:ifli -ssjjBSBjjejBjSM SiiaiilitHHMBMBHBBHHMBHHBHHMkiiL niinirtiiiinFntTiiiii 'r ,avv - -- mri? ' . u 1 f-jrr:r " r'Hit' eaeaBBS - Tram . sawsaaaae-Bv v aaaBBBW . m -v 1 ii -- nuiiuw- , 5cA PENDLETON, UMATTLIiA COUNTY, OREGOK, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1002. NO. 4470 III A KILLING AT LA GRANDE TRACY IS LOCATED NEAR SEATTLE EDUCATORS IN SESSION COON FLIES HIGH GENERAL SESSION OF NA- uMy ii ktBi- .o fBf -aSBBBBBBsVv .SV I ral lUUIglll HIIU lYVUIlVBHBjr , " , , , . . i . , ...ii . . , . . ... . CHICAGO andlers Continue to Traffic, Although r J. t. Mam TRIKE IN 8YMPATHY. . .. At... as a result 01 strute . . II I L only road affected that r i it ri r -nriTn a ti v riiiirrau ri 11 l. ,) A 1 e ol violence is roDoriea Is Central converted one i i ii . f rr i nnr wnnrn itr nun iiiliki- husky young farmers, ed, waited upon by fully II I 1 1 tracked near the freight Northwestern Got Men. ion the Chicago & North- Chicago & Eastern 1111- cii in securine a lull of men. The strikers not discouraged by the IT! 1 II I.r I 1 1 .LI. W U U. UU.V union teamster In the t vnrk tor roriiRfi in nam 1HI1 II V IlUII-lllLIt 1 II MIDUI ill inn n t" i 1 1 1 1 Liti-uu uiuic nn aviir unci isiUHU uuuu of business and the loss iinnminim ftmmiTtf nf TYinn. rn has never before ezne- goods from the freight 1I f . A. 1 H rHllliVlIllT LliU IKlir LU.UL d ho a shortage of food t - . X. A TTlMIlrtHIV LUHrH UU.il lit! LlJ II 1 1 I II l.lltl lul Bi,Ul l.UUlUI. uu seriously considering a to shut up shop until the ended. MrillUIII FMI II KilHI 1 I V IJL and the teamsters' union nnrnnnn NiriKH. il is khll- their fight July 8. At a meeting of P sirftnt'nnf man mflr niflir. fiPrl in ftrmtlmiA friA ntrilrp about ended, but the ac- Granted a Raise. Minneapolis & Omaha rail Ulill' IIIIIUTII u r rl n f 1 1 Tl or-u Tl II YEARS TO SEN- fit? AP ITMMr tiAnniPAtl to Five Years Imprison- . .MPS WflW wniy io uet a UuarterCen- TTnn T..1 O T.aaIa time lln 1 . . v HUbMRIOlUl LUX uim Castle, was today if) VaOM tmnviannniAnt uroi iriai she .was sentenced years, but fnnv ; City Park for Fair; . n iiiIb o .x . . " Ilva tfvAMulix- ... 9 n n i . . - jwicruay. a nreiiminarv "ae ,m iavpr or the city a site for the fair. While Wiic ha8 no( heen flnallv se the BitO for fhft Ifalr ha ra. A lnl--l ... .j J co of the boardi EX-CONVICT SHOT BY OF FICER IN THE CITY JAIL. He Was a Desperate Man and Had Committed Many Crimes As saulted the Officer. La Grando,"" July 8. William Hill, an ox-convict, was shot and killed here Sunday morning by Officer Frank Childers on account of an as sault committed by him on the officer as the latter was about o put the handcuffs on him at the JalL Hill was beingheld on a obarge.ot steal ing a buggy. He was known to be a desperate man, but recent develop ments show that he was even 'a greater criminal than was at first supposed. He had previously serv ed two terms In the sta'te -penitentiary, ono for grand larceny and an other for an assaulCy'with intent to kill the dffler who made the arrest at tho time. The two terms were served out consecutively. Officers returned yesterday from a search of the cabin occupied by the deceased in the mountains about five miles from this place, where they found other evidences of the deceas ed criminal's crimes. Stored away in his cabin were numerous articles that have been missed from time to time by people living in this city and in the valley generally. It ap pears that he had been doing a wholesale stealing, though the arti cles taken were not of high value In most cases. Officer Childers,, who was compell ed to kill Hill, had served as mar shal hero for four years and has many friends. He was always faith ful and careful and is not blamed by anyone for the unfortunate affair. Dr. G. W. BiggerB has returned from Imbler, where he iad been call ed to see one Weaver, supposed to be suffering from la grippe. He found, however, that Weaver has a well de veloped case of smallpox, and that everybody living In the neighborhood hag' "been ;yisiting-.. him, ?and .expects is at a Iobb to know where ne caugnt the disease. Tho Summervllle baseball team re turned from Wallowa yesterday, flushed with victory. The team had been challenged by the Wallowa boys and went to Wallowa last Fri day and the series of games opened Saturday. Saturday's game resulted in a victory for Summervllle In a score of 1G to 6. They played the second game yesterday and Summer vllle was again victorious by a score of 7 to 6. This is the beginning of an extended series in the valley. KIHe tLMOST ILL HIS MAJSTY'8 CONDITION IS MOST REASSURING. Premier Chamberlain Injured by Fall ing From Cab, Is Better Morgan Offers Ship6. London, July 8. The official bulle tin as to the king's condition this morning said his majesty's progress was all that could be desired. The coronation continues to be dis cussed. Various dates for the inaug uration have been mentioned, but as yet the exact date is uncertain. Chamberlain Improves. Colonial Secretary Chamberlain, in jured Monday by being thrown from a cab, is reported better this morn ing. It has been decided, however, to keep him In the hospital as abso lute rest is needed. Morgan Offers Ships. Replying to a question in the house of commons today, the financial sec retary of the admiralty said J. P.Mor" (von Vinri Tn n rl ft nn offer to Dlace shins in the Atlantic shipping combine at the disposal of the aumirauy, .Dut ne said he was unable to communicate the offer to the house at present Killed by a Wagon. Last Friday afternoon the tw.o-year-old son "of Mr. arid Mrs. O. S. Smith met his death on the Ben DIer mountain says the Ontario Argus. JHe fell (from a wagon, the right rear wheel of the vehicle passing over his body. The remains wero brought to Ontario and the funeral took place Saturday evening. Flynn May Recover. ? E. J. Flynn, travelling freight agent of he Missouri Pacific, who recently became unbalanced in mind at Cot tage Grove, and who Is now under 'treatment at the sanitarium at Mount .Tabor, Is somewhat Improved and ills' recovery as anticipated. Instead of Fleeing Northward He Took ; His Boat to South Seattle and Fled to Rehton, Eight Miles From There. v Seattle, July 8. Tracy's trail hns vanished. Thfr'ibpat thought to bo Farmer Johnson's yesterday, belongs to another man, Tho man seen by tho Indians has been located and is a traniPv. V The tugs Sea Lion and Scout have rofifrijea jhere and await under full steam. A pack of .bloodhounds arrived1 lastnijW. The posse's boat patrols the entire length of the lower Souud.VjIndlnB on two reserva tions, numbering 60, are on tho watch. , ' . w J'. All wires have been placed at the disposal ofiiBheriff. The fugltlvo is out of food 'by 'this time. On roapp?aianco anywhere' on tho Sound tho pursuit will again commence. j Later Another Find of Tracy. -Tracy Is now known to be near Reatoieight miles from Se attle, where he held up a family this morning. His boat was found un der a wharf at South Seattle. Tho sheriff and the! bloodhounds left at 2 p. m. for Renton and they hope to kill the convict soon. It 1b believed he has killed Anderson, his lmpresed boatman. TIONAL ASSOCIATION. Indian Education and Taxation for School Purposes the Principal Topics Under Discussion. Minneapolis, July 8. Tho gonoral sessions of tho National Educational Associations' convention bogan this afternoon with tho customary oxer- clses. Tonight tho address of President Beardahear will bo delivered. This morning's sessions of tho National Council and Department of Indian Education was largely attendod. Nicholas Murray Nutlor, and unit ed States Commissioner of Education Harris mado tho principal addresses at tho latter meeting. Tho Nationnl Council passed a res olution authorizing tho board of dl rectors to appoint a committoo of throe to proparo a roport on ino methods of taxation for Bchool pur poses. President Bcardshear Is still quito 111. Seattle, July 8. After a fruitless chase after Tracy, covering 125 miles, and extending from Point No Point, justs outh of Whidby Island, to a point within a few miles of Gig Harbor, Sheriff Cudlhee and party have returned and are awaiting tho re-appearance of the convict before again starting out. Every point on the Sound where the desperado is at all likely to make his appearance, haB been furniBbed with a careful description and im mediately hunger forces Tracy to again approach human habitations, the word will be sent to Seattle and the posse will at once take the trail with the bloodhounds. The authorities of the northern counties bordering the sound have taken up the chase and considerable additions have been made thereby to the oursulnff force. The Hood Canal Is being patroilejJ by two squadrons, of officers. A search for Anderson 1b being prosecuted along the west shore of the sound with Port Madison Indian reservation as the Btarting point Sheriffs Brisban, of Whatcom county, and Zimmerman, of Snoho mish and Welb of Skagit, are 18 miles below Seattle directing the search. They are certain the desperado was in the vicinity of Deception pass at 6 o'clock Sunday evening in a sail boat The officers believe he either effected a landing on tho main land or on this slde'ior put out through the Straits of Satt Juan de Fuca. Three steamers are actively engaged In pa trt.U'ng the shores of Puget Sound In tho neighborhood of the pass, while posses are guarding all vantago points on tho .main land. Tracy's objective point Is now sup posed to be Whatcom, where, It Is stated, he expects to meet frlondB Cub Merrill, said to bo a brother of Merrill, tho ,c.onvlct, who escaped with Tracy, Uvea tlero. On Saturday night, while Intoxicated, ho said Tra cy was on his way to that place and that ho bad arranged to meet him. ScoutBha(ire been sent to patrol the shore HnsM Ghuckamut Bay, below Fairhavenivtvhere it is believed Tra cy will attempt to land. Anacortes has two launches, guarding the passes and denutMcherlffs are flocking In from all .sJtlflJx&f Join the man hunt. Sheriff" Hammond, ot Jefferson county, and a number of guards, have left Port Vownsend in the revenue cutter Grant to search for the mur derer. A boy named Gerald has brought to tho sheriff's office two watcnes stolen by Tracy from Johnson at Port Madison. Ho said they were given to him by Tracy this noon In front of the Gerald house, 12 miles rrom nere A posse with bloodhounds, 1b in pursuit HAS. CONVICT TRACY NEW YORK MARKET. Fortunes Mado and Lost on Chicago Market in a Short Space of Time. PRICE OF CORN WENT UP :J TO 90 AND BACK TO 87. Reported by I. U. Ray & Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers. Now York, July 8. Tho wheat market opened this morning at 7Sj&, Vc lower and closed at 78, lc low er than last night Liverpool closed 14 higher, at 03. Corn also low er, closing at Gi, below yester day's market. Wheat closed Monday, 73. Openod today, 78. ' Rango today, 7879. Closed today, 78. Stocks aro strongor, OBpoclally St Paul and Union Pacific. Steel, 38. Union Pacific, 106. St. Paul. 177. Wheat in Chicago. Chicago, July 8. Wheat 7574 Wheat in San Francisco. . San Francisco, July 8. Wheat vx.15 por cental. A Vanderbllt Wedding. Lennox, Mass., July 8. Delia Van- dorbiit, a grand-daughter of W- H. Vanderbllt, and William Osgood Field wero married hero this morn ing before a distinguished company of Now York millionaires and soci ety people. Tho ontlro Vanderbllt family waB present Continued Covering by Elevator Peo ple .Who Were Caught Short, Mada Price of Grain Take 8ome Rapid Fluctuations at the Big Center. Chicago, July 8. Contlnuod cover ing by tho shorts caused July corn to resume its upward flight on the Doard of Trade this morning. it went from 84, lust night's close, to 85 soon aftor.tho opening. At 11 o'clock tho prtco had gona to 88. Tho fight botweon tho elevator poo plo, Who aro tho big shorts, and the Gates-Harris syndicato, who aro on gineorlng tho corner Is ncaring a cri sis and it Is expected that tho olova- tor peoplo will mako a prlvato set Uoment boforo tho wok is out or be compelled to pay upon tho basis of a dollar or moro as Gates holds all the contract corn, and tho kiln-drlod corn which tho olovators aro trying ta havo passed, will bo rojocted as be ing low grado. At noon tho 90 mark was reached. Corn sales toward tho closo seBt the prico down to 87, whoro it closed. AGUINALDO VI8ITED CHAFFEE. MURDERED DAVE MERRILL ? "Is Convict David Merrill dead or alive?" That is the question which Is agi tating the minds of tho officials of the Btate of Washington at the pres ent moment. Although Tracy has repeatedly as serted that he murdered hia fellow convict by shooting him in the back, satisfactory evidence of the deed having been committed, or the pro duction of the body, is not yet forth coming. At the same time Merrill has not been located s.lnce the day on which Tracy declares that he killed him. There are many who have Implicit ly believed the story of the killing of Merrill, from the very first, while others wJio have been skeptical are beginning, to think the story is true, as Merrill fails to make his appear ance. , . To a dozen people Tracy has told his tale of the killing of his fellow escape and It has varied only in the amount of detail In which ho haB given It He is said to have even told the location of the body to Frank Scott, ono of the crew of the launch in which he made his way up the Sound. Scott, however, will 'not divulge the location of the corpse, as he has been told by the officers that he cannot claim the reward. This action has aroused considerable comment, as it is said that if he .knows where tho body Is he should produce It or tell where it is and the suggestion has been made that radical .methods bo UBed to force him to do so. Ono theory Is that Merrill has found a place of safety,, perhaps In Seattle, and that he may havo gone on ahead of Tracy to secure money and other Incidentals, and that Tra cy has told his duelling story to throw tho officers off the trail. It is possible that Tracy and Merrill ar ranged to meet In the Hood's Canal country or that Merrill was tho man that ferried Tracy from this side of Puget Sound to Port Madison. Summed up, however, the situation Is ono of doubt No one can tell whether Tracy was lying about Mer rill or not and it 1b argued that Tracy has never been caught telling a lie about anything else he has done. Yet there is no sign of Merrill's body dead or alive. At 5 p. m. Sunday tho Bhorlff of Plerco county telegraphed from Ta coma that Steve Judson sajsv Merrill between Stilacoom and Tacoma, heading for Olympia. Merrill wore a Princo Albert coat and a derby hat; had a light moustache. Young Judson may havo been mistaken. Tracy's Two Wives. Tracy's family affairs seem to be somewhat mixed up as there are two lnfm him for their hus band. One Is Mollle Robinson, half sister of Dave Merrill, who escaped with Tracy. She 1b the properly ac- credited wiie oi me oesperuuu u wm country, as she Is known to have been married to him and lived with him in varlouB towns of tho west. The other Is a woman In Chicago, calling herself Mrs. Minnie Tracy, and claiming to have been married to the convict In 1893. She declares that she understands that Tracy has since been married to another woman but that she holds her marriage cer tificate and can prove her wifehood. It is believed In Portland that tho writer from Chicago Is some girl who Is seeking, for notoriety. In the event of Tracy's capture alive she will be communicated with. Tracy's Record of Jail Breaks. Harry Tracy'a record of Jail breaks Is ono which is extraordinary and ahowB hlra to be a dare-devil of the most venturesome type while bis REGATTA AT HENLEY AMERICA.. BEAT ONE OF ENGLAND'S BEST MEN. (Concluded on page f.) Toronto Argonauts Are In the Final Heat for the Grand Challenge Cup, and Are Conceded to Have a Chance t Win. Hendley on Thames, England, July 8. In tho fourth heat of the dia mond sculls, Titus, tho American, beat Field, one of England's crack oarsmen. Tho sixth heat for tho diamond sculls was won by Ethorington Smith, Blackstauo being his oppo nent. The regatta propor opened today, Tho first event being a heat botweon tho Leandors and Kingstona for the grand challenge cup, now held by tho former. Tho Leandors won easily. Tho second heat was botwoen the Toronto Argonauts and University College. Tho former won. Tho third heat was won by the London Club, from tho Thames crow. Tho Argonauts and the loanders, it is expected, will meot in the final heat and the Argonauts aro conced ed to havo a fair chance. Suicided Over Canal. Chicago, July 8. B. W. Pule, owner of ono-third of tho Cjty of Greytown, Nicaragua, haB committed suicide by shooting thlmself in tho head In tho Garfield Park Sanitarium. After In vesting his fortune in the Contral American city, living for 16 years in hope that the United States would build a canal through Nicaragua, see ing another route adopted and finally becoming totally blind in his 73rd yoar, ho became depressed and ended all by ono well-directed Bhot Mr.j Pule camo to Chicago about a year aeo from his Nlcaraguan homo to be treated for cataracts. Turner at Newark. Davenport, la., July 8. The Na tlonal convention of Turners today decided to hold its next convention at Newark, N, J In 1904. Former Filipino Leader Now Free Under Amnesty Proclamation. .. As thej result ot tho amnesty pro clamatlou of July 4r the' guar dot Amoricah soldiers has been with drawn from duty at tho houso where Aguinaldo lives, and Lloutenaat Johnson, Agulnaldo's custodian, brought tho Filipino loader to-day to seo Goneral Chaffee. It was tho first mooting botweon tho Amorican gen oral and tho leader of tho Filiplne revolution. Lieutonant William E. McKlnley, of the Ninth Cavalry acted aa inter protor. Aguinaldo was told that ho waa frco to go anywhoro ho plouuod, and Gonoral Chaffee asked him If ho had any complaint to mako of American discourtesy or harshness, Aguinaldo ropliod that ho had no such com plaint to make. Ho told Goneral Chaftoo that ho was going to visit friends at his homo In Cavito lejo, In Cavlto province, and Inquired what protection tho Amorican authorities would afford him. Ho Boomed to be afraid to venturo out. Goneral Chaf fee replied that Aguinaldo would get tho same protection as any other ci tizen. Tho former Filipino leader then asked Genoral Chaffee to provont the courts from requiring blm to testify in civil suits. Goneral Chaffee replied that be had no authority to grant this re quest and advlsod Aguinaldo to make a social call on Acting Civil Governor Wright This Aguinaldo said he would do, but that he would go at night as ho was timid about appear ing on tho streets in daylight Tho release of tho iormor Filipino leader has renowed speculation aa to possible vongeanco upon him by friends of Luna and bla other ene mies, Luna was a Filipino leader whom Aguinaldo caused to be killed In 1899. The July "American Bey." As usual, this Justly popular boya magazino is full and running over with good things for the America youth, and this July number la patriotic numbor. The front page Il lustration is a spirited one, showing an Amorican boy on horseback. It is full of good stories for boys aa4 is the best of all boyB' magaalaea. It will be sent for one year to any boy reader of the East Oregonlam who secures one new subscriber to the weekly or semi-weekly Kaat Ore- gonlan for one year, or the dally East Oregonlan six months. Daily, (or six months, by mail, 12.60 : Weekly, oat year, $1.50; Semi-Weekly, $2. Boys can easily secure a sew subscriber to the East Oregonlan and thus earn with nttio enort a suDscnpiion to uu American Boy for one year, The Australian, federal goverMsteat liv j i-Jtiif'v itf' hlltldhli!t' i'i'It-t -A 4