AjTifottd!4tn)M4.ndayl 'WidaMdaaVs Friday 12 8 pta. ArrlTO I'endleton Tneiday, Thursday u naiuraay iu:aoam, Leave Walla Walla dally, eait txinnd S. pa, Ar((T0, Walla Walla dally wejt tpnnd II sh. For Information regarding ratea and a'coM modatlona,calluuof addren . . . W. ADAMS, Ageat, Vendieton, OrefM 8. II. CAliDKKIIKAD. O. V. A., Walla, Walla, Waah. . ".WHS , Jrv BT; PAUL MINNKAPQLIH DULUTH TO - GRAND FORKH oiiooitgroN,r THROUGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON t PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOBTON 3 and all points East and Boutk J . Tkaeoak4: IABI etrta 7paa and OklaavivUI 'TaflMa n4 I Forth ara aeiao waaMaaisge. and American line. TIM ICMIBOLI. dlatea. Oracos. or A. D. OmAbj MWaWWIWS. anmaiiriire! 1