maamm isiness Cat cJs and Societies LqFESSIONS AND TRADES ALPHABETICALLY ARRRANGED. Inrrni V., DESPATN BLOCK, P,Wj?recte eye troubles, cater KlRlnT Md impaired hearing. I"1"1'0. fitted for refractive sr- -rrZTw OFFICE OVBK TUU If rtn bank. Telephone 80 ; 4,cIFne! offlc9' b,8Ck Hence, black i. T?S5S Cdb?lldln5! 0-ren.VSoAca Phone Red 28. Ka n BANKS AND BROKERS. nnSTNATIONAIj BANK OF ATHENA. Oregon. Capital, $50,000 snrplue and profits, '$0000. Interest on time deposits. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C. Adams, president ; T. J. Kirk, vlce-prcsf. dent; E. I Barnett, cashier; F. 8. Le Grow, assistant cashier. . it AssnniA. Block. Telephone Main 03, real- ilephone, mac IT nENDEItSON, PHTBICIAN Inrcpon. Specialties eje. urgeon. o Hnv!nes Bank build- one Main 33. . ATliiC 4 Kcyes. Store. PHYSICIANS. DBS. Office one block west b!N K. IUiAKESI.EE. CHBONIC I Ui, nnd diseases of wo- inn Ho e Pendleton, cor. Water pp iipiei i phone n BIB', .BS AND CARRIAGES. n t.tntr. RUWIN BAKER, Prop. lone Main 70. Stand In front of kestnurant. DENTISTS. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK, Pendleton, Oregon. Organized March 1, 1880; capital, $50,000, surplus, $90,000, Interest allowed on time deposits. Ex change bought and sold on all principal points. Special attention given to collec tions. W. J. Furnish, president; J. N. Teal, vice-president; T. 3. Morris, cashier. THE FARMERS BANK OFVESTON, Weston, Oregon. Does a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold. Collections promptly attended to. R. Jameson, president: Geo. W. Proebstel. rice president; 3. R. KUgore, cashier; di rectors.- G. A. Hartman. M. M. J onus, T. j, Price, G. TJ. Graw, 3. F. Kllgore, Robert Jameson, G. W. rroebstel. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PRNDLB- ton. Capital $70,000: surplus, 185,000 Transacts a general banking business. Ex- cnange ana teicgrapnic tranarers soia on Chicago, San Francisco, New York and principal points In the northwest Drafts drawn on China. Japan and Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. .e-i An keny, president; W. F. Matlock, vlce-prec Ident; C. B. Wade, cashier; H. C Guern ey, assistant cashier. FRATERNAL ORDERS. ATTOnAN. "dentist, office in building. . .vt nfMrnipp nTPTl'TPR IN A8- iTION brock, over Schmidt's new ire. IITECTS AND BUILDERS. fo WARD, ARCHITECT AND STI- . a. AAmnlAta inn -All- ns for buildings In the city or - -wit I 1 1 .1 I uootn ii jiiuii uuiiuiuK & COLE. CONTRACTORS AND Rat mates rurnlsnea on snort Ljob work a specialty. Prompt Shop on Blnff street near main. Stay, contractor and build- stlmntes rurnisnea on an ainua m j.niA aIIm ifftna w nils. tC. E'can be left at the East Oregonlan PHOTOGRAPH ER8. BOWMAN. LEADING PHOTOGRA- Eof the cltv. Harvest views. Tn- iotos for sale. Klnisning one ior Main St., near Bridge, rnone ILECTRICAL 8UPPLIES. BROS.. COURT STREET, LA Meek. Electricians, dealers In eiec- rlJlllKB. noun-, .p ---lights, bells or telephones. Electrl- ares or an kihub. uw m -nrk a specialty. )ES, PELTS AND JUNK. 1 V niw T-! TT TflTTTURT MATl- Mice for your pelts, hides and all Junit, sucn as runoer, urnnn, cup- I, zinc, rags ana doui . iruu ui a sneclaltv. Yon can bring In B0 -Awii, t9 mm nr n.hln In SttOO Ef hides and will be treated In the fay. We nave come nere to stay. I a call and yon will be satlsfled. L. . Co., onioe ann warpnonsB next iu Hotol. Pendleton. Oregon. Tele- Rl 221. ROYAL .NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Wlldwood Camp, No. 2333, meets second and fourth Tuesday or each montn in uaa Fellows' hall. Mrs. Ida Holcomb, Oracle; Mrs. Nci...e Robblns, Kecorder. IjaTATIIjTjA. TENT. NO. 27. K. O. T. M. Meets In Secret Society Hall, second and fourth Tuesdays In each month. All vlaltlnir Sir Knlchts cordially Invited. J. S. Kees, Record Keeper; E, D. Estabrook, Commander. TOMm.TJTfiM T.nnnin ror K9. A. Tf. nnrl A. M., meets first and third Mondays of eacn montu. ,v isiting Dretnren welcome. T. J. Tweedy, W. M., Joe H. Parkes, Sec. PENDLETON CHAPTER. NO. 28 T. C, Taylor. H. P., F. F. Wamsley, Secretary. Meets first and fourth Friday of each month In Masonic Hall. PIONRHR8 OF THE PACIFIC WIL- Hnm Tn-Hn Rnr.fl mnmpnr. No. 1. Mpfltfl every Wednesday at Hendrlck's Hall. Mrs. L. b -inmpitln, secretory. DAMON LODGE, NO. 4. KNIGHTS OF Pythias. J. n Nowiin. u. u. ; u. w, Fletcher. K. of R. u S. Meets every Mon day In Secret Society Hall. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Tntnllla Cnmn. No. 0300. Meets first and third Mondays of each month at Odd Fellows' Unll. George a. ua,mmin, v;on sul; G. A. Robblns, Clerk. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD REGULAR meetings of Pendleton Camp, No. 41. W. of W., are held In Secret Society Hall every Saturday evening. Visiting neigh bors are always welcome. J. P. Walker, Clerk, J. r. Earl, C. U. ATTORNEYS. Classified Advertisements COUNT SIX AVERAGE WORDS TO THE LINE. TWO LINES. 1 time 1Be 2 time 20o 1 week ..90o THREE LINES. 1 time 2 times 1 week Extra lines: . 10 cents each a week; 25 cents a line per month. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON KJ.S1X "Oh! mommer, t lit so young gentleman say club If I buy all the balls and bata" YAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton and as good as any. I can play fourth bars on thell COMMERCE-TRADE CARTER AND RALET, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Office In Savings Bank building. BEAN 4 LOWELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Room 14 Association block. Pendleton, Oregon. it. BERKELEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offlce ia Association block. ANCE & LAND BUSINESS. PAItKES. OFFICE COURT ST. site Golden Rule Hotel; Iand-of- Iness, such as filing of claims and bg contests a specialty. PRAILriY, JR.. U. S. LAND COM- loner Specialty made of land Hi proof: insurance ana collections. i 9udd building, room 10. Hoard and lodging. &IUTE LOnniNO HOUSE. 801 80UTH heet, M T Bradley, prop. Housekeep Biand lod-lntr rooms Good comfort- pat and clean, well kept beds. Lodging ! T HTlmvn TTrtTTow nnnwur nv TT , '.."nihi uuunu uuiviim, Mild Jnhnon streets; good larga clean ""mi uomionaoifl Dens, ttatcszocana PW. Tbos. Smart. Pron. AI.TA nrTMtni at.ta AKn tstreets. Board by the day. or week. Lble 8Pt. TlnfAa ftA mnA t iu, 7Alr. on Feed Yard In connection. L. roptletor. EARTPnv a a irrrt-r nrtnmn -...,. UAMAUUU V. Mas nn n?pll vntllntMl rnrniM! 25c: board and lodging $5 per Mfeo stable In connection. I?RY AND FEED STABLES. P fcl.ti A?tft 8t- Webb and A1U. ? lment given horns ilelt in our J tnmV. anfl 'Bosra AM H0u?0.c.omPetat drlTefsT 6p- xuqiecon. talMihna II S-.L??fr?fy ,BS'D AND. 8ALM J ll ..c.lMa lDJ and doable S)455S 1.'. W' T- BOTWTON uvovv. muii-an t1' KRABaTn l- r MoBll r, "akbbb BBOP AND Lkm SE?,.1f? Hotel Bt. Qoorge. H. D. BOYD. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Court Street 111 Li. B. REEDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pendleton, Oregon. JAMES A. FEE, LAW OFFICE IN JTJDD Building. 8TILL-IAN & PIERCE, ATTORNEYS at Law, Mr. Stlllman has been admitted to practice In United States patent offices and makes a specialty of Patent Law. Rooms 10, 11, 12 and 13 Association block. BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRERS. JOHN WILSON, FIRST CLASS SHOE- maker and repnlrermest material used and " good work done. Shop 117 Alta street. MISCELLANEOUS. RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS SEND for catalogue. Ferney's Stamp Works, nana wniin, waan. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP. WEBB ST., West" of Hotel Eastern. All kinds of re pairing done at reasonable prices. Blcy Ales, gun nnd machine repairing a special ty. Simmons & Bolin, proprietors. KBLLAR BROTiIERS, PLASTERING and cementing. .Cement walks a special ty. Estimates furnished free. Work guar anteed. Leave orders at Badley ft Zah- ner's cigar store. Main St.,. P. O. bos 104. WANTED. WANTED, COOK CALL AT ALTA noUSE. WANTED TO RENT-PART OF HOUSE IN good iocAtlonior light Jiouiekeeplne by lady ana grmiem&n. Aiinren soiu, renaieion. FOR SALE. FOR SALE-GOOD MILCH COW. ENQUIRE 1109 E Court St. ESTRAYEP. FROM MY PLACE, ONE MILE BELOW HA van. Station, about three weeks ago, one red bull, one year old last spring. Pnded."T. F..on left hip. Reward,wlH be paid Jor In formation as to its whereabonts. N. E. Ehr hart, Pendleton, Ore SECOND-HAND DEALERS. (3BORQH O'DANIEL, NBW AND BBCOND band goods bought and sold. Court St, Opera house block. Call sad see bin. f. BTROBLH, DEALER IN SBCOND aasd goods. If there Is anything you Md ;ln new Or second band farnlture, ttSTSS. granite ware and crockery, call sod Wt his prices. No. 212 Court Bt. LACK8MITHING AND HORSESHOEING. COPELAND ft SON, 814 WEBB STREET -..-AInIHnds of blacksmlthlng .andwagoo repairing ; horseshoeing a specialty. '' Local Market Prices. The following shows tho prices paid on the local market: Strawberries, 10c per box. Tomatoes, 10 cents per pound. Peaches, 10 cents per pound. Apricots, 10 cents per pound. -Cherries, $1.75 per crate. Plums, three boxes for 25c. Strawberries, 10c per box. Parsnips, 75c per sack. Cabbage, 4c per pound. Cheese, per pound, 20c. Onions, per cwt, '$1.50 to $2. Green onions, 25c doz. Beets, per lb, lc. New potatoes. 3c per pound. Potatoes, per cwt, $1.50 to $1.76. Garlic1 ""2 c per lb. Pendleton Live Stock and Poultry. Chickens, hens, per doz., $2.50 to $3.50. Roosters, $3.504. Turkeys, per lb., 10c. Geese, per doz., $9. Spring chickens, per doz., $2.50 and $3. Ducks, rr doz., $3.76. Pigeons, per doz., $1.50. Eggs, 15c In trade. Butter, 25c and 50c per rolL Choice Beef Cattle, Etc. Cows, per hundred, $8.10. Steers, $3.803.90. Hogs, live, $5.25. Hogs, dressed, 7c. Calves, dressed, 89c. Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Sugar Cane granulated, best, SB.25 tier sack: do.. 16 lbs, $1. Salt Coarse. 76c per iuu; tamo $2.20 jer 100. Flour, B. B. $3.25 per bbl. Flour, Walter's $3.26 per bbL Skins, Hides, Pelts. Portland, July 7. Sheepskins Shearlings, 16820c; short wool, 25 35c; medium wool, 30G0c; long C0c$l each Headquarters for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. SWSBBSBBSBBBSl Rates $2 pet day. TRANSPORTATION LINE, mm. m The B. & O. was the base ot opera' tionB for tho federal army for nearly four years and from which the gov' ernment could not take advance lino earlier than November. 1864. The B. & O. was the meanB of communica tion between the west .and the army of tho Potomac, and was constantly In a continual state ot selge. Har per's Ferry, the key to the Shenan doah valley, first famed through the fanatcal attempt of John Brown, In defying tho laws and customs ot Mb country, was captured and recaptur ed eight times in threo years. The Government arsenal and armories which were located there were de stroyed by the government to provent capture. One hundred and seventy' nine battles of greater or less lnr nortsnce were fought on or adjacent to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Special rates by week or month not taking into consideration tne in Excellent Cuisine, numerable skirmishes. Every modern Convenience All imougn iraus iruiu oi. """'1 - t ill- ,t 1li1,n n fin. lumbus, Cleveland, wheeling and Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Pittsburg to tho east run via Wash- d.8!?! frm DcPot- enr Traffic. Baltimore, Ma.; b. jn. Austin. General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. OREGON Short Line union Pacific iGOLDEN ROLE HOTEL. dkfart Tims Sehsduls Aari roa From Pendlston rrnon Chic jo- Bdt Lake, Denver, Ft. Portland Worth, Omtht, Kan Special tai CUT, Bt Louis, Ohl- oao pm cagoandKast. via Hunt laKtou. Atlantis 8alt Lake, Denrer, Ft. Biprcn Worth, Omaha. Kan 5:lS a.m. ias City, Bt.Louli.Chl- UUO via Hunt- cago and East, lugton. Ht.Pul Walla Walla, Uwliton, Fait Mall Bpokaiie, WalUce.Pull 8.16 a. m. man, Minneapolis, Bt. 5 SO p. . via Paul, Dululh, Mllwau Spokane koo, Ohtcago and Kait. Ocean and River Schedule. FROM rORTLANO. All aalllng dates subject to change. 8:00 p.m. For Ban Francisco 4 p.m. Ball overjra days. bally oxcopt Columbia River Sunday 4pm 8 p. m. To Aitorla and Way Sunday Saturday LamllURi. 10 p.m. wu, BOISE AND PENDLETON. Boise, Idaho, is a city of about 8,000 people, and for the last year, the city has spent for printing and ndvGrtlsinc$1.2G5.42. Within tho same time Pendleton, a city of about 6,000 nnnnle. has snent not nioro than $100 for the same needs, and doubtless Pendleton has received as strong suDDort from the local newspapers ns tins Boise. Pendleton's affairs, those pertaining to its finances, Improvements or us streets, ordinances, etc., should have more publicity than is given inem ui tho present time. A statement of tho city's finances should be given pub licity as often as four times a year, so that the citizens and taxpayers may have some idea as to how the city business is being conducted. If n.i ,innn nmi iinna tv fill more Hldes-Crr hldes' No- "v?! interest would be taken in Pendleton's and up, 1515Vc po. -uuuuu' -U1.4' ".yieity government than at present. No. 1, 5 to 15 pounds, 12c; dry pa",g0 should frequent publicity bo given Mo. 1, under 5 pounds, 10c; dry calt-1 t(j fhe flnanciai conditions of the city ed bulls and Btags, one-third leB than works so that the people of dry flint; salted hides, steers, Bound, Pendlelon my be officially informed CO pounds and over, 89c; B0 to 60Ju tm CQnnecUon. poundB, 7fc8fr; under 50 pounds, Tq lo g0 woui certainly create a and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, boui! feline and more confidence in 5(5)5c: kip. sound. 15 to 20 pounds,, ,,. iint mnnaeement of tho 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c;jl ,.g y the commission of bus calf, sound, under 10 pounds, 8c; green, (unsalted), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse hides, salted, each, $1.602; dry, each, $1 1.50; colts' hides, each, 2560c; goat skins, common, each, 1015c; Ango ra, with wool on, each, 25c$l. Pelts Bear skins as to size, No. 1, each, $520; cubs, $2t: badger, each, 1040c; wildcat, 2550c; house cat, 5 10c; fox, common gray, each, 3050c; do red, each, J1.5O02; do cross, each, $515; do sliver and black, each, $100200; fisher, each, $5,C; lynx, each, $203; mink, strict ly No. 1, each, 60c $1.50; marten, pale pine, according to size and color, $1.50(&2; muskrats, large, each, 6 10c; skunk, each, 4060c; civet or polecat, each, 510c; otter, for large I prime skins, each, $57; panther, with head and claws perfect, each, $23; raccoon, for large prime, each, 3050c; wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each, $3.505; wolf, prairie, (coyote), without head, each, 30 85c; wolverine, each, $47; beaver, per skin, large, $56; do medium, $3 4; do small, $11.60; do kits, 50 76c. Corner Court and Johnnon Btrcoti, Pendleton, Oregon, M. F. Kolly, Proprietor. mess jnen having them in charge. .. t"ectlve Advertising. , lB tne most effect- rnai aaverwsiii the eyo and ap ive which attracts adlectiveB peals to the Drain. Stf0iiu in an may be as much -out of tanu. -re advertisement as in a bit of m. aspiring literature. Exaggeration is always to be avoided. People nowa days demand sincerity in all matters of business. It 1b observable that all the big and successful advertisers are most careful as to their statements of fact. They realize that confidence is the key-stone in the arch of trade. Their success came of their Jealous regard for their work WEATHER FOR A WEEK. SBHBslOsWtwJBr fP tf bbbbbbbbbbbbbbUsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi r Willamette River Roati loavo Portland daiir, except ttnnaay. (taKeoI water permitting) lor Willamette im Yamhill Hirer poluti. Ecaro Rlparla 4:0ft a. m, Datlr Excpt Mon Snake River Rlpaila to I.owliton. Eeara Lewtitoo 70 a.m. Daily Hxcptkor F. F. WAMBLKY, Agont, Pendleton. HEATED BY STEAM. LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY American Plan, ratei 11.25 lo 12.00 a day. Entopean plan, 60c, 75c, 11.00 Special ratei by wook or month Free Bus Meets all Trains. Commercial i raae auumou. Pine Sample Rooms Special attention given Country Trade BALTIMORE AND OHIO, One Hundred and Seventy-Nine Bat - .ties, r-ought on or Adjacent to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. (The Baitimpre & Ohio railroad and the Civil War, 1861-1865.) It was tho most desirable point of van tage coveted by both federal and confederate armies. In. May, 1861, the four federal advance columns concen trated at Parkeraburg, W. Va., Wheel ing, W. V Harper's Veiryrw. Va., and at WasblagtOH. To retain the 11.. nJnnf n.AHMM.nA huvauihkc, ,iup ivumm guvpi uwvui s, establlsned block houses along 'the Gertrudo Le Cournu, 22 years of railroad from the Monocacy to the1 age, and a well known Walla Walla Ohio river, besides the forts at Win- girl, died Saturday morning in Spo chester, Harper's Ferry, Cumberland, kane, and was burled Sunday, after Piedmont and itew Creek (Keyser). noon in Walla Walla. More Ran Fell Than Before In Years In the Same Month. Tho weather report for the week ending July 5, as given by Volunteer Observer Hilton, is as follows: Maximum temperature Sunday, 86; Monday, 82; Tuesday, 80; Wed nesday, 78; Thursday, 64; Friday, 70; Saturday, 72;' average, 76. Minimum Sunday, 46; Monday, 52; .Tuesday, 48; Wednesday, 60 Thursday, 50; Friday, 54; Saturday, 52; average, 50.8. Rain fall Tuesday, .12; Thursday, .40. Sunday and Monday were clear, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were cloudy and Saturday partly so Tho wlud blew from the west Sun day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday arid Friday; from the north Thurs day and .from the northeast Saturday. Ill Si. Gtom Washington & Columbia River Railroad Take this route for For Chicago, St. Paul, Bt. Louis, Kan saa City, Bt. Joe, Omaha, aud All Points East and South Portland sad points on the Sound TIME OAKD. LeaTe Pendleton, dally except Bandayi si 7:00. pm. ArrlTO renaieion Mouuay, nunwu7 bum Friday 125 pm. Arrlye Pendloion Tnciday, Thursday Saturday lu-.&nami Leave Walla Walla dally, eait bound Arrlye Walla Walla dally wcit bound 10 aja. For Information regarding rate and acoosa. mod.t.on.,caUono,addreMijAM8iAtu Pendleton, oretos B. II, OALDKKIIKAD. (1. P. A.. Walla Walla, Waah. ItBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBffl ifmH RUNS Pullman Sleeping Cars Eleunnt DininR Curs, Tourist Sleeping Cr i DULUTH OEO. DARVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated Kurepeaa Pisa. Black ssd a half tress dcaet. Sasssle Resai la ceaasctlsa. Rooffl Rate 50c, 75c, M Saving's Bank Free GEND YOUR APDRaHW TO the Paclfle Nswspspsr UhImw 927 Market Bt, San Francisco, aa4 sscure free, a beautiful Nickel Bay lngs Bank, also full particulars r gardlag the flew Three Volums 1901 International Encyclopaedic Oletletv ary which is now being furnished to readers' -oC tl paper for only 'Five Cents a Pay. fb ORAND FORKH CROOKHTnrV WINNBPEG JKiiKNA and BITTTH n.Mn 7 nuuuu .TICKETS TO UUIUAUO WASHINGTON ILADKLPHIA BOSTON 4l and all points East anJ Throu;h UokeU to Japan and UB Taeoma and NorUera PacJIo SteaukkJ and American Use, TIHB SCHIBULI. Tralules-ersaSUteaaaily exeeat Sssiay at 7 SO p.m. ' For farther latorsMUsa, Usm esias. mm. aad UcU, sail a er wriU wVasmujFA dittos, Ore?, er A.V.ofuEJkmT s)is saa jMmaea ma., rstyaae. ot , m v r. . .it... raii.iii.. iih iiii.j1 (ot ClIltllllCSTKl lihUu.rll.Uii. TketpaUia llAUk. ilur .if tour UruaMitl ... ..... A - -a.''. i.hil- V3 x: :